Jannah knew she couldn't face her father in that condition so she went home directly. She really wanted to visit him but she wasn't in the right condition to do that. She was basically a walking zombie as she made her way back to her car. She knew it wasn't a good idea for her to drive in that condition but she had no other choice. It was either for her to drive herself or call Kamal; she chose the first option knowing she can't answer the questions he'll definitely have for her.

She didn't know how she managed to do it—driving home without completely breaking down on the way but somehow she made to get back home in one piece, her heart wasn't in one piece though.

Lucky for her though, her aunt wasn't in the house when she returned back so she had no problem with getting to her room without being questioned. However, that wall she built around her all came crashing the minute she was in the confines of her room.

She felt like she just lost a part of her.

And in a way, she did.


The next day came and all Jannah wanted to do was stay in bed and continue crying but she knew she had to see her father sooner or later. And she couldn't keep dragging the meet up, meeting him might just be what will lift up her mood, he always does.

That day she didn't spend too much time on dressing up. She just threw on a random dark wash jean and a matching raven hoodie. She picked out a white veil and wrapped it into a hijab before slipping into some random flats. With that, she took her car keys and her phone and made her way out.

The house was eerily quiet which she expected knowing that her uncle and aunt must both be at work and Kamal had disappeared again...which is totally normal to her by now. It wasn't her job to keep tabs on a grown man.

She got into her car and drove to the hospital after checking up on Kamal to make sure her mother isn't there. She wasn't in the mood to receive another long lecture from a woman that's supposed to be her support and backbone. She couldn't even hope for that anymore from the woman she calls her mother. Had it been it was back then she would've ran to her mother for a crying shoulder knowing she'll comfort her but not anymore. Nowadays her mother will only just sprinkle salt on her wounds and maybe laugh as she writhe in pain. She hated her that much.

She couldn't blame her though. She caused that on herself. She was the one to blame.

Jannah held back the tears as she revved the car to life and drove off. Her phone buzzed from where she kept it beside her. She didn't check it knowing it's just Daihaah, she had been texting her since the day before after Jannah called her amidst of her breakdown crying her heart out. Daihaah was confused at first as she couldn't make out her best friend's words in the middle of her breakdown. The only coherent sentence she made out was "I broke him Daihaah, he said I did" and then Jannah turned her phone off.

Jannah put on her ear pod and answered the call as she drove to the hospital, "Daihaah" she said, her voice coming out low. She no longer had the energy in her to fake being happy.

"Hey..." Daihaah's voice came out soft detecting her friend's mood from her tone, "Are you okay?" she asked though she knew the answer.

Jannah smiled bitterly as she turned down another lane to the hospital with one hand as she used the other hand t fish out some pills that she brought along with her. She knew it wasn't a good idea to take pills while driving but her sense just wasn't there completely, she wasn't thinking rationally at the moment, "No" she answered popping the pills in her mouth. She reached out beside her phone and picked up a water bottle and while keeping her eyes on the road she took it in swallowing the pills that she may or may not have overdosed since yesterday.

She just liked the way it helped her forgot her problems or more like how they knocked her out, and that was the inner peace she yearned for at the moment.

"Well do you wanna talk about it?" Daihaah asked and Jannah could detect the worry in her tone.

Jannah sighed as her head ached, a side effect from taking too much than the prescribed drugs since yesterday but she dismissed it, "Aren't you at work? I don't want to bother you with my problems" Jannah said as she looked at the rear view mirror to see the car behind her.

"Yeah I am but I just came out of a meeting" Daihaah said. She didn't want to tell Jannah that Prince demanded she go back home saying she needs rest while he went to visit Suhad whom was finally getting discharged after throwing one hell of a tantrum last night. It's safe to say that none of the doctors or nurses wanted to see that side of the crowned Prince again.

"Can we just talk later? I'm driving now and it's not a good idea for me to start something that will lead to me breaking down right?" Jannah said with a little sense of humor but Daihaah knew Jannah found nothing amusing at the moment.

"Alright" Daihaah said knowing the girl needed space at the moment. Just as Jannah was about to end the call, "Hey!" she said making Jannah halt, "You know I'm always here for you right?"

Jannah nodded though Daihaah couldn't see her, "I know" she said before ending the call. She sighed as another wave of headache came crashing on her, she ignored it again and kept on driving.

When she arrived at the hospital, she left her phone and everything in the car except her car keys and headed in going to the direction of her father's room. She was nervous to see him. She hasn't seen him since before someone sent him that video. And because of that video he had to undergo heart surgery again which now puts him in a vulnerable state, hence, another reason why her mother hates her.

