Chapter 6 - To Catch a Bounty Hunter

Author's Note 1: It has been a while since a new chapter and I cannot thank you all enough for your support. Some concerns have been raised about the excessive genderbending so I went back and performed a story.exe rollback. Constructive criticism such as those aforementioned concerns is welcome. Flames will be ignored.

Author's Note 2: Leave your thoughts in the comments below. Profane messages will be deleted. My younger cousins read this.

Author's Note 3: The reason I have not been updating is that I was busy working on my homebrew regiment, the Teutonicus Korps of Steel.


Out of a cloud of smoke and ball of flames, a green airspeeder tore through the skies of Coruscant. Racing after it was a yellow, open-topped airspeed driven by Annachan accompanied by Aurick and Onee-Wan.

Aurick slapped out the small fire on the dashboard as the assassin weaved through cross-traffic. There was a near miss as a speeder almost hit them. They soon came to a series of traffic tunnels.

The assassin dived down and left to one tunnel while Anna pulled up and to the right to another tunnel.

"Where are you going?! He went down there, the other way!" Onee-Wan yelled at her apprentice.

"This is a shortcut... I think," answered the unsure Padawan.

"What do you mean, 'You think?' What kind of shortcut?! He went completely the other way! You've lost him!" The irate Jedi Master looked miserable, it was apparent that she did not like flying.

"Master, if we keep this chase going, that creep's gonna end up deep-fried. I'd very much like to find out who in the Warp he is and who he's working for..." Anna herself looked a little worse for wear; her robes were cut and singed.

"Oh, so that's why we're going in the wrong direction," sarcastically stated the Jedi Master.

The tunnel weaved and rose, with the exit being fifty stories up from their altitude they first entered the tunnel. The assassin's airspeeder was nowhere in sight.

"Well, you lost him," complained Onee-Wan.

"I'm deeply sorry, Master," said Anna with her head lowered.

As Onee-Wan continued to berate her apprentice, Aurick looked around front and back. Finally, he spots his target. The soldier began to start counting to himself as he watched something approach from below.

"Excuse me for a moment," pardoned Aurick. Both women turned just in time to see Aurick jump out of the airspeeder.

"He is just like you," Onee-Wan deadpanned to an ashamed Anna.

Aurick fell five stories and landed right on top of the assassin's speeder. The vehicle wobbled under the impact and its pilot, who was what appeared to be a female human, looked at her new passenger.

The assassin slammed on the acceleration, causing Aurick to draw his entrenching tool with the pick end and jammed it through the roof. Suddenly, the assassin slammed on the airspeeder's brakes. Aurick flew forward and swung around to rest on the windshield of the airspeeder.

Getting an idea, Aurick pulled himself back to the speeder's roof and shimmied over to the right side of the main body. He then smashed the door window, drew his laspistol, and shot the control panel of the speeder.

The effect was instantaneous as a fire ignited behind the grates and the speeder began to lose altitude.

The assassin desperately struggled to extinguish the flames but the surface was fast approaching; she braced.

The speeder struck the ground hard and Aurick was thrown into some crates. Sparks flew as the sound of metal grinding against duracrete filled the air. The assassin clambered out of her speeder and ran towards a bar.

Aurick got with a groan. He knew that the impact should have killed him

He felt someone grab his arm and instincts forced to grab the person's wrists, raised their arms, and pinned them to a nearby wall. However, the sound of whimpering forced him to open his eyes. The sight he was greeted with was a watery-eyed Annachan as her eyes were filled with fear. Aurick instantly let Annachan go, before turning to the bar and marching towards it.

By now the two Jedi noticed that many beings on the street gave Aurick a wide berth, admiration shining within their eye(s). Finally, at the bar's entrance, Aurick stopped.

He withdrew his Kampfschwert, kicked open the doors, and was greeted by silence.

The bartender and patrons alike looked up and immediately paled.

Several tense seconds passed before everyone parted to reveal the quivering assassin. The Clawdite looked around before she went for her blaster. Aurick withdrew his no. 96 hellpistol and shot her once in each kneecap.

The female changeling collapsed as her legs were mangled by the searing heat.

Aurick then changed to the Medic, roughly provided the assassin medical treatment, changed back to the Rifleman, hoisted the female over his shoulder, and marched out the bar.

Aurick kept moving towards the speeder, ignoring passersby and the two Jedi trying to get his attention. unceremoniously dumped the assassin into the backseat.

