She quickly took her coffee from the coffee machine after checking the time on her Rolex wrist watch again. She was five minutes late!

And that too on her first day of work!

She lets out a silent groan letting her head fall back, her eyes closing shut for that moment. The wall clock that was perched high on the wall on the other side of the kitchen seems to be taunting her by the way it was ticking loudly, or at least to her ear it is reminding her of the precious time she's wasting by the second.

Can this day get any worse? She thought.

Her heels were in her hand while the coffee cup was in the other. Somehow her Chanel quilted shoulder bag is slung on her shoulder on top of her crimson pink Kimono which covers her white high waist straight skirt with a long slit which was hidden by the kimono and a matching halter.

She all but sprinted out of the house after bidding her aunt goodbye. Her aunt chuckled, she had been trying to get this girl out of bed for hours, and now she is late. Serves her right though. Next time she would not stay up till three in the morning knowing she has her internship the next day.

Jannah strode to the parking lot quickly careful not to spill her coffee. God knows that's the only thing that will keep her sane this morning. In no time, she reached what she considers her most prized possession; a sleek black Audi SUV that her father gifted her when she graduated four months ago.

People have this stereotype that it's just men whom are obsessed with cars, well they are wrong. Jannah treasures this car like her life, mainly because it's the very first car her father is letting her own and drive. In all her twenty one years, never had she been allowed to drive a car at home. Her parents simply didn't trust her driving skills ever since when she was nineteen and her mother let send her on an errand to the supermarket. For the very first time she trusted the girl to drive without a chaperone, thinking that she is now a well trained driver.

They were wrong.

Big time.

Because the moment Jannah came back home, she returned with a flat tire, half the once beautiful sleek Mercedes scraped and missing one headlight. The car literally had a huge dent on it. Her excuse was that she met with an accident involving a reckless motorcycle driver and that next time she will be more careful. Obviously, they didn't but that excuse and ever since then she wasn't allowed to drive.

And now, she was given the car after made to take three different drivers test and passed all.

She quickly opened the door and got in. She didn't bother taking off the bag, she simply threw the heels on the passenger's seat and placed the coffee mug in the cup holder. Turning on the car and revving it to life, she drove out of the driveway and out if the house that has been a second home to her.

The traffic was no joke, and it definitely didn't help calm the nervous spitball that's Jannah. Tapping her foot impatiently on the floor as her fingers drum the steering wheel, she looked out through the window and saw that it was as if the traffic isn't moving at all.

Tears literally well up in her eyes as she checked the time on her wristwatch again and saw that she was eleven minutes late. She took the now cold coffee and took a gulp. She didn't stop until the mug was empty and by then she was determined to get to work by fire by force. She will walk there if she has to. If the heels will stop her in any way then she'll take it off and walk barefoot.

Thankfully, the cars moved and she was on her way to work again. She made it there in no time and she hopped out after finding a space to park her car. The parking lot was filled up with numerous posh cars that make her cringe. Obviously, the people working here are either snobby or just like to show off their wealth no matter how nice they are.

Picking up the heels in her hand once again, she kicked the car door close and stood in the deserted parking lot trying to put on her six inch stilettos. For most women, walking in it is considered treacherous. But, Jannah had no problem with it, or so she thought.

She stood in front of the five flat building that had ANNA'S written boldly in pink with glitter on it. The buying was beautiful and from the exterior was made of glass so you could see the people inside roaming about working.

She wiped the invisible sweat beads on her forehead and nodded slightly as if to assure herself that she can do it. She fixed her bag and with a determined look on her face walk up the three steps that lead to her new place of work.

The door was opened by a man that stood there probably the door man by the uniform he had on. She didn't pay much attention to him though; she just smiled and thanked him. The middle aged man for the first time that day smiled. He had always hated whenever new interns were hired. They are always snobby and brats whom think they are above everyone simply because their parents pulled some strings and got them positions they clearly don't deserve one bit. It's nice to see someone who's not like them for once. It gave him hope that this year won't be as bad as the past ones.

Jannah almost gasped, the interior was way more stunning than the exterior. But, she knew not to let her new found interest known to the people around her because she was Alhaji Mahmoud Maikano's daughter. If he was there with her and caught her gaping, he would drag her and take her to every building in Abuja that had similar structure and then teased her about being a villager like her mother. Something her mother always argues with him about. She always says that Jannah got that from him not her. Well, at least she did. Something's just aren't the same anymore.

