Happy Birthday MaryamASD
Today's updates are for you!❤ Allah's Noor and Khair now and always 🎂💃
"You know you'll always be my daughter right?" Daddy said out of the blue.
Jannah whom is sitting with him in his study looked up from the Islamic book titled 'Islamic Treasuries of Virtue by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan' she was reading. She placed it down slowly, "Daddy why are you asking me that?" she asked the corner of her lip titling up a bit. She knew whenever he started talking like this; she could use it to tease him about him loving her out of all his children.
But this time, his face didn't hold the usual smile he always has on when she says something like that, "You know that right?" he repeated ignoring her statement.
"Of course I do" she nodded her brows creasing up and the smile falling from her face.
He nodded, "You know your mom loves you too right?" he asked the question he had been dreading to ask her for years.
She looked down instantly, "I'm not sure about that" she mumbled starting to play with the ring on her index finger. She wondered why he would say something like that out of the blue when he of all people knew the relationship she shares with her mother.
"She does" he answered his earlier question having heard what she said.
She sighed and looked up, "Daddy I'm not changing my mind" she said making him look down and shake his head slightly before looking back up.
"It wasn't your fault"
"Yes it was" her voice came out low and despite the pain she felt in her heart she still managed to offer him a small smile.
Her father didn't need her to tell him that she's hurting by staying there; it was evident in her words and eyes. However, no matter how much he tries to assure her that everything's going to be okay he knew she needed to convince herself that and not anybody else because she won't believe him. "What can I do to convince you?" he asked, his voice seeming pleading. He doesn't know what to do anymore to get her to change her mind without adding more to the pain she's feeling.
"Nothing" she shook her head, "Just let me go please"
He looked away not able to stand seeing the look on her face. He knew his daughter to always be the one to choose everyone's happiness over hers no matter the length she has to go to do that. And though that might be termed as a good term, he hardly believes that anymore.
"Please daddy" she repeated swallowing thickly. He's making this harder for her.
"Is this what you really want?" he asked still not turning to look at her.
She nodded though he can't see her, "Yes Daddy"
"Ok then. I'll get your visa ready by tomorrow" he said with a heavy heart, "You can stay with your uncle in Abuja"
"No daddy I wasn't planning on going to Abuja" she said quickly making him turn to finally look at her.
"What do you mean?" he asked genuinely confused, "Where do you want to go then?"
"What? No! I certainly won't let you go abroad alone, no way" he said raising his voice slightly as the anger and pain he's feeling but mostly anger. Why would she think of going so far to avoid them? Did he fail her as a father to that extent?
She sighed, "Daddy please...I need this" she said softly so as not to let the tears in her eyes betray her.
"Firdausi I said no" her father stated sternly not wanting to give into her pleas.
"You know I can't stand here. It's everyone's wellbeing. Mine, yours, hers and everyone else's"
"I can get help there more than here, you know that"
Her father held her gaze as his face hardens. He refused to let her see that this decision is killing him in the inside as much as she's hurting. "I'll get you what you want. The as much time as you need but do remember that I'm only doing this because I do love you"
"Thanks Daddy"
That was all Jannah could think of as she walked into the hospital hastily. The conversation she had with her father five years ago was all that came to her when she heard the news of what happened to him. She couldn't help but feel the feeling of déjà vu being in this position again. It all felt so familiar.
She didn't reach home from Suhad's home when she heard what happened and that was all it took for her to change lane from her Aunt's house to the hospital all the while dreading the worst.
She stopped in her tracks when she saw her family outside the operation room. Kamal was pacing in front of the room while her mother, sister, grandmother, aunt and uncle sat on the waiting chairs with their heads downcast.
The sound of her footsteps made them all look up. The solemn look on their faces made her feel a pang in her heart. Her eyes met that of Kamal's whom looked taken aback seeing her there. He thought Suhad will keep to his words and won't let her leave there house. He knew very well what she being here will result too. They all knew.
"Jannah..." he stopped when Jannah's mother stood up and walked towards Jannah whom stood watching them all.
