Chapter 4 - Liberation of the Sentry

Author's Note 1: This is an action-packed chapter and one will see how a single Korpsman will wipe the floor with some Abominable Intelligence.

Author's Note 2: Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


Aurick had practically stormed into Queen Amidala's suite.

What he found did nothing to help his irritated demeanor.

Currently, Queen Amidala and was having an intense discussion with a male xeno.

But for reason, he refrained from killing it... okay, him.

He would dwell on it later.

The xeno could be described as an amphibious humanoid. He had a long face with a tough yet flexible bill. His arms ended in four digits, and their feet had three stubby toes. Like the two female xenos on Tatooine, this xenos had a form of head tails. except that these were fins that were likely aided him when swimming. His orange pupils within their eyestalks widened in alarm as Aurick stopped short.

A few seconds of tense and awkward silence passed before Aurick made the first move with a sigh.

"Alright, it seems that I have interrupted an important conversation," Aurick said as he collapsed into a chair.

"I take it that your meeting with the Jedi Council was less than ideal?" Queen Amidala asked the belligerent soldier.

"The sheer audacity of those witches to demand that I surrender my wargear for study. Not to mention that they tried to invade my mind. If this is day-to-day life in the capital of the Galactic Republic, it is nothing short of a miracle that this galaxy has not fallen to anarchy," Aurick drawled.

"Well, I would like you to introduce you to Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan who owed a life-debt to Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn," Queen Amidala.

"Mesa, pleased to meet you, Mistah Rifleman," Jar Jar replied in a heavily accented voice.

"Likewise. Wait, you're a Gungan?... If the records on the ship are to be believed, then the Gungans are a proud, warrior race." The cogitators in Aurick's began to formulate ideas.

"Yesa. Gungans do die'n without a fight... wesa warriors. Wesa gotta grand army," Jar Jar replied with confidence.

"Then I believe we can liberate the people of Naboo without help from an incompetent government," Aurick said as he began to explain his plan.


Aurick's plan was for the Gungan Grand Army to engage the Droid Army in open combat. However, the Gungans would utilize their mobile shield generators to lure the Droid Army into the swamps. This would negate any numerical or armor superiority that the droids may have and let the Gungans fight in familiar terrain.

While the main contingent of the Droid Army was kept busy, Aurick and Captain Panaka would lead the various resistance groups in engaging the droid garrison in Theed. It was hoped that these two engagements would allow the Queen, the Jedi, and the remainder of the Naboo Royal Security Forces would move in to capture Viceroy Nute Gunray.

When the group returned to Naboo, there was only a single battleship left in orbit. Finally, pilots from the Royal Naboo Security Forces would attempt to destroy the last Trade Federation battleship in orbit; the Droid Control Ship.

The soldier was shocked during the negotiations with the Gungans when Padmé revealed herself to be Queen Amidala. Aurick knelt alongside the true Queen of Naboo, and thus opened a new chapter of the relationship between the Gungans and the people of Naboo.

Aurick was concerned that the Gungans would reject his plans, but Jar Jar was made Bombad General, and he agreed to follow through with Aurick's operation.

Another advantage, or disadvantage depending on how you viewed it, was that the entire civilian population had been put into camps. This meant that there was virtually no risk of civilian casualties.

After finalizing the preparations, the operation began.

Group A, which was led by Padmé, which consisted of Eirtaé, Onee-Wan, Qui-Gon, Annachan, Emily, and Artoo, made their way to the main hanger of the palace. Following the Queen's group were two ten-man squads of guards and the entirety of the Naboo Royal Pilot Corps. Padmé stopped at the final corner and used a laser to signal across the plaza to Group B.

Group B was led by Captain Panaka and consisted of Aurick, Captain Panaka, Rabé, and another two ten-man squads of guards. Group B signaled back and a V-19 landspeeder moved forward. It hovered over and let out a single shot from its hood-mounted heavy cannon.

The laser bolt of the heavy cannon impacted the front left of the Armored Assault Tank, destroying it. The droids who were standing close by let out mechanical squawks as they were blown apart by the explosion. The other droids who were garrisoning the square began to converge on Group B's position. It was then for the first time in galactic history, an Imperial lasgun was fired.

