"I'm here to speak to my father" Suhad announced even before he was within ten feet with the guards guarding his father's chambers. He wasn't in the mood to joke with them or for them to delay his meet up with his own father.

Any day but today.

"Mai Martaba asked to be alone today" One of the fadawa said curtly. He wanted to avoid the piercing gaze of the crown Prince because he knew he wasn't in the mood to play. But, he had to follow the orders he was given. "You cannot get in. I'm sorry your highness"

"Thought you'd say that" Suhad muttered and even before he reached where they stood, some of his own guards came out and pushed the King's guards aside.

It wasn't that the king doesn't have good guards, he does. It's just that based on their father's nature, he preferred having a small number of guards guarding his chambers so it was easy for Suhad to have his own guards overthrow them.

Then again, the King's guards will not go down without a fight. So, as they were held back, they fought in the other guards' hold, "How can you betray your own King?" One of them asked angrily.

They were causing a loud commotion that the people from outside could hear them considering there was about ten guards pushing back five guards. They were simply outnumbered.

"They only follow my orders. No one else's. Neither the King nor the Queen" Suhad replied just in time one of his guards opened the door for him before closing it shut once he was in. The door closed along with the commotion. Nothing is heard in the King's chambers.

Suhad exhaled lowly before he made his way to the door of his father's room. He knocked on the door and waited for his father's permission. He knew his father will never stop any of his children from seeing him. Whatever he guards said wasn't from the king but rather from Queen Saeemah. The fact of Suhad only being allowed to see his father twice or at most thrice a year was initiated by Queen Saeemah as she believed that the less Suhad is to his father, the better.

"Come in" His father, the King's voice came.

Suhad inhaled sharply. It's now or never, he thought.

He held the doorknob and twisted it before stepping in to his anther's room. Everything is pretty much in the same position it had always been. Mai Martaba, his father, seated on one of the couches in his study room-which is part of his room, sipping something from a mug whilst reading a newspaper.

He raised his head up and smiled when he saw Suhad, "Masha Allah! Today my son is here to see me. I see you're not busy anymore huh?" His father teased making him smile and look down.

Another one of Mamita's doing. Of course she never tells her husband that she's the one stopping the Prince from seeing his father. Instead, she tells the King that the Prince is too busy with work. That he needs to keep the family businesses running though the El Khabirs are pretty much helping in that aspect.

"Ina kwana Mai Martaba" Suhad greeted as he squatted down.

"Lafiya qalau. How are you? When did you come back?"

"I'm fine. I came back yesterday along with Mamita and Fatima" he replied as he sat down on the carpet.

Mai Martaba nodded, "Ango kenan! So you didn't even tell me that you wanted to marry the daughter of that minister. Instead, you went to your mother. Ko dai kunya na kakeji?" the old man teased again making Suhad look down and rub the nape of his neck.

He cleared his throat trying to hide the embarrassment, amusement and anger. He couldn't hide the fact that the thought of marrying Bilkisu makes him want to throw up. He still likes the girl, she wasn't a bad person, and he respects her for that but the one he loves is Jannah. However, his mother had already informed everyone in his family of his marriage with Bilkisu. "Actually Mai Martaba, I want to talk to you about that"

Mai Martaba placed the mug aside. He then closed the newspaper in his hand, "What? Are you going to ask me to move the wedding as soon as possible? You can't even wait for the two weeks for come" he chuckled as he placed the newspaper aside.

Suhad chuckled out of bashfulness and a little bit of embarrassment, "No. That's not it"

"Then what is it?"

Suhad looked up. He inhaled sharply, he knew it was no or never, "Actually..."

"Kar kace min dai da gaske kunya kakeji?" Mai Martaba laughed when he saw Suhad look down, "Just say it"

"It's that I want to marry someone else" Suhad said all trace of lark disappearing from his face. Though internally, he's worried what his father's decision will be, he was still hoping the old man will agree considering he will do anything for that to happen.