Jannah's mother's face was as hard as stone and emotionless, her eyes were dull and lips set into a grim line. She only stopped when she stood in front of Jannah. Everyone else kept their gaze on the two to see what will happen.
"Mama..." Jannah started but was cut short when Mama raised her hand up and landed a resounding a slap on Jannah's face with so much impact that her head turned to the side.
The others stood up in alarm.
Jannah looked at her mother with tears brewing in her eyes, "Mama..."
Another slap landed on her other cheek followed by another one before Jannah's aunt came and held Mama back from slapping her daughter any further.
Jannah bit her lower lip and looked down, tears slowly streaming down her face.
"How dare you?" Mama asked for the very first time, her voice gruff from crying for hours, "Everytime...Everytime! Something happens in this family it always has to be your fault" she pointed a finger at the silently sobbing daughter of hers.
"Halima calm down, stop this" the aunt said pulling Mama back but she was having none of it.
"How dare you show your face here after everything you did?" she half yelled still glaring at her daughter, tears welling up in her eyes again.
Jannah still neither looked up nor replied. She was still quietly sobbing.
"Halima stop..."
"It's your fault! It always is" Mama yelled choking up on her sobs. Iyah looked away in pity of both mother and daughter while Kamal fisted his fists. "Isn't it enough that you almost killed my daughter? Now you want to kill my husband too. Wato since he didn't die the last time you want to send him to his grave now ko?" she yelled again fighting out of her sister's grip to get to Jannah whom still stood in the same position.
Jannah raised one of her hands and wiped the tears that fell but they only kept on coming.
"Halima..." the aunt pulled her back despite the fight she's putting up.
"You know what?" she asked all of the sudden her voice low, "I really wish you never came into our lives. It would've been so much better" she pushed her sister away and went back to the spot she was sitting on earlier turning her head away a she wiped her tears.
Aunt attempted to comfort Jannah but Kamal whom had enough already walked up to her and placed an arm around her shoulder steering the crying Jannah away from them all.
He stopped when they were outside and made her sat on a bench, he taking the spot beside her. His heart hurts to see her crying like this. He knew this isn't the first time Mama's words got to her and he knew that she hoped that after five years, Mama will find it in her heart to forgive her but they all know it's just merely hopes for Halima had crossed the line of forgiveness long ago the minute she let her daughter go abroad to seek peace for everyone without making her stay back. He also knew Jannah needed to cry to get it off her mind.
So, that's exactly what he let her do. He let her cry the pain away though it can never really leave completely. But it will lift some weight off her shoulder rather than holding it in.
She handed his handkerchief to her when she finally stopped crying to wipe her tears.
"I deserved that" she said after a while of silence.
"No you didn't" he replied still staring ahead just like she is.
She turned to look at him, "I didn't do it. I swear I didn't"
He looked at her and once again admired their resemblance. Despite knowing she's by all accounts his cousin, they still resemble each other most, one of the reasons that seemed most peculiar to him leading to his reconnaissance. "I know. I believe you" he said and saw her features visibly relax.
"I tried to stop him, I really did. I..."
"Hey" Kamal placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her rants, "You don't need to explain, I really do believe you. And that son of a bitch will pay for doing that to you"
She nodded sighing as she massaged her temples with her fingers, "I don't know how it happened"
"Someone took pictures" Kamal stated answering her questions. "And sent it to your father" he added, "It was what leaded to his heart attack"
"I get that but there was no one there. If there was why didn't they help me instead of starting fake rumors about me?" she said frustratingly.
"I don't know but we'll find a way to find out"
She buried her face in her palms, "If it get out my name is ruined" she mutters not really worried about her name but that of her family's. Though it wasn't her fault, people will still believe it is because that's they see.
"It won't get out. We'll find a way" Kamal said trying to assure her without making it seem as though he has the power to track the bastard that started this which he can but she can't know that.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Trust me"
She nodded, "I trust you"
He moved closer and placed an arm around making her lean her head on his shoulder, "It's going to be okay baby sis. Your big bro is here" his words might seem of status quo but he knew the veracity it holds.
Something that he knew wasn't the time to unravel yet.