She might not be a doctor but from the information she got from Kamal about him she knew that he cannot be stressed under any circumstance or he might not make it. She was scared that she being in his presence will stress him that's why she had been avoiding meeting him since.

But, it was now or never.

She waited in front of his hospital room and prepared herself. The last time she was in a hospital room she left in tears. Hopefully, this time won't be the same; she hoped as she knocked on the door and waited tills he heard him say 'come in'.

She held onto the door knob and twisted it slowly as if that will help ease her nerves. She stepped into the room with her right leg and looked up only for her gaze to fall on her father's who no longer looked as he used to be.

He was staring at her with a look on his face as if he was expecting her. But what surprised her was the smile on his face. She expected him to have a scowl on his face and maybe glare at her when she walked in but none of those features was on his face.

Somehow, that eased her nerves a bit.

She closed the door behind her as she made her way further in with a salaam. Just as Kamal informed her, no one's in the room apart from her father.

"He told you didn't he?" she said knowing it's the only explanation as to why he really looked like he was expecting her.

Her father chuckled slightly, his eyes that were usually bright and holding happiness now only held half the glint in it. But he pretty much looked the same, "Can you blame a brother for caring about his sister?" he said a she sat on the chair next to him.

She shook her head, "No. But I can blame a friend for snitching on a friend" she said making him chuckle again. He always found the relationship the two shares to be hilarious.

"He was just worried about you that's all"

"You're always defending him" she rolled her eyes slightly. She was kidding; her dad is always defending Kamal when he does something just as much as he defends her. Sometimes she wonders if they're both his real children and that if her aunt adopted Kamal.

"He's my son" was her father's only reply as he shrugged watching his daughter as her lips turn into a small almost invincible smile.

"I'm your daughter! But you love him most don't you?" she pretended to be hurt like the daddy's princess she is. Her dad always spoiled her that is for sure. The man does and gave her everything she wanted in a blink of an eye as long as it won't hurt her.

"Like I said before, he's my son. Don't you know that fathers love their sons more?" he teased making her pout.

"No, fathers love their daughters more"

"This father loves his son more"

"Then it's a good thing that you only have female daughters" she smiled for the first time she walked in making him smile too, his mirroring hers. He knew what was going on with his daughter, and he knew that she is going through a very difficult stage in her life so he knew he had to do whatever it takes to make the girl smile, for he knew she deserves it. After all, that was what he promised to do.

But all too sudden, her mood changed from being partially happy to gloomy in a couple of seconds. She looked at him with eyes full of despair and other emotions he couldn't tell. "I'm sorry Baba" she said making him sigh.

He knew she was talking about the video and what happened to him afterwards but that wasn't the reason for his sudden heart attack that lead to him getting surgery, but they all don't know that. The only ones that knew that were the elders and Mama still is in denial of the reason. She was hell bent on believing that Jannah was the cause of it either ways no matter what the scenario might be, " isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself ok"

Jannah shook her head. He's just saying that to make you feel better, the sadist part of her deep down said to her sane part of her and she believed the part, "Baba you don't have to say that to make me feel better. I know I'm at fault..."

"Jannah..." he called out but she just kept rambling to the extent that her eyes were welling up , "Jannah..." he called again but the girl didn't even seem to be in her right mind to even listen to him. "Firdausi!" he called out holding her hand to shake her back into reality.

That did the trick as she stopped rambling and watched him with tear stricken face, "Baba"

"Do you take me as a father?" he asked as all trace of lark that was n his face earlier disappeared. His face at the moment held nothing amusing in it.

She nodded wiping he tears that fell on her face, "Of course" she replied quickly in a heartbeat.

"Then don't ever blame yourself for anything that happened to us in this family, no matter what will happen, never blame yourself kina jina ko?" he said sternly maintain eye contact with her to prove to her just how serious he was.

She looked down still not convinced by what he said.

How can she not blame herself when she is the cause of everything.

She knew she was. After all, she did it all.

"Jannah" Baba called out sternly again that this time she had to look up, "I mean it. If you take me as your father then don't ever blame yourself for whatever happened or will happen. Anything that happens is Allah's will and so do not ever bother yourself with it"

Jannah blinked back the tears in her eyes as she looked own again, "Mama said she wish I wasn't born" she muttered low enough for him to hear her, "Does she really despise me that much Baba? Am I that bad for my own mother to hate me that much?"

