Happy birthday to three most people that mean a lot to me.
Hasmerh, you know I love you B! Happy Birthday.
Aminatou, I Love you! Happy birthday love.
And Xaharau my PIC. I din't forget your birthday. I wanted to be 'fashionably' late.
You know I'll never admit this, I'll probably deny it in the next five minutes but I love you girl! You are the best person I've met on Wattpad since the beginning of when I started writing here. Back then when nobody paid attention to this author, you did. You supported me throughout the way. From 'Ef-Kay' to 'Ferdeausee_' you were there and believe me, if that isn't friendship then I don't know what it is. You supported this girl here to become who she is today and she loves you for it. No words will be enough to explain just how much you mean to me.
Btw...don't you dare bring this up tomorrow(I don't love you then anymore)
Jannah was about to say something to stop Daihaah but Daihaah is already storming towards the woman by then. So, just like the good friend she is, she leaned back and watched the drama unfold.
What? She knows better than to try and stop Daihaah when she sets her heart to do something. Especially in that state. It's a no-go area.
Daihaah crouched low infront of her daughter and embraced the sobbing girl. The woman scared her to no ends. "Sorry baby. Mammy is here" Daihaah whispered running her hand through herdaughter's hair.
This made the woman scoff and fold her hands over her torso.
"Go to Mommy Jannah okay? Mammy has something to do now. She has to teach someone manners" She pulled back and gestured for the girl to Jannah who opened her hands and took the girl in her arms.
Jannah held Rahma in her hands who in turn rested her head on Jannah's torso, her thumb in her mouth. Jannah patted her back.
"What did you just call my daughter?" Daihaah asked staring at the woman in the eyes. The sleeves she rolled up earlier, unfolded so she rolled them beyond her wrist slightly again.
Her hand is itching to slap someone's daughter.
The woman looked back at Daihaah not intimidated the least, "Ugly. Thing" She repeated with no hint of fear in her tone.
She's one of those people that's not intimidated by people easily.
Daihaah chuckled humorlessly and right then Jannah knew that drama is about to unfold. And what did she do? The wicked girl chuckled and asked one of the people she recognize to please help her with popcorn. She didn't want to miss an ounce of the drama, otherwise she would've gotten it herself.
A couple of people stood to watch what's going to happen. Everyone knew not to mess with a pregnant woman so why did the woman do that? No one knows
Prince and Suhad walked in at the instant along with Sameer the truck head—according to Daihaah and two other men, plus Aneesah who had to be there because this is her project after all. Faruk went back to Katsina yesterday, he had work to do there so he left his wife in Abuja who will return the day afterwards.
Prince and Suhad didn't have to be there. However, Daihaah insisted on coming so Prince tagged along to keep an eye on his wife. Suhad however, tagged along to 'make sure everything goes accordingly'. Though, everyone knows that he's only there to see his wife. What else? He's the one guy that does not attend any sort of meetings unless he knows he'll be dismissed for neglect of action.
Prince might be a workaholic but he's more of the 'chill and enjoy life' type of guy. Maybe because he knows that with or without that work, he'll never run out of cash. But still, there's something about earning your own money that Suhad loves.
"What's going on here?" Suhad asked stopping in his tracks when he spotted Daihaah and the woman. Daihaah had this murderous look in her eyes that made him blink furiously.
Girl can be scary when she wants to be.
Prince sighed as if expecting something like this. "I don't know. But I know if I don't stop this my wife will kill someone's daughter" He shook his head as his eyes drifted to the people staring at the two. He didn't care about them though.
Since when did Prince ever care about other people before he does something?
He turned to Suhad who had a small grin on his face, clearly, he's enjoying the show, "Can you get Rahma please. I have to stop her"
Suhad nodded making Prince flash him a small smile of appreciation. He walked towards his wife who's rubbing her hands together preparing to slap some sense into the disrespectful woman standing in front of her.
"Baby, enough. Let's go" Prince said placing his hand on his wife's shoulder, trying to drag her away from the woman.
Daihaah shrugged his hands away, "Leave me please. Did you know what she did? She insulted my daughter! How dare she?!"
"Our daughter Daihaah. Our daughter" Prince chuckled.
Daihaah swiveled her head hastily to glare at her husband who's making fun of the situation.
This is not a laughing matter! She thought.
"She's not worth your time. Let's just go okay?"
"Excuse me?"
"Excuse you?" Daihaah and the woman said respectively.
The woman scoffed as she narrowed her eyes at Prince, "Mister, I do not—"
"I wasn't talking to you was I? Now shut up. Your presence is annoying me. And your voice too" Prince glared at the woman, the smile that was on his face earlier disappearing.
"Wawuuu" Jannah chuckled from behind them at the mortified look that took over the woman's face. This only made the poor woman angrier.
