Kamal closed the door to Jannah's room behind him as he got in. He made sure to close it softly though he knew there's hardly anything that will wake up her at the moment. She's knocked out completely due to the pills she took that would've done serious damage in her body had the doctor not been called immediately.

He made his way over to her bed and sat on the chair beside it which Daihaah must've occupied earlier seeing as it wasn't there originally. He closed his eyes at the sight of her slightly purple lips and the dark bags under her eyes. Her skin was pale and if it wasn't that the doctor told him that it was the side effects of the drug she took he would've worried or better still, freaked out.

He took her hand that was attached to a drip and held it in his hand. Using his other hand he pushed away the strand of hair that fell on her face back. Looking around, he spotted a beanie of hers and so he reached out and took it before placing it on her head after raising it slightly so that it will fit in.

A new wave of sadness washed over him as he felt like everything that's happening to her is his fault.

If only he was more careful this wouldn't have happened!

He promised to take care of her. And he let this happened.

"I'm sorry Jannah" he said covering her hand with his other hand enclosing the hand in both of his, "I really hope that Suhad is the answer to all of your problems. You don't deserve this" he muttered placing his head on the side of the bed.


As Suhad walked out of Jannah's home and into the backseat of his car, he asked the driver to drive off and as the car started moving down the parking lot and out of the house all he could think of was the letter left by Alhaji Maikano which Kamal's father gave him.

Dear Alamin,

I am not writing this to you as a merchant to a Prince but rather as a father about to give his daughter's hand out in marriage.

Suhad used his hand to massage his temples as the man's words played in his head as if it was on repeat.

"Where to Sir?" the driver asked so as to know where to take the Prince.

"Just take me home" Suhad replied dismissively as he leaned on his hands that he placed on his thighs burying his face in between his palms.

Some people say that when you're about to die, you can feel it. I don't know if that's the reason why I'm writing this or maybe it's because I'm being an overly dramatic old man but whatever the case may be, I do hope this letter gets to you.

When you came to me earlier to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage, I was happy beyond words. I was happy as a father because I don't think there's a father that won't be happy to hear someone's asking for his daughter's hand in marriage.

You don't know how long I've been waiting for the right man to ask my daughter's hand in marriage and finally you came.

Suhad raised his head up and opened his eyes. Turning his head to the side he looked at the busy streets of Abuja as the driver drove to his home that wasn't that far from Jannah's home. It was just about a forty minute drive that he knew would pass in a blink of an eye seeing how his mind just kept drifting back to the letter.

I'd be lying if I say I wasn't happy that you will be the one to marry my daughter. I'm not saying this because I know you're rich and that you can take care of her but because being in business with you has shown me the type of man you really are. You are a person that cares about the people you love and will always be there for them and that is the type of husband I want for my daughter.

My daughter can and will be difficult to understand, especially after the news of my demise. Again, I'm not saying this as if I have a feeling I might die tomorrow or anything but I can't help but feel like I won't be able to attend her wedding.

Suhad's phone that was in his pocket pinged indicating that a message had come through for the nth time that night-he fished the phone out of his pocket and swiped the screen, repeating the same action again as he found the messaging app. He sighed preparing to close the app thinking it was yet another message from his mother that he had been ignoring but Fatimah's message showed at the top and so, he released a small sigh of relief before he clicked on it.

Are you coming back home?


Yeah. I'm on my way.


He slipped the phone back in the pocket of his shirt and leaned his head on his palm. Mamita had been disturbing him to return home since the minute he and Prince had left to Jannah's house. It's like the woman has no remorse for the deceased family. Even Didi promised to visit Jannah's family the next day but Mamita was adamant on not going anywhere. He sighed again as the other part of the letter replaying in his head.

There are so many things about her that you need to know but it's not in my place to tell you so I'm just telling you to be patient with her please. I know it won't be easy but try and understand her. The girl has been through so much. I know, we both know actually, that she's only pretending to be okay and I'm scared of what she might do to herself with that mindset.

What I mean is that she needs someone to confide in. She held so much in her that it might just be harmful to her. I hope you can find a way to get her to open up to you. Like I said before, it won't be easy but please be patient with her. Keep in mind; it's not something that will happen overnight.

From now, there's so much that you two are going to face before you can finally be happy, and I'm pleading with you that you two stay together, only then can you get through them all. You both need each other. You are like the missing puzzle in her life and same thing applies to you.

Suhad didn't realize how long he had been thinking of the letter but when the car finally stopped, he realized that they had arrived in his home. He must've been thinking of the words over and over again that he lost track of time.

