"Jaan!" Jannah called but he ignored her.
He walked towards the vanity table and picked up his phone before he walked out of the room, not sparing her a glance.
Jannah bit her lower lip as she blinked back the tears in her eyes. She followed him, hastily down the stairs as fast as she can. She didn't care that she was about to fall, or that the entire people in the house could hear her calling after him, "Suhad!" She called him again, for the nth time.
But just like all those other times, he ignored her.
"Seriously? You're not even going to say a word--" She intentionally fell, pretending to have tripped.
He stopped in his tracks. She waited for him to turn and help her up. For him to touch her, talk to her, look at her...anything! Whatever it is, no matter how small, she'll take it. It's better than this silent treatment he's giving her.
She released a small sigh of relief and a small smile adorned her lips when she saw that he stopped. However, her happiness was short lived because he continued walking towards the door, pulling out his phone, he dialed God knows whose number and talked.
Something she couldn't get him to do for a week now.
By now you've probably realized that there's trouble in paradise.
She scoffed and bit her lower lip in frustration. She stood up, her shoes clanking on the marble floor as she followed her husband outside where he was heading to his car. These days, he hardly drives himself to work which was so unlike him. Since they got married, she hardly saw him go to work with a driver but these days, he's always with his driver.
Before he could reach the car, she stepped in front of him, blocking his way. He tried to walk beside her but she stepped in front of him, again. "You're not going to leave again without a word to me" She said, trying to make her voice come out strong but she was failing, because her voice broke at the end. She bit the inside of her cheeks to stop the tears threatening to fall. "How can you always leave just like that? You don't even talk to me anymore, heck! You don't even look at me!" She half yelled.
And while she looked like she's losing it slowly, Suhad looked nonchalant.
He stared at her with a stoic face. She couldn't tell what he was thinking of.
The sounds of footsteps were what made her stop. She looked beside them to where his driver and guard were waiting for him. She gulped, "Modibbo can you give us five minutes please" She said to the driver who nodded, patting the guard beside him.
"Stay" Suhad said looking at the two, "I'm leaving now" He didn't even bother to look at his wife that's staring at him in disbelief.
"No you're not!" She raised her voice again. She couldn't control it though, at the moment, her emotions were just all over the place.
He turned to look at her, one brow raised. She inhaled deeply and then exhaled, "Look, I get that I did something wrong, I know that but this is too much. I can handle you ignoring me for a day or two but a week? Seriously Suhad? What do you want me to do? To say I'm sorry? Fine! I'm sorry" She said, trying to keep her voice down but it still raised.
That wasn't what Suhad cared about though.
What upsets him more is that she lied, again.
She wasn't sorry. She didn't regret anything she did.
She took his silence as a positive thing, and so inched closer to him. Moving her hands to hold his, he stepped back and this time walked around her to his car, getting into the already opened back door. "Let's go Modibbo" She heard him say to his driver who quickly scrambled into the driver's seat. The driver taking his seat in the passenger's seat.
Even they didn't want to get on his bad side. They've seen how cold he can be when he's angry and they knew that whatever he's doing to her now, is nothing compared to how he really gets when he's extremely angry.
What she did was no secret in the house though. As much as Suhad tried to keep it between the two of them, some maids overheard and within fifteen minutes, everyone in the house knew why the two couples were fighting.
None blamed Suhad though. They understood where he's coming from.
With slumped shoulders, Jannah watched as the Black Land Cruiser drove out of their home, and she couldn't do anything to stop it. Blinking her tears back furiously, she walked back into the house, ignoring the nosy maids that were peeking out the window, watching the show unfold.
She locked the door to their room, her anger spiking for the nth time that week. She knew she lied, and she wasn't sorry for what she did. But that still didn't stop her from hoping that he could at least just drop it.
What's done is done. She can't change the past.
Her hand shook with anger as she leaned on the vanity table. However, she couldn't hold it in. Angrily, she shoved everything on the vanity table down sending them crashing one the marble floor with a loud shriek. With another cry of exasperation, she pushed away whatever stood in her way, vases crashing, mirrors breaking, other stuff flying around the room.
She pierced her hand with one of the broken bottles but she didn't pay attention to it. She stumbled into the en-suite, quickly heading to the vanity cabinet. She opened it and pull out of the numerous pills that were there. She didn't think twice about taking it, a little more than required but in her defense, she thought it'd help her calm down faster.