Daihaah was about to say something when Prince dragged her out. He wasn't there for any drama and he doesn't intend on letting his wife cause a scene there. She had caused enough already. If he wasn't there...he doesn't even want to think of that.
Suhad chuckled lightly shaking his head. He walked towards his wife and took Rahma out of her arms, which she gladly handed her over, his hand meeting hers as he slipped something into it.
"KawuAminu" Rahma joked pulling his cheeks. Though she's sick, the little didn't seem to ever miss a chance to tease her godfather.
Jannah smiled at the two just in time Suhad turned to her and smile back. Without another word more, he turned and followed the couple that walked out.
Jannah looked at her hand, her gaze falling on the paper he slides into her hand earlier. She rolled open the small paper.
I love you.
It said. Jannah could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks tainting it red, but she couldn't help it. Nor could she help the grin on her face.
"Let's go in while the others fix that problem yeah?"AddaAnee said as she walkedup to Jannah who looked up and nodded, the grin still plastered on her face.
The two made their way up to the elevator together with truck head following behind them.
Jannah waited for Fatimah back at her cubicle before the two walked to the meeting room together. Amongst all of the interns, only three were selected to join the meeting. She and AddaAnee went their separate ways once they stepped out of the elevator.
Fatimah was the first to step into the room, Jannah followed afterwards. That was around the same time the others walked in too, the ones working in ANNA's that is. The El Khabirs were all seated already along with Anna and her PA.
Fatimah and Jannah sat next to each other on the space that just happens to be next to the woman that insulted Rahma earlier. Jannah rolled her eyes when her eyes met hers and the woman. Daihaah and the others sat opposite them and fortunately for Jannah, she ended up opposite her husband. Prince couldn't let Daihaah alone so he sat next to her, while she has her eyes narrowed at the woman who ignored her.
The meeting started shortly afterwards.
"We're going to offer the designs of our best interns, since it's a result of their hard work that we were successful in the last showcase. Layla Waziri agreed to help with the new designs"
"Layla Waziri?" The woman from earlier muttered to herself, but a couple of them heard her because she wasn't exactly quiet about it.
It's safe to say that she's a huge fan of Layla Waziri, though she had never met her. No one in the fashion industry did. Layla still isn't keen on the idea on letting her face known to the world yet.
The thought of how shocked the woman will be when she sees Layla, who's an exact replica of Daihaah, made Jannah chuckle lightly.
E will shock her.
Besides, knowing how Layla and Daihaah are, the former might probably not pay any heed to the woman considering what she did to her twin sister.
"We don't need much designs, just enough to promote the brand" Aneesah said leaning forward. This whole thing is her idea, she had to participate in it more.
"That is why I have my best interns here. Their designs are what made the last showcase a design, of course, along with Jannah's modelling" Anna turned to Jannah who offered her a small smile. "It's a sad that it's just a onetime thing. She would've helped promote the brand more"
"And my makeup skills" Fatima pointed out making them chuckle.
"Of course" Said Anna, a grin on her face. It seemed the success on the recent showcase made her a lot less stern that she was before. Apparently, they are not her worst set of interns since they are about to seal a deal with El Khabir Corp for her. "However. Tatiana here submitted her designs and I think you will agree with me that they are the ones you need now" Anna said handing over a folder to Prince who collected it and flicked through the sketches.
Anna gestured to her PA who pressed a button on her laptop, and the sketches were displayed on the screen perched behind her.
Fatimah's eyes widen slightly while Jannah scoff.
Daihaah's brows furrowed when one of the designs reminded her of something, or more like a time.
"Matar Aamir, you look fine in wrapper" Jannah chuckled watching her best friend who sat opposite her sipping her Earl Grey tea. A habit of Prince which eventually rubbed on her.
Daihaah kept the mug and shook her eyes, her eyes rolling, "I hate these things" she said as she looked down at the six-piece wrapper Ummi forced her to start wearing. Later, she and Prince are having dinner over at Mami's place so she wore it. She didn't want to wear it since Ummi won't be there but Aamir of course is having none of it.
He wanted to see the traditional side of his wife so he forced her to wear it.
Jannah placed her hand in her bag and pulled out her sketchpad, "Daman kuwa I've started sketching something, let me make it like this but a more beautiful version" She said as she stared at the outfit.
It's simple but beautiful.
However, she was sure that with a couple of adjustments, it will look even more beautiful.
"If you make it then you have to make it for me"
Jannah shook her head as she laughed lowly, "I thought you don't like wrappers?" she looked up from her sketch just in time Daihaah rolled her eyes, again.
"With a mother like Ummi and a husband like Prince, I need a lot of them"
That was the day Daihaah finally got Jannah to visit her after the whole Aamir's birthday fiasco.