He turned to Anna and Onee-Wan: "Let's go."

However, a shot pierced the air.

Turning to its source, Aurick saw a man in Mandalorian armor taking off into the night. He looked back towards the speeder he saw the changeling gasping, shifting rapidly through forms before she let out a final croak.


One of Onee-Wan's informants had managed to identify what killed the xeno as a Mark I Saberdart, a toxic dart from the world of Kamino. The water world was home to what was an elegant Xenos species known as the Kaminoans, who were renowned for their cloning technology. However, the planet had been erased from nearly Navicomputer and database in the galaxy. A solution was found by following the gravitational forces of where Kamino should be.

Aurick immediately volunteered, stating that he had no interest in being a bodyguard again. Though reluctant, the Jedi Council agreed when the soldier would allow one Jedi to accompany him. However, problems arose when the Jedi Council presented him the ship that would take him, the large and unarmed T-6 shuttle. Aurick took one look at it before he turned to the Jedi, who could tell the warrior was unamused. Aurick shook his head and knelt.

Aurick reached into his rucksack and pulled what appeared to be a communication device of the sort. He turned the device on and was immediately greeted with static. After twisting a few nobs and dials A voice speaking in a garbled and intimidating language came from the speakers of the device. Aurick responded in the same garbled language. There was a series of beeps as the voice within the device seemed to comply with whatever Aurick was requesting.

A few seconds passed before the entire hanger began to shake, with each rumble more intense than the last. There was a loud bang and in the middle of the hanger just inches from the ceiling, a portal with a stable gold and white spiral appeared and expanded outward. Once the portal was around 41 meters in diameter, it stopped waxing and the shaking had ceased.

Then, the bulkiest starfighter they had ever seen was lowered to the floor on its landing legs. It had a large and armored body, with four forward-swept wings: A small forward pair near the cockpit and a larger main pair in the middle of the craft. Its body and inner-wing sections were painted gray, with a shark-like face painted near the nose of the craft.

Some of the younger Jedi and most workers blanched when they saw the two banks of laser cannons the craft was armed with. The forward pair of wings each had one laser cannon underslung in the middle of the section that was painted white. The main pair of wings each had one laser cannon in the section that was painted black, one laser cannon in the section where the white and black intercepted, and a vertically double-barreled pair on the wingtip. Finally, two laser cannons were mounted in a ball-turret underneath the nose of the craft.

There was no doubt that this was the ship that had been the cause of so many rumors.

"Okay, I can say we should have known that you were the owner of this thing," Onee-Wan deadpanned.

"If we are taking a ship to an unknown world, then I want something that can survive combat. I have made several modifications with the blessings of the God-Emperor, including some that will make an aerophobic individual such as yourself comfortable," Aurick told the Jedi.

"I am not aerophobic," Onee-Wan said irritably.

Aurick only gave her a blank look.

"Okay, maybe a little," sheepishly admitted the Jedi Master.

After a few minutes of going over the countless amount of safety features, Aurick was in the pilot's seat with Onee-Wan directly behind.

"All set Master Kenobi?" As said as he went over final pre-flight checks.

"Yes, Rifleman. I must say though that the armament of your ship is a tad excessive," the woman responded as she finished basic weapon tutorials.

"That might be true for your galaxy, but the Fury Interceptor is designed for the void engagements of the 42nd millennium," Aurick replied.

"Well pilot comfort must have not been high on the list," muttered the Jedi.

"Well, I took the liberty of installing better life support systems. Otherwise, we would be forced to wear special flight suits which would have oxygen-rich blood pumped into our bodies through our spines," Aurick stated nonchalantly.

"The more I learn about your galaxy, the more I question my sanity," Onee-Wan said with slight alarm.

"Same for yours. Well, all systems are green. How is your end?" Aurick inclined his back to look at the slightly nervous Jedi.

"Everything looks good," she replied.

"Good. Initiating launch sequence." Aurick flipped a few switches and the engine roared to life.

The sound was deafening as the two fusion plasma thruster engines came to life. The built-in repulsorlifts lifting the craft off the ground.

"Launching in 5..." Aurick began as the air around the Fury distorted from the heat.

"4..." The metal floor beneath them started to turn red.

"3..." Onee-Wan held a white-knuckle grip on her controls.

"2..." Everyone could feel the heat in the air.

"1..." The floor was now a hot white.

"Launching!" Aurick pushed the throttle and the starfighter rocketed out of the hanger.

