Whispered Love
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
System: Alpha Centauri
Faction: United Colonies
Planet: Jemison
Place: The Lodge
A/N: That picture is not good for my health since it reminds me of Like Crazy. That's Commander Park's look in LC so it makes me go feral.
Also, March 24th was the one year anniversary of Like Crazy (the book). It's obviously not March 24th, but happy belated birthday Like Crazy. I'll have more of a celebration on July 9th, which is both my 21st birthday and the anniversary of the ending of Like Crazy. Expect more of a celebration then, while I eat cake and (legally) drink my ass off.
I'm gonna be legal and gay on July 9th so make sure to wish me-
Anyway, enjoy this chapter. Sexual content ahead, though it focuses far more on the emotions of the characters than the actual actions. And it doesn't really use the typical sexual language. I'm not really comfortable writing smut so it's not gonna be the average smut-
Vote if you would let Jimin punch you in the face.
The Lodge was quiet.
No one was around, and that was how Jimin intended it. He had told Sam and Cora to stay on the ship no matter what. Sarah had gone to MAST to aid in the relief efforts, as did Noel and Matteo. Walter remained on Neon far away from the chaos, Vladimir never stayed at the Lodge, no one knew where Andreja was, and Barrett and VASCO were likely exploring the depths of space and had no idea what had happened to the UC yet.
That left Y/n and Jimin alone in the Lodge with soot on their faces and mud on their boots. They had two hours to shower and comfort one another after all they had witnessed. Taking turns showering would make up most of the-
"Can we shower together?" she asked, and Jimin had to do a factory reset at that.
"I don't want to be alone. Alpaca, remember?"
It was a weak attempt at a joke, but he obliged and laughed anyway. He came over to her and kissed her forehead. She had the cutest little half-smile on her face. It pained him to know it was an expression she used to mask her true feelings. Still, he allowed her to have that escape. They needed an escape. At least for a little while.
"Are you sure? Y/n, I don't know if you know this, but humans normally don't shower with clothes on."
"I know. I want this. I... I want you."
He wasn't sure what way to take that, so he chose not to make any inappropriate jokes. Instead, he took her to one of the many bathrooms in the Lodge. He chose the one closest to his room and got inside with her. Since he knew she preferred steaming hot showers, he turned on the vent so the smoke wouldn't become too much. Right after that, he took off his shirt and peeked back at her. She was doing the same, only slower.
"You don't have to do this-"
"Jimin," she interrupted, shooting him a soft smile from over her shoulder. "I'm not a child, I'm twenty-eight. If I say I'm okay with something, I am. I told you: I want you."
"To be clear, when you say 'I want you'-"
"Holy moly, just get over here and strip me, you goofball."
In what dimension would Park Jimin say no to that?
Jimin practically jumped at her and helped her take her clothes off. Although he wanted to ask over and over again if she was sure it was okay, he kept his mouth shut and trusted her. She was right: she was a grown ass adult. As long as he knew he had her verbal consent, he could continue. But he'd stop the second she said anything negative or her body language said otherwise.
His hands peeled back the layers of her clothes, including her socks and pants. He didn't want her to feel isolated, so he took off all his clothes first, then he aided her out of her underwear until they were both stripped.
Y/n went to cover herself, and he held her hands and ceased her movements. Jimin came closer and didn't creep her out by scanning over her, but he did take a few peeks.
"You're beautiful," he murmured as he peppered kisses across her face. "I understand you're shy, I just hope you know I think every part of you is beautiful. Every single part."
"I know that now." She paused to glance down his body, and her eyes bulged. "Hey, Minnie, just a reminder that I like walking, so please don't blow out my back-"
She laughed and hugged him. Amazement filled his veins. After what they had gone through, he had expected her to break down crying and cling to him like there was no tomorrow. Part of Jimin wanted to do that, if he was being honest. On the contrary, she joked and giggled and was affectionate. Jimin wouldn't complain; however, he had to admit it was strange. Y/n wasn't shy, but she was awkward when it came to bare skin and sex. The most she had done was attempt to cover herself. That was tame compared to how she had previously refused to show much skin whatsoever.
"Hey, darling," Jimin said. He placed his hand on her cheek to make their eyes lock. "What's going on?"
"Nothing, I just want to shower with you."
Did he believe her? No. Did he grant her desires anyway? Yes. Jimin activated the shower and waited until the water was hot enough to make him wince before he stepped in and offered her his hand. She joined him inside, and the steam hissed all around them, fogging up the glass of the container.
It was a rectangular shower that was a silver color that blended in with the black and white color scheme the rest of the bathroom had. There were several half-empty bottles of shampoo and conditioner laying around along with a black washcloth and a half-used minty green soap bar. They had enough space to walk around and stay apart if they wanted to. The problem was they didn't want to, so they ended up standing next to each other as they cleaned themselves.
Jimin rubbed her back and helped her get all the gunk off. Soon enough, both of them were clean and washing their hair. He had a head injury from when the Terrormorph blasted him back. However, it wasn't serious. It was a minor concussion that would result in many headaches, but he'd be good to go in a few days after being treated by modern medicine. Y/n had already agreed to going to Reliant to pick up the delicious goods.
Yes, by delicious, Jimin meant they tasted like Terrormorph piss.
It had only been twenty minutes since they had spoken to the Cabinet, which meant Jimin had over an hour to relax with Y/n. He wasn't looking forward to speaking with the Freestar rep, but he had a feeling he was the best candidate for the job. He was Freestar. Beyond that, he was the one who had slain a Terrormorph on his own, stopped the Crimson Fleet, and defended New Atlantis against more Terrormorphs. If Jimin wasn't considered a hero yet, he didn't know what else he'd have to do to earn that status.
