As promised!
Jannah smiled back despite though deep down all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry her heart out. Call her a cry baby but what she was about to do was in no way easy. She knew the quicker she got that over with the better but she couldn't do that just then—not when he looked that happy to see her. Not when he looked at her with that look in his eyes. It was simply too much for her.
She'll have to do it, and she will.
But then again, she might as well enjoy the moment first. Too cherish the very last time she has with him.
Selfish? Maybe. But she deserves to be selfish too after everything she was going to be hurt most—that was what she thought anyways. A part of her didn't think of how this will affect him too. All she could think about was herself. But can you really blame her?
"You're here" he said as if he couldn't believe his eyes. He blinked as he looked at her face, "You really came..."
She smiled though deep down she wanted to break that instant, "Did you think I wasn't going to visit?" she managed to keep her voice sound normal somehow which to her too was a surprise because she was worried her voice would betray her.
He shrugged slightly as a frown took over his features, "Well...yes. Considering what happened the last time we met..."
"Shush" she stopped him midway not wanting him to remind her of that day. She held his hand firmly in hers, "Let's not talk of that day" she didn't need to add the 'please' but her eyes said it as she gave him a silent pleading eye.
"Alright" he smiled genuinely again making her wince internally.
Will he still have that smile the moment she walks out of that room? She wondered.
'His happiness' Mamita said.
"How did you get in?" he asked making her furrow her brows.
"With my legs, through the door..." she said in a duh tone making him shake his head with a smile on his face,
"I mean I thought there were guards outside, I know they don't let anyone in" he said sounding genuinely confused as his brows creased in thought. It was weird because for as long as he's been in the hospital no one apart from his immediate family—and Bilkisu was allowed in, Mamita's orders which he couldn't do anything about. Another reason he lost hope on Jannah visiting him.
She shrugged, "There was no one there" she said dismissively.
"Weird' he muttered.
"Yeah" she muttered though she knew this was very much Mamita's doing but she wasn't going to tell him that. The woman asked her to come so she must've made all arrangements.
"Well..." he intertwined their fingers, "Let's sit" he tugged her hand and lead her to where a couch was and she willingly complied. He sat down and she sat a few inches beside him making sure to put some distance between them because she needs it. She can't ever think clearly when she's so close to him—especially not when he keeps smiling like that and she knew she might end up changing it into a frown.
"How are you feeling?" she asked after a while of silence. She fiddled with her fingers nervously and thankfully he didn't notice it because he would've known that something's up.
He looked at her and raised a brow at her, "Are you worried about me now Jay?" he teased using the name he used to call her five years back.
God this is going to be harder than I thought. She thought in her head.
"Are you going to answer or not?" she asked instead but she didn't sound rude or anything, just slightly annoyed that he's turning it into a joke.
He chuckled, "I'm much better Alhamdullilah but those fish head doctors won't let me out of this place for two more weeks" he complained huffing slightly. Why wouldn't they just believe him when he tells them he's fine?
"Yeah well you need to get much better, and you need to take care of yourself more. And no driving recklessly again always be focused. And please take care of yourself; you shouldn't be thinking too much all the time, it's not good for one's health"
His amused demeanor changed as he looked at her with furrowed brows, she suddenly sounded really serious and she's staring at him with a look he couldn't recognize. The very same look she had on her face when she came in. "Are you okay? Why do you suddenly sound serious?" he asked in the same serious tone she used, "Are you sick or something" he raised his hand to feel her temperature when she lightly slapped it away rolling her eyes.
She didn't reply but rather leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes.
He stared at her for a moment before doing the same thing as she did. Except that while he's at peace she wasn't. She knew she had to end this quick, the more time they spend together the more she'll be procrastinating and she's scared she might end up chickening out.
She exhaled and prepared herself silently before she let the words roll off her tongue without a second thought, "So you're getting married soon huh?"
This made him shot his eyes open as he sat up to look at her but she was still in the same position and hasn't moved an inch from it, "How did you know?" he asked cautiously as if picking up the right words to say. He didn't think that she knew, he was thinking of ways to stop it before she even finds about it but this just ruined everything.
"So is the date set?" she asked instead ignoring his question still not opening her eyes nor moving from her position. She looked calm in that position, her voice was void of any emotion but deep down she was breaking down.
"Yes" Her lips curved into a sad smile. She was glad that that trait of his was still there. For as long as she knew him he had always told the truth no matter how bitter it might sound. He might dodge a question but never lies, not for as long as she knew him anyways.
"Two days go" he replied watching her closely waiting for an emotion from her—any emotion but it wasn't there.
"Bilkisu's a nice girl" Jannah commented as her thumb ran over her knuckles as she was still leaned back, eyes still shut, and voice still emotionless.