He thanked the driver and hopped out of the car shutting the door behind him not leaving the guards to do it for him. He headed into the house that was quiet as he, Fatimah and a few maids are probably the only few ones awake, or so he thought.

Because when he stepped into the living room he met with the sight of his mother sitting on one of the numerous Maharaja sofas couches in the living room tapping her foot impatiently on the floor. Fatimah sat on the Italian carpet spread on the marble floor looking nervous while Didi sat on another couch opposite Mamita with a nonchalant look on her face. And lastly, Bilkisu sat beside Fatimah with an expressionless look on her face.

What she's doing there that late he doesn't know.

At the sound of the door closing they all raised their head up and their gazes fell on Suhad whom maintained an emotionless façade though deep down he's tired. All he wanted was to be alone so he can enjoy the peace and think of what his next plan will be but apparently Mamita doesn't plan on letting him have that based by the look on her face.

"Bhai..." Fatimah was the first to speak up as she stood up and ran to her brother only stopping in front of him. She looked up at him as he turned his full attention to his sister, "How is she?" she asked. She didn't need to mention name, they both knew whom she was talking about.

Suhad sighed closing his eyes momentarily before opening them again, "Not good. With the way she is right now I highly doubt she'll get any better soon" he replied honestly.

Fatimah clenched her eyes shut before opening them again, "Can I visit her tomorrow? Maybe I can help"

"Absolutely not!" Mamita cut in before Suhad can reply. Mamita shifted her cold gaze to her son and her eyes narrowed, "And you are never going back there again" she said sternly, her voice dripping with anger but somehow she managed to reign it all in.

Suhad sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, "Mamita not this again please" he replied calmly. He didn't have the energy in his to receive insults or argue with her.

"We're going back to Gombe tomorrow" She replied her eyes narrowed at him again as if waiting for him to oppose.

"Ok" Suhad replied calmly once again. He was planning on leaving tomorrow either ways.

Mamita looked taken aback for a moment but she quickly recovered as she blinked, "And you better not think of seeing that girl again"

"What has she ever done to you?" Didi chimed in for the first time. She usually doesn't get in between the mother and son but in moments like this she does it just to annoy Mamita.

Mamita ignored her, "Am I clear?" she asked Suhad, her gaze still squarely on him.

Suhad looked down for a while before looking up, his lips set into a straight line, "I'm sorry Mamita I can't do that" he didn't wait for her to say anything again as he made his way upstairs leaving them all downstairs. Fatimah followed after him and knowing that he needed space she went to her room too.

Bilkisu looked at the time on her phone before looking up, "I have to leave now Mamita, it's getting late" she said offering the woman a small smile as she stood up.

Mamita nodded, "I'm sorry about him" she replied her gaze moving to the stairs for a minute before settling back on the girl.

"No. It's okay wallahi. I sort of understand what he's going through" she waved it off. From the look on Mamita's face she knew the woman wanted to ask her more questions but decided against it. She was thankful for that though, she didn't think she has the answers to those questions. She turned to Didi, "Goodnight Didi, I'm leaving now"

"Allah kiyaye hanya" Didi replied offering the girl a small smile. Though she doesn't ship her with Suhad she still liked the girl slightly. The girl wasn't a bad person at the same time.

After saying farewell to Mamita one last time, the girl left leaving the two co-wives alone. Mamita waited till she heard the sound of Bilkisu's car leaving the place before she turned to Maleeka whom sat looking up at Saema, none of them willing to look away.

"You know I'd really appreciate it if you don't poke that nosy nose of yours in matters concerning me and my children because I don't get involved in your matters" Mamita said making Maleeka huff and roll her eyes.

"Whatever it is I said was nothing but the truth, and we both know it"

"Yeah well your 'truth' is drifting my son away from me" Mamita retorted. She inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly before she stood up, "Stop trying to push my son away from me, it won't work" she said throwing Didi one last look before turning around.

Didi snickered making Mamita stop in her track and turn around. Didi pinched the bridge of her nose as she looked up, her gaze squarely on Mamita, "You know what Saeema? If anyone's pushing your son away from you is you yourself. With the way you're treating him, it's only a matter of time before you lose the son you flaunt with. And before you say no one told you about it I'm just giving you a heads up because one day Suhad will no longer be here for you to try and control. Keep that in mind"

Meanwhile, Suhad in his room pulled out his phone and called his assistant from work while still thinking of the last bit of letter left by Alhaji Maikano.

