Jannah quietly followed Mamita who still hasn't looked back to acknowledge the girl behind her. She didn't need anyone to tell her that this is Suhad's mother because the two look alike so much. She will be lying if she said at a point in her life she was dying to hear Suhad talk about the woman once but he never did—she never figure out why. However now following the woman that's actually somehow scaring her to the core she had a pretty good idea why.

She had always wondered back then when Suhad ad she were a thing why he had never spoke of his mother but rather all he talked about was Didi and Jakadiya. At a point, she thought Didi was his real mother because it was always 'Didi this...' 'Didi that...'

Though her chains of thoughts were somewhere she was well aware of where Mamita is heading, she didn't want to make the wrong first impression. That was something she couldn't afford.

Once she maintained a reasonable distance away from the room Mamita stopped and then turned to look at Jannah whom managed to keep her expression void of emotions though deep down she was nervous.

Mamita maintained eye contact with Jannah for a few seconds and Jannah didn't look down though for that she knew she might be labeled as 'disrespectful' but at that stage for she and Suhad does it really matter? No, the question should've been more of Is there even a she and him? Was there ever was a 'them?'

"Do you know the cause of his accident?" Was the first thing Mamita asked keeping her voice stern and strong.

"No" Jannah replied, her voice not wavering.

Mamita nodded her head slightly, "Neither do I" she said, "But you know what? I think I have an idea"

Jannah knew that whatever the woman will say next might not be in her favor because she could sense the venom in the woman's words as she spitted it out and the way her eyes narrow every now and then as she spoke to Jannah confirmed that. Nevertheless, she didn't say a thing.

"You know what? Recently, my son has been acting somehow ever since the wedding for he and Bilkisu had been set..." Jannah gulped. She knew that he and the woman had something but she didn't think it went to the extent of them having a wedding day set. So he was getting married after all soon?


"—He was more quiet and kept things mostly to himself" Mamita shrugged carelessly, "I know my son so I thought he was just being that way over something he'll get over soon but it wasn't. At least, that was what I thought until I saw this..."

Jannah moved her gaze from the woman's face to the phone she held in her hand with the screen cracked. Still with that, Jannah could make out the picture on the Iphone. Her eyes that were stone cold seconds earlier dilated slightly as her lips parted slightly.

"Your picture just happened to be his wallpaper. And surely for him to set your picture as something he can see all the time then he must surely care for you" Mamita's voice became lower as she spoke. It might've became like that because of anger or not but Jannah couldn't really give two damns about it.

She couldn't believe he actually did that. Does that mean he really does love her? But if he did then why is he marrying another woman and why is he always hurting her? Wait...this can't actually be real can it?

Ya ilahi!

This is all too much to take. She was caught amidst of believing him or not. But heck this is proof enough for her to trust him. However, on the other hand, his marriage with Bilkisu says otherwise.

But maybe...maybe he was telling her the truth and—

"Don't get your hopes high" Mamita's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.


Mamita sighed. She blinked as she regained her stern composure. "Do you love him?" she asked out of the blue making Jannah blink rapidly.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you love him?" Mamita asked in the same manner as earlier. Jannah couldn't tell what she's thinking of because the woman's face gave away no thoughts of what she's thinking of so that only confused her more.

Jannah thought of the question. Did she love him? Of course yes, a lot.

Does she want to be with him? Yes...and no. She can't be with him. She just couldn't—especially after everything that happened.

She looked up as her eyes met that of Mmaita's. "Yes" she said without a second though.

Mamita's expression remained the same as earlier and that made Jannah more nervous that she is. "I need a favor from you"

Jannah's brows raised, "A favor?" she asked because of all things she thought the woman would say 'favor' didn't appear anywhere.

Mamita nodded, "Take as a mother that cares for her son asking a favor"

Jannah had a bad feeling about this. But nevertheless, let the woman continue, "What type of favor?"

Mamita took a while to respond, as if trying to carefully picking out her words, "Please..." her first word took Jannah aback, "Leave my son's life" she said, her voice coming out low.

How cliché...Jannah thought.

"Why should I?" Though this was her plan initially when she came to the hospital but after what Mamita said and showed her, she's beginning to doubt her decision.

"Because he loves you"

Jannah huffed lowly, but not enough to sound disrespectful, "Isn't that a good thing?"

"That's the thing" Mamita pointed out frustratingly, "You'll never understand his world and how things go on" her voice raised slightly, "My son lives in a world where he's destined to become King. You have no idea what I did to secure that for him. And for him to become that I've worked hard for, he needs me to help him. See, he can't 'love' just anyone. There are countless people waiting for the opportunity to harm him in ways you can't imagine and if that is to happen he needs a strong partner that will support him—And that is Bilkisu"

Jannah's head tilted slightly as she blinked. She was having second thoughts again. She just couldn't seem to make a decision.

"I know you'll think of it being better for you two o be together in that situation but because of that so called 'love' he has for you, he is now in a hospital bed. Do you still want to be with him?" Mamita asked watching Jannah's expression closely.

Jannah was still hesitant.

"And then what's next? Now he'd survived the next time he might just end up dead! And then that's the end" Mamita stepped closer to Jannah whom had her gaze down staring at her hands as she thought of the woman's words.

She can't be right can't she?

But she does have a point...maybe she is right.

No but...argh!

Mamita did something Jannah never thought she will do. She held the girl's hands in hers and tilted her head up making sure she can stare at her in the eyes. " a mother I'm asking you to leave my son for the sake of his safety and wellbeing" she whispered, "You'll be a mother one day and the you'll understand why I'm doing this so just do me that favor"

Jannah stared at her but didn't say anything.