Suhad exhaled, "She is" he wasn't going to lie to her, "But I don't love her" he added before she can make any assumptions. He knew the girl he fell in love with and he knew that something must be going on in that head of hers but he just couldn't figure out what.
Jannah let out a short humorless laugh, "Does it really matter?" she paused as she inhaled while Suhad massaged his temples, "I'm happy for you though"
He looked up and looked at her, his eyes squinted slightly, "What do you mean? Don't tell me you're giving up on us?" his voice came out low at the end in disbelief.
She laughed this time around, humorlessly, "There never was an 'us' Suhad"
He stared at her for a while before he scoffed in disbelief, he placed his arm on his thighs as face palmed himself trying to calm himself before he abruptly stood up, "Is this why you're here? Is this why you were acting all nice and caring just a minute ago?"
She kept quiet, eyes still closed.
"Answer me! Are you here to cut ties with me completely?"
Still, no response.
"Look at me Jannah!"
Her lips curved slightly in a frown before she sat up. And when she finally opened her eyes there were filled with tears, tears that she had been holding in, "There's nothing between us to end. I already ended things long ago..."
"Did Mamita asked you to do this?" he suddenly asked cutting her midway. He watched as her eyes widened slowly before she regained her composure.
"This was entirely me"
Suhad scoffed looking away slightly before he looked back. She was taken aback as her tear filled eyes stared at his that were filled with rage she had never seen before, till that day, "Oh for God's sake stop lying!! You don't get to play this 'there was never an 'us' nonsense card on me again. I allowed it to slide when you left five years ago with no explanation thinking that there was something that I didn't understand about you; I let it slide when you ended things between us last year thinking that you wanted space and now you're doing the same thing again!"
She flinched at how loud he sounded, this time she couldn't hold the tears back in but she did wipe them away quickly the minute they fell not wanting to look weak though that's what she is at the moment but she wouldn't let it show.
"Well you're not the only one that get's a say in this I do too!" he yelled making her wince. She clenched her eyes shut and quickly wiped the tears away because she knew he was right. He gets a say in their relationship too but she was that selfish to always put herself first.
"Have you ever thought about me? Have you ever thought about how I feel about your stupid decisions?!" he half yelled making her close her eyes again as she felt the tears falling again.
The truth is she had never thought of his feelings due to her decisions. She just thought he'd be gladder than she is on the matter since he wouldn't have to deal with her anymore.
His words angered her slightly, "Isn't that what you want?" she asked her voice sounding harsh slightly.
He stared at her as if he couldn't belief she just said that, "So you think that badly of me? Why?" She could detect the anger in his tone but the hurt was still there too very prominently. "Have I ever done anything to make you think such way?"
Why? She thought. She knew the answer but was she going to tell him it? No, because it wouldn't matter anymore as they won't be together, ever.
"It doesn't matter" she said lowly, her traitorous voice betraying her as it wavered.
He ran his hands through his locks frustratingly as he scoffed, "See that's your problem! You bring a topic up and then close it without giving me an explanation as to why! You are so fucking confusing!"
"Then it should be a good thing that you no longer have to deal with me right?"
He surprised her by chuckling though the emotions was still there in his eyes, "That's what you think" he said, "Mark my words, I don't know what's going on in that pretty head of yours but you better get it out because I always get what I want, and that includes you. I am never going to give up on you"
"You're wasting your time Suhad. And take it from me, you better not do that because you'll only cause more damage and hurt more people" she stood up, her eyes red from all the tears she had been shedding and her breathing getting heavier by the second. She inhaled then exhaled face palming her face before she wiped the tears away. Clearing her throat she looked up at his furious face, her eyes immediately tearing up again but managed to let the words out, "This decision I made is for the both of us and others as well. If you have even the smallest bit of love for me..." she choked on her tears making him look away, she gulped. It hurts that he looked away, it really does but she knew she hurt him too, "...left in you then you should please do this for me and yourself as well"
"What if I don't want to?" he asked with rage lacing his tone.
She clenched her eyes shut and sniffed back her tears biting her lip so hard that she could taste the metallic taste of blood in her mouth but that wasn't what mattered at the moment, "Yeah well we all have to make sacrifices for the betterment of others don't we. Please just let go of me, I don't want to be broken more than I already am"
He huffed lowly as he turned to look at her and an emotion so intense she had never seen in him was in his eyes, it made her knees weak out of guilt, he smiled, except this time it was full of hurt, betrayal and pain, "You are the first person...You broke me first"
That was it. It was the very last straw she couldn't take in. She all but ran out of the room and he didn't chase after her. What was she expecting? That he'll come after her and smile, pathetic. She must be dreaming then.
