Jannah pushed away whatever was tickling her face. It was disturbing her much needed beauty sleep. But the thing didn't stop. If anything, it continued making a soft groan escape her lips. She flicked her eyes open as she stretched her arms over her head, her gaze falling on the open curtains that allows the rays of beams of light to stream in.

She turned her head to the side, looking for the source of intrusion to her beauty sleep. When she saw who it was, all sleep escaped every last fiber of her being. She sat up quickly, but arms pushed her back down.

"You should rest more, you need it" He muttered, his eyes barely meeting hers.

"I'm awake now" She said, as she felt all exhaustion slip away. His presence is the much needed rest she needs. She had on a small smile on her face, as hope reignited in her. But that quickly died down when she noticed his outfit, "Are you going somewhere?" She asked, her eyes flickering to where his small suitcase lies by the door—mouth slightly hung ajar as she blinked.

Suhad sighed. He didn't want to say anything to her but it wasn't right for him to just leave without at least notifying her of where he's going. So, he nodded, "Yeah" He muttered, "I'm going to Gombe" He said as he took his arms away from her, letting her sit up.

"For how long?" Her voice came out low, as her heart shattered into tiny beings.

He shrugged, "I'm not sure"

She quickly held his hand, and for the first time in a whole week, he didn't flinch nor retract it back.

That's a good sign right?

"Please" She pleaded, "You don't have to do this. We can talk yeah? That's what you always wanted right?" She asked quickly, her words coming out a bit jumbled as she offered him a nervous smile. She seemed desperate but she couldn't help it. She would need some mood stabilizers but she had thrown it all out at the course of her anger.

That was bad decision on her own case.

"You should eat more, you look like a pile of bones" He said, ignoring her words as he gestured to the salver that held her breakfast on the bedside cabinet.

She shook her head, her body shaking slightly, "Please, just stay"

He sighed deeply, closing his eyes momentarily, "Jannah, we both need space"

"No we don't. We can through everything together yeah? That's what you said before"

Suhad bit his lip, shaking his head slightly, "You should've thought of that a week ago"

She let his hand go and ran her hand furiously through her hair, clutching the strands tightly. She knew that without a doubt she looked like a mess but she didn't care. She's a much bigger mess internally. "I said I'm sorry what more do you want from me huh?!" She half yelled, turning to glare at Suhad who wasn't the least bit shaken by her outburst.

He expected that much.

She calmed herself down immediately though, reaching out to hold his hand again desperately. She inhaled deeply, then exhaled.

"Space" He said making her looked at him with a confused expression, "That's all I ask for. Space"

"But why?" She was at the brink of breaking down. Her tone and tears welling up in her eyes could testify to that.

He shook his head, trying to get her hand off him but she clutched tighter.

"Tell me, why?!"

"Drop it Jannah" He muttered, clenching his eyes shut. This is what he didn't want. But she's pushing him.


"BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GOOD FOR ME RIGHT NOW!" He yelled, making her shut up immediately.

She gulped, noting how pale his skin looked, it made her shoulders slump as she blinked back her tears. She knew he won't say anything further, and she didn't want him to. Because if he does, then she has to accept the cruel reality that's now their lives. Hers and his.

She couldn't help but think. Could Mamita be right when she said the two aren't good for each other?

No it can't be. Jannah thought. Mamita doesn't know anything. She doesn't know about Suhad nor does she know about Jannah.

Suhad exhaled deeply to calm himself down. He doesn't want to get worked up. He should not. He removed her hand from his effortlessly, "A break will be good for both of us" He said lowly, but loud enough for her to hear him.

He then stood up from the bed, watching as she stared at the wall with no words or reaction to her.

She looked almost, lifeless.

He closed his eyes and looked away, making his way to the door, he held his suitcase and walked out leaving her all alone in the cold, big, lifeless room.



"Fatimah!" Mamita called as she strolled into Fatimah's room. Eyes skimming the room she tried to spot her daughter that took the first flight back to Gombe that day. She spotted her sitting on a chaise lounge by the window, knees brought up to her chest as she looked out, gazing at the view of her home.

Mamita blinked as she sighed in relief. Fatimah hasn't turned but judging by how tense her shoulders became, Mamita knew that the girl heard her. So, she made her way towards her, sitting right in front of her, "Fatimah...what's wrong?"

Fatimah closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears. She had been crying for God knows how long, she didn't want to cry anymore. She shook her head.

Mamita sighed again, reaching her hand out to hold her daughter's hand in her warm ones, immediately making Fatimah to look at her, "Talk to me. What happened to you?"

Fatimah looked down, not able to hold back her tears as she let them fall. She was beyond embarrassed. She didn't know how to start explaining to Mamita. So, she did the next thing she could do at the moment. She leaned down and hugged her mother tightly, so tight she could hear Mamita's sharp intake of breath due to how tight it is.