She slumped on the floor after taking the drugs. She heard someone pounding on the door, voices followed afterwards but she didn't focus on that. The tears just fell freely, her body quivering with each tear that fell.
Somehow, they managed to open the door and soon enough, Daihaah came in running towards her best friend. Her eyes widened as she took in the damage Jannah did and how messy she looked. She knelt down in front of Jannah, taking her in hand sin hers, "Jannah what...what happened" Daihaah couldn't form coherent words as she tried to understood what was going on.
"Daihaah I..I don't know what to do. I just kind of freaked out you know and I-I couldn't stop it. I was s-so scared. And Suhad, he-he won't even listen to me or even look at me, and it hurts Daihaah. I know I hurt him and I-I probably don't deserve to say this but-" Jannah rushed the words out, Daihaah could barely make out what she was saying amidst of how fast she spoke and the tears that kept streaming down her face.
Daihaah blinked back her tears. She leaned down and embraced her friend tightly, letting have a shoulder to cry on. "Jannah you know I won't lie to you right? It's not okay, and I don't think you'll be in a while" She probably didn't need to say that to her but she needed to tell her the truth.
Even she was angry at what Jannah did. But she couldn't blame her.
She can't say the same about Suhad though, he deserved to be angry since Jannah wasn't willing to at least explain to him.
There was nothing she could do. So, she let her cry.
"She has been sleeping since. Judging by the dark bags she has under her eyes, I assume she hasn't been sleeping for the past few days" Daihaah said standing by the bed, with her hands over her torso.
Suhad sat on the beside his sleeping wife. A couple of strands escaped the beanie Daihaah put over her head so he leaned down and tugged it back, his hand lightly tracing the dark bags that's now slowly disappearing. "It seems so. She hasn't been eating either by the looks of it"
Daihaah sighed loudly, her shoulders slumping, "I wish she would just explain herself to you"
Suhad nodded, his eyes still fixated on his sleeping wife, "Me too"
Daihaah's eyes moved to the maids that are clearing up the mess Jannah made for the third time that week. She closed her eyes and shook her head, "I know this is hard for you, and I won't ask you to forgive her without any explanation but you two should fix your relationship up, soon"
"We will, as soon as she decides to explain to me. Until then, I'm not saying a word to her,"
Daihaah groaned lowly, "Between you and Prince, I can't tell who is more stubborn" She glanced at the wristwatch strapped around her wrist, "I need to get to work. I'll check up on her later"
"Thank you Daihaah"
"It's nothing. Don't mention it"
Daihaah smiled, looking between the two, "Take care of my best friend"
He smiled slightly, barely noticeable, "Always"
Daihaah walked out, along with the maids leaving the two alone.
Suhad sighed and looked around the now cleaned up room. He had a feeling this would happen which was why he called Daihaah to check up on her. He leaned down and pecked her forehead before he walked away to the room he had been staying in since a week ago.
As much as he'd love to be there with her, he couldn't.
He closed the door behind him and took off his wrist watch, afterwards taking off his cufflinks. He blinked, releasing a small sigh.
It has been two weeks since the incident with Anna. Two weeks since Fatimah called him and though her call turned out to be a prank, he wasn't that angry since Jannah made her do it as she prepared a surprise date for him.
The two were very much in love as ever.
However, a week ago, things changed when Jannah did something that had him wondering what he did wrong to make her do such.
He wanted to understand where she's coming from but unless she gives him a valid reason, and not some crap she keeps spewing. Until then, they shall continue like this.
~Antananarivo, Madagascar.~
"How much are you betting?"
The guy shook his head, "Enough of games Jabeer. You owe me money, now pay up or you'll face the consequence" The guy from his meeting a couple of weeks ago said, He's the same young man that though Jabeer would never admit it, he was scared of the small man for everything he possesses.
The money. The power.
He could get rid of him in the blink of an eye if he wanted to.
Jabeer gulped discreetly. He stopped twirling the tumbler in his hand as he looked at the man, "Don't you trust me?"
"I don't. How can I be so sure that you'll be able to pay me now that your accounts are frozen?" He asked, raising a perfectly arched brow. He sat properly on his chair, legs crossed and back leaned slightly.
