Daihaah rose her hand and smacked her right across the face, hard.
Layla gasped, her hand flying over to close her mouth that hung open in shock. Still stunned, she didn't have time to react before Daihaah landed another slap right across the woman's face, followed by another.
That was when Layla snapped out of whatever trance she's in, and hurried to pull Daihaah away before she could slap Sarah again. "Daihaah, stop it" She held her twin who was trying to break out of her hold and beat Sarah.
Sarah simply looked down, the tears streaming down her face.
"Stop what?!" Daihaah yelled. For the first time since she got married to Aamir, she's happy that he isn't there to stop her from doing some serious damage at the moment. "That woman killed Jannah's parents!" She chocked up on a sob.
"Violence is not the answer to this Daihaah" Layla, being the ever so calm person she is, said, blocking Daihaah's view away from Sarah. Layla glanced at Sarah who stood, sobbing. She then moved her gaze to her twin sister, "Sarah is our sister Daihaah, you can't do this to her"
Daihaah scoffed, trying to blink back the tears. "Did you not hear what I just said?" Her voice came out low as she spoke to her twin, "That woman" She pointed her finger at Sarah, "Killed Jannah's parents" Her breathing came out heavy, making her voice come out shaky, "How could she be our sister?"
Layla inhaled deeply. She understood how Daihaah felt. She's angry too. But she knew violence will never be the answer to their family's problems. Especially not when Sarah and Jameel travelled all the way to Abuja, along with Didi so they could correct her wrongdoings.
They all left the three to talk and work things out, not fight. Layla took it upon her as the eldest between the twin to ensure that they work it all out. Sarah is willing to face the consequence of her actions, and testify against their father. What more could they want from her?
Layla wasn't sure, but she knew Sarah might be older than them. It only makes sense if Saheeb is her twin brother. How their father ended up having them before he married their mother remained a mystery to them. Even she had no idea of that.
Layla gulped, releasing a shaky breath. "Daihaah you know how our father is. She didn't do it because she wanted to"
Daihaah wanted to understand what Layla is trying to say to her. Yet, every time she tries to do so, Jannah's broken face when she saw her parents dead show up in her memory. She couldn't just forget that and justify her actions because she's their so called sister. Or because she didn't want to do it, she was just following orders.
They all knew how messed up Jabeer is. And for them to have him as a father is simply a test from Allah. However, it isn't easy to forget the pain Sarah caused upon her best friend.
Daihaah remained rooted in her spot, glaring at her newfound sister. After everything she had learnt about in her life, she's still taken aback by how she has another sibling without her knowing. Her life really is an odyssey of unforeseen events.
When Layla realized that her twin sister is calm enough to not try and kill Sarah again, she stepped away from her and turned to the other woman. "Sarah..." She called out.
Sarah looked up, her face tear stricken. "I'm sorry" She spoke, her shaky voice, low. "I'd pay for everything I did, I promise"
Daihaah glared at her. She really did want to feel pity for the woman. Yet, she couldn't find it in her to do so. So, she gritted her teeth. "You better" She spat, before she turned around and stormed away.
Layla blew out a shaky breath, then walked over to Sarah and pulled her in for a hug. "Calm down please Sarah" She whispered, "Stress isn't good for your baby" She wasn't entirely okay with Sarah's presence either. No, just like Daihaah, she's furious too.
The difference between is that she knows how to stay calm, especially in situations like this.
After growing up with Jabeer, she knew the things he's capable of. Hence, why she wasn't so quick to judge Sarah even if she's guilty.
What matters at the time the most is that Sarah would pay for her actions and testify against Jabeer. That's what matters the most.
Mamita sighed, taking a hold of Suhad's hands in hers. The sound of the heart monitor beeping, along with her shaky breaths every now and then were the only sounds that filled up the room.
It's been 72 hours already. The doctor said he'll wake up by now yet he hasn't yet. And that scared her. She hadn't left his side, except to take a shower, pray and eat. Other than that, she stayed by his side all the time. She didn't want to miss the opportunity for when he'll wake up and she won't be by his side. She wanted to be there with him when he wakes up.
Someone has to break the news to him, and she wanted to be the one despite everything that had happened between them so far.