Y/n came over and held his hand. He turned at that, and he did his best not to scan over her body. Yes, she was okay with showing her skin to him, but that didn't mean he needed to ogle her like a kindergartener seeing boobies for the first time. Just like how she was a grown woman, he was a grown man. He could respect her while also admiring her. That simple.
"Hey," she whispered, and her voice was far quieter than before. "You were right, there's something wrong."
"I figured. What's wrong, honey?"
She embraced him, and he stroked her wet hair to calm her. There were no words exchanged between them for a while. They basked in the steaming water until Y/n finally continued.
"Back when I first fought Terrormorphs, the shout wasn't that bad. I'd hear my parents, maybe Commander Tuala, but Tuala was next to me and my parents were off world. There was no reason to believe they were in danger. But you? When I heard your voice, I tried telling myself you were okay. You're a strong man, a great fighter, and you have superpowers. I knew you were fine, but..."
"You wouldn't know for sure until you saw me," he finished, and she nodded.
"I thought I lost you today."
He kissed her forehead. "I thought I lost you too."
Just like that, she kissed him, and it ended with him pinning her to the wall, grabbing her leg, and making out with her like she'd fade away if he didn't. Their lips grabbed at one another and pulled. They were so aggressive that their teeth clattered and their noses bumped, and soon enough, all he could smell was the soap soaking her skin.
Jimin pushed himself off her and had to pace around the shower to calm himself. If they continued, he would get too worked up, and he knew she wasn't-
"Jimin," she said, softly. Her hand grazed by his arm. It was such a small, delicate touch, yet it ignited every spark inside his core. "I want you."
Jimin stalled and had to wait a moment for words to come to him. "I want you too, but we're emotional. Is it a good idea to do that while we're like this?"
"Doesn't that make it better?" she asked, coming closer and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Take me. On your bed."
"But... Y/n, where is this coming from?"
She gazed into his eyes, her stare never wavering. "I love you."
Those three words made the decision for him. As if those words flipped a switch, suddenly the shower was off and he was kissing her while carrying her to his bed. They didn't care how wet they were, they didn't care if someone came home, they didn't care about Jimin's upcoming meeting with the Freestar. All Jimin could focus on was the beautiful woman in his arms. The beautiful woman he placed on his bed and climbed on top of with his lips connecting to hers once more.
His hands explored her hips and rubbed her skin, then he went across her stomach to feel every nook and cranny she had to offer. Her legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer, and he gasped at the sudden proximity. He hadn't been so intimate with someone in countless months if not years.
"I love you," he whispered against her lips as if hypnotized by her. He could shout the phrase over and over without getting tired of it. That caused him to laugh. "I love you."
Before she could answer, he kissed her again. She moaned into it. It was the most pleasant sound he had ever heard, and he cherished each vibration it provided. With his knee, he rubbed himself on her and made her throw her head back. He couldn't tell if it was from pleasure, shock, or a mix of both, but he burned the image into his brain regardless.
"You're incredible," he said as he panted and moved her legs. She giggled and helped him position himself above her.
Having her bare body beneath him was a privilege. So, he took his time. His lips sucked at her neck and left marks on her collarbone and chest. His knee continued its onslaught against her, and he listened to her soft whimpers. He wished he could breathe them in and have them trap his mind in bliss, but he opted to listen as closely as he could instead.
Her lower lip quivered. "Please."
"What is it, darling?" he whispered as he kissed all over her jaw. "What do you want from me? Open those pretty lips of yours and tell me what you want."
"You," was her quick response. She locked eyes with him and, much to his surprise, her gaze never left his. "Make love to me. Please."
Well, she used manners, so who was he to decline her?
He made love to her and held her close during the entire process. Pleasure rose inside him, but none of it compared to watching the way she squirmed under him and whispered for him to keep going. She muttered praises and reaffirmed how good he made her feel. Jimin didn't stop until he felt her back arching and her legs struggling to stay on his waist. They shuddered, and Jimin kissed all over her face and neck to keep her shaking.
"You're so good for me, you're so fucking good." He groaned and had sweat pouring down his head. So much for the shower. "That's my good girl, stay close to me, darling."
She kept their clammy skin together. It was messy, but he adored it. Her hair sprawled out on his pillows, and he watched how her hips struggled to stop shifting back and forth with each movement he made. He chuckled and kissed up her neck until his mouth arrived next to her ear.
He let out a soft moan. "I know, baby, I know. You feel so damn good."
"Jimin," she said in a cute little whine. "Please don't stop."
He didn't. Their limbs tangled together, as did their bodies. Jimin didn't stop until they were both satisfied with their figures trembling from how sensitive they had become. Time slipped away from him. Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen, and then Y/n cuddled up in his arms as they both heaved from the exertion they had just went through.
A laugh left him. A beat later, she laughed with him, and they kissed again, their legs intertwining and their chests pressed up against one another's.
The bed had become moist and sticky. That meant they had to get their asses up and clean the sheets, then take turns using the bathroom, then snickering because of the absurdity of it all.
Sex wasn't a stranger to Jimin. He had had it countless times, yet for some reason, it felt like that was his first. Maybe that was because he wanted it to be.