She walked over to the receptionist whom had a smile in her face. She seems friendly enough and looked very welcoming. Her blonde hair let to fall on her shoulder in waves while she had on the workers uniform. She had little makeup on and was exactly giving out the 'nice' vibe.

Once Jannah reached where she was she smiled wider than earlier if possible, "Hi. Can I help you?" she asked in a thick British accent.

Jannah's face mirrored hers, "Hi. I'm an intern here. I'm supposed to start today" she said hoping that the woman wouldn't say anything about her being fifteen minutes late. The last thing she wants is for someone to remind her that.

The lady nodded checking something on the computer in front of her, "Your name?" she asked.

"Firdausi Jannah Mahmoud"

"Aha! Found it .You're late" she said looking up making it sound more of a statement than a question.

No shit Sherlock.

Tell me something I don't know.

Jannah so badly wanted to say when a scowl replaced the smile on her face. But, she didn't not wanting anything to ruin her mood. Not more than it already is.

"Second floor, third room to the left. The conference room in the building. Miss Angelo already started with the other interns, but you can join. Hopefully she won't say a thing about being late although I doubt she wouldn't" The lady said seeing the way Jannah's eyes narrowed at her. She wanted to continue rambling but one glare was enough to shut her up. The last time she upset one of the interns she almost lost her job, this time she was sure she'd lose it if she pushes further.

Jannah forced a tight lipped smile, "Thank you"

With that she walked away and head to the elevator where thankfully she was alone in it. She pressed the button that will take her to the second floor and waited as the door chimed closed. Some classical yawn worthy music played in the background but she didn't pay attention to it. Instead she closed her eyes and prayed that she don't get called out for being late.

Once the door opened again she got out and walked straight into a building as big as the once downstairs but this once was different. Men dressed in suits and ladies and beautiful outfits walk around as they work. Some in their cubicles while some just walk around either on the call or checking a file in their hand. The whole place busted with noise the noise they were making. By the looks of it, they were definitely the marketing department.

She followed the directions she was given earlier and got to the conference room with was also written in bold on the glass door. She couldn't see anything inside from where she stood so she stood there and fixed her turban cap again, adjusted her bag and took in a deep breath before opening one of the double doors.

The place literally turned pin drop quiet as everyone's attention turned to her. There had to be like twenty interns here and they were l now staring at her. She felt kind of uncomfortable at first but them stood up straight, raised her head up and smiled.

She made eye contact with some of the guys there and the way they are looking at her made her feel slightly uncomfortable but more like how girls feel in Indian movies. Like they are the life of the party and nothing else matters but them. A bit too cocky on her part but she's Jannah, there's nothing she won't do.

Yes, she was undeniably beautiful and the girl knew how to apply makeup and dress up like it was no one's matter what she does with her life. With her model like body and a height of 5'9 and in heels she was stunning to say the least so that must be the reason why the guys were staring at her.

Feeling more confident now, she walked further into the room a little bit too dramatic but she was enjoying it. After all, the girl was naturally dramatic. But then all went down, the feeling of being high and in charge all disappeared into thin air when she....

Tripped and fell on the floor in front of everyone!

A series of gasps resonated in the place while some snorts and others laughed.

She cringed as her face made contact with the cold marble floor. She felt like the ground should just open up and swallow her. There were literally no words to explain how embarrassed she felt at the moment. The laugher didn't help at all and the whispers she heard them exchanged amongst them only angered and embarrassed her more.

Stupid heels.

Stupid peer interns.

Stupid internship.

Just as she was thinking of what to do, stand up, swallow her pride and pretend like that didn't happen or just lie there and pretend to have passed out? She chooses the latter choosing to deal with the outcome later but couldn't execute the plan when she heard the sound of footsteps heading towards her.

A hand outstretched in front of her face had her raising her head to look at the person or more like the girl. The girl was crouching down to her level as she has an amused and worried look on her face. She didn't look like one of those people who'd make fun of her though, "here. Let me help you up" the girl said in a sweet voice that held some sort of wittiness behind it.

Jannah not wanting to spend another minute on the floor held the girl's hand that helped her stand up. "Just pretend that didn't happen" she heard the girl whisper before they both stand fully straight.

So Jannah did just as the girl said.

She held her head back up again and this time actually looking at the way she's walking head over to where the rest are, who all by the way are still having trouble controlling their laughter. She didn't dare look at any of their eyes. It was simply too embarrassing.

