Suhad walked back to his room after he heard the conversation between Mamita and Fatimah. He wanted to stay and talk to Fatimah but something told him now wasn't the time. And he would wait, give her the space she needs because the girl is clearly struggling.
Why are all the women he loves suffering? He wondered as he made his way over to his bed, sitting on it. He closed his eyes as he felt his temperature going up. There's only so much he could take, and he knows that. But that didn't stop the pain he felt at the moment.
He clenched his eyes shut as he tried to calm down, reaching his hand out to pick the bottle of medicine that lay on the table, his hand accidentally knocked it out and he didn't have the energy in his to pick it up. So, he laid on his side, breathing heavily as his vision blurred.
It was at that moment that the door swung open, as Jakadiya walked in with his food. "Suhad, I brought your...." She trailed off with a smile as she looked up, her smile falling from her face as her eyes widened. It took everything in her to keep the salver in her hand down and not throw it away as she ran over to him who lay on his bed, eyes squinting signifying that he's about to lose consciousness. "Yerima!" She shook his shoulders as she fell on her knees in front of the bed, meeting up with his height. "Yerima!" She repeated, more frantically as her heart beat became faster.
She looked down, desperately trying to spot anything that could help him. It was at the moment that she spotted the bottle of pills that lays on the floor. She reached her shaky hand over, and picked it up. She tried to stop her hands from shaking as she popped the bottle cap open and spilled some of the pills on her hand. She picked two up, and helped him sat up. "Don't close your eyes, kana jina? Don't you close your eyes Yerima!" She said, her voice breaking down as she saw his lips slowly losing its color, turning blue by the second.
She placed the pills by his lips, urging him to swallow it and she frantically picked up a bottle of water and made him drink it, swallowing it thanks to the last bit of consciousness he has.
Suhad took the medicine, but that didn't help with his blurred vision. And limp, he fell in her arms.
Jakadiya let out a silent wail as she wrapped her hands around the boy she considered her son, holding him close to her as if afraid that if she lets go, he'll disappear. Her heavy breathings filled up the room as her tears fell freely down her face like waterworks.
She knew he'd be okay, but that didn't stop the fear she had. She couldn't help but think if she had showed up two minutes later then it would've been too late.
She lost track of how many minutes she stood holding his unconscious body. Eventually, when her tears dried up, she laid him back on the bed. Pulling up the duvet to cover his body up. She pulled up the vanity table stool and placed it beside the bed, sitting on it. She reached her hand out and pushed his hair out of his face, the same hair she had been pleading with him to cut since he was a child but the boy was as stubborn as his mother.
She lets out a sad smile at the thought. She didn't need anyone to tell her why this happened to him, she knew already and she wasn't planning on letting it happen again.
Another thing she wasn't planning on letting happen is for Mamita or anyone else in Suhad's family to find out what just happened.
Unbeknownst to her, Mamita stood by the door Jakadiya left open amidst of fear when she ran over to Suhad. Mamita blinked back the tears that formed in her eyes as she watched her son lay in a helpless state. Another thing that hurt her was the fact that she couldn't even be there for him. Instead of her, as his mother to be there with him, someone else is. And it's all her fault, she knows and accepts that.
Truth be told though; she couldn't do what Jakadiya is doing to him. Guilt will eat her up knowing that she is the reason he's like this.
She started it all and now her son is paying the consequence.
Mamita brought up her coffee mug to her lips and took a sip of it just as Mai Martaba did the same thing. She then sighed as she placed it back, her shoulder slumping as she did that. Her eyes held a distant look. And Mai Martaba noticed it.
"Saeemah, what happened?" he asked, concern lacing his tone. Other people might judge and hate Mamita for all they want but not him. Only he knew the obstacles she faced which made her become like that. And no other people, their children or his other wife will make the love he has for her waver. Yes, there are moments he does not agree with her decisions but that's just marriage, they can't always agree with each other. They just have to find a way to make it work for them.
Mamita looked down, using her thumbs to massage her temple as she closed her eyes. "It's Suhad. I can't help but worry about him"
Mai Martaba smiled slightly. He doesn't know the real reason why she's worried. That's a secret only she, Jakadiya, Suhad and now, Fatimah know. Unknown to her that Bilkisu found out, and so did Jannah. "Is it about his wife?" He assumed it must be why she's so bothered.
She wanted to say no. She wanted to tell him the truth since Suhad is their son but the words got stuck in her throat. Suhad doesn't want any of them to know which is why he kept it a secret from her. Eventually, she did find out because she is the one that gave birth to him after all. She ought to know though no one, apart from Fatimah knows that she knows.
Fatimah is another problem entirely. She wonders how the girl figured it out but that's a question for another day.
Mamita faked a smile, and nodded. She'll wait until the day Suhad is finally ready to share it with them first before she lets Mai Martaba know. "You know about her don't you?" She played along, letting believe what he assumed.