Please just do me a favor and marry her within one week. I don't think I can imagine what she's going to do if she exceeds that limit. A few days are too much for her to handle and I'm sure my wife won't make it any easier on her. She'll blame her for everything and she too will blame herself. It's up to you to help her not think of herself that way.

I know I'm asking for too much but the girl is an amanah to me. All our children are. But I'd like to rest in peace knowing that my daughter is in good hands. Please don't ever get tired of her to the extent that you'll want to give up on her. Just do this for this old man so that I can rest in peace.

I leave her in your hands now. Take care of her please. I'm trusting you with that.


Mahmoud Maikano.

"Hello Sir" his assistant's voice came after the third ring making Suhad sigh realizing that his mind had drifted back to the letter again.

"Hello. I want you to do something for me" Suhad said into the phone as he made his way to the balcony. Standing by the rail as he gazed at the renowned city of Abuja, the chilly air caresses his skin every now and then.

"What is it Sir?"

"Book me the earliest flight to Gombe you can get tomorrow. And those items I had ordered have them delivered to my home before I reach there" he said after inhaling the fresh air wafting in sync with the heavenly bakhoor his room reek of. Definitely the work of Jakadiya.

"Alright Sir. I'll get right on it"

"Good" Suhad ended the call as he placed the phone back in his pocket and just stood there for some minutes enjoying the scenery.

He knew what his decision was going to be.


"And that is why I called for you. I figured though that is what your father requested, he would want you to make a decision too regarding this" Kamal's father explained to Jannah the next day after she had woken up. He sent Kamal to fetch her seeing that it's an important matter that needed to be addressed with her before they can make any further action. "You know everything he or I do is in your favor only. Your decision is the only thing that matter"

Jannah despite being emotionally deranged snickered. Her head that was hung low rose up. She chuckled humorlessly as she raised a brow, her gaze falling on her uncle whom looked at her with 'fatherly concern', "Really?" She asked lowly though gaining both men's attention, "Are you that shameless?" she asked, her voice calm and her tone loud enough for both he and Kamal to hear her.

Both their eyes widen at her use of words instantly. That was definitely not what they were expecting from her. Confusion, yes, but not openly affronting the old man for no reason.

Kamal looked at his father in confusion then at her with furrowed brows, "Jannah..." he said as if asking what the hell is wrong with her.

Jannah ignored him and kept her gaze on her 'uncle'.

Kamal's father looked at her in confusion, "What are you talking about Jannah?" he asked as he looked taken aback. The old man whom had grey hair littering his brows raised one of them as his face displays that of confusion.

"Yeah what are you talking about?" Kamal chimed in. His confusion she understood but his father's was just something else.

"So he doesn't know" Jannah said in a monotone, her facial expression still the same as earlier, her gaze only on her uncle unwaveringly.

Her uncle's head tilted to the side slightly as he stared back at her. He shook his head as if not getting her point. Resting his arms on his thighs, he leaned forth, "What are you trying to say Jannah? It feels like you're no longer talking about your father's will"

"No" Jannah shook her head, "I am talking about his will, just in your point. You said everything you do is for my sake right?"

"Of course"

Jannah snickered again rolling her eyes in the process. "I highly doubt that"

Kamal didn't know what was wrong with the girl but he had enough of her disrespect at the moment. It wasn't like her to act in such manner so it just seemed off. "Jannah stop that you're being disrespectful" he said in a low tone, as if silently reprimanding her but she was having none of it.

Jannah looked at his before turning to his father, "You heard that right?" she asked raising a brow slightly, "You son" she pointed at Kamal with her finger, her gaze still on his father, "just said that I am being disrespectful towards you. Can you believe that?" she asked the old man.

"Jannah..." Kamal called her off again but she cut him off.

"It seems like he's getting mad at me" she chuckled humorlessly though tauntingly, "Well I can't have that can I? So how about I tell him my own version of the story huh?" she asked.

Her uncle stared at her with eyes void of emotion.

"Kamal will you like to hear an interesting story I overheard an hour ago?" she asked her gaze not moving away from her uncle as the two maintained eye contact. None of them was willing to back down.

"What the hell are you talking about? Jannah I know you're hurt but there's no need for you to start making up stories" Kamal said, his eyes narrowed at her slightly. He didn't see why she had to do that at the very moment especially with everything that happened within the last two days.

"Oh but I'm not making anything up. However..." Jannah closed her eyes for a moment before turning to look at Kamal, "I know you won't believe me so I got this" she brought out her phone and placed it between the three of them. Throwing both men one last look she reached out and pressed the small button and soon enough, the voice recording filled up the eerily quiet room.


