Sarah whom sat in a heavily tinted car just across the Maikano mansion pulled out her phone and dialed big boss's number. She waited for a while for him to pick up the phone and when he did, she brought the phone up to her ear and spoke, "It's me" she said.
She heard shuffling from the other end of the line, and then silence followed afterwards.
Her brows furrowed in confusion. Why wasn't he answering? "Hey..."
"I'm here" his gruff voice came out strained as though he's struggling to talk. She had never heard him like this before, so it scared her.
As much as she tries not to care for the man, she did, a lot. Even though she knew that is a bad idea, she still didn't think about that, especially knowing his after. "Are you okay?" she asked, making the mistake of letting the emotion of her worrying about him become distinct in her tone. She somehow thought it will help him.
"That's none of your problem!" he rebuked.
Perhaps, she was wrong. It wasn't going to soothe him. When had it ever?
She inhaled sharply as her passive façade came back to her face masking away all that emotions as if it wasn't there to begin with. "I'm in front of Jannah's house. Daihaah's not here yet but I have a feeling she will be, she stayed here yesterday till after Isha" she went ahead and gave him the information as she was told to do.
Silence came from the other side again before a low cackle was heard, "You did good with the parents" he said.
It was as if his words had set something on in Sarah as the minute he said those words her thoughts wandered off to the day before and all that happened.
Sarah all dressed up in the nurses' outfit had a surgical mask covering the lower half her face. She scribbled something down on the notepad in her hand as she stood in front of the receptionist.
"Are you new here?" The receptionist asked Sarah politely as she had never seen her there. And she would know because she's the biggest gossipmonger in the hospital.
Sarah fixed the big round glasses that covered her eyes and refused the look up. She pretended to not have heard the nosy receptionist and scribbled something down on the notepad again to seem busy.
"Um...hey?" the receptionist called out again, and just like the other time, Sarah ignored her making the receptionist mutter, "Rude..." under her breath.
Just as she's said that, Sarah noticed someone walk in from her peripheral view. Raising her head up she walked over to an old woman walking alone slowly into the hospital and helped her only to get a close view of Jannah whom walked into the premises.
With her gaze on Jannah alone, she watched as Jannah walked to her father's hospital room. Sarah tucked a strand of the raven wig she had on behind her ear and smiled at the old woman that she just helped before walking away in the direction of the hospital's mosque.
She spotted Mama walking out of the mosque and kept her head down still walking in the woman's direction. 'Accidentally' which wasn't an accident by the way, she bumped into Mama who looked up to see the young 'nurse'.
"I'm so sorry Ma'am" Sarah quickly apologized raising her head up to look at the woman.
Mama smiled, "It is okay child"
Sarah returned back the smiled before her eyes widened slightly, "You're Mrs. Maikano right?" she asked as if she was unsure of the fact.
Mama nodded, a look of worry suddenly etched on her face, "Yes I am. Did something happen to my husband?" she asked making Sarah shake her head.
"No Ma'am. I just saw your daughter walk in. I thought she was looking for you but then I saw her go into your husband's room"
"Which daughter?" Mama's voice suddenly sounded cold.
Sarah pretended to think before like a light bulb lit up in her head, she smiled slightly, "Jannah I believe her name is"
Sarah watched with lips slightly tilted up into a smirk as Mama's eyes blaze with fury, "Excuse me" she muttered side stepping Sarah and all but ran into the hospital.
Sarah's lips turned into full blown smirk as she pushed the wig over her shoulder whilst clicking the pen in her hand on the notepad. Chuckling slightly she muttered, 'This should be fun' she followed closely behind Mama and stayed by the corner watching everything that happened in the room. Bringing her phone out, she shot everything that happened and sent it to Big Boss.
Soon enough as Baba fell on the bed, a certain amount of doctors rushed past her and sneakily she joined them too in running to the room.
"You should please stay out while the doctor's tend to the patient" Sarah said and with the help of two other nurses they started to push the three out of the room.
Mama yelled out her reply and any person could tell from her tone that she knew her husband wouldn't survive this, but she didn't want to believe it.
"We know Ma'am but please let the doctors do their job" Sarah replied again. Maybe it was because there was an emergency in hand that's why the nurses didn't notice that she was a fake one, however, she escaped with that.
Her lips turned into a small frown when she saw that Mr. Maikano died. That wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to create drama, yes but not death. Surely Big Boss will be happy but still.
Nevertheless, she somehow managed to sneak out of the hospital room and ran to the parking lot where she parked her car and got in. She rested her head on the steering wheel as she exhaled in and out slowly. She had done a lot of terrible things but killing wasn't one of it. She had never thought she's be able to do it and although she didn't exactly kill him, but in a way it was her fault.
Exhaling nervously, she revved the car to life and drove out of the parking lot through the back so to avoid crowd of people, she wasn't in her right mind at the moment. And because of that, and as a result of over-speeding, she didn't notice Mama on the street and when she did it was too late, she had already ran into her.