Y/n and Jimin returned to their room and left Jimin's room behind. They got changed into fresh clothes, and Jimin ended up having to ditch his classic outfit. Instead, he wore a black business suit, but for good measure, he kept Hoseok's scarf with him. He cleaned it first, of course.
By the time they were done, they stood in front of the mirror and peered over their outfits. Y/n had one of his t-shirts on and no shorts on underneath it, only her underwear. It was beyond comforting to see her feel safe around him. Safe enough to show skin.
"Thank you," Y/n said, back hugging him. "Thank you for today. I know that probably felt sudden, but... the Terrormorphs made me realize I can lose you at any second. I want to appreciate my time with you more."
"Is that an excuse to say you want to see me naked?"
He giggled and turned to kiss her head and hold her hands. "Sorry, not a great joke. I should be the one thanking you for trusting me with your body. I won't take this for granted, Y/n. You know that, right?"
"I know. You're a good man, Jimin. The type of man I want to bring home to meet my parents."
"Ohh," Jimin said with a fake wince. "You think they can handle me?"
"No one can handle you, Park Jimin. I mean, look at me, I'm still wobbling after you put that massive thing inside me-"
"Y/n!" he interrupted in a yelp, and she snorted and buried her head against his chest.
Alright, it was official: Jimin had rubbed off on her too much. However, it was cute to see her so comfortable. It wasn't like they weren't close before, but after dealing with Terrormorphs together, it was as if they unlocked a new layer to their relationship. A new level of trust.
"I love you," he whispered once they had dialed down from their laughing spree. "I love you, Y/n L/n."
She squeezed his hands. "I love you too. Please stay safe, okay? I can't lose you."
His smile faltered, and she picked up on it and came closer. Her hand went to his cheek to rub the skin there. He wished he could melt into the touch. Instead, he leaned into it and sighed, shutting his eyes to enjoy her warmth.
"The vision I saw," he said in a mutter. "I lost you."
"I know. I'm so sorry, Minnie. Everything's okay, I'm right here."
He cupped her cheeks and met her patient gaze. "Y/n, I've never been more terrified. When you died, my first thought was to join you."
"I know, I know," he interrupted, cursing under his breath. "But I need you. Nothing scares me more than the thought of losing you. I already lost Hobi and Del, I can't lose you too."
She teared up. "Please promise me you won't do anything stupid if I die."
"Honey, I can't promise that. I'm always stupid."
She shook him off. "No jokes, not now. Please. Tell me you'll keep living and fighting. If not for yourself or even the universe, then for me. I want you to keep fighting."
Jimin stayed quiet. There were no words he could find, and lord help him, he tried. His mouth opened and closed to answer. Nothing came out. It took him two minutes until he found the right response.
"I don't know who I am, Y/n," he admitted, and the single admission cleared his lungs of the obstruction that felt like it had been there for decades. "My entire life I've been a funny, stupid criminal who hacked things and made jokes. You may not believe me, but I was always the one everyone picked last. Even my own mother chose me last. You didn't. You saw something in me. Sarah saw something in me, Commander Min did, shit, even Jungkook did. Don't tell that sly bastard I said that though."
Jimin paused so the two of them could laugh. Then, he stroked her damp hair and came closer.
"You saved me. I owe you more than just my life, my love. I owe you everything I am. Without you, life would be hell again. I would lose myself and spiral off the deep end."
Y/n frowned. "Jimin-"
"But," he interrupted with a soft smile. "If you want me to keep going, I will. Whatever you ask for, you'll get it from me."
"You mean that?"
He kissed the back of her hand. "Always."
She hugged him, and he collapsed into her arms. The weight of thirty years of a shitty life gave in all at once. He couldn't stop the tears that slipped by, and he burrowed his head against her.
"You will always have me, whether I'm physically here or not," she whispered right into his ear. The tremble in her voice made his mind tingle with delight. "And you'll always, and I mean always, be Park Jimin to me. Even when you don't know who you are, I promise that to me, you'll always be the same goofball I fell in love with."
Although he wanted to sob, the words were so comforting they caused his tears to dissipate. His arms engulfed her against him. It was like she disappeared due to how tightly he held her.
The truth was, Park Jimin was no one. He was a low life criminal from Neon who should have died in Ebbside. No one from Neon had the opportunities he had; most Neon street rats died on Neon, and the few who went off world died because they did something stupid. Jimin was an oddity. An anomaly. The universe had selected him, but he cared more about how Y/n had chosen him. Why did someone as pure and kindhearted as her choose the shit person that was Park Jimin? He'd never understand it.
On the inside, he was hollow. Nothing more than a shell that passed off his emptiness with jokes and fake smiles. If he were being completely honest, he didn't know what his personality was. He didn't know where his morals aligned or what his personal beliefs were. He didn't know what he was fighting for. His mother was his sole purpose in life, but now he was expected to figure out a secret that seemed to span as wide as the universe.
Jimin had watched himself die, watched Y/n die, seen all the colors the universe had to offer, had superpowers, and far more, yet he felt numb. Too much had happened to him. The vacation to Paradiso wasn't enough, he needed an entire year off.
"I don't know what I'm fighting for," he said in a rushed whisper.
She hummed. "For the longest time, I didn't either."
"Really. I joined the Vanguard because Commander Tuala saved my life. Then the Universals hated me for it, and I didn't know why I kept fighting."
"Did you ever figure it out?"
She pulled back from the hug and smiled. "I know the Vanguard hate me. I know the Universals hate me. But I don't hate them, I never could no matter what they say to me. They're people, and people deserve to be protected. That's why I fight. I fight for the people who don't, for my friends, for the people who will never know I exist, for the faction that has so many issues yet so many strengths at the same time. I believe in humanity. I believe in you. What do you believe?"