Mai Martaba comes in time to time, and so does the others. Mamita is the only person that stays with him. And most times, Fatimah stays with her despite her protests.
Mamita sighed again, holding his hand in one of hers and patting it with the other. His hand is warmer than before. According to the doctor, his temperature is back to normal so he could wake up at any time now.
She looked at their hands together, shoulders sunken. Her eyes caught the movement of his index finger, and that made her eyes perk open wide. She snapped her head to look at his face, seeing his eyes flickering open, then close. Her gaze moved back to his hand where he's moving his hand not just the finger.
Her lips stretched into a grin. She quickly hit the nurse summon button and soon enough, the nurses along with a doctor came in. Mamita stepped back to give them space as the doctor pulled out something from his coat pocket and pointed it at Suhad's eyes, before turning the light on. He repeated the same action with the other eye.
He then asked Suhad to follow his fingers with his hands as he moved them.
Mamita wasn't really focused on what the doctor was doing. Her whole attention was on her son as the doctor conducted more tests. When he's done, he turned to Mamita with a smile. "Ranki dade, your son is out of coma"
She grinned, releasing a loud sigh of relief. "Alhamdullilah" She muttered. She was worried he'd say he's in a mental stupor or something like that, but since he didn't, she's elated.
That to say does not mean her son is completely well, she knows that. However, he being awake means he'll get better soon without the surgery. There's a high chance he'll survive.
"Thank you doctor"
The doctor smiled, then ushered the nurses out as he left with them. They would inform the others that Suhad is awake so Mamita didn't have to do that.
Mamita headed back to the chair she was sitting in, a grin plastered right across her face. "Suhad" She held his hand, her heart jumping in joy when he smiled back. It was a weak one, but she's happy she got one nonetheless.
"You're okay now" She blinked, releasing a low sigh.
"I'm sorry Mamita" Suhad knew that his mother already found out the truth. From the way the doctor spoke to him, it was clear that he had been in the hospital for long. Besides, he heard everything while he was in the coma. He heard Jakadiya apologizing for not being able to hide the truth anymore, and he heard Mamita apologize for being unable to protect him. Truth be told, after everything that had happened between them, he never blamed her. She's his mother after all, there's no way he can blame her.
He however, believes he's at fault for not being able to stay strong for her. He had really done everything he can for her to not find out and worry. He had done everything he possibly can but some things are just out of our control.
Mamita shook her head, "Don't say that Suhad. None of this is your fault"
"No" She stopped him before he could go further, "This is what Allah wills to happen. In whatever situation we find ourselves in, the only thing we could say is Alhamdullilah. Even if it is a bad situation, there's khair in it. That is Allah's plan, we shouldn't doubt it" She didn't say it, but in her view, the khair in this situation is that Suhad and Jannah aren't together anymore.
In her eyes, it's what's best for everyone.
That way, she won't lose her son and her niece.
Suhad blew out a shaky breath, then nodded. "Where are the others?" He asked, looking around the empty room.
"They'll be here soon"
"And Jannah?"
Mamita swallowed, looking away.
"She's gone Suhad" She didn't want to stress him when he just woke up but she had to tell him the truth else he won't stop asking her about it. "She left. She's in Spain. It's for the best Suhad"
Suhad looked away, not wanting to keep looking at his mother. How could she say that to him?
Mamita noticed the look on her son's face. "Suhad, you can live your life better now without her"
Suhad clenched his eyes shut, shaking his head in the process. "But she is my life Mamita" He flickered his teary eyes open, "There's no Suhad without Jay"
"So what? Does he have more children and wives that we don't know about?"
"What?" Daihaah returned the glare Layla flashed her. She didn't see what she did wrong. All she did was ask a question that she's sure is on everybody's mind. Does Jabeer have more children that they don't know about? It wouldn't be surprising if he does.
Layla sighed, then shook her head. Moving her gaze to Prince who sat beside his wife, she silently gave him look, pleading with him to take care of his wife since everyone's there—including Suhad whom had gained more strength than when he woke up the day before.
They decided to all meet and talk about the issue, since it concerns not just Daihaah and Layla, but Jannah too.
Prince offered Layla a nod, then placed his hand over his wife's who rolled her eyes when her gaze met Sarah. She hasn't forgiven her yet, she doubts she would any time soon. However, she had learned to control her anger and not try to slap Sarah again.