Alhaji Maikano sighed and blinked. His heart ached to see Jannah that way and for her to utter those words. The girl did nothing wrong! It wasn't her fault that she was born that way. "Your mother loves so much Jannah. Your mother loves you so much that she had sacrificed so much for you. She had done something no other mother can do because she loves you. Always remember that Jannah, wallahi your mother loves you and I do too. No matter what you will always be my daughter Firdausi. You are my daughter and I love you so much. Please, don't ever beat yourself up like that. Don't think like that please this old man is pleading with you" he pleaded in a tone that she had never heard him us before. "Jannah you're not alone. There are a lot of people that love and cherish you. Always keep that in mind kinji?" he gave her hand that he held a small squeeze of assurance.

Jannah nodded wiping the tears that keep falling from her eyes as she sniffed.

Just as she was about to open her mouth and reply, the door flew open and a figure walked in startling the father and daughter due to the sudden intrusion. Jannah quickly stood up when she saw the person that stormed in while Baba clenched his eyes shut.

Mama stood a few steps away from the door and watched the two with distaste in her eyes that was directed towards Jannah. After a few seconds of watching the two she turned to look at Kamal whom followed after her with a worried look on his face, "Kamal what is this girl doing here?" she asked pointing at Jannah with her gaze still on Kamal.

"She's her to visit her father" he replied his voice not wavering making her scoff.

"Keh mayya ce?" she turned to glare at Jannah whom looked down. "CAN'T YOU JUST STAY AWAY FROM US SO THAT WE CAN HAVE PEACE FOR ONCE IN OUR LIVES?!" Mama yelled making Jannah flinch involuntarily.

"Halima..." Baba said in a warning tone but Mama ignored him as she stormed towards Jannah only to stop in front of her.

"ISN'T IT ENOUGH THAT YOU ALREADY PUT HIM ON A HOSPITAL BED YOU NOW YOU WANT TO FINISH HIM KO SINCE HE DIDN'T DIE?!" Mama yelled so loudly that some people passing by from outside were wondering that was going on.

Jannah flinched as tears stream down her face. She didn't dare look up and stare at her mother.

Kamal walked and tried to hold Mama back as she was crossing the line. She was causing unnecessary drama. Mama furiously wiggled herself out of his grip but couldn't so she stopped fighting and turned to glare at him, "Kamal wallahi idan kanason zaman lafiya you will let me go now! I SAID LET ME GO!!" She yelled and Kamal unwillingly let her go when he made eye contact with Baba who signaled for him to let her go.

"Halima stop this you are making a fuss over nothing" Baba said attempting to stand up but couldn't so Jannah moved quickly to help him back down but was snatched back by Mama and a resonating slap landed on her face.

"How dare you?" Mama seethed through gritted teeth, "How dare you touch my husband?!"

"Halima..." Baba warned as he started coughing. All that hullabaloo was too much for him to take due to his fragile heart but he had to stop it else it'll get out of hand.

Jannah whimpered just as Mama raised her hand to slap Jannah again but was stopped when Kamal stood in front of Jannah blocking her away from Mama, "Mama you don't have to do this, please. She is your daughter" he said though deep down all he wanted to do was show the woman hell but she's like a mother to him so he couldn't.

"And because she's my daughter she wants to kill my whole family!" Mama yelled again while Jannah sobbed quietly behind Kamal whom blocked her from the wrath of her mother.

Mama moved to the side to get Jannah but Kamal moved at the same time blocking his sister, "Kamal billahil azeem move unless you want to see my wrath today" she threatened glaring at the man that stood tall in front of her.

"I'm sorry Mama but you won't ever lay a hand on Jannah again" He said.

Mama furiously raised a hand to slap Kamal but her hand was held by Baba whom finally got the strength to stand up. This made her whip her head to look at her husband and the father of her children.

"Halima stop this nonsense!" he yelled.

"How can you let that girl near you. Ni let me today I'll show her pepper wallahi" Mama yelled getting her hand out of Baba's grip as he was still weak and in the moment that Kamal turned to help Baba, Mama reached out for Jannah and was about to hit her again when Baba spoke up again.

"Halima enough! You...." He started coughing furiously.

"Baba!" Kamal exclaimed as he helped the old man sit back on the bed.

"Alhaji..." Mama said quickly going to his side.

Baba kept coughing as he clenches his chest where his heart was with his hand tightly, his eyes closing as he coughed as if his lungs will fall out. His other hand held Kamal's hand tightly as she managed to speak out, "Na...yafe...miki...Halima. Ku yafe...m..min" he wheezed out making the two women start crying furiously.

Kamal quickly push the button that will alert the doctors as the family crowd over the father whom was still coughing. "Alhaji please don't say that..." Mama whimpered.