He didn't know. For the time being, his only answer was that he believed in Constellation's mission to unlock the stars. At first, he didn't care about the mystery. Well, sometimes he still didn't, but that wasn't the point. The point was, he had a goal in life other than stopping his mother from overdosing. It was a real goal. Maybe an admirable one.
It was strange, really. Going from a life of crime to a superhuman wasn't an easy transition, but he was doing it. He had stopped the Fleet and Terrormorphs. For once, he mattered.
"I don't know," he answered after a long beat of silence. "But maybe you can help me figure it out."
She grinned. "I will, I promise. I hate to cut this short, but..."
"The embassy, right. I need to go. I'll see you later, honey."
Jimin went to leave. In fact, he got as far as opening the door, but Y/n clearing her throat caused him to snap back around and quirk a brow. She fiddled with her fingers and averted her eyes.
"Hey, um... by the way, that was really good."
Jimin smirked. "Oh, I was going easy on you. When I come back later, I'll show you just how 'good' I can be."
"Park Jimin! You little-"
"Bye babe! I gotta go!" he said in a cheer before jumping out of the room and rushing away. He sprinted out of the Lodge and ruffled his messy, wet hair. A chuckle left his mouth, and he grinned to himself.
Shit, he got laid.
He laughed and gave himself a mental high five. Although he had a long, emotional day ahead, at least he got to spend intimate time with his girlfriend. Maybe it was dramatic, but he could see himself being with her for good. Like she was his one. It filled him with giddiness. However, that giddiness was short-lived. He had to go visit Ambassador Radcliff.
And he had a feeling it wouldn't go well.
The Freestar embassy was dead ahead.
Jimin sat outside on one of the many benches. The sun was gone, but remnants of it remained. There was a dark orange glow near the edge of the horizon that blended with the navy blue the night sky displayed. Tiny stars twinkled above him. One twinkled brighter than the rest, and Jimin had a feeling he knew why.
His hands remained around Hoseok's scarf. It blew in the gentle breeze, as did Jimin's long locks. The two hours had ticked by. He had to enter the embassy and speak to Ambassador Radcliff before the Cabinet hunted him down, yet he couldn't move. His boots planted themselves on the sidewalk.
No one strolled by. After the spaceport attack, no civilians were wandering around, only UC security and government officials. There were also some diplomats from the Freestar that rushed to the MAST building. Other than the occasional chatter, there were no noises. Not even the birds came out to dance that day.
The smell of petrichor blessed his nose. He had grown accustomed to it, with him living on a water planet his entire life. It always rained on Neon, and that led to plenty of sewer scents contrasted by the pleasant petrichor. New Atlantis had rained while Jimin had been making love to his woman. Almost like it was there to wash away the horrors that had occurred at the spaceport. Jimin found that the weather matched his mood most days. At that moment, it was cloudy and dark, and not many stars were out.
But he couldn't keep his eyes off the bright one.
"Hobi," Jimin whispered, squeezing the scarf in his grasp. "What do I do here, bud? The UC is relying on me. What if my own faction ends up hating me? What if I hate the person I meet? I've already seen enough bad come from the Freestar, I don't need more. What would you do?"
Jimin peered at the star, but it never answered. Disappointed flooded him. He shoved the scarf in the inside pocket of his suit; however, right as he was about to leave, another weight plopped down on the wooden bench.
Jimin snapped his head around to see Jin sitting there. That time he didn't wear a lab coat. He had his hair parted to show off his forehead, and instead of glasses, he had blue contacts in. His face was as smooth as ever, and part of Jimin was jealous until he remembered he too was chiseled by the gods themselves and had perfect skin.
Jin wore a black turtleneck even though the New Atlantis weather was nice that night. He had trousers on with a belt holding them up, and the buckle was as gold as a sun. It pained Jimin to admit, but Jin looked good in anything. He looked especially good in that turtleneck. It squeezed around his chest and showed off his wide shoulders. For some reason, the dark color of the fabric made his jawline pop more, and it was sharp beyond belief.
"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked.
Jin scoffed. "Oh, I'm sorry, I see I'm not wanted-"
"Don't be an asshole, I was just asking a question."
Jin sank back down on the bench and played with his hair. "I thought you could use support. Maybe I'm not the best choice, but I can charm the ladies, and you're dealing with one."
"I don't think charm is going to work on her, she's Freestar. We're as tough as they come. That's quite literally what our faction is known for."
"You underestimate the power of the galaxy wide handsome."
"The... fucking what?"
Jin beamed. "Me. I'm galaxy wide handsome, you know?"
"Okay, Casanova, calm down. Let's limit it to worldwide handsome for now, yeah? I like to think the galaxy title belongs to me," Jimin said with a chuckle. His leg bounced up and down as he procrastinated going inside.
Jin placed his hand on Jimin's leg to get it to stop. "The Freestar is the easy part, it's House Va'ruun you have to worry about."
"Oh wow, that makes me feel better. Thank you so much."
"Shush, I'm trying to help. I won't let you go alone."
"Why?" Jimin asked before he could stop himself.
Jin and Jimin shared a moment of silence at that. Jin stared up at the brightest star, the one Jimin had just spoke to thinking it was Hoseok. It wasn't, he knew that. Still, he had hope. Or, at least, he was trying to have hope. More hope than he had before.