Mamita didn't complain though, she simply patted her daughter's back as the girl cried, her body shaking with each sob that escaped.

A mess. That's what she is.

Fatimah sniffed, "Mamita I—I"

"Shhh" Mamita shushed her knowing what she was about to say. She didn't have to though. She knew. "You don't have to say it"

Fatimah nodded, burying her face in her mother's neck, inhaling her comforting perfume just like the mother's baby she is. After all, she is the last born for a reason. That meant that her relationship with Mamita is close knitted. "It was only once I swear. I don't even know what got into me"

"It's okay Fatimah, everyone makes mistakes" Mamita said, in the moth soothing tone she could muster. She didn't want her daughter to wallow in misery. This wasn't the life she wanted for any of them, all of them—Jannah included.

Fatimah pulled back, clutching her mother's hand tight.

"What happened though, you know you can tell me anything right?"

Fatimah bit her lower lip, "I don't know Mamita...everything's just so difficult! Baba is sick, and by the looks of it, he might not make it this time. You and Deen are not on good terms, I barely see him. It's like he doesn't even exist in my life. Ya Jamil and Adda Jamila are never around. I don't know when last I saw nor talked to either of them. And Bhai, he's too caught up with his wife and their issues and I'm scared, I'm scared for Bhai"

Mamita's eyes anrrowed slightly, "What do you know Fatimah?"

"Everything I need to know to worry" Fatimah stated but it came out as more of a question, "I don't know what to do Mamita, I miss the way everything is and then there is..." She trailed off, not knowing if she should tell Mamita that or not.

"There is what? Kamal?"

Fatimah's eyes met her mother's, "How do you know that?"

Mamita only smiled, "I know a lot of things Fatimah. However, to be honest, I'll support you two more than Suhad and Jannah"

Fatimah's lips turned into a frown, "What's the difference?" She asked though she knew one part.

Mamita smiled sadly, "So much Fatimah. There's a huge difference between you"

Fatimah watched her up close as if looking for something. "Mamita I know you, you're not a bad person, so why are you pretending to be that?" She said, eyes narrowed slightly at her mother who smiled.

"It's much easier to be the bad guy yeah?"

"You don't hate Jannah do you?"

"Have I ever said I hate her?" She raised a brow, something Suhad learnt from her. When she saw the pointed look her daughter gave her, she sighed and looked at their intertwined hands, clasping her free hand over it, "I'm just keeping a promise Fatimah"

"Which promise?"

"A promise to keep them both safe"

Fatimah shook her head, closing her eyes momentarily. She trusted her mother, but she found it hard to believe her, "Why be mean to Jannah though?"

"Do you think if I politely asked her to leave Suhad she will?"

Fatimah opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it up knowing Mamita had a point on that.

"You should know why I did that"

This made Fatimah nod.

"I'm doing this for both their sakes, the two can't be together. Jannah does not belong in our world, it's too much for her to handle"

"How is that?"

Mamita chuckled slightly as she saw the gloomy Fatimah being replaced with a curious one. She patted her head slightly, "You know much more than you should. Knowing more won't be of any good to you my daughter so rest okay? You need it"

Fatimah looked hesitant but agreed anyways. She knew Mamita was done talking since she said that.

Suhad who stood by the slightly open door with hand still on the doorknob sighed and looked down. He didn't mean to but he overheard their conversation, a part of it actually. He pulled the door close as quietly as possible and strolled back to his chamber. It's best he doesn't see either of them at the moment.



Maria walked into the room where his body is, a small smile donning her lips as she saw him seated on the bed, staring at her with a matching smile on his face. She walked up to him and sat by the side of his bed, his food resting on the tray she held. She kept it aside when he held one of her hands, holding it in both of his, "I'm sorry for making you worry all this while"

She smiled. She didn't want to think about that anymore, "It's okay"

His eyes moved around the room, taking note of how much has changed, "How long has it been?" His gaze fell on his wife who puckered her lips, not wanting to answer, "Tell me, please"

She sighed, "19 years" She muttered, but he heard her. She was scared of saying it out loud, it made it sound so long. "It's been 19 years already"

He smiled, hoping that will somehow ease her pain, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there with you all these years"

She fully turned to look at him, before her eyes flickered to the window that allowed her to see snowflakes fall, "The doctors told me that you won't wake up. They said I should give up"

He didn't say anything, he let her speak.

"They said I was only wasting my time and money on you. That the only thing keeping you alive is those machines" She gulped, wiping the tears that streamed down her face with her hand. "I'm ashamed to admit it but at a time, I did believe them but I couldn't do it, I couldn't just let you go when we have so much to fix. I'm so sorry I almost gave up on you"

He offered her a smile that immediately eased her nerves, "It's okay Maria, I'm here now and that's all that matters"

She smiled back, leaning down to embrace him, which he reciprocated.


"They are both grown up now. He visits every time he gets a chance" She said, knowing what he's about to ask.

