I dare you to drop 100+ comments on this chapter and I'll force myself to update early again.
"Eat" Kamal said to Fatimah, gesturing to the food that was placed on their table by a waiter just a couple of seconds ago. However, by the looks of it, she does not plan on eating any of it because she hung her head low, fidgeting with her fingers that rests on her lap.
Kamal didn't mind her though. He picked up the cappuccino he ordered and took a sip of it.
Fatimah looked up when she waited for him to say something but he didn't. She bit her lower lip nervously, "Are you angry?" She asked after she hesitated for a while.
Kamal stopped what he was doing and raised his head to look at her, directly in the eyes, "For what exactly?" He asked placing the cup of cappuccino down.
Fatimah opened her mouth to say something but no words came out.
"Is it the calling me amidst of the night part?" He asked with a brow raised since it didn't seem like she would be able to say anything.
Fatimah looked down for a second before she looked at him, her cheeks tinted with red.
"-Or is it the part you were drinking?" He asked again, his gaze not moving away from her.
She clenched her eyes shut before she looked away.
"-Or maybe it's the part you confessed?" He took his cup and sipped his cappuccino, his eyes still on her. "Which one is it Fatimah?"
Fatimah sighed loudly as she covered her face with her hands. She was beyond embarrassed. She didn't know what got into her that she did what she did. What more, she just had to do it and get Kamal involved. She had no words to defend herself.
Kamal sighed, his lips set into a straight line. "Does Suhad know?"
She shook her head not needing him to elaborate. She understood what he meant.
Kamal nodded, his gaze moving away from her for a few seconds as he lightly tipped the handle of the mug with his index finger, the wheels in his head turning, "I'd be honest with you Fatimah, I'm disappointed in you"
She sucks in a breath, clenching her eyes tighter.
"However, I have no right to judge you for what you did" He sighed making her look up instantly. She did not expect that from him. She expected him to yell, get furious and report her to Suhad. "I just have one question though. Was that your first time?"
She nodded making him sigh again.
"You know drinking is haraam right? I don't know what made you do that but you shouldn't do it again. Listen, I know someone who lost her life because of that and I'll be damned if I watch you end up the way she did. We might not be close, but I know your brother, and next time such happens, I won't hesitate to tell him" He said as he placed both hands on the table between then, intertwining his fingers.
Fatimah nodded eagerly, releasing a sigh of relief when he said he wouldn't tell Suhad. She doesn't know how he'll react and she did not want to find out. However, as stupid as it might sound, the drinking issue wasn't what she was worried about most. "I-Aren't you curious about what I said?" She asked, mentally slapping herself for uttering such to him. She was a bit too straight forward.
"You were drunk; you didn't know what you were saying"
"Actually, I did know what I was saying" She sucked in a breath, preparing herself for what she was about to do. "I like you Kamal"
Kamal blinked. Instead of replying her, he simply smiled. She might not have understood but it was more of a sad smile than a 'I like you too' kind of smile. "I have somewhere to be. Finish up, I've paid already" He stood up from his chair, fixing his jacket in the process. With one last smile, he walked away.
Fatimah gulped as she watched his figure walk away. She might've seemed and sounded desperate but she didn't regret any of it. She liked him, a lot, and if she had to spend years reminding him that then so be it.
Kamal peeked at the crowd of commuters that just got off the plane from America. His eyes moved around the place looking for that familiar face he was there for. His brows furrowed when he realized that almost all the commuters were off and the person wasn't there yet.
That was, until he spotted the person.
He watched as the person walked towards him with the person's suitcase dragged by his side. Dark shades covered his eyes as his lips were set into a tight line. His face was stoic, not giving an impression into what the person's thinking about.
Kamal grinned once the person was within earshot. He walked towards him and gave him a bro hug, patting his back in the process. The man didn't hug him back but he did pat his back too. That was more than Kamal expected so he'll take that. "My guy!" He exclaimed pulling back to look at him, giving him a once over.
The guy shook his head, his lips still not tilting up into any form of smile or whatnot. "Kamal. You'll never change" He said. His voice came out strong, nothing like how he sounded when Kamal knew him before.
In fact, he didn't look anything like how Kamal remembered him. He now had a five o'clock shadow that made him look manlier, and mature. His eyes though were cold, even though Kamal didn't dwell on that knowing what he's been through.
Kamal shook his head as he tsked. "See you" He scoffed, "Oh sorry, I tend to forget that you are a big guy now" he stood up straighter, and mock saluted him, "Captain Ahmad Abdullah Danbatta, sir!"
The guy shook his head again, pushing Kamal aside, he started walking out, "If I didn't know you and your job, you would've frog jumped for mocking me" He said once Kamal caught up to him, the two walking side by side.
Kamal chuckled, "Guy the only difference between us is that you wear uniform and I don't"
"I'm a soldier, you're a secret agent. There's a difference"
"You are a special force soldier, that's basically the same thing as secret agents"
"It's not" The guy deadpanned. He knew Kamal, if he paid much attention to the guy then they would argue over the issue over and over again.
Kamal laughed lightly but didn't say anything to the guy again. They walked to the parking lot where Kamal parked his car and the guy's.
"You brought my car?" The guy asked, glancing at his car which he bought but somehow never used. Maybe because it's his first time stepping foot in Nigeria after 10 years.
"Yup" Kamal nodded, "I have a hearing to attend so we're not going together" He tossed the guy his car keys as he made his way over to his car he had someone drive there for him, "We'll catch up later, I promise. Anyways, it's nice to have you back in Nigeria Zayn!" He waved at the guy before he entered his car leaving Zayn alone there.