"And you designed that?" Daihaah asked, turning to look at the woman who offered her a fake wide sweet smile.
"Of course, I'm talented aren't I?" The woman that Anna addressed as Tatiana said crossing her legs as she rested her hands on the table.
Fatimah shook her head and fisted her fists when a couple of designs she clearly recognized as hers were displayed as Tatiana's. Jannah noticed this, and so, placed her hand over Fatimah's to calm her down slightly though internally, she's full of rage. She hid it away though with a smile on her face that fooled them all, except Daihaah who had the same look on her face.
That instant, one could see the resemblance between the two. Maybe because they have the same creepy smiles.
That instant, Jannah phone vibrated indicating that a message came through. She picked it up and swiped the screen seeing that the message is from Suhad.
'What's up with you two?' it said.
'Nothing' She typed back and looked up to see him look down at his phone.
'Nothing always means it's something. Spill Jay' Jannah shook her head when she read the message he sent. She doesn't plan on telling him anything though.
"They look a bit too local, we want something modern" Daihaah said making the smile that was on the woman's face, fall while Jannah and Suhad are busy chatting to notice what's going on.
"These sort of designs was the best in the showcase"
"Yeah and were those yours or did you copy the designer's idea since it's the best?" Daihaah prodded with one brow raised.
Prince sighed and shook his head, He could tell that she's trying to get back at the woman for what she did. "Aneesah, what do you think?" He asked AddaAnee instead because he knows if it's up to Daihaah then they'll leave the place with no deals made.
It wasn't that she wanted Jannah's designs to be picked because she's her best friend. She would support whoever's designs were picked as long as they deserve it. Anyone except Tatiana. She's not being unprofessional; it's clear the designs do not belong to her.
"They are actually really good. We'll go with these. Unless you have more that is?"
Anna looked at Fatimah and Jannah, "Fatimah? Jannah? Is there any new designs you want to show us?"
Fatimah shook her head making Anna turn to Jannah who wasn't paying attention. "Jannah?" She called again but the girl is so engrossed in her chat with her husband that she had lost track of what's going on. "Jannah!"
"Yeah?" Jannah looked up as she blinked furiously.
"I asked if—"
"No. Let's go with Tatiana's designs" She said before Anna could finish repeating the questions again. She didn't know how but she somehow hoped that that's what they are talking about.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I am"
"Okay then" Anna turned to Suhad whom started talking about some statistics Jannah didn't understand. She'll leave these statistics to them, she's good with her sketches. Math is not her thing.
The meeting finished soon afterwards. They signed the deal successfully withTatiana's designs and the girl couldn't stop grinning. She knew that without a doubt, she'll get money. Lots of them.
"I'll just use the restroom really quick" Fatimah said once they stepped foot outside the meeting room.
Jannah nodded as the girl walked away while she and Daihaah stood there and talked about what just happened since the men are not out yet. With the anger they buried in them, the two deserve an award because it took everything in them not to go and beat the hell out of the girl.
"Did you hear that?" Daihaah asked making Jannah's brows furrow.
"Hear what?"
"Come" Daihaah said as she took her best friend's hands and dragged her in the direction of the sound she heard. She pulled her in the direction of the rest room and sure enough, the sound of yelling slowly became louder and more apparent.
They pushed the female restroom door open and behold, Fatimah and Tatiana stood amidst, fighting. Fatimah had Tatiana's hair in a firm grip while Tatiana's pulling Fatimah's cap off her head. Colorful profanities kept jumping out of their mouths
The two quickly went and separate them but still, that didn't stop the yells.
"You better take her away before I destroy that ugly face of hers!" Tatiana yelled as she tried to make her way back to Fatimah's who's held back by Daihaah. Jannah stood in front of Tatiana but with her back facing her. "Dumb bitch!" Tatiana yelled again.
Jannah turned and made her way towards Tatiana who stood with a smug look on her face. "Oh sorry, I forgot that there are three dumb bitches here. Honey, I was talking to bitch number two, you're number three. The pregnant one is number one"
Jannah didn't waste a time before she raised her hand up and slapped Tatiana right across the face, "That is for stealing my designs" Another slap followed, "That is for fighting my sister in law" and then another slap, "That is for my goddaughter" Jannah's body was shaking with rage at the moment as she pointed her index finger at Tatiana, "I've tried to tolerate your attitude but you're making it so damn hard"
Tatiana scoffed with one hand over her cheek. She turned to look at Jannah with fury in her eyes and just as she was about to start fighting with her, Daihaah yanked her towards her and slapped her, hard, "That is for my daughter!"
And well, that was when hell broke loose. Three angry women against one.
Oh yeah, and to the people telling Daihaah to give birth already. Hello? She's only like four months along. The remaining five months nko? She'll leave it for who? She's due in July remember?
That's pretty much it.
Love, Jannah.
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