He looked up, and raised one of his greying brows which has specs of black, "Know what?" He chose to play dumb. He knew what she's talking about, but that doesn't mean he'll just speak up about it. Ever since Alhaji Maikano told him about it, he has never, not once spoke of it to anyone.
She chuckled slightly, not completely out of amusement but otherwise. "You were close to her father"
"And so were you"
She looked at him, holding his gaze as they let the unspoken words linger in the air. They both knew what they're talking about, but they prefer to let the silence speak for them instead of the words.
She looked away, running her hands over her knuckles, "Let the past, stay in the past"
He smiled slightly knowing what she yearns is something she'll never get, "You know your past will soon catch up to you right? It's been so long already. Sooner or later, it will catch up to you"
She looked away, not wanting to hold his gaze anymore. It might make her succumb and tell him everything she knows.
"Saeemah..." He sighed, seeing as if she's trying to avoid that conversation, "You of all people should not hate the girl, and we both know that"
She chuckled bitterly as she turned to look at him, "Who said I hate her?"
"Your actions make her believe otherwise"
"I should love her, I know. I should care about her, I know. But my son will always be my priority regardless of whoever I have to care for else. And that includes her" She said through gritted teeth as her eyes sting with unshed tears, "besides, was I the one who left or was I the one that was left alone?"
Mai Martaba didn't say anything as he kept his unwavering gaze at her. He knew how strong she is, but at the moment, he saw that she was at the brink of breaking down.
"But you know what, even if I wanted to be selfish for once in my life, my son just had to fall in love with her out of all the people in the world" She whispered as she gulped back the tears that were threatening to fall. She stood up, wanting to leave the place so that she won't break down in front of him, "Excuse me ranka dade. I have to go now" She didn't wait for his reply as she started walking out.
"You know...." He started, and this made her halter in her steps, "At the end of the day, family is for life. And that includes everyone in your family"
She blinked furiously, before she walked out without saying another word.
She just couldn't because deep down, she knew he is right.
Just as she left, a palace guard all but ran into the room, sitting at a reasonable distance away from the king with his head bowed slightly, "Ranka dade. Allah ja zamanin Sarki"
Mai Martaba closed his eyes as he released a small sigh, "Call the Crown Prince for me"
The Royal guard nodded, "As you wish your Highness"
Not long after, Suhad walked over to his father's place as summoned by the guard. The old man was still in the same position Mamita left him. The only difference is that the tea cups and everything related was cleared up as they were no longer needed at the moment.
Suhad walked in with a salaam, then crouched in front of his father and greeted him to which the old man answered back with a smile.
"You must be surprised as to why I'd summoned you right?" Mai Martaba asked making Suhad smile, but he didn't reply with a word.
This was the most he had seen his father growing up in a year and that was as much as he could ever hope for.
"I wanted to inquire of you and your wife's wellbeing. Kuna lafiya?"
Suhad looked down, plastering a fake smile on his face before he looked up, "Lafiya alhamdullilah" He said, hoping Mai Martaba doesn't know of their current situation. That would be hard to talk about.
"Masha Allah" Mai Martaba nodded, deciding against talking about the problem they're going through. That's their problem to deal with, his own is to help and guide them where necessary, "Do you remember what I emphasized on when you were getting married?"
Suhad nodded, "You said I should be patient"
"I said both of you should be patient with one another. However, I know this might sound selfish to you right now Suhad but you have to be more patient with the girl. You'll not understand what I mean now but you will soon"
Suhad didn't say a word. He felt like there's more than the man is letting out but he couldn't figure out what.
"—She'll make mistakes, one that will upset you to no end but you know what Alameen? Patience is what will keep you two together. Without that, your marriage will end right before your eyes and nothing will ever help bring it back" Mai Martaba said, the smile that was on his face disappearing as he said everything seriously. "Promise me, you'll be patient?"
Suhad looked down, he knew the gravity of what Mai Martaba is asking of him but he couldn't refuse, "I promise" he said the words that will bind him with his wife, forever maybe.
Jannah walked out of the plane, eyes moving around the place as she spotted the crowd of guards waiting for her. She walked away from the plane, dragging her suitcase along with her which eventually, as she reached where they are, someone ran to collect it from her and took it to the car.
Just as a guard opened the door for her, her phone rang and so, she fished it out of her bag and raised it to see who the caller is. She got in the car first before she swiped the answer button, bringing the phone to her ear. "Didi" She smiled.
"Hey, you've landed right?"
"Yes Didi and the driver you sent just picked me up, thank you" She said just as the car started moving, heading towards the palace where only one person knew of her arrival.
"No need to thank me, you're a daughter to me you know" Didi chuckled. Someone said something to her in the background to which she answered. "Yawwa, kina jina Jannah?"