He's human too. He should be allowed to make decisions for himself.

Suhad watched as all trace of joke disappears from his father's face and was replaced with a stern look, "So you don't want to marry Bilkisu?" his father asked, his voice stern and his gaze unwavering.

Suhad sighed, "No. That's not what I meant. I'll still marry Bilkisu but I want to marry this girl first. As soon as possible Mai Martaba"

"Who is she?"

"She's the second daughter of Late Alhaji Maikano" Suhad replied without a second thought. He knew his father and her father had a cordial relationship so he was hoping that will be enough to convince his dad.

Mai Martaba sighed, "May his soul rest in peace. Allah jikan shi. Allah sa aljanna ne makomarshi"


Suhad kept quiet afterward as he waited for Mai Martaba to say something, anything, but he didn't. At a point Suhad thought of what he'd do if his father doesn't agree. Surely, he'd had to find another way. Mai Martaba looked like he was in deep thought, and Suhad didn't know if he should be scared by that or at ease."When do you want it to take place?" Mai Martaba finally spoke after Suhad had lost all hope.

Suhad immediately looked up, a ghost smile on his face, "As soon as possible"

"How soon?"

"By Friday"

Mai Martaba hummed as he used his hand to wipe the invisible sweat on his face, "Did you speak to her uncle about it?"

Suhad nodded as he interlaced his fingers, "Yes. Both of them had agreed" Last night, Kamal called and told Suhad the good news though Suhad could tell that there was something that was bothering Kamal, he didn't push him to tell him though.

His father hummed again and nodded before settling his piercing gaze on his son, "Alamin you're trying to marry two wives. So many responsibilities will lie on your shoulder. Are you sure you can do it? It's not easy"

Suhad sighed as he exhaled slowly. He then inhaled and looked at his father. With a determine look on his face he nodded, "I know Baba, I'll try my possible best in shaa Allah to treat them equally"

"Friday is two days from now. I suppose you have your bridal gifts ready already?"

"Yes. Didi and some people will take it with them tomorrow to her uncle's house"

"Don't make it too many people. Ko dake I'll call Maleeka, the family is mourning we can't do and create ruckus there" His father said more like to himself as a reminder, "Daman I want to go to give my condolences tomorrow. I might as well stay and get my son married there" the old man said offering his son a small smile.

Suhad reciprocated the smile, "Thank you Mai martaba"

"You can go. I know you want to share the good news with others. But, do inform Bilkisu of this. I'll inform her father"

"In shaa Allah I will" Suhad said before he stood up. He started walking towards the door, and just as he held the handle, he was stopped when his father called his name,


"Na'am" he answered.

"I'm proud of you" Mai martaba said making Suhad grin before he walked out.

Mai martaba sighed and massaged his temples. He meant what he said. The boy didn't need to tell him. In a way, the old man knows more than the boy knows since he had known about Maikano's will even before anyone does. He just wanted to see how Suhad will handle the situation considering the fact that he has to marry Bilkisu too.

Alhaji Maikano left the will to Mai Martaba too just in case he couldn't leave the other one. The late man had told Mai Martaba pretty much everything he needed to know about his daughter so he understood the urgency of Suhad to get the wedding done quickly.

He also knows that Suhad's mother is behind his wedding scheme with Bilkisu, the old man just lets her off the hook not wanting to start a ruckus with his first wife.

And for Suhad to be able to stand up for himself in a way that he doesn't go against her wish but then also doesn't deprive himself of his own happiness made Mai Martaba believe that, Suhad is a King indeed.

And he is proud of that King.


A slap landed on Suhad's face just as Mamita stood up hastily. Suhad didn't say anything as he looked up and rested his gaze on his mother that's seething-her shoulders raising and falling.

He kept his gaze emotionless, "I need your blessing because I'm going back to Abuja tomorrow along with Mai Martaba" he said monotonously.

Another slap landed on his face from a furious Mamita.