"Baba..." Jannah sobbed as her father's hand let go of Kamal's and held hers.

And not even a minute more the doctors and nurses came pouring into the room and tending to the patient while pushing the family out. "You should please stay out while we tend to the patient" a nurse said as about three of them push push the three out.

"That is my husband you're talking about! I need to stay close to him, he needs me!" Mama yelled amidst of her tears.

"We know Ma'am but please let the doctors do their job" The nurse said and hesitantly the family stood outside but still by the room door where they heard what's going on.

Jannah whom fisted a part of her hoodie was crying furiously so much that her body was shaking as she stood in front of the door watching the device that show his heart beat drop with every second that passes by.

Mama was crying too with her kohl stained tears trailing down her face while Kamal only fisted his hand as he stared at what's happening whilst releasing heavy breathes.

Prince and Suhad walked down the hallways along with Bilkisu and Fatima trailing behind them as they were headed to the parking lot since Suhad was discharged when Prince stopped in his tracks. Mamita and the guards were already waiting outside and now the four were the only ones' left. "What is it?" Suhad asked turning to look at Prince whom was staring ahead.

"Isn't that Kamal?' he asked pointing at the trio that stood in front of the hospital room.

"Wait that's Jannah" Fatima said stepping beside Suhad as she stared at the three.

The three whom were unaware of the four's gaze on them watched and heard the heart monitor beep and then turned into a straight line—one of the doctor's look down at the wrist watch strapped to his wrist as he read out, "Time of death, 9:37am"

Jannah's shoulder slumped as her hands fell to the side just as Mama let out a loud wail, "Na shiga uku! Alhaji! NO MY HUSBAND IS NOT DEAD! HE CANNOT DIE, YOU ARE LYING!!" She yelled falling o the ground as she wailed.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajiun" Kamal muttered as he looked down. A few tears dropped from his eyes but he wiped them away quickly as he gulped and pulled out his phone to inform his parents of the demise of Alhaji Mahmoud Maikano.

Suhad stepped forth and was about to go to them, or more lie go running to Jannah when Prince held his hand to stop him, "Bilkisu..." he said turning to stare at the girl that was staring at them. Had it been it was another person, the person will be scared to mention her name but then again Prince Aamir isn't scared of anyone.

And apparently neither is Suhad because he said, "I don't care. That is the woman I love and if she doesn't know that then she better"

Whilst the two were talking Fatimah had already ran her way to her friend but Jannah didn't see her coming. In fact she couldn't see anyone as she turned and ran out of the building ignoring the way Kamal kept yelling at her when he realized she sprinted out gaining the other's attention including Suhad and Aamir.

Mama stood up and ran after Jannah just as the others did too wanting to stop the two before something happens. Jannah didn't know where she was running too and she didn't acre. Heck she wasn't even in her right sense at the moment.

By the time Jannah realized what she was doing, she had already crossed the road and that was when she turned to see the others with her tear stained face running towards her.


Jannah let out an ear piercing scream as she fell on the floor when a car came running and hit Mama. She didn't know if it was her brain processing everything slowly or time really slowed down at the moment but all she when she did realized what happened the driver had ran off while Mama lay on the street with a puddle of blood surrounding her—her head and legs in an extremely weird angle.

Jannah with wobbling legs ran to her mother and put her head on her lap in the process getting her hand stained with blood. Her eyes were blurry with the tears that kept falling like waterfalls, "Mama" she called out shaking her mother's lifeless body, "MAMA!" She yelled shaking her body violently only to get more blood covering her cloth. "SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!" She yelled as she continued asking her mother to wake up whilst crying.

People formed a huge around her while some tried to help her take her mother inside the hospital but she wouldn't let go saying that they went to take her mother away from her as she cried. Some people tear up at the scene.

She didn't know if Kamal, Suhad and the others had been there since and watched her mother got hit, though she had a feeling they were, but when they got to where the two are and Kamal and Suhad immediately took Mama's lifeless body to the hospital.

As Fatima tried to console Jannah, the girl watched them disappear with her mother with blurry eyes and right then she knew she lost then both.

That was the day she lost both her parents.


So I decide to just continue writing my long chapters like this one, I prefer them.

So about me leaving wattpad, watch the vlog I uploaded today for more clearance but uno that feeling u get when someone drops a really heartwarming message that makes you feel like a bad guy for removing their favorite book? That's what I felt so I'm back.

Anyways, thought I'd cry while writing this but surprisingly I didn't. If anything I'm hungry seff.

Anyways, lemme go and eat food , bye! Let's chat in the comment section.

Love, Jannah.

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