"How did he..."

She sighed, "There's so much to tell you"



Jannah rolled her eyes at Daihaah's attempt to get her out of bed. Somehow, she had managed to shower but she refused to eat or say anything. She didn't have the appetite nor is she in the mood to socialize. However, Daihaah wasn't having any of it. She even went to the extent of getting Jannah a Pepsi hoping that will get her to eat something.

Jannah only glanced at the Pepsi before she pushed it away, asking Daihaah to throw it out.

That was when Daihaah knew the girl is broken, beyond that even. She never rejected Pepsi till that day.

"What do I have to do Jannah huh?" Daihaah asked out of exasperation. She had tried every possible way to get the girl up but she won't budge.

Jannah sighed and snuggled more into her pillow which oozes of Suhad's scent. That was the only thing keeping her sane at the moment. "Just leave Daihaah" She muttered, but loud enough for Daihaah to hear, "I'm sure your husband is worried sick"

Daihaah shook her head, "Jannah I'm not--"

"Just go Daihaah, please" She closed her eyes. She didn't want to cry but Daihaah's presence and her pity is doing something to her.

Daihaah sighed but nodded, "If you need anything, do call me" She waited for Jannah to say something, but since the girl had her back facing her, she couldn't see her face. She shook her head and walked out, leaving her alone as she requested.

Jannah stayed in bed thinking about her marriage with Suhad. Since they got married, she had face more obstacles than good memories. But she wouldn't trade it for anything. They barely had time for each other, more less their family and now, when situations got tough, he just flew off back to his family.

The family she barely knows, apart from Fatimah that is.

She wasn't dumb, she knew how much his family meant to him. Who doesn't love their family?

An idea popped in Jannah's head. She knew it might be a bad move but it would help if she at least shows that she cares right?

With determination running in her veins, she pushed the duvet off her and threw her legs off the bed. She got out of the bed, reaching her hand out she picked up her phone and dialed the number of someone she's acquainted to. After the second ring, the person picked up.

"Mrs. Sagir" Came Suhad's secretary's voice. A man that she had only seen a handful of times.

"How soon do you think I can get the next flight to Gombe?" She went straight to the topic, not wanting to waste time.

"Well we need to book a flight first and all, it might take a while since the last flight only took off a couple of hours ago"

She sighed, massaging her temples with her fingers, "Isn't there any flight I can get today?"

"I'll check first, if there is, should I book it for you?"


"Alright ma'am"

She threw the phone carelessly on the bed before she stood up and made her way to the closet where she picked out random outfits, the most traditional ones she had in her closet. She might not wear them often but she had a lot of them in her closet, most of which she personally designed.

She arranged them all in the suitcase she picked out, throwing in everything other essential she'll need, and that include a lot of shoes and jewelry. She's married to a prince, she might as well dress like it. While zipping it up, she heard her phone ping from somewhere in the room, so she dragged the suitcase out and checked the phone seeing the message the secretary sent her.

He had scheduled a flight for her by 5pm, that was only two hours from then. That gave her enough time to dress out of the baggy clothes she had on and into one of the numerous laces he had in her closet, particularly sewn into a ruffle hem long sleeve blouse and wrapper. She didn't particularly hate it, but that didn't mean she didn't know how to tie it.

If anything, she could tie it just as good as an old woman can.

She took her time and did her makeup impeccably as always. For the first time in weeks, she applied her signature matte cherry red lipstick that always accentuated her light skin. Fixing the last crease of her head tie, she wrapped a veil around her just as some of the maids came and took her suitcase out, their jaw dropping when they took in her look.

She was definitely dressed to kill. Which was a huge contrast to her usual baggy outfits she wore for the past week.

Slipping into her heels, she held her bag in one hand and her phone in the other as she called Daihaah and informed her of the change of events, liking the scent of Suhad's oudh perfume she had put on.

Her shoes clank on the steps as she walked down. Her strides full of confidence she didn't know she had in her after the events of the past few weeks. "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger" She muttered to herself as she reached the last step.

With her head held up high, she walked out of the house—her gaze immediately falling on the two cars lined up which would take her to the airport. A palace guard opened the back door for her and she slipped in, he closed the door behind her.

Not even a minute later, the cars started moving.

"Time to go get back my husband" Jannah muttered to herself, a look of determination crossing her features.


Toh fah...Jannah batazo da wasa bah.

Me can't wait o! Jannah is going to Gombe for the first time as Suhad's wife and as the future Queen!!

Okay, that's a bit dramatic on my part. Lemme take it down a notch.

How do you think Suhad will react? What do you think would happen?

Ahh! Excitement gon' kill me o! Figuratively though, duh!

As for me, Jannah Mia, Jigawa here I come so y'all might not get an update any time soon! WEDDING MODE ACTIVATED!

Alrice alrice! Make I shut up now and go.


Love, Jannah.

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