"Alright everyone!!" A voice at the helm said silencing everyone, "Now that you've all laughed at the girl's discomfiture, all of you keep shut" A woman said as her tone reeks with authority.

Definitely Miss Angelo.

The CEO of Anna's.

Miss Angelo turned to Jannah who swallowed hard, "Now Miss. Will you mind introducing yourself?" she stated and it may seem like a question but it wasn't.

Jannah cleared her throat, "I'm Firdausi Jannah Mahmoud Ma'am" she answered confidently even though inside she's cowering away from the attention she's now receiving as if she wasn't the one that was enjoying it five minutes ago.

Miss Angelo nodded, "Well Miss Mahmoud. I don't have time to explain what I've said before you show up so you should get someone to explain it to you. And next time, keep it to the time we set. I don't appreciate tardiness"

"Yes Ma'am"


"Come on. It wasn't that embarrassing" the girl that Jannah met earlier argued as they were now making their way to the first floor where all the interns will be working. Miss Angelo gave them a work to all do, they all had to design two dresses and submit it before they leave work. She wants to see their capability first before assigning them any real work.

Jannah groaned. She doesn't want to talk about this anymore, "Are you kidding me? You try tripping in front of 20 strangers and then tell me how it feels" she said side glaring at the enthusiastic girl. She somehow reminds her of her best friend, you know the old giddy girl before her life took a turn down unforeseen street and shock lane.

The girl chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind, but unlike you I keep my eyes on the way I'm walking. Plus I don't wear heels as high as yours" she said pointing down to her wedges which was bright pink.

The girl is just so girly.

And just so unlike Jannah.

But you know what they say, opposite attract.

Maybe, just maybe! This case might be it.

Jannah muttered something under her breath knowing that what the girl said was right but she will never admit that, "Yeah yeah whatever. Let's just get this thing over with" she said once the elevator they were in stopped and they both walk out into the floor that looks identical to that of the first floor.

Time to get to work.

Two long hours of sketching, tearing the paper, throwing it in the bin, sketching another one, ruining it out of frustration, throwing the sketch book away later, the girl that Jannah still doesn't know the name of decided to help the poor sketchbook by asking her out for lunch since it's their break time. She asked her to go with her to get lunch from the building's lunch room.

Jannah looked at the pile of trash she created before nodding knowing that she needed it. If she spends another minute in here, she might just lose her mind, literally. She was beyond frustrated; whoever said couturifying is easy is a big fat lair. This is not easy at all.

She let the girl lead the way as she seemed to be more familiar with the place. On the way there, the girl started blabbering about something that Jannah deemed not of any interest to her. Unconsciously, she lacked concentration on what was happening. Something she often does. It wasn't this frequent before but now it's almost every day. A deep sane part of her was scared by this change but the other wasn't.

Once they were in the lunch room, they went ahead to get their food. On the way there, Jannah's gaze fell on a couple that were eating together. There were about five of them in the table but those two without a doubt are a couple. The giggles, smiles and the ardor in their eyes were enough proof to that. The guy leaned down and said something that made the girl laugh out loud.

She envied them.

They had something she doesn't. Something she might never have.

They looked happy.

Her thoughts drift again to a certain someone. Someone who she shouldn't be thinking of but it was almost impossible when the memory of their time together is etched in her brain. They were too good to forget. She knows she should forget about him for two reasons.

One, she was the one that ended stuff with him.

Two, it has been a year already and it was about time she finally moved on.

She doesn't know if he did but she didn't. Honestly, even she wasn't aware of why she broke up with him.

They had a pretty good relationship. She wouldn't call it perfect but it was better than anything she could ever hope to have.

What she saw that day broke her but she knew she should've heard his explanation.

However there was no explanation that will justify his actions. She should've known never to trust him but she did. She was so stupid to think that she will be happy for once; that someone will love her for who she is. Now thanks to him she can't get the thought or him in particular out of her head. Her head is already messed up already and he just added to it.

This is his entire fault! She thought as she felt her anger resurfacing. The anger she never bottled up because she doesn't know how to.

The only she knows is to say what's on her mind that moment. That's all her mind knows.

Fingers snapping in front of her face snapped her out of her unwanted thoughts. "What?!" she snapped turning to glare at the person that interrupted her chain of thought. She was a bit loud, just enough to gain the attention of the people close to them.

The girl that had a smile on her face ever since they met frowned as her eyes widened a bit. She was taken aback by Jannah's sudden outburst so she remained silent.