Jabeer shook his head as he raised the tumbler to his lips, he took a sip from it. The drink burning his throat slightly, "I can have your money transferred within three days if you'll give me that chance. I have a way to get more money without the police ever tracing it to me" He smirked, eyes glinting with mischievousness.
"And how is that?" the man raised a brow again, not convinced the least. For all he knows, Jabeer is just bluffing.
"That is for me to know, not you" Jabeer said, maintaining eye contact with the man. He didn't let any fear show in his eyes. Ever since when had he been afraid of others? He is the big boss, not some coward.
He might've lost the money he's flaunting with, but he won't go down like that.
The man leaned on the table, hands intertwined, "I need to know so as to validate whether you're telling me the truth or not" He said, his voice coming out low. "Trust me Jabeer, if you don't pay me back all my money down to the last cent within a week, I'll come for you. That is a promise"
Jabeer smirked slightly, though his heart is beating loudly against his ribcage, "It won't come to that"
The man nodded and then stood up, fixing his jacket in the process. He walked down without sparing Jabeer a glance.
Jabeer waited until the man was out of sight before he angrily threw away the tumbler in his hand, sending it crashing on one of the walls. He groaned as he glared at the place the man walked away. Running his fingers furiously through his hair, he thought of how to get money and get off the man's hook since he just lied about getting money, when he didn't have any.
An idea popped in his head that had him flying out of his seat. He all but ran out of his seat to the place he wanted to go before the man arrived, cutting his anger short.
He stormed to the other living room where his Irish potato of a wife is lounging around with their son, laughing at something while sipping cocktails she had made for them. Jabeer lounged at the Saheeb, his hands curling around the collar of his shirt as he jerked him up. Before any of them could react, his fist collided with Saheeb's face.
His wife shrieked in horror, she turned to glare at her husband, "What is wrong with you?!" She half yelled trying to top him but he pushed her away and aimed for his son again. The one left on the floor with a bleeding lip.
He punched him squarely on the face again, then again, and again while the woman screamed at him, throwing profanities at him to stop hitting her beloved child but it all fell on deaf ears.
Saheeb didn't fight back, he was used to these acts of Jabeer by then.
The woman called some of her guards who successfully detached the fuming father away from the barely conscious son.
"How dare you do that to me you ungrateful being!" Jabeer yelled, kicking one of the glass tables in anger making it crash into pieces.
Saheeb coughed, spitting the blood that is in his mouth as his mother embraced him, and helped him sat up, "What did I do?" He croaked out, glancing at his so called father with his swollen eyes.
Jabeer scoffed, not believing the audacity of his second son-the first one and his mother, long forgotten, "You have the audacity to ask me that you ignorant fool?!" He asked, eyes budged as the veins in his forehead popped out.
Saheeb's mother stood protect over her son, "What did he do to you that you're doing this to him? He is our son if you're forgetting"
"Oh I know he's our son alright. But as of today, he no longer is!" Jabeer yelled, glaring at the son that's trying to gain his breath.
"What did he do?!" His mother yelled furiously. She wanted to know the reason why he attacked her son like that.
With eyes still narrowed at Saheeb, Jabeer remembered the events that happened before the arrival of his guest.
"How the fuck is it that the police are aware of everything I do, huh?" Jabeer yelled at his most trusted men that he had assembled.
They all kept quiet, none had the answer he's looking for.
But that only angered him more.
He walked to where he keeps a baseball bat and picked it up, gripping it tightly. He walked towards one of the men and hit his leg with it, hard. That had the man falling on the floor while holding his leg that if wasn't broken, fractured judging by the hit. The man groaned, trying to hold in his pain.
"How do they know?!" He asked again, this time, all the other men flinched in fear of what happened to the other man will happen to them too. "How?!" He swiped the bat, crashing the TV with it.
Just as he was about to hit another man with the bat, somehow came running to him-standing beside him once he was within earshot. He handed a folder over to him.
Jabeer collected the folder and opened it, hands shaking from anger as he brought out the pictures that lay inside.
And behold, the mole in his house along with his enemy.
"Your son is ratting me out to the police!"Jabeer accused, pointing his finger at the son he despised more than all his children.
"And so?"
Jabeer scoffed in disbelief, "What do you mean and so?" He asked, his voice coming out surprisingly calm, "That boy is going to get me killed!"