Perhaps that was Hoseok's fault. Hoseok didn't have hope in humanity, yet somehow he had given Jimin a surge of inspiration. Maybe it was the way he handled himself and had confidence, or maybe it was the way he was a carbon copy of Jimin, except in pirate form. Hoseok was what Jimin could have become: a violent pirate who rubbed glass in people's eyes.
"The entire UC shut me out for something I didn't do," Jin said in a hushed voice. "My father this, my father that—every conversation was about him when I had nothing to do with the decision. Maybe I was old enough to stop it, but it wasn't my job. I was in the xeno department. My father had several executive officers and an entire team behind him, but no one ever blames them. They blame me." Jin stopped to turn and lock eyes with Jimin. "You're the first person I've ever met who didn't hold it against me. Thank you for that."
"It doesn't make sense to hold you accountable for the sins of another, blood related or not. Benjamin Bayu is a plague to the Freestar, but you don't see people blaming me for his actions. You don't see me blaming Y/n for the Cabinet being a bunch of buffoons."
He had at one point, but he realized Y/n was the best person in the galaxy. Factions didn't determine a person's morals and beliefs. Neither did having no faction or aligning yourself with a religion. Jungkook had no faction and he turned out okay. Y/n was a Universal, and although Jimin had grown up in a city far from God, he found himself wondering if she was onto something. Maybe there was a God out there. Seeing as there was some cosmic force pulling him toward the center of the universe, it was hard not to think of faith.
Jimin never had it. He had never prayed or even considered it, not until he became part of Constellation. He hadn't spoken to Matteo much, but Matteo had very strong beliefs that Jimin had become an angel after interacting with the structures God had left behind. From what Jimin knew, God made no mistakes. That meant Jimin being the "chosen one" wasn't a mistake. Maybe that was why he had considered faith more than he had in the past: it meant his life wasn't pointless.
"Unfortunately, not many think like you do," Jin said with a sigh. Then, he stood, dusted himself off, and offered his hand to Jimin. "Come on, let's get in there."
The UC would hate Jin getting involved. They had specifically asked for Jimin to do it. Did Jimin care? Nope! That led him to taking Jin's hand and hopping up, then he grinned.
"Let's go."
They entered the Freestar embassy and found it empty. Not surprising considering there was just a massive attack. The lighting was dim, and the lobby was small. Other than a front desk and a fake plant, there were no decorations. The ceiling was low and lacked light. Most of the light came from the windows, but with the sun set, not much came in.
"My name is Captain Park Jimin. Ambassador Radcliff is expecting me," Jimin said to the man behind the front desk.
Upon receiving approval to continue, Jimin went to the back of the lobby where two open elevators were. Why did everything in the galaxy have to involve elevators? If Jimin got one credit every time he had to enter an elevator, he could buy all of Neon.
Okay, maybe that wasn't saying much, but still.
There were two Freestar security guards there who glared at Jimin and Jin as they entered. For the first time, Jimin was receiving glares from his faction. They didn't know he was Freestar; how could they, it wasn't like he carried a sign around that said it. However, it would've been nice if they were less aggressive. Jimin was there to fix their problems, not worsen them.
When the metal doors closed, Jimin kicked the wall and cursed at the box of doom. Jin didn't bother questioning him. If he cared about Jimin's antics, he didn't show it. That made for an awkward elevator ride that ended with them arriving on the main floor. There were two offices on the left, and the one in the left corner was Ambassador Radcliff's.
The Freestar embassy was far more simplistic than anything Jimin had seen from the UC. It had few decorations other than paintings of the legendary Solomon Coe, the founder of the Freestar Collective. Sam was a descendent of him, though he didn't like it when people brought that up, so Jimin opted to keep quiet about it.
The rest of the main floor was dedicated to couches and emptiness. It had white floors with little black square designs here and there, and the walls had vertical rectangle lights that looked like paper lanterns. The low light in the vicinity set the mood for what Jimin was about to do: stand up to his own faction.
Jimin led the way to the office and opened the door. When he walked in, he noticed there was a woman sitting behind a small desk. Her hair was straight and short, yet somehow bouncy. The brunette locks stopped right around her pointy chin, and she had a gray suit on with her legs crossed over one another. In the corner of the room was a Freestar guard holding a Lawgiver, which reminded him of Sam. It was a bolt-action rifle, one that Sam used often.
The desk had a computer on it that illuminated a soft cyan light to dance across the Ambassador's features. The first thing he noticed was her lips, which were plump and slathered in a bright pink lipstick. It made her look like she came from a circus.
The next thing he noticed were her eyes, which were large like they were going to pop out of her head, and she overdid it with the black eyeshadow. She was so pale that any shade of black would stand out, but the matte black covering her lids overpowered the rest of the office, which was just as minimalistic as the rest of the embassy.
It was a small room with a painting of Solomon Coe discovering Akila City on the right wall and a couch not too far behind the desk. On the left was a filing cabinet that had a fake spiky plant in a white pot on top. There was another Solomon Coe picture, though it was a portrait that time.
Jimin could see the resemblance between Solomon Coe and Sam Coe. Solomon had the same hair. Although the portrait was black and white, Jimin knew Solomon had baby blues just like Sam. Based on the portrait, their eyes were shaped the same down to the two little creases they had right next to the lids.
"You must be that Vanguard captain I'm supposed to speak with," Ambassador Radcliff said. She had an Old Earth southern accent that weighed down every syllable she said. If Jimin knew his history, that meant she was likely from the farms of Akila. "The Cabinet said you were an eyewitness to the attack. Without you, more people would have died. You have my thanks for what you did down there, truly. Is that what you're here to talk about?"