"Yes Didi"
"Once you arrive, one of the guards will lead you to where Suhad is"
"Alright. Thank you so much Didi"
Didi sighed, "You know I told you to stop thanking me right?" This made Jannah smile, "Everything will be alright kinji?"
"In shaa Allah Didi"
"Alright I'll see you when you arrive"
Jannah placed the phone on her lap as the driver continued to drive. She had no idea how many minutes passed or what the directions they went are but eventually, she saw them pulling up at the grand palace that she had never been to. Yet there she is, about to be the Queen.
Her nervousness grew more as the car parked, the guard in the passenger seat running over to open the back door for her. She closed her eyes and counted to three to calm down before she opened her eyes again, this time it held determination. She got off the car, letting the man close it behind her.
A couple of guards came and greeted her, throwing praises all over the place, this gained the attention if the people who didn't know who she is. But, she didn't let that get to her. She didn't go there with the intention of basking away the feeling of being future queen but rather, being Suhad's wife.
A guard she didn't recognize stood a reasonable distance away from her, "Ranki dade. Yerima is in the gazebo along with his cousins. I'll lead you there"
She nodded as she followed the man over to where the gazebo is. She couldn't help but ogle at the beauty of the palace, she didn't let it become obvious though. She kept her gaze on the path she's walking in so she wouldn't trip in her steps. That would be extremely embarrassing.
Soon enough, the gazebo came in sight and from such distance, she could hear the sound of chatters and laughter. Her heart fluttered when she spotted a familiar figure who has his back towards her as he threw his head back and laughed. She wondered for a split second if he saw her, would he still laugh that much?
Maybe going there was a bad idea.
However, she's made it that far, there's no going back now.
She sucked in a breath as they got closer to the others. By then, some of the people who are all strangers to her started to notice her presence as they turned and looked at her. There had to be around fifteen of them there, males and female sitting on the carpet that was spread out in the gazebo. Different food warmers and fruits filled up the center.
The closer they got, the more people notice her presence. Some stared at her with confusion lacing their features, some with a blank expression while a couple of the male smirked, thinking of hitting on her.
"Yerima" The guard, who arrive before her crouched beside the Crowned Prince who was yet to notice her presence. Suhad turned to look at the man, "the Queen has arrived"
"Queen?" Suhad raised a brow in confusion.
The guard shook his head, noting the mistake he made, "I mean the Crowned Princess, your wife"
This gained a round of gasps from the people around him, including Fatimah who was only noticing her friend and sister in law's presence then. "Jannah!" She exclaimed, waving frantically at Jannah.
Suhad turned his head so fast he might've caught a headache. His eyes widened as it rested on Jannah who smiled, waving back at Fatimah before she turned to look at her husband.
Suhad stood up immediately, slipping into his shoes as the others watched the show with interest. Most of them didn't know Suhad was married so is a huge shock to them.
Jannah sucked in a deep breath as he held her gaze. She couldn't tell whether he was angry or happy, his facial expression gave out nothing. She gulped when he walked towards her, unable to tear her gaze away from him as her toes curl out of fear.
What if he embarrasses her infront of them? Or called her out for following him when he only came here to avoid her? What if...
Her thoughts caught in her throat when he stood in front of her, pulling her into his body in a warm embrace that had her exhaling out in relief. "I miss you" he muttered as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.
A couple of whistles filled up the place as his cousins and siblings stared at them. The girls started their never-ending 'Aww(s)' while the streaks freak amongst them pulled out their phone and videotaped the moment so they could streak with it.
Jannah sighed as she hugged him back, for the first time in weeks he wasn't being cold towards her. She couldn't tell if he was really happy or he was pretending.
Whichever it is, she'll take it gladly.
She needs it to keep herself stable.
"Aren't you angry at me?" She mumbled when she pulled back and looked at him in the eyes.
He shook his head, tucking back a strand of hair that escaped her head tie, "Let's not talk about that okay, Jay?" He offered her a genuine smile.
"We'll be okay, yeah?"
"Let's talk about that later"
"Okay my turn" Fatimah pushed her brother aside, hugging her friend tight so much that Jannah squealed. "I miss you!"
Jannah chuckled when the girl pulled back, "It's only been a couple of weeks"
"Those were the longest" Fatimah groaned rolling her eyes. "thank God you're here, I no longer need to call you. I thought I was going to plan Bhai's wedding alone"
This made Jannah still as she glanced at her husband, "His wedding?!"
One more chapter before we move from manhajar wattpad. Those of you following me on IG know what I'm talking about.
To those who don't follow me, so didn't participate in the poll vote, I asked them to pick one book which would be moved to Okadabooks between this book and With love, zayn and they picked this one. Well...majority did so... one more chapter then I'm done here.
Anyways...hold back your insult please....
I've made this clear in 99 days that I will upload this book there and the moment came a bit earlier than expected.
Alright...Goodbye(And by that I mean I'll run away and hide by the corner, reading the comments and replying to those that I can)
Love, Jannah.
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