Her silence irritated Jannah more, "Bakiji menace bane; didn't you hear what I said? What do you want?" She said harshly making the girl gulp at the harshness.

"I-I only wanted to ask you what you want" the girl explained as her voice became lower by every word she utters. Honestly, she was hurt. One thing she doesn't like is being yelled at or someone venting his anger on her. It scares the crap out of her.

Jannah hissed lightly, "You should've asked before doing that. It's rude" she said rolling her eyes at the poor girl.

"I did" the girl tried to explain, "You weren't paying attention"

Jannah looked at the girl again who now looked like a sad lost puppy. It made a little part of her guilty for snapping at the girl because it wasn't her fault. For that moment the logical part of her urged her to apologize, and so she did, "I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault I shouldn't have done that" Jannah apologized shaking her head to get rid of the thoughts that riled her up.

The girl smiled, "It is okay" she said with that smile at made Jannah smile a bit because the guilt is eating her up. "So what do you want?" she asked again this time hoping that she won't get yelled at.

Jannah shook her head again as she put her hand in hand in her clutch to bring out some one thousand naira notes, "You don't have to get me anything. I can get it" she said but the girl quickly held her hand to stop her.

"It's okay really. My treat. Let's say it's a token of our friendship" she said with a warm smile.

Jannah shook her head again in opposition, "It's okay wallahi. I'll just buy it"

The girl sighed, "Jannah just let me please. A gift from your new friend" she offered again, this time her voice more stern leaving no room for opposition.

Jannah dejectedly nodded, "Thank you" she said her voice barely above a whisper.

The enthusiastic girl nodded, "You're welcome. So what do you want?" She asked again making Jannah shrug.

"Honestly, I'll eat anything right now" Jannah said with a small smile on her lips.

The girl nodded and went ahead to order food for the both of them as Jannah waited for her. She tried this time hard enough not to let her thought wander. She can't afford to get lost in her thoughts again.

But she couldn't help it.

When she looked at the girl, she can't help but feel a little bit sad. She promised herself not to get too attached to people after what happened. The only people she can stand are her family, Daihaah and a few of Daihaah's family members but anyone other than that is a big no. But even them too she has to be very cautious around them. She doesn't want to get close to people, she knows how it'll end and she's been hurt for way too much already.

To most, she's the jovial girl that has no problem in the world except for to choose what to wear and whatnot.

Sadly, the people with smile son their faces all the time are the ones hurting the most.

Before Jannah can think much again, the girl came back again and led her to an empty table where she placed their plates of concoction rice and with chilled soda. Jannah sat opposite her and thanked the girl who waved it off and they started eating their food while making conversations here and there which Jannah tried as much as possible to avoid from being too personal.

"So you studied in BUK?" The girl asked once they were done eating and were just sitting talking about things since they still have time left before they have to get back to work.

Jannah nodded as she took a sip of her soda, "Yeah, but only for two years"

The girl leaned forth a little bit as she rests her hands on the table between them, "You transferred?"

"Yes I did. I graduated from a school in Canada"

"Oh! I've always loved Canada but my parents didn't let me study there. That's how I ended up being stuck in Paris with my sister" the girl explained. Her brows furrowed a bit, her lips pulled in a put as she talked about made to study in the same country with her sister. "You know to be honest, I didn't think I'll make a friend today" the girl added as she fiddled with her fingers.

Jannah raised one of her brows, "And why is that?" she asked not that she really cared but the girl seemed nervous as she talked about it.

"People think I'm different. So they tend to say I'm weird. That I talk a lot and that I'm too girly. Some say I'm a spoilt brat and that I only do what I want. The only ones that I actually were close to turned out to only pretend to like me to get close to my brothers or someone like that. And because of that, not many people will like to be with me" the girl explained as her voice became lower with each and every sentence she utters.

Jannah's brows drew together as she frowned. She understood what the girl is going through because she too has went through it. And so she wouldn't wish for anyone to go through that. "Look at me" She said as she leaned forward too; making the girl raise her head, "You're too girly? Do they want you to be too manly then? Or do they want you to act like men? Don't ever let what people say to you get to you. People will always talk, let them. Will it leave a scar on your body? No it won't. If anything they are carrying the weight of your sins on top of theirs. Not everyone will love you, and that's okay. You might not be the best, but at least you know you are not fake like them so don't let what they say get to you"

The girl's lips slowly stretched into a small smile, "Thank you" she said genuinely hoping to get a smile in return from Jannah but she didn't, instead she received a nod instead.