"Fury Interceptor in flight!" Aurick yelled with a smile.

All around Coruscant, billions grabbed whatever magnification device they could to catch a glimpse of the starfighter that brought down so many ships.


"Welp, there it is. Kamino." Onee-Wan spoke.

"Hmm, the sensors have picked up the location of their capital city," Aurick said as he stared at various readouts.

"How do you know?"

"It is the largest conglomeration of structures," Aurick said as the Fury drew closer and closer to the water world.

As the Fury entered the atmosphere, its occupants could the rain vaporize on its shield, as lightning struck around them. Soon, they could make out gargantuan saucers with high spires and dotted with lights. They were held up by impossibly small stilts that looked as if they would collapse at a moment's notice, yet kept the city from crashing into the colossal and tumultuous waves below.

Heavy rain and strong winds lashed the landing platform as the Fury Interceptor lowered to the slick metal.

Aurick clambered out using the ladder rungs on the side of the craft while Onee-Wan lept from her seat with a graceful flip.

Both made their way across the platform to the nearest entrance. As entered through the sliding glass doors, they were greeted by a member of one of the most reclusive species of the galaxy.

She was over 2 meters tall, had a long and thin neck, slender digitigrade legs, almond-shaped black eyes with gray irises, and radiated a gentle nature.

"Ah, Master Jedi and..." Her eyes widened when she laid eyes on the soldier in the room, "... the Korpsman, welcome to Tipoca city. We have been expecting both of you."

"We're expected?" Onee-Wan asked the female.

"Of course! Our prime minister is anxious to meet you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming. Now please, this way!" Aurick had to admit the xeno was somewhat graceful as she led them down various corridors. Still, he kept up his guard in case they had to fight their way out.

After passing through various corridors, they arrived at the Prime Minister's office.

"May I present Lama Su, Prime Minister of Kamino," the xeno said as the Su rose from his chair with a smile, "and this is Master Jedi..."

"Onee-Wan Kenobi," Onee-Wan with a practiced smile.

"Rifleman," Aurick responded

"Greetings, I must say that your appearance precedes your reputation Korpsman," complemented Lama Su as he indicated two chairs; both sat in them out of courtesy.

"I trust you are going to enjoy your stay. We are most happy you have arrived at the best part of the season," said the prime minister as Aurick remembered the downpour they had arrived in, "You will be delighted to hear we are on schedule. Two hundred thousand units are ready, with another million well on the way."

"That is... good news," improvised Onee-Wan.

"Please tell your Master Sifo-Dyas that we have every confidence his order will be met on time and in full. He is well, I hope," Lama Su commented with a mirthful look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry? Master...?" Onee-Wan was slightly suspicious.

"Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. He's still a leading member of the Jedi Council, is he not?" Lama Su stared at Onee-Wan with a nigh-indiscernible frown.

"Master Sifo-Dyas was killed nearly a standard decade ago," Onee-Wan informed solemnly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. But I'm sure he would have been proud of the army we've built for him," said the prime minister, who was surprisingly sincere.

"The army?" Onee-Wan barely masked her alarm.

"Yes, a clone army. And, I must say, one of the finest we've ever created," Lama Su said with pride.

"Tell me, Prime Minister, when Master Sifo-Dyas contacted you about the army, did he say who it was for?" Thousands of thoughts ran through Onee-Wan's mind as she turned to Aurick, who avoided her gaze for some reason.

"Of course he did. Both he and the Korpsman stated that this army is for the Republic. But you two must be anxious to inspect the units for yourselves," the prime minister stated as Onee-Wan turned with a masked look of disbelief, slight anger, and for some reason, hurt.

"That's why we're here," Onee-Wan said with a forced smile.

"Very well. Taun We, would you please accompany us?" The prime minister addressed the female xeno.

Aurick, Onee-Wan, and Taun We followed Lama Su through a series of corridors and out onto a balcony. In the middle of all the brutal rain was a massive parade ground.

However, overcoming the howls of the wind was the heavy footfalls of boots. Organized and drilling in box formations of several hundred, were thousands of soldiers.

The troopers wore brilliant white armor comprised of twenty form-fitting plates made out of what appeared to be a lightweight plastoid-alloy composite, sealed to a black body glove. However, it appeared to be somewhat uncomfortable and cumbersome. Their helmets had fins on top which Onee-Wan assumed housed a communications antenna.

"Magnificent, aren't they?" Onee-Wan turned to look at Lama Su who was beaming.