When he told Fatimah about the woman he knew who lost her life due to drugs and whatnot, he was referring to Kulsum, Zayn's sister.
He knew what Zayn went through after he lost his sister, and he sure as hell wasn't planning on letting Suhad go through that.
It took Zayn ten years to gather courage and return home? What about Suhad? Who knows how long it'll take him?
"My Lord based on the presented evidence, it is clear that my client is not guilty of the charges he is accused of. Miss Wahida obviously went to him and not the other way round. She threw herself at him, because she wants to pass her examination. Is this the first time a case like this has been presented to the court?Female students these days throw themselves at their lecturers just so they can pass their examinations. If you look into the eyes of Miss Wahida, you can clearly see the truth that she is trying to hide. She is responsible--"
"-For what happened to her. My client did not rape her because she obviously threw herself at him"
"-Admit it Miss Wahida, you threw yourself at your lecturer because you so badly wanted to pass his course exams--"
"Objection My Lord!" The victim's attorney slammed her hand on the table in front of her, "He is indirectly attacking my client!" The attorney stated, her voice strong holding no ounce of fear. She glared at the lawyer's client, a stout old man that you'd pity if you see out on the streets, but that cruel man had the guts to rape a 16-year-old. A girl in her fresher year in the university and then failed her in his course when she threatened to report him.
Long story short, they ended up in a court.
Kamal watched from the last row as it all went down. He wasn't there for the case but rather for the attorney, he wanted to see if people's claims about her is true. People say she's the best of the best, she's basically the best human right activist and attorney in the area of defending women and their rights.
He had something to deliver to her, but first he had to make sure that she could handle it.
This is an important case that is complicated. Not any average lawyer oculd do so but if people's claims about her are correct, then she could handle it.
"I am not attacking her. I am simply pointing out the truth"
"Kindly point out the truth by shoving your client in prison for rape!" She glared at the defendant of the accused. He didn't want to show it but he cowered a bit from her glare. She turned to the judge, "Your Honor, that despicable man raped a sixteen-year-old. She--"
Kamal massaged his temples as he leaned back and watched the trial unfold. He had to admit that based on what he saw about the woman; she is everything people claim of her. Maybe, even more.
By the end of the trail, she won the case.
She then hugged the girl, said something to her and after whatnot was done, she walked out, her head held up high as she avoided the crowd of reporters wanting to ask about her and whatnot.
He followed her, sneakily avoiding the crowd and made his way to where she parked her car. He got there before she did, and so leaned on the car and waited for her to come.
Eventually, she came about and when she saw him, her eyes narrowed at him, her lips set into a tight line as she stormed towards him, "Excuse me sir, I'll have you know that if you are one of the nosy paparazzi trying to get a report from, then you should stay away because I can sue you for that" She stated, her voice cold and chin up.
Kamal stared at her for a while, waiting to see if there was something she could do. He scoffed slightly, putting his hand in his pocket he brought out his ID and raised it to her eyes level, "I am Agent Kamal Abdullah Wafiq"
Her eyes glanced at the ID before she looked back at him, her demeanor not faltering and that admittedly surprised him. Normally, a person would immediately look away or show symptoms of fear because having an agent come to you is bad news but she did none of that. If anything, she looked bored.
"And to what do I owe this pleasure Agent? I don't remember having anything involved with you"
"Attorney Zarah Gwalabe, right?"
She blinked, her long lashes flickering close for a second before she opened her eyes, narrowed at him, "Yes? I repeat my earlier question; to what do I owe this pleasure?"
"I have a proposition for you"
"I'm not interested" She rolled her eyes, her fingers curling over her clutch.
"You didn't even hear what I have to say" Kamal stated trying not to let her get under his nerves. She might be damn good at what she does, but that doesn't mean she gets to treat him however she likes.
"I don't need to hear it" She glanced at the Armani cherry red wrist watch strapped around her tanned wrist. "Look, I have work to do. So if you don't have anything sensible to say, can you please step away from my car? That will be very much appreciated" She offered him a fake wide smile, her pearly white teeth on display as her eyes glint with fake enthusiasm.
She didn't wait for him to say a word more before she walked around him and opened her sleek grey Mercedes, her heels clanking as she walked.
"It's about a girl that needs help" He stated, making her stop in her tracks. "Is that good enough for you?"
"I need details first"
Suhad and Prince just came out of a meeting when his phone pinged. He sighed, loosening his tie as he swiped the call button and brought the phone up to his ear, "Fatimah?" He said.
Sound of sniffing was what made him stop in his tracks, Prince turned to look at him, brows furrowed in confusion, "What is it Fatimah? What happened to you"
"It's not me Bhai" She sobbed, her voice coming out muffled.
"Then who?"
"It's Jannah" She said and immediately all the blood drained from his face.
"What happened to my wife Fatimah?"
"I-I don't know. She just fainted and so I brought her to the hospital. Bhai.... the doctors are saying something about poison"
That was all it took for Suhad to sprint out of the building.
Okayyy so this is more of a filler chapter but...warrevaaaa
Have you noticed what I did in this chapter? I input snippet from With Love, Zayn in this chapter. Now you have an idea of what Zayn has been doing all these while. Don't worry, you'll meet him in the next chapter again.
And attorney Zarah Gwalabe is a crucial character in my book VEILED and this chapter is important to the book, because when you're reading it, you'll already have a sneak peek about her.
So this chapter is a THREE IN ONE because there's Stars Align in it, WITH LOVE ZAYN AND VEILED all in it!
You're welcome.
Jannah and poison again. Woah...okayyy.
Love, Jannah.
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