"Suhad" Kamal said into his phone the moment he made Jannah go home. He had wanted to make this call earlier but there was no way he could make it in front of her for one, she can't know that he knows Suhad and two, she can't know the kind of work he does.
"Kamal, how is your Uncle? Man I'm sorry I couldn't stop Jannah from going back home, she's stubborn as hell"
Kamal sighed. He knew Suhad's just saying that because if he wanted to make her stay he would've however the goofball can't say anything against her will when he sees tears in her eyes. The idiot is smitten too much to do that, especially after what happened to her. "She came here"
"What?" he could hear the surprise in Suhad's tone, for what reason though he's unaware. He knows that if she leaves his house she will find out so he doesn't get what's there to be surprised when he let her out, "What happened?"
"That's something I can't tell you. You know that" Kamal said changing a hallway when he saw a nurse approaching the place he was. No matter how close he is to Suhad he never tells him exactly what happens in their family especially when it relates to Jannah because he believes that if she wants him to know she will tell him herself.
He heard Suhad sigh and he imagined him nodding along, "It's ok. Is she alright though?"
"No she's not honestly" Kamal answered, "I think it would've made her felt better if you're here considering what happened earlier. I can only calm her for so long"
"Kamal you know I can't. I'll try to come back as soon as I can but Mamita won't let me out of sight especially now that Mai Martaba is sick. I have to take care of things on his behalf"
"I understand don't worry man"
"Did you find out whom took the pictures?" Suhad asked still upset that no matter how hard he tried to erase the pictures from the face of the earth someone snapped some others and sent it to her father. Luckily, it's the only copy out.
"No" Kamal shook his head as if Suhad can see him, "But I'm close. The person that did that is not someone small, I just know it because hiding the number used from the cyber security entirely takes someone with extreme computer knowledge and the only person I can think of is..."
"Jabeer? It can't be him. He has nothing on Jannah" Suhad said in a tone that states that he's confused.
Kamal nodded massaging his temples, "That's what I'm thinking too. But I'm close to tracking the person and I'll soon find out who he is"
"Why do I have a feeling that this isn't something small?"
Kamal sighed, "Let's hope it's not" he didn't want to think deeply into the issue because it might not be as big as they are thinking of it as.
"I got to go man, duty calls"
"Alright. We'll talk later" Kamal cut the call closing his eyes as the issue is frustrating him. He placed his phone back in his pocket and went back to where his family is keeping in mind to continue his job when he gets back home.
A figure hiding behind a wall of an adjoining hallway watches him walk away. She smirks and brought out her phone and dialed the first number on it. The other person picked up after the third ring, "It worked" she said.
"Good job. Is the old man up?"
"Nope, I think he might be in a coma for a while" the lady said with humor lacing her tone.
Big boss laughed at the other end of the call, "And the boy?"
"He couldn't trace anything to me. Heck when you told me he's an agent I thought he will be smart. Just used a small code and boy couldn't decode it" she laughed slightly watching Kamal walk over to his family. She huffed at the thought of the boy being an excessively smart. She simply didn't see it.
"Don't underestimate him. Destroy all evidence"
"But first, send me a copy I need it for something"
"Alright" she ends the call and kept on watching the Maikano family with a smirk on her face. She scoffed and then walked away pulling her hoodie over her head.
Kamal looked up and watched the spot she was just in. He excused himself for a minute and brought out his phone watching the video the CCTV camera's are recording which he connected with his phone in the course of his investigation. Just before she completely walks out, the cameras snapped a picture of her which also appeared on his phone.
He zoom the picture, and thought it wasn't that clear it was something, "Bingo" he said making out her features.
He wasn't an agent for no reason and he definitely didn't study criminology to not have brains to carry out small tasks as this. He was well aware that when he was making a call. Surely, the person that used such code wasn't just after Jannah alone. A person that goes to such length to do that only meant the person is someone to keep an eye on.
He needed to pretend not to know just to get a view of the person's face.
And now he has it.
After all, the game is only for the keen.
So...that happened.
Who's that lady now? And big boss again!
Kamal is clever guyyyy
Poor Jannah Sweetheart.
Love, Jannah.
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