Jimin straightened his posture. "Yes and no. I am here to formally request your access card for the Armistice Archives. By my side is researcher Kim Seokjin. He also helped in the spaceport attack."
Radcliff clicked her tongue. "Why am I not surprised? All that security and the UC still can't protect its spaceport and has to rely on a researcher. The UC never fails to disappoint."
"Amen," Jimin mumbled. Then, he spoke up. "Ma'am, Mr. Kim believes the Terrormorph data in the Archive will give us the information we need to stop these attacks. First Tau Ceti, now New Atlantis. Back to back. Either there's a terrorist movement going on, or Terrormorphs are evolving."
"That's what you believe, Captain?"
Belief. Such a flimsy word. Yet, for some reason, Jimin found himself nodding.
"I believe it. There may be another explanation I'm not thinking of, but the New Atlantis attack was too... perfect. Three adult Terrormorphs attacked the spaceport and somehow slipped by the xeno scanners in Jemison's orbit. It doesn't make sense. We're dealing with something beyond our understanding, and Mr. Kim can help us figure it out."
"The Archive has the most guarded information in the galaxy for a reason, Captain. Please tell me I'm mishearing this and the UC didn't send you, their local hero, here to futilely beg on their behalf. Tell me I've got that right."
Jimin clasped his hands together. "Nope! They sent me to beg. Please, please, pretty pretty please!"
"Awh, stop, you're embarrassing yourself. Now let me be frank, Captain: the answer is 'no.' I will not be responsible for the Archive being opened for the first time since the end of the Colony War. Why don't you quit wasting my time—and yours—and go."
Well, she had a point. As much as Jimin believed in Jin's plan, knowledge was the single most powerful weapon in the galaxy. Perhaps that was what Jimin believed in: knowledge. It was what had kept him alive on Neon for all those years. If he hadn't had his hacking knowledge, he would have died long ago to starvation or sickness he didn't have the creds to cure. The Armistice Archive possessed the single most dangerous knowledge obtained during the Colony War, and it could upset the already fragile peace between the major factions.
If Jimin was understanding the situation right, the cards weren't in their favor for more than just the "banned knowledge" reason. What they were asking for was Terrormorph data. Y'know, those creatures the UC had tried engineering to release on the Freestar as a weapon? Though Jin believed otherwise, Jimin had a feeling getting House Va'ruun onboard would be far easier than the Freestar. At least House Va'ruun hadn't been at risk of being attacked by xenowarfare. They weren't part of the War. They were too busy jacking off to the thought of their stupid space serpent.
"Ma'am, please listen to what I have to say," Jimin said, and the Ambassador set her jaw.
"You're really gonna push this? Fine, I will give you one chance, one, to convince me. Understood?"
"Understood." Jimin knew it was a risky tactic, but he had to pull the 'you're no better than the UC' card. A card he hated since he wanted to believe the Freestar were far better than the UC ever would be. "Ma'am, with all due respect, how many lives need to be lost before you put your grudge against the UC aside for the greater good?"
To his surprise, she didn't curse him out.
"It's possible I might be letting my history cloud my judgment," she said in a soft tone, stroking her chin. "But that doesn't change it being banned knowledge, Captain. My condolences go to the victims and their families, and even to you. I can't imagine how hard fighting a Terrormorph is. You have my respect for that, really. But the Archive holds information that could spark another war. How do you know you won't go to House Va'ruun and they'll see this as an act of violence? They're crazy, you never know how far they might take things."
"The way I see it, an entire settlement on Tau Ceti was wiped out years before any Terrormorph was ever supposed to show up. Now Terrormorphs are invading the UC and killing countless innocents, countless guards who were never trained to deal with what they did. Is the risk of House Va'ruun going crazy high enough to justify letting more people die? Either way, people will get hurt. Innocent people. Your people. I can't promise House Va'ruun won't disagree, but I can promise I will do everything in my power to help them see my side."
She shook her head. "Captain, I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me, but House Va'ruun-"
"Wait," Jin said, stepping forward. "Your history is clouding your judgment. For decades, the Freestar and UC have discriminated against each other and made assumptions with no real facts to back it up. The entire Colony War started because the UC decided to shoot first, ask questions later. Now you're doing the same with House Va'ruun. I know they don't have a good track record, but not all of them are bad people. If that were the case, there wouldn't be a Va'ruun embassy in New Atlantis at all. They can be reasoned with, and it's foolish to think otherwise. Are you going to repeat the mistakes both the UC and Freestar constantly make? How long will it take until you realize these stereotypes and assumptions only divide us further? We need to be united. Please, stop this madness."
Ambassador Radcliff tapped her finger against her cheek before sighing. "Maybe you're right, but if I'm going to give you my access card, I have terms. Your access will be limited. You're only allowed to go into the Terrormorph data. Nothing more, nothing less. The monitors will make sure you follow this, and if you don't, expect Freestar retaliation."
"Ma'am," Jimin said with a chuckle. "I am Freestar. The last thing I want is to put the Freestar in any danger. You have my word I will only grab the Terrormorph data."
"Good. My next condition is you go in once. When you leave, you never return." When Jimin didn't disagree, Ambassador Radcliff continued. "My last condition is all research will be monitored. My best Freestar scientists will be there to watch what you're doing, and I want some security guards there too. If this data is being used to save the galaxy, the galaxy should oversee it, yes?"
"Couldn't agree more."