"Let's go back. We have a lot to finish" Jannah said standing up just to get herself out of this whole emotional situation. She had learnt to be close off away from people and so she despise being in serious situations like this one. She simply can't stand them and so she wants to get away from them as soon as possible.

The girl nodded and stood up too. The two of them quietly went back to their workplace and each continued on their assessment. It hasn't even been up to five minutes since they've returned when Daihaah called her asking about her well being and whatnot. Just hearing her best friend's voice made her want to tear up and tell her everything on her mind but she just couldn't. Somehow she managed to not sound out of the ordinary while she was on the call which she was quick to end once she felt like she couldn't handle it anymore.

This time work wasn't any easier but Alhamdullilah, by the time the clock hit three, and they were done with the assessment and work. And so they were free to leave.

Jannah got all her stuff and held them in her hand as she and the girl made their way to the elevator along with some of the other interns. The girl has returned to her usual jovial self with no care in the world and this made Jannah smile a bit.

Once they made it to the parking lot, Jannah turned to the girl, "Hey I didn't get your name. You are?"

The girl smiled sheepishly, "My bad. It must've totally slipped off my mind" she chuckled as she adjusted her bag that she slung on her shoulder. She extended her hand towards Jannah again, "I'm Fatimah" she introduced.

Jannah smiled as the name reminded her of Adda Aneesah.

"It's nice to meet you Fatimah" she held her hand as they shook hands again, "So will you drive yourself home or are you waiting for someone?" she asked again not that she really cared but she was trying to be friendly since the girl had been nothing but nice towards her.

The girl nodded, "I'm driving myself"

Jannah smiled a bit, "Ok then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow" with a few goodbyes again they both went their separate ways.

Jannah knew that she had to go to the party in Daihaah's house because it means so much to her but deep down she doesn't want to. However, she knew she couldn't ditch her best friend; she has done enough of that over the past year she can't do it again. Though all the while she thought that Daihaah will understand since she knew what she's going through but it turns out it wasn't Daihaah she told her secret but rather Layla. She would've said she regretted telling her but she really doesn't because the advice she gave her are the once she holds onto.

She was lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize that she had arrived at the bakery she'll pick up the cake. She sighed, she knew she shouldn't think like that while driving but she couldn't help it. She picked up her bag and opened the door once she parked before stepping out.

She walked towards the bakery's entry and pulls the door open before sliding in. The bell by the door chimes when she opens it gaining the attention of the baker. The woman smiles once she spotted Jannah; she and Daihaah are her regular customers.

"Good evening ma'am" Jannah says offering the middle aged woman a smile. As much as she might try to deny it, the woman has always been one of the people that always make her smile no matter how gloomy she is. The woman has the thing for handing out both the motherly and sister vibes all together.

"Jannah! How are you?"

"I'm fine"

"Masha Allah. You're here to pick up Daihaah's cake right?" she asked fixing her pinafore.

Jannah nodded in reply. The woman smiled telling her to give her a minute. She disappeared in the back door leaving Jannah there all alone. Jannah drummed her fingers on the counter in front of her as she awaits the woman's presence again just in time the bell chimes. She moved her gaze away from the pastries in display to the door and almost immediately her breath hitched as she watched him walk in.

He however didn't notice her presence as he was on the call; his fingers massaging his temples as he talks on the phone. His hair is way shorter than it was before, now it is just a little over the length of that of a typical Hausa man. He had on a raven denim jean and a swish tawny top which he covered with a black jacket. His face is just as she remembers it. He has only changed a bit.

Before he can catch her checking him out, she looked away thinking of ways to get of the place before he can see her. Though there's only one question running in her head, why is he here?

Luck wasn't on her side today because he walked towards her and stood next her as he placed his phone in his pocket having done with the call already. He moved his gaze away from the carte de jour broadside placed on the counter to Jannah whom was looking away from him hoping he won't notice her. But then again, how can he not notice her?

"Jannah?" he asked tilting his head to look at her face clearly.


So we meet here in Stars Align!

Vote, share, comment and follow!

So who expected the two to meet now? I just thought that since they've already met in 99 days my prince what's the point of the delay. Also this is continuation from where 99DMP ends, when Daihaah asked her to pick up the cake while Aamir does the same with Suhad.

I've made the chapter long but I have a question.

Do you guys prefer long chapters like this or short ones like just 2500 words?

Ok bye. Love, Jannah.


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