She glared at him, her eyes narrowed in a way that some feared they'll ache, "How dare you go to your father with this matter? How dare you do this?!" she yelled making some of the people there flinch but not Suhad.

"He has every right to meet his father Saeemah" Said a voice making everyone whip their head towards the entrance to see a woman walk in.

"Everyone leave!" Said the woman as she stopped just a few steps away from the door. Everyone in the room except the two scrambled out leaving them three. The old woman walked forward towards the duo and only stopped once she reached where Suhad is. She raised her head and looked at the boy. Raising her hand up, she lightly caressed the placed his mother slap him before glaring at Mamita who looked away. "He might be your son but you do know that I won't stand anyone raising his or her hand on him right? Not even you" she stated harshly still glaring at Mamita.

When Mamita didn't say anything, she smiled at Suhad, "You both should sit down first" she said as she made her way to one of the couches and sit down. "Come and sit beside me Ango" she said making Suhad sit beside where she sat down but on the carpet while she was on the chair.

Mamita sat on the carpet too but beside the couch opposite the one the woman sat on.

"Now, Saeemah what is your reason for raising you hand on the crowned Prince?" she asked after a while of silence.

Mamita raised her head up and glared at her son, "He wants to marry some girl other than Bilkisu"

The woman stared at her with an indifferent expression, "And so? What's wrong with that?"

"H e didn't even tell me about it! He went to his father directly"

The old woman crossed her legs, one over the other, "If he had told you will you let him see his father?"

"Of course not"

The woman hummed, "Why?"

"I have my reasons" Mamita said through gritted teeth as her eyes narrowed at the old woman.

"That is not reason enough" The old woman said shaking her head, "You are his mother, and he is your son not a puppet you can control. Suhad will marry the girl he wants, do you hear me?"


The old woman cut her midway, "Do you take me as a mother Saeemah? Forget the fact that I'm the King's mother and your mother in law but do you take me as a mother?"

"Of course"

"Then you'll let your son marry the woman he wants, it's an order from a mother. Idan kuwa baki bi Magana na a matsayin mahaifiyar ki ba then keep in mind Suhad has no reason to follow your order too" Suhad's grandmother said making the room go dead silent as Suhad waited to hear his mother's answer.

It's times like this that he's happy his grandmother is alive and that the old woman loves him more than anyone. She always has the perfect timing and always stands up for him no matter who is up against him.

"Well?" the old woman propped for Mamita's answer.

When Mamita looked away, she got the answer she wanted. She then turned to Suhad, "Allah bade zaman haquri. I can't wait to meet my new kishiya"

"Thank you Kaka" he smiled whilst looking at his grandmother, "You'll like her a lot"

"Oh really now?" Kaka laughed when the crowned Prince nodded, "Your friend, Prince said the same thing"

"You like Daihaah"

"Of course I do. The girl is a spitball of fire. Queen Dowager told me she's a Tasmanian devil and I can't agree more" this made Suhad laugh. Aamir told him of Queen Dowager and Daihaah's first meet up and it's safe to say he still found their encounter hilarious.

He nodded, "Well she's her best friend"

"Ah masha Allah! Best friends are marrying best friends" they two laughed, "Then-" they were caught off by the sound of the door being banged shut as Mamita stepped out and left the two alone since they'd ignored her existence.

Suhad sighed as he looked at the closed door but looked up when a hand was placed on his shoulder, "Don't worry. She'll come around"

"I hope she does"

"Don't worry about that. For now, it's decided. You're going to be a groom in two days!"


I finally finished editing 99 DAYS! I even added an extra scene that wasn't there before!

Anyways, the book is currently up on Okadabooks! Don't forget to check it out please. If you know anyone who wants to read the book, let them know that it's available on the app and website please!

Suhad and Jannah are getting married, celebrate tonight my people! Though he's still getting married to Bilkisu. Hmm...e will shock you o! What will happen go shock you. I think I'll name the name the chapter "E SHOCK YOU?" lol...but seriously.

Love, Jannah.

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