A small scream escaped her lips as she stopped amidst of the street. Peeping at the rearview mirror she saw Jannah scream and ran towards her mother's limp body. Sarah didn't need anyone to tell her that by the way blood was gushing out of Mama's head she was dead.
She placed her hand over her mouth to cover up the small shout that escaped her lips. With eyes wide, breathings coming out hard and her heart thumping against her ribcage, she turned her head and unfortunately for her, she made eye contact with Kamal who stared at her with anger in his eyes. The look in his eyes morphed into confusion and as if he just realized something, it turned to realization.
Out of fear of being caught, Sarah hit the brakes and drove away as fast as she could. All through the drive she couldn't believe that just happened.
She just killed two people!
"You remember what I'd always taught you right?" Big Boss's voice came snapping her back to reality.
"Yes" she replied but with the silence that follows she knew he wanted her say it again, "No one touches one of us and lives. Only we have that privilege" she replied.
"Good girl" he said, "Now continue what you're doing and inform me the minute Daihaah arrives there"
About five men sat on a circle mahogany table which was covered with liquor and tumblers beside it. Each man had a different resemblance from the others. One they had in common though was that each of them looked like a person you wouldn't want to mess with.
Big boss stood by the window a few feet away from them as the men argued. He wasn't looking at them but rather, staring outside. He was well aware of everything they were saying though, he just didn't feel like interfering yet though they were annoying him to the core with their complaints.
"This is bad! This is messed up!" One of the man exclaimed, his Italian accent distinct. His long hair was tied into a man low ponytail as a tattoo ran from his neck disappearing under his shirt. "Big Boss, I'm withdrawing my investment in this business" he declared looking furious.
Another one of the men huffed, "And why would you do that?" he asked, anger lacing his tone.
"Because he is going down and if I don't get out, he'll us me down with him. He'll take all of us down!" the man exclaimed his point as he filled up his tumbler with the liquor.
"Remind me again why you just won't stay in America for the time being?" Another man asked, seemingly the youngest amongst them. He looked like the guy you'd pass for a model amongst them as he had no tattoo, long hair, and crooked nose whatsoever. He also seemed the only calm one beside Big Boss while the others were seething. But, that only made him deadlier than the others, big boss included. You'd rather cross path with Big Boss than him.
"Because the damn CIA is after him. The minute he steps foot in America, he'll be arrested, or worse, terminated" The man that looked like the oldest amongst them said. This man had grey hair covering up his face entirely with wrinkles on his face. He reached his hand out and removed the tobacco cigarette that was between his lips and exhaled. The smoke coming out and disappearing in thick air.
"And why is that?" the young man asked.
"Benjamin Fedriko" Replied the first man that spoke. He gritted his teeth together and his jaw clenched, "the CIA caught his illegal business there and when interrogated they figured out that Big Boss is his major supplier of cocaine. Now, he's being hunted by them which put all of us in danger"
The youngest placed his hands on the table pushing away his untouched liquor. Resting his gaze on Big Boss's back that was facing him, he spoke, "How could you let this happen? When did you become so careless?"
"Since his ex wife had that soldier on his back that's when" Grumbled the old man.
The young man ignored him, "Wasn't it about your daughter? You have other children why are you so focused on them alone? And besides, what's up with you hunting some girl?"
Big Boss stared at the vast land surrounding his villa there as the house was amidst of a forest, "She isn't just some girl. She's the one weapon I have left"
"Don't tell me she's also your daughter" Said the first Italian guy.
"I wouldn't be surprised if she is" the old man muttered bringing back the tobacco to his lips, "Or maybe he likes the young girl" he added suggestively.
Big Boss mentally shuddered, "Not everyone's like you" he said to the old man as he finally turned to look at them, "And whether she is my daughter or not, that's not anyone of your concern. As of right now I need your help to get the police off my back" he turned to the young guy, "you have connections everywhere, do something"
The young man raised a brow amusedly, "I don't take orders from you. I'm not one of your puppets" he stated and though he sounds like he's joking, they all know that he's anything but joking.
He doesn't joke.
"And I also won't involve myself with something that's about to kick the bucket. But before that happens, I can't afford to lose so much because of you. So, you either figure this out or I'll wipe out your whole family, and that includes the ex wife and the twins. And who knows? I might just include this girl you're suddenly interested in" he added, his voice sounding stern and cold.
Big Boss stared at the boy and huffed, "I dare you to do that. I'm already losing everything so I have nothing to lose" he said maintain eye contact with the boy that refuses to back down, "And I'd die first before I let you touch anyone from my family"
The guy smirked as he leaned back on his seat fixing his suit, "that can be arranged" everyone could detect the threat in his words.
"Enough of the threats, you're running out of time" the first guy said staring at Big Boss, "You better figure this out as soon as possible or else I'm done"
"Don't worry. I will"
It's been a while I know.
The number of comments kept dropping and so does my motivation to write again. I don't know when the next update will be if the comments number drops again.
And general announcement, for those who wants to read 99 days my prince again, or continue reading it, or you know anyone who wants to read it, the edited version will up on Okada book by the end of this month In shaa Allah under the title 99 DAYS. So, check it then.
Love, Jannah.
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