Creepy, Creepier, and Yet Creepier

ShadowTeen89: oooooo toysss can I have one?

Jason: I usually give them to children but I'll make an exception.~ *smirks* 

Samantha: Please don't kill my only asker, Jason. Give them a good toy not a killer one. -.- *sitting on a loveseat*

Jason: *grumbles* Fine! *a blue door appears and he walks in but let's Mr. Glutton out* 

Abe: What the he** is tha- Ammph! *is muffled by Mr. Glutton trying to eat him* 

Samantha: Mr. Glutton, drop the man, right now!! That is our guest!!! 

LJ: *eating caramel corn and watching with amusement* 

Abe: It smell like death in here!!! *struggling to get out of the toy's jaws*

Damien: What's going on- HOLY SH**!!! What is that thing?!! *panicking* 

Wilford: *trying pry out its jaws* Oh, that's Mr. Glutton, one of Jason's creations! 

Samantha: *sighs* I didn't want to do this but I have no choice. Damien, open the closet door. 

Damien: *gulps* You mean......the h-hazardous taper closet door? 

Samantha: *nods* That one. 

Damien: B-but that could be a disaster!! 

Samantha: Just do it! *slams my fist on the couch* 

Abe: *letting out muffled sobs*

Damien: *slowly starts to open the door but is bombarded by hundreds of balls of yarn that comes out of the door* 

*Mr. Glutton perks up and drops Abe, excitedly rolling in the balls of yarn* 

Abe: I-I have faced death and won!!! *panting and throwing his arms in the air like Rocky* 

Samantha: That's good but you got more death waiting for ya, Balboa. *chuckles* 

Abe: F*** my life..... ._.

Jason: *comes back with an elegant puppet with a Victorian dress* I found this one. Puppeteer helped me make this one but not many of the children liked it. Maybe you might-......This is quite the sight~

Samantha: Why did you let out Mr. Glutton??! He almost ate Abe!!

Jason: I didn't; he lets himself out. But I see you were having fun~ *evilly chuckles* 

Wilford: Yeah, Thank god for the hundreds of balls of yarn! 

Jason: Oh that won't keep him completely occupied. He's like a cat; he needs something to chase. Or someone.~

Samantha: Then get Sonic Exe. over here!! He's fast enough for it!!

Sonic Exe: *speeds down the stairs* I aM nOT gOInG tO lET THAt haPpen, B****!! *speeds off* 

Abe: What the heck is going on here??! Why are there so many of these random people coming here??!!! 

Samantha: *sighs and punches the bridge of my nose* I knew I had to tell you guys some time.....

Wilford: *raises a brow* Tell us what?.....

Samantha: So, you know how I told you that I was renovating this place? 

Wilford, Damien, and Abe: *nods slowly* 

Samantha: Well, I had some Creepypastas help me with it and, in return, I would share half the building with Slenderman. That means some Creepypastas are living here and stay here as retribution for having them renovate the mansion. 

Damien: Well, I guess that explains the random oddities we found in the tunnels...

Abe: And how I get random nosebleeds and nausea....That is a part of it, right?

Samantha: Yeah, that's Slender Sickness. A phase that only occurs if Slender is watching you. 

Wilford: So we have to share with them? 

LJ: Yep!~ Nice to have new roommates!!~ *grins* 

Wilford: It may not help that Dark is coming too- 

Samantha: WAIT WHA- *interrupted by the slam of the front door* 

Dark: *smirks as he is holding two suitcases* I'm back~ 

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