"Perfect. Follow me."
Jimin and Jin did. They exited the office and followed her to the staircase in the corner of the main floor, which led down to a basement-like area with a creaky metal machine in it. The rest of the room was barren, which made sense considering it was an Archive access card room.
There were four guards inside with heavy armor and Lawgivers, but Jimin didn't make eye contact as Radcliff approached the machine. She inputted her code, then a card popped out of the small slot near the bottom of the metal.
She handed it to him. "Don't make me regret this, Captain."
Gee, that was reassuring.
Jimin thanked her before high-tailing it out of there. Jin stayed by his side as they departed the embassy and made it to the outside air of New Atlantis. It was refreshing, to say the least. However, the air had bits of smoke in it that made it not as clean than usual.
"Great, now House Va'ruun," Jin said, and Jimin groaned.
"The Freestar was hard enough."
"We'll be fine, just stay focused."
That was impossible. Not because he was distracted by Y/n and the sex they had, or the tense Freestar encounter, or even the prospect of dealing with House Va'ruun. No, it was because they had to pass by the spaceport to get to the embassy. The attack had occurred not long ago, and Jimin didn't want to see the carnage. But he didn't have a choice.
The duo had to go through the spaceport, and upon arrival, Jimin heard faint emergency sirens and calls to keep citizens indoors. Smoke still soaked the air, and it was so foggy it looked like Jimin was strolling through ash after a volcanic eruption. He trembled and rubbed his arms as they went through. They passed by the cracked concrete. There were decapitated heads, blood covering the streets, and civilians who had died in the catastrophe.
"Stop! Stop it!" a female voice shouted.
He whipped his head to stare at a thrashing woman who had all her hair burned off and her left arm missing, replaced by bandages. She kicked her legs to get the UC security off her, but they were attempting to sedate her to calm her. It didn't work. Tears flooded her disembodied face. Her front teeth were missing, and scars littered across her neck and cheeks. She was naked, but not by choice. It was due to the fires that had burned many innocents alive.
Dead ahead was a man with no nose. It had been destroyed somehow. Maybe from the Terrormorph, or maybe something else. It was like the nose got torn off his body. Jimin could see the bones underneath. The man wobbled around and clawed at the air with his left hand. The hand had three fingers; his thumb and index finger were gone and replaced by bloody stubs.
UC security guards were taking turns vomiting in the corner, and many VAS model robots trotted around to tend to the wounded. Even the robots had scratches and dents. Some of them were missing arms. Jimin had a feeling that was because of frightened civilians rebelling and tearing the arms off, not the Terrormorphs.
The fountain that had once spewed the clearest and cleanest blue water was replaced by rubble and no life. The grass that had once been mowed every day was a murky yellow that smelled of smoke. Most of the grass had been burned. What was once a beautiful, nature-filled spaceport became an ash cloud of despair.
"It's okay," Jin whispered as they made it to the other side of the spaceport. He grabbed Jimin's shoulders to guide him down the right path. "It's over."
Jimin's lower lip quivered. "That doesn't look over. Look at them... they're... they're suffering."
"I know. I'm sorry. But Jimin, you did well. You saved hundreds if not thousands of lives."
"So did you. So did Y/n. So did the security team." Jimin stopped and sucked in a breath. "Let's just get to the embassy."
They did. They made it to the House Va'ruun embassy and went inside to find it abandoned, as expected. There were vines hanging off the high ceiling, and the front desk had no people behind it. However, one thing worked: the fucking elevator. They had to take it down to the core of the embassy, and that was what they did.
House Va'ruun embassy lobby
Jimin didn't kick the elevator or curse at it. Instead, he bit his nails and picked at them. He only stopped when the elevator chimed and parted its doors, revealing a forest-like area.
There were trees with pink and purple leaves, bushes of orange jutting up from the floor, and desks that were knocked over. There was plenty of life, just not human life. Jimin couldn't complain. Compared to the dead grass and trees in the spaceport, the Va'ruun embassy was heaven. It smelled sweet, like oranges. It was such a strong smell that Jimin could taste the fruit on his tongue.
As he passed by the trees, the leaves brushed by and tickled his shoulder and cheek. The leaves were soft and delicate. Like Y/n's touch. Somehow, he found comfort in that, and he leaned into the leaves that danced by his face.
"This isn't creepy at all," Jin said as he pushed through the leaves. "The ambassador's office should be up ahead, but how would anyone survive down here?"
"Growing their own food." Jimin then pointed to the water pipes in the ceiling. "They still have water and power."
That was true. The elevator had worked, the lights were on, and the water sounded like it was running through the pipes. It wasn't fully abandoned, but it was rough around the edges. It was more like a greenhouse than an embassy.
They left the first office and went to the second one, which was supposed to be for the Va'ruun ambassador, whoever they were. When they entered, they were astonished to see a man inside what looked to be a normal office. It had no overgrown plants or trees, no bushes or smells of oranges. Instead, it smelled like a stale office. There were fake plants in little pots, sure, but no massive forests.
"Uh... hi," Jimin said with a dropped jaw. The office was lit well; better than the Freestar embassy. It had actual lights in the ceiling, and in the back was the Archive machine. It was behind the desk, and also behind the man who stood there staring at them with wide eyes.
The man had dark robes and gloves. He was average height with a bowl cut and a pointy mustache that covered his thin upper lip. His cheeks were sagging, but he didn't appear too old. Maybe in his fifties at most. His hair was still black with not a hint of gray. Jimin aspired to have that healthy of hair when he was in his fifties.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" the man asked, stepping back and going for the pistol on his desk.