Onee-Wan could only nod slowly before a thought crossed her mind.


The tour continued as Onee-Wan walked through a classroom filled with young identical boys who all wore bodysuits and stared at holoscreens with neutral expressions.

"We take great pride in our combat education and training programs. This group was created about five years ago," said Lama Su said as he gestured to the identical humans wearing headsets as they twisted nobs, flipped switches, and moved sliders.

"You mentioned growth acceleration..." Onee-Wan began as she pried for information, knowing that getting a straight answer from Aurick would be futile.

"Oh yes, it is a vital part of the process. Without it, a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. Now, we can do it in half the time. Those troopers you saw on the parade ground were started ten years ago when Sifo-Dyas first placed the order, and they're already mature. However, due to the training doctrines introduced by the Korpsman, these soldiers will be prepared to meet any threat," Lama Su informed the Jedi.

"Interesting, will they listen to orders?" Onee-Wan asked the prime minister as they passed an eating area overhead.

"The Korpsman wanted the clones to have some measure of individuality, but you will find that they are totally obedient, taking any order without question. We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host," Lama Su informed.

"Who was the original host for the obedient clones?" Onee-Wan was highly worried.

"A bounty hunter called Jango Fett."


Jango Fett maneuvered his ship through the asteroids as the mineral-rich rocks were blown apart

"Do something dad!" Boba Fett instinctively ducked as another blast passed over them.

"I'm trying Boba. I just don't want to be in the vicinity when one of those bolts hit a charge." Jango flips a few switches as a bay opens up on the Slave I's back. Then the clamps holding a cylindrical device release, and the mine drifts towards their pursuers.

"Sonic charges... Taking evasive action," Aurick informed.

As they passed by the charge, the flashing red lines increased in frequency before all was quiet. Then the sound of a heavy cable being plucked pierced the void. A flat plane cut through the asteroids as the Fury Interceptor dived and weaved through the high-speed chunks of rock.

Jango pushed the Slave I into a power-climb to avoid an asteroid as Boba yelps in terror.

"Dad! Watch out!"

"Stay calm, son. We'll be fine. That Jedi and her pet soldier won't be able to follow us through this," said Jango as they entered a particularly packed cluster.

"There he is!" Boba yelled as gestured to the tracking screen which showed the Fury Interceptor pulling inhuman maneuvers.

"They don't seem to be able to take a hint," Jango stated as flew down a narrow tunnel in one of the larger asteroids.

"Watch out!" Boba yelled as he swore he heard the sound of metal scraping stone.

The Slave I emerged from the asteroid behind the Interceptor, cannons at the ready.

"Get him, Dad! Get him! Fire!" Boba was giddy as his father fired lasers at the bulky fighter.

Both ships flip, roll, and turn at incredible speed, dodging, weaving, and firing at point-blank. They tumble from near misses.

"Oh, blast! This is why I hate flying," Onee-Wan complained as the Interceptor's luring flares took down another missile.

However, the Interceptor's shield failed as one bold strike on the ship's rear caused a small explosion.

"You got him!" Boba yelled in excitement.

"We'll just have to finish them," the bounty hunter said with a smirk.

Jango pressed a few buttons causing a missile rack, armed with much more robust projectiles, extended out from the outer hull. Jango pressed a red button and one of the guided aerial torpedoes left the rack. The torpedo closely followed the Fury Interceptor as it ignored all of the flares.

Aurick's skill was pushed to the limit as he threw the ship from side to side, avoiding great rocks and the torpedo, while ignoring Onee-Wan's complaints. Then, a gargantuan asteroid came into his path. There was no way he could avoid so he waited for the right moment.

"Onee-Wan, prepare to release chaff canisters!" Aurick said as he counted down in his head.

"What are you-!" Onee-Wan was cut off.

"Release them now!" Aurick yelled. The Jedi Master found herself obeying his command. Tons of hot metal bits came into the path of the missile.

In the cockpit of the Slave I, Jango and Boba see a huge explosion as the Fury Interceptor appears to smash into the asteroid.

"Got him! Yeahhhhh!" Boba cheered.

"We won't see them again," replied Jango with a smirk.

As the Slave I made its way to the surface of Geonosis, they failed to notice that their target powered down on the rear of the large asteroid it appeared to run into.


Version History:

Version 1.0, 5/29/2020: First Published.

Version 2.0, 6/14/2020: Edited the Fury Interceptor.

Version 3.0, 8/29/2020: General edits.

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