The Schmiedewelt pattern No. 44 Lasrifle is the standard small arm of the Teutonicus Stahlkorps. Operating in the 20-megathoule range, the no. 44's power output can be raised to 21 megathoules or lowered to 19 megathoules, with multiple firing modes for battlefield versatility. A multi-grip that can be alternated between vertical and angled along with an adjustable stock allows the no. 44 to be optimized for any user. While the iron sights and dorsal attachment rail are used to line up one's shot, an integral scope built into the spine can be used for long-range engagements. A spring-loaded bayonet is housed in the lasrifle's bulky forestock. with a special switch near the trigger ready to unleash an unpleasant surprise upon the enemy.

Aurick had set the power setting to 19-megajoules and the firing mode to single-shot. This proved adequate as the lasers caved in the chest plating and melted the internal components. The laser bolts from the droids' blasters impacted harmlessly against his reinforced Flak armor.

"Frag Grenade going out!" Aurick shouted as he lobbed one of his Teutonicus pattern mod. 39 frag grenades into a group of droids. The blast of shrapnel shredded apart the droids and disoriented the rest. Seizing the initiative, Aurick utilized one of the Korps of Steel's primary doctrines; run-and-gun.

"Reloading!" Aurick shouted as he swapped out the drained power pack. Switching to full-automatic mowing down droids as he darted from column-to-column.

He tossed a mod. 40 Krak grenade at an MTT, but the shaped charge was no match for the transport's heavy armor.

Inside the Theed Royal Palace, Viceroy Nute Gunray and Settlement Officer Rune Haako watched the battle in the plaza on a large viewscreen.

"I thought the battle was going to take place far from here... this is too close!" Gunray stated furiously, his cowardly Neimoidian nature screaming at him to flee.

"What is going on? Who is that?" Haako pointed at Aurick who had wiped another squad of battle droids.

"I told you there was more to this... the Jedi are involved," Darth Maul entered the throne room. She was angered that the Neimoidians had reduced the blockade to a single ship. The Sith Zabrak had been tempted to sneak aboard the ship to teach a lesson to the Neimoidians but had decided against it.

Within the plaza, the majority of the battle droids were firing at Aurick. However, the soldier did not realize that he had been such a great annoyance that he was ill-prepared to take a direct hit from the heavy laser cannon of an AAT.


Nothing at all.

Nothing but a white expanse.

'Am I dead?' Aurick thought as his eyes roaming over the endless expanse.

Then he saw it.

A Ruhr Pattern Type 251/1-IIb Hanomag Armored Assault Transport.

The rear doors to the troop compartment were ajar and Aurick was compelled to look inside.

The doors opened with a mix of a low squeal and a groaning shriek.

Light flooded the compartment, and at the very end was a crate.

A special kind of crate.

Aurick walked towards it.

He tentatively reached with both arms, and slowly lifted the lid.

He had to shield his eyes as a bright light that emanated from its interior.

The light then faded.

Aurick stopped short when he saw the contents of the crate.

It was magnificent.

It was a defining characteristic of the Korps of Steel.

It helped turn the tides of countless battles.

It was an unstoppable force

It helped drive off the Tau.

It gave the people of Teutonicus hope.

It was what every Korpsman aspired to be.

It was...

... the wargear...

... of a Sentry.


Aurick woke up with a gasp.

He felt rejuvenated.

The soldier immediately got to his feet, relishing with the weight of his new equipment.

Aurick rolled his shoulders, getting used to the immense weight of Sentry model Carapace Armor. The carapace armor of a Sentry emphasized durability and protection. The torso was fully enclosed, a characteristic hump housed his respirator unit and protected his upper back, and an armored collar shielded his neck. Segmented armor pieces provided additional protection for the hands, elbows, and shoulders. His collar patches had grass green cords in the center strip of each braid. His shoulder straps had round ends and edged on three sides with grass green piping. The shoulder straps had the number "1-1/1" in gray embroidery and the buttons were embossed with "1". His pauldron rank insignia was two white diamond-laced chevrons, with a gilt-metal pip in the crevice of the top chevron, on a black underlay edged with grass green piping. Additional protection for the legs included armor plating that enclosed the thighs, lower legs, and feet. Finally, helmet sported a blast shield with armored eyeholes and fashioned like a knight's helm in addition to the sniper brow plate. 

The Schmiedewelt pattern No. 42 schwer Lasrifle, often abbreviated to the no. 42s hellrifle, is an enhanced version of the no. 44 lasrifle. Operating in the 29-megathule range, the no. 42s is fueled by a 15-kilogram backpack power-source. This power can be raised to 30 megathoules or lowered to 28 megathoules, with multiple firing modes for battlefield versatility. The no. 42s retains many of the same features as the No. 44, with the exception of the spring-loaded bayonet, which was removed to fit the No. 42s' sizable cooling shroud.