"Woah, relax, my name is Captain Park Jimin, acting UC diplomat. I'm here to talk to you about the Armistice Archive."
The man lowered his hand from the pistol and crossed his arms over his chest. Before he could rebuttal, Jin chimed in.
"I don't know how much you know, but New Atlantis was attacked by Terrormorphs, as was a young settlement out in the Tau Ceti system. The Terrormorph tissue matched Londinion."
"Londinion?" the man asked with bulging eyes. He leaned against the desk and hung his head. "Too many lives were lost."
Oh, so he was a normal person who wasn't bloodthirsty. House Va'ruun were mostly made up of zealots who killed anyone who didn't believe, but there Jimin was, face-to-face with a Va'ruun who wasn't trying to kill him. It was odd, to say the least.
"My apologies for the mess, I didn't think I'd ever have visitors again," he said. Then, he nodded to Jin and Jimin. "My name is Ambassador Qasrik Bal'mor."
"Pleasure to meet you, Ambassador. I wish we were meeting in more ideal circumstances, but we need your help. This is Kim Seokjin, he's a researcher and xeno specialist. He needs access to the Armistice Archive to get the Londinion Terrormorph data. From there, we can find a better way to stop these beasts-"
Jimin snapped around and saw a slimy, giant slug-like creature appearing from under the desk. It hissed at them and had a round, almost eyeball-shaped head. Then, it scurried away.
The Ambassador huffed. "Sorry, that's Larry. He's my pet heatleech."
Heatleeches were the bane of Jimin's existence. They were slug creatures that got everywhere. Once every week, all ships needed to get sprayed down due to how many heatleeches got on them.
It wasn't a surprise that the overgrown Va'ruun embassy had random creatures popping out, but it did mean Jimin wanted to vacate the area as soon as possible.
"The Armistice Archive has restricted data," Ambassador Bal'mor said. "But the Serpent's grace brought you here at this moment. If I am understanding you correctly, you want this data to prevent future attacks."
The man hummed. "Well, there is logic there. The preservation of life stands as the very purpose of the Archives. Using its data to prevent more attacks only makes sense."
"Really? The Freestar and UC thought Jin was crazy," Jimin said. Then, he shrugged. "Well, I mean, he is, but y'know."
Jin nudged him, and Jimin nudged him back. If the Ambassador was judging them, he didn't show it.
"Of course, it makes sense." Ambassador Bal'mor pushed off his desk and came over to them. Upon closer inspection, Jimin noticed the man's eyes were a burning gold that shined brighter than the lights in the room. "But, if I am to grant you access, I have a requirement."
"Name it."
Ambassador Bal'mor backed up and crossed his arms over his chest. His golden eyes fell to the ground, and his eyebrows knitted together until they formed a frown. The wrinkles on his face seemed to frown with him.
"For years, House Va'ruun has been known only as an agent for slaughter. We founded this embassy with hopes of shedding out that legacy... with little success." He trailed off, and his voice sounded heavier than normal. Still as slithery as all the other Va'ruun, only it sounded more weighed down. "In exchange for my code, I require this: you must be the one who ensures it is used for good. Ensure House Va'ruun's legacy is more than just carnage."
Jimin couldn't argue with that. If anything, that was admirable. For the longest time, Jimin had hated the UC. The UC had caused his life to spiral into chaos. However, upon meeting the good in the UC, like Sarah, Y/n, and Noel, he had found there was more to the faction than destruction. House Va'ruun had attempted to kill him. He wouldn't lie and say he wouldn't be cautious around them, but it was good to know there were admirable people inside the faction. Jin had been right: House Va'ruun were people too. And not every person was bad.
Ambassador Bal'mor locked eyes with Jimin. "The knowledge you ask for isn't evil. No knowledge is. It is we who bend it to evil ends. You must assure me this will be used to save lives, not endanger them."
"You have my word," Jimin said with a slight bow. "I will make sure it's used for good."
"Well then, I shall not fear. Please, follow me."
Jimin followed the Ambassador to the back of the room where the Archive machine was. The Ambassador inputted his code and got a card, handing it to Jimin. He took it and held it against his chest, then put it in his pocket with the Freestar one. All that was left was the UC giving them theirs, but that would come when they were ready. They needed to take the necessary precautions to adhere to the Freestar and Va'ruun's terms. Then, and only then, could Jimin go to the Archive and find the data.
Wait. Park Jimin was going to the Armistice Archive. The place with the most protected data in the galaxy.
If Jimin didn't feel like he mattered before, he did then. He was the one the UC were sending to retrieve the data. His time taking down the Crimson Fleet was the only reason they trusted him enough for that, but it was worth it.
"Thank you, sir. I promise it will be used for good," Jimin said, and the Ambassador nodded.
"Good luck."
Jimin would need it. He was going somewhere not many had gone, and he was supposed to handle the most sensitive information known to man with care and respect. That was more intense than hauling around the Legacy's credits. The pirates were bad, but they were human. What the Settled Systems was dealing with now was alien creatures that could spell the end of the factions if they weren't careful. Londinion had already fallen to Terrormorphs. Jimin had to go get the information to ensure no more Londinions would occur. It was all on him.
What could go wrong?
Upcoming Location:
Armistice Archives
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A/N: Jimin got laid 🥳🥳🥳💃💃🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊👯♀️👯♀️👯♀️
Oh yeah, they also confessed their love. Almost forgot about that :)
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