She knew that she had indeed hurt him greatly; she had never seen him like that till that day. And while she was so caught up on herself she didn't think of him. She didn't think of how much it will hurt and affect him.
But there was no going back, the deed had been done already.
Mamita won.
Suhad walked towards the hospital room with a determined look on his face, that being the only emotion visible on it. He wasn't willing on letting anyone see that emotion on his face ever again. Jannah was the first and the every last too.
He stopped in front of the hospital room and inhaled lowly before he knocked on it. He waited before he went sliding in when he heard the 'come in' from inside the room.
With a salaam, he stepped in with his right foot in the room and closed the door behind him before turning to look at the old man that lay on the bed with many wires attached to his arms but he was still seated up on the bed reading a book that lay on his lap.
The old man raised his head up after answering the salaam, and when his eyes fell on Suhad he smiled, "Yerima..." his smile turned into a small grin, "To what do I owe a pleasure of this visit of yours? Please sit"
The man had been in the business world for such a long time that he knew almost all the royal people from most of the emirates having been involved with them in a business or another, and that includes Gombe too so he knew Suhad.
Suhad smiled slightly despite all the emotions he felt at the minute was far from happiness and sat on the couch that was close to the bed, "I'm afraid this time it isn't about business. It's a little bit more personal" he said making the man frown slightly in confusion.
"Personal? I hope I didn't do anything wrong..." the man chuckled slightly making Suhad join him.
"No. Nothing like that"
"Ok then. What is it?" he asked closing the book he was reading and placing it beside him giving the crowned Prince his full attention.
Suhad looked down trying to pick out his words before he looked up, "See the thing is there are a lot of things going on with me right now that I need to fix and I don't know how long it'll take...." The man didn't say anything but nodded at him to go ahead, "However, I'm going to need all the strength I can get at the moment for it because it won't something easy"
The man didn't need him to say anything more; he knew how complicated Suhad's family is just by being in business with them. It's safe to say they are one of the most complicated families he had ever came across, "How can I help you?" he knew the Prince must've came to him because he needed help. He doesn't just show up to anyone, never had he ever heard of it, and for him to be there for the first time h must've needed something desperately. It also helped that he could see the inner turmoil and hurt in the boy's eyes.
Suhad gulped slightly as he sat straighter, "I know this isn't the best and appropriate condition for this and I will respect any decision you make but..." he sighed, "I'm here to ask for your daughter, Jannah's hands in marriage..."
After their conversation, Suhad stepped out of the room only to meet Kamal outside waiting for him. He had called him earlier when he had to meet Alhaji Maikano because he knew he was the only one he could rely on.
"So?..." Kamal trailed off waiting for Suhad to tell him what happen.
Suhad placed his hand on Kamal's shoulder, "Take care of her for me" he patted his shoulder as silently telling him that he trusted him for that.
Kamal was about to ask him what happened and what Alhaji Mahmoud Maikano said when Suhad walked off not waiting for him to respond. Kamal stared at his back and sighed before turning around.
Things aren't going the way it was supposed to be.
"Me kace? (What did you just say?)" Mamita asked as if she couldn't trust her own ears.
Suhad whom sat on a silk Persian rug in front of her knew she heard him; she just needed him to repeat it. He exhaled lowly, "I don't want to marry Bilkisu, I'm in love with someone else" he repeated his voice coming out strong with no trace of fear in it.
"And who is this someone?" Mamita asked through gritted teeth, her eyes narrowed at him.
"The same girl you asked to end things with me today" he replied taking her aback slightly but she knew her son wasn't dumb, he'd figure out she was the one that sent Jannah, "Mamita she is the one I want to marry" he said looking up to look at her, "She..."
Mamita cut him off by landing a resonating slap on his face with so much impact his head turned to the side slightly, but he didn't seemed surprised because he knew it was bound to come. He only blinked his eyes and turned his head back to look at her not willing to give up.
Mamita however was heaving. For the first time in almost thirty years ever since she'd given birth to him she had never for once raised her hand on him let alone allowed anyone to touch her son, never until that day. She might not show it a lot but the boy meant the world to her. Parents don't have favorites but she does, not that she mistreats her other children, no, but he topped the list.
And all because of what?
Some girl?!
"Kayi haukane Suhad? (Suhad have you gone mad?)" She seethed, her shoulder raising up and then falling down out of anger.
"Mamita I love her..."
"ENOUGH!!" She stopped him by raising her hand to stop him, "I don't care, you are marrying Bilkisu and that's final. If you have even the smallest bit of respect left in you for me then you will not go against me"
With that she walked away leaving him alone.
Sup guys!
So...that happened.
Suhad is just so...God!
And Jannah...I pity her seff.
Anyways, Ciao!
Love, Jannah.
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