The next item made Aurick almost let out a high-pitched cackle. What he held in his arms was a Schmiedewelt pattern No. 60 Meltagun, a devastating anti-tank special weapon used exclusively by Korps of Steel Sentries. Its users are required to get very close to their target and then unleash its holy vehicle-annihilating beam. Normally, regulations would only allow him to carry a hellrifle or a meltagun, not both. However, it would seem that the God-Emperor would grant him permission to carry two devastating primary-level weapons.

As for throwables, he still carried mod. 39 frag grenades, but his mod. 41 Krak grenades and mod. 40 smoke grenades had been exchanged for something far more devastating, Teutonicus pattern mod. 43 Heavy Krak Grenades. The mod. 43 Krak grenade is six mod. 41 Krak grenades, with their handles and fuses removed, attached around a single Mod. 40 Krak grenade with explosive adhesive.

Finally, was the scabbard on his left side that held a Sentry's close combat weapon: the Teutonicus pattern M42 "Engelsklinge" Chainsword. The Teutonicus pattern M42 "Engelsklinge," Teutonian for "Angel's Blade," chainsword is the close combat weapon of the Sentries. It is a localization of the Imperial Guard Mark Xf "Hell's Teeth" pattern Chainsword with the protective cowling removed and a switch that allows one to change the direction of the blade.

Wasting no time, Aurick drew his chainsword and charged the first B1 he saw, who was oblivious that the soldier was not dead.

The teeth easily cut through its cheap body, reducing the droid to a sparking, twitching heap.

The B1's comrades met the same fate.

Aurick sheathed the chainsword and brought out his Hellrifle. He aimed at a Platoon Attack Craft and fired at the repulsorlifts. Explosions ripped through the bottom of the craft and sent it crashing to the ground

He lobbed a No. 24 Heavy Krak Grenade at an AAT. The bundle of shaped explosive charges hit the front hatch and turned the vehicle into a twisted carcass of blackened metal.

Aurick took out the meltagun and aimed it directly at a Multi-Troop Transport that had just turned the corner. The intense, energetic beam of heat tens of thousands of degrees Centigrade bore through the MTT's power generators. It set a chain reaction that disintegrated the heavy repulsorlift vehicle in a fiery death.

Aurick proceeded to clear out the entire plaza of droids before he entered the main hangar and began to clear out the Theed Royal Palace. Room by room, chamber by chamber, hall by hall, the Korpsman annihilated every droid he saw.

The soldier was delighted that the God-Emperor had blessed him with unlimited grenades and ammunition. However, he was glad that the damage he inflicted upon the palace was minimal.

When he came across especially confined areas, Aurick would draw his chainsword and begin to rend the battle droids apart. The B1s had no way of countering the happy soldier as their bodies were cut down by the moving teeth.

Finally, he came upon the doors to the throne room. The Korpsman cleared his throat before he called out the battle cry of the Korps of Steel.

"Gott-Kaiser mit uns!" Aurick announced as the entered the throne room. He ignored the shouts and screams as he ruthlessly cut apart the battle droids who had captured the Queen.

He first sliced a security droid commander diagonally with his chainsword.

Bisected its lieutenant within the same swing.

Blew apart twenty droids with his hellrifle.

Finally, he aimed the meltagun at the window on his left without looking and blasted away two droids riding Single Trooper Aerial Platforms.

"Milady, all heretics in this combat zone have been purged with extreme prejudice," Aurick said as he ignored the various reactions from around the room.

"Uh, okay. What happened when you got hit?" Padmé was eyeing the plaza which was littered with AATs, MTTs, PACs, and battle droids. 

"Well, I took a Lascannon shot to the chest and was appointed to be a Sentry by what I am assuming to be the will of the Gott-Kaiser," Aurick replied as he admired his oil-covered weapon.

"Okay, what kind of sword is that?" Padmé asked what everyone was thinking.

"This, your highness, is a chainsword. Specifically, the Teutonicus pattern M42 "Engelsklinge" Chainsword. It is a weapon, elegant in its own right, designed for war. It allows its wielder to render any foe combat-ineffective with one swing," Aurick said with a blissful tone.

"Why would someone design such a barbaric weapon?" One of the handmaidens whispered.