Mamita sighed, "Come back in thirty minutes, I'll give you two the last time to talk. Just end things with him for his sake. This is for his happiness and if you really love him like you claim you do then you'll do anything for the sake of his happiness" She stayed like that for a few seconds for the words to sink in with Jannah.

And when Jannah nodded once, which almost went unnoticed had she not been keeping a close eye, she knew she'd gotten what she wanted. She stepped back and gave the girl one last look before walking away leaving the girl alone there standing in the empty hallway.

Jannah exhaled loudly as her eyes sting with tears which she quickly blinked back, "No. It's for the best" she murmured to herself, "She's right" she closed her eyes as she bit her lower lip, "It's going to be okay" she mumbled quickly as she opened her eyes again. A treacherous tear escaped her eyes and she quickly wiped it away.

Bilkisu watched Jannah from a corner.

She had been there since the minute Jannah and Mamita started talking. She didn't mean to eavesdrop though. She was just passing by heading to Suhad's room when she saw them in the place and their conversation made her curious. She knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but she couldn't help but overhear all their conversation.

She leaned back on the wall as she processed what she just heard, "Jannah and...Suhad? " she muttered to herself finding it hard to believe but she knew it was true. "So he was the guy she sad about" she murmured as her brows furrow in concern and confusion. "And I..." she smacked her forehead remembering how she ranted all about him to Jannah.

It suddenly made sense, the way Jannah acted that day...the way Suhad did.

Why didn't I notice this earlier? She thought closing her eyes in frustration.

This won't do...

Though she had only met Jannah once but she really did like the girl, a lot. Jannah was a puzzle that she wanted to solve for she knew there was more to the girl than she's letting out and she was determined to find whatever it is she had to but this...this just changed everything.

'If you love him like you said you do then you'll do anything for the sake of his happiness' Mamita said.

And Jannah is willing to do that, she thought.

No...I shouldn't think about this too much. Suhad and I are getting married and this is what I've wanted for a while now. Bilkisu thought in her head. 'But what about Jannah?'

She closed her eyes and exhaled. She didn't need to figure out what she'll do now. She needs time to think because this is too much for her to process and she has to make the right decision.

Agreeing with that thought, she stood straight and turned in the direction of Suhad's room only to bump into someone. She raised her head up and her eyes met that of Jannah's whose are now in the light shade of red.

"Jannah..." she breathed out.

Jannah just stared at her with the same expressionless façade, "Bilkisu"

Bilkisu's eyes searched Jannah's face for any sign of breakdown but what she found scared her. Nothing. She found absolutely no clue on the girl's face that will enable her to know what she's thinking and somehow that worried her.

"Are you okay?" she was trying her best to act like she didn't know anything—for both their sakes but she failed when she looked at Jannah like someone who will break any time soon.

"Yeah. Why'd you ask?" Jannah asked suspiciously eying Bilkisu. She was beginning to think the girl knows something.

Bilkisu bit the inside of her cheek noticing the slip off she made.

"Well..." Bilkisu trailed off thinking of a way to cover up her slip, "This is the second time we're meeting and today you're even more gloomy. Did you perhaps not taken your Pepsi?"

Though Jannah didn't know why, but that made her laugh lightly despite the ache in her heart. Pepsi is always the answer, "You can say that..." she trailed off with a smile.

Bilkisu smiled too satisfied that she at least lifted the girl's mood even if it's just for a while, "Ok then. Do you want to go grab one? I can escort you if you want" she offered making Jannah shake her head politely.

"No it's ok you don't have to really. I'm heading somewhere first"

Bilkisu nodded as she stare at Jannah longer than necessary. When Jannah raised a brow at her she quickly shook her head, "I'll see you later then I guess"

"Yeah" Jannah side stepped her and started wlaking away just as Bilkisu did the same too.

But Bilkisu quickly turned after a few steps, "Oh and Jannah!"

Jannah stopped in her tracks and turned around confusion masking her features, "Yeah"

"Remember; Allah does not burden a soul with more than it can bear" She didn't wait for Jannah to respond as she turned on her heels and walked away.

Jannah's brows furrowed. She wondered why the girl said that too her. Could she have known what's going on? She wondered. No, it doesn't seem like it.

Regardless of the case, Jannah knew that was what she needed to hear at the moment. And that was what she held on too. Indeed, Allah will not burden her with more than she can bear.


Jannah couldn't bring herself to see her father in her condition so she decided to wait for the thirty minutes first. It seemed like time moved slower at that moment because those were the longest thirty minutes of her life. She was beyond nervous and heartbroken. She had stopped herself from crying for too many times that she's lost count.

I'm doing this for him. It's for the best. She told herself as she made her way to his room after the thirty minutes finally passed.

This time she didn't hesitate to open the door to his room after she knocked that is. Perhaps it was because it was Mamita that asked her to go over there and so all those nervousness disappeared.

She was taken aback when she stepped into the room and didn't see anyone in there. The bed was empty too though it seemed Luke someone was indeed on it--Suhad.

Her brows furrowed as her shoulders slacked in disappointment. She blinked back the tears that are threatening to spill at the thought of her missing her last opportunity to be with him.

With her head hung low, she turned around and opened the door about to head out when she was yanked back and the door closed with a thud.

Startled, she looked up to see the owner of the hand that's a grip on her wrist. She blinked.

"Suhad..." she breathed out.

He stared at her face as if looking for something but quickly dropped it.

And because he didn't know what was about to happen;

He smiled.


Alright! So that happened.

There's a likelihood that my next update will definitely be when my youtube subscribers reach 150 so if you haven't subscribe... You should do that pleasee😭😭😭 link is in my bio

My baby Suhad. You don't know what's coming at you oo😫😩

Goodnight y'all.

Love, Jannah.

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