Jannah had just ditched the people that were there to 'mourn' with her as they called it. She couldn't stand their presence or anyone's for that matter so she wrecked her head thinking of a place to go to in their house where no one will see her and more-less think of disturbing her.

Her father's study room.

Sure the memories will haunt her but she deserved it. It was her fault either ways. She deserves to drown in misery for the rest of her life. It might just be better off if she dies. The world will be much better off. Those were the kind of thoughts running in her head and she believed them entirely.

In a way she was punishing herself by forcing herself to go to a room that will haunt her with memories.

She would've just taken her pills to knock her off but somehow she couldn't find them anywhere. They must be related to the reason as to why she woke up with an IV attached to her hand.

However she stopped in her tracks at the sight of the study room door slightly ajar. Trying to figure out the reason as to why it was opened she walked towards it slowly only to hear voices coming from in there. The closer she got the clearer the voices became.

Only when she stood behind the door could she make out the people that the voices belong to. One person for sure was her uncle and the other one sounded vaguely familiar. She didn't know why but the conversation sounded really important and something about it didn't seem right so she brought out her phone and started recording it.

"What?! Tell me that is not true!" her uncle's voice came, and man did he sound angry. She couldn't think of why though.

"Unfortunately Sir it is true. It's what's written here" the other voice that she doesn't remember whom it belongs to came.

Sounds of paper shuffling came before an angry huff came, "He really left all his wealth to Firdausi and Kamal?! Firdausi?! Everything!!" he yelled and the sound of papers hitting the floor came.

Jannah's eyes widen as her breath hitched slightly. Gulping, she leaned forth to see the people in there only to see her uncle and her father's lawyer.

No wonder his voice sounded familiar.

"And what about his other daughters?" her uncle asked, hands akimbo as he stare at the lawyer that' s sitting on a couch in front of him.

"He left nothing for them. The only thing they have is probably what their mother left but as for Alhaji Maikano, everything of his is in the two's name"

Her uncle huffed, his hands massaging his temples, "But why them?! Kamal is my son! How come he has half of the man's wealth left in his name? And Jannah? How comes that mentally unstable girl gets the other half? With the way she's acting I don't think she can last for the next few days. And her death will be best for us all! She is the cause of every misfortunate happening in this family! I can't even stand the girl honestly" her 'uncle' said and admittedly, it hurt Jannah to hear her very own uncle say that about her.

Her eyes sting with tears but she wiped it away quickly.

"How come he didn't leave anything for me? I am his brother after all?"

The lawyer shrugged, "How can I know? Am I the one writing the will for him? He wrote everything himself and left it in the hands of his assistant. As we're speaking currently, the assistant is already processing the transfer of document" the man said fixing his glasses.

Her uncle clicked his tongue as he seemed lost in thought. He was quiet for a few seconds before he finally spoke up. "Wait!" he said making the lawyer look at him, "He left a will asking the Prince of Gombe to marry his daughter, the family is rich I'm sure she wouldn't mind signing off her share as long as u get her to marry him"

The lawyer looked like he was thinking of what Kamal's father said, "That can work? But how can you get her to sign off millions worth of asset?"

Her uncle huffed, "Oh please! The girl is more stupid and gullible than you think. With the way she is right now I can marry her off to that boy and gain all her property without much work. I'll just say some nonsense about loving her and she'll succumb. The girl is dumb really. And as for that dead brother of mine I'll make all his efforts futile. I can't believe he actually believed that I care about him. Pfft"

"Alright then. Get her to marry the prince, sign off her asset and I will process the transfer of everything to your name as soon as possible. But wait, what about Kamal?"

Kamal's father sighed, "He won't be easy but I'll find a way around him. Let me start with the fool first"


Jannah picked her phone up and looked at Kamal whom was staring at his father in disbelief. She then turned to look at her uncle whom looked furious but that was the least of her concern, "Don't bother denying it. And for your information" she kept her voice steady, "I will marry Suhad. You can go ahead and plan it but as of my father's money, I promise you you don't get a dime of it" she flashed him one last look before standing up and leaving the two alone.

The worst thing about betrayal is that it's hurts like bitch when it comes from the people you least expected.


Supp ya'll.

It was a long one!

Anyways, that happened!

Now I wanted to say this in the last chapter but I forgot so I'm saying it now. Because I passed my exams for the next two months, everything I make ranging from logos, book covers, menus, flyers and book trailers will be HALF OFF. Yes, everything will be half off.

And another thing is that for the first five people to order book covers I'll make them for FREE! So hurry up and get your free book covers for the first five people! Yess, I'm that happy.


Love, Jannah.

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