"And whose fault is that huh?" She asked, standing straighter as he tried to hit Saheeb again.
"Step out of the way" He warned her, his eyes narrowed at the woman that's the only person who could stand up to him, without getting anything done to her.
It's not like he loves her. He doesn't. He just is threading lightly with her since at the moment she's his only source of income.
"No. And you better think twice about saying something stupid to me right now Jabeer" She threatened, her voice coming out low as she forced him to look at her in the eyes with her words, he knew she wasn't kidding.
Heck of all the three wives he married, she's the fiercest.
Then again, what more do you expect from an Irish potato?
"Whose fault is it that the police are after you? Whose is it?!" She yelled making his glare move from Saheeb to her. He didn't answer though giving her an opportunity to continue, "You better not lay your filthy hands on my son ever again Jabeer, I am warning you. I might've tolerated it before but not anymore"
Jabeer chuckled humorlessly, "If I go down because of your son, I'm taking you down with me"
She shook her head, rage filled her eyes, "No Jabeer. You'll rot in hell alone; I did nothing wrong"
"How sure are you of that huh? Whatever it takes, I will take you down with me. Keep that in mind" He threw her a nasty glare before he moved his gaze to Saheeb who quietly watched the exchange between his parents, "And you, you're no longer my son as of today!"
He hissed and turned, walking away from the two that he had to hold himself back before doing anything to them.
Saheeb's mother released a small sigh of relief as she watched Jabeer walk away. She turned to her son and helped him up, ordering one of the workers to call her doctor whilst ignoring Saheeb who tried to convince her that he is okay.
While the doctor was treating Saheeb, she folded her hands over her torso and thought of what Jabeer said. He wasn't bluffing. That much she knows because the man all but bluffs. He would drag her down with him and she can't have that.
Her gaze fell on her phone that sat on the center table beside the doctor's kit. She didn't think twice before she picked up the phone and excused herself from the two. Once she was out of earshot, she dialed the one number she thought she won't ever dial again.
She didn't have any choice though. This is her last option to stay out of trouble Jabeer is trying to throw her into.
She gulped, "'s me. I'll help you"
"What happened?"
"He wants to frame me and drag me down with him. You know I can't have him do that to me right?"
The person at the other end sighed, "Calm down. I promise, I'll do everything in my power to protect you. You made the right choice" Maria, Big Boss's sister said.
~Abuja, Nigeria~
"We need to talk Suhad" Jannah said, walking into the room Suhad had been staying in for the past one week. She had enough of him ignoring her, it's time they settle down and fix their problems.
Suhad ignored her and continued working on his laptop. He has an important meeting coming up the next day and so, he had to work. However, his wife doesn't seem to get the memo. And that annoys him more than her presence.
"Seriously Suhad? This is how we're going to continue? You can't ignore me forever"
Yet again, he ignored her.
He sighed, looking away from his laptop. He put it aside, picking up all his belongings in his hand and headed to the door, wanting to leave the room for her to scream all she wants. He needs to pay attention, and her presence and screaming is getting on his nerves.
She didn't step in front of him this time around. However, when he reached the door she spoke up, "What are you doing to us Suhad?"
He stopped in his tracks. Turning around to look at her for the first time that day, he walked over to her making her hold her breath, "What am I doing to us Firdaus? You dare say that to me?"
"Well I'm not the one ignoring you right?" She asked, eyes slightly narrowed.
"And I'm not the one who chose to abort our baby without my knowledge, right?"
Dum dumdum!!!!E finally happened!
Honestly, you should've expected this.
I'm disappointed in Jannah sha. But, we haven't heard her side of the story yet so...
Anyways, this is becoming more fun for me to write. I think I'll make the two fight more frequent sha. I love it like that! Ahh...all the good stuff.
Maria is back!
I know I said Zayn will show up here but the chapter is so long that I just decided to cut him out, of this one that is.
Who read TILL I MET YOU? Let me know your thoughts on that book please! It's my first time writing a Nigerian book for the first time in years!
If you haven't read DEAR KULSUM, add it your library please and check my book out! I love that book to bits! It has my heart(the small part that ImadLamido has not occupied which is 0.1%)
THANK YOU ALL FOR THE 40K VIEWS! I wanted to update sinceeeee but typing is hard sha! Please pleaseplease share, vote and comment.
Love, Jannah.
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