Layla is right. Violence is not the answer.
Besides, they'd all want Sarah conscious and alive in one piece when she testifies against Jabeer. Then again, Jameel wouldn't let anyone touch his wife again. The only reason Daihaah was able to do that the day before is because he's not there. Now that he is, he will protect her and his child.
They can all blame or hate him if they want –which no one is doing by the way—but, he would protect his family.
"So let me get this straight" Fatimah spoke up for the first time since the truth was revealed to everyone, "Jannah is related to us?"
Mamita nodded, "Yes. Her father is my elder brother, so, she's your cousin"
"And she's our cousin too?" Layla was finding it hard to wrap her head around everything. Truth be told, it is confusing to her.
This time around, it was Didi that nodded. "Her mother is Jabeer, your father's sister so yes"
Suhad, who is sitting on his hospital bed looked down, massaging his temples with his fingers. He knew he convinced them all that he is well enough to handle everything but he did not expect this. However, now it makes sense. It all makes sense how Mama treated Jannah. She wasn't her daughter after all.
"I never knew Dad has a sister" Layla spoke up. Amongst them all, aside from Sarah that is, she knows the man the most. However, she didn't know of that.
"There's a lot we don't know about him" Daihaah spat. Despite the fact that he is her father, to her, he's just someone she shares DNA with. Her father will always be Abba, even if he's not there with them anymore.
"We'll find out once Kamal and his team catch him. They should be raiding the place today" Prince said, making everyone else look at him.
"That is, if they do catch him" Sarah spoke for the first time since the whole conversation started. She had been quiet because with a person like Daihaah, she can't even breath in the wrong way without earning herself a glare.
Daihaah might be her step sister but from the treatment she gets from her, one would think they're mortal enemies. She doesn't blame her though, she knows that she deserves it after everything she has done.
"What do you mean?" Suhad asked the question on everyone's mind.
Sarah glanced at Jameel who gave her an encouraging nod to continue. She blew out a low breath, then spoke, "I mean there's a reason as to why he always escapes no matter what"
"And that is..."
"There's someone else helping him"
Prince and Suhad weren't taken aback by that. They both know that he has business partners helping him, "He can't escape since he's on the flight ban list and we know that his business partners help him"
"No, not them" Sarah shook her head. "There's another person, a sibling I think"
"But his only sibling is Maria, Jannah's mother" Mamita spoke. As much as she knows that's all.
Sarah shook her head again, "There's a third person. I don't know whether it's a male or a female but I know there is. I heard him taking to the person on more occasions than one. I just don't know how they're related"
Prince and Suhad shared a look. They both weren't convinced that the third party might be a sibling. It has to be a business partner of his. Then again, she knows him more than they do, so they can't ridicule anything she says.
"And you think this person would help his escape this time around too?" Suhad asked, making her nod.
"This is a secret mission; the person can't possibly know"
"The person does know because he or she is close to you all"
She shrugged. "That's what I don't know too"
~Antananarivo, Madagascar~
"The police would raid this place?"
Jabeer listened as the person on the other line narrated everything that has been going on there to him. He scoffed at the end, "First, Saheeb ratted me out, and now Sarah is working there?" He didn't hide the disbelief in his tone.
He rose his hand up and massaged his temples. He knew that he's done for with every going on at the moment.
The person on the other end replied.
Jabeer sighed loudly, running his hand across his face. "Okay, first get me out of the country as soon as possible"
The person's response enraged him.
"What do you mean I'm on the travel ban?" He yelled. "if I can't get out of this country then find me a spot to hide. I can't be caught! If I am, I will take us both down. That is a promise" He ended the call then turned around where his right hand man was waiting for him. "Where's Saheeb and his mother?"
The man blinked, "We don't know Sir. We can't find them"
Jabeer scoffed, then laughed. He knew his situation isn't funny. Even he didn't find it as so. However, even his right hand man knows that his laughter is a sarcastic one. "So they all fled after ratting me out" He muttered, then tsked. He rested his gaze on the man, "Get the cars ready, we are getting out of this place, now!"
No AN today.
So, goodnight.
Love, Jannah.
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