"To battle barbaric enemies," Aurick responded as he revved the engine a few times,  causing the handmaiden to let out a frightened squeak.

"This is Captain Panaka to Bravo Flight. Great work, group. The Trade Federation Army is out of commission. Naboo is finally free."


Aurick watched as the cleansing fires propelled Qui-Gon Jinn on his journey to the God-Emperor's side. The Jedi Master had been cut down by the same warrior he had dueled on Tatooine. Aurick felt responsible for the man's death for he had been unable to kill that xeno.

In attendance were the Jedi Council, Queen Padmé Amidala, Planetary Governor Sio Bibble, Captain Panaka, Chancellor Palpatine, the Handmaidens, Onee-Wan, Annachan, Emily, Jar Jar, Boss Nass, twenty Gungan guards, and one-hundred personnel from the Naboo Royal Security Forces.

Annachan looked over to Onee-Wan, the latter of which had the remnants of tear tracks on her cheeks.

"He is one with the Force, Annachan... You must let go," Onee-Wan said to the girl who had slowly grown on her.

"What will happen to me now? What will happen to my sister?" Annachan whimpered as she was embraced by Emily.

"I am your Master now. You will become a Jedi, I promise," Onee-Wan replied with a determined tone that left no room for arguments.

Off to the side, Mace Windu began to converse with Yoda.

"There is no doubt. The mysterious warrior was a Sith," Mace said with conviction

"Always two there are... no more... no less. A Master and an apprentice," Yoda intoned.

"But which one was destroyed, the Master or the apprentice?" Mace asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

Both Jedi gave the other a concerned look. As the funeral drums fell silent, doves were released, and the body was gone.


The next morning, Padmé was shocked to see a flimsy resting on the throne. She saw that some unknown force was keeping everyone but her from reaching. Padmé approached the package with caution, gingerly reaching for the flimsy.

Dear Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo,

By the time you are probably reading this, I will be several star systems away. I left because at my core, I am a soldier. I would probably go insane within a decade if I continued to be your tactical advisor. That does not mean that I am abandoning you, far from it. 

I request that you offer Miss Emily Skywalker a position with the Naboo Royal Security Forces. Young Annachan's fragile heart will be eased if she knows her sister's future is secured. Well, dawn approaches and battles will not wait. Perhaps we shall cross paths again.

Stay strong, and always have faith in the God-Emperor. If you build a monument to remember when Naboo was liberated from the Trade Federation, make it a memorial to those who died to give this paradise world its freedom. Have the names of both humans and Gungans carved side-by-side, for they both made the same sacrifice.

Gott-Kaiser Mit Uns,

Senior Staff Exemplified Rifleman Aurick Hermann

1st Armored Rifle Squad

1st Armored Rifle Platoon

1st Armored Rifle Company

Teutonicus 713st Korps of Steel

Teutonicus 237th Korps of Steel Armeedivision

LIXth Assault Korps

P.S: It is an honor for a Korpsman to give someone his true name. Anyone else who sees this note will just see a blank space. May the Force be with you.

Padmé was unaware that she had tears in her eyes as she finished reading the last part. The Queen of Naboo let out a shuddering breath as she turned to her captain.

"Captain Panaka, give a message to the Royal Masons that they are to design and build a memorial dedicated to those who sacrificed their lives to free Naboo. Tell them to include the names of the Gungans as well, for they suffered heavy losses to buy us precious time," Padmé said with conviction.

"As you wish, your highness," Captain Panaka said with a small smile tugging the corners of his lips. The Captain gave a salute, spun on his heel, and marched out of the throne room. Panaka paused when Queen Amidala called out to him again.

"And Captain," Padmé began, "ask Emily Skywalker is she is interested in becoming a pilot."



[1]: Jar Jar is competent went into self-exile because of his life-debt to Qui-Gon.

[2]: In Star Wars, a note or any other piece of paper is called a flimsy.

Version History:

Version 1.0, 3/7/2020: First Published

Version 2.0, 3/9/2020: Fixed some mistakes, added to the ascension scene, extended the note.

Version 3.0, 3/10/2020: Changed Field Guide to Rifleman.

Version 4.0, 3/12/2020: Removed the Laspistol package and changed Juggernaut's helmet.

Version 5.0, 3/14/2020: Changed the rampage scene.

Version 6.0, 3/15/2020: FIxed grammar.

Version 7.0, 3/16/2020 to 3/17/2020: Changed weapon numbers and letters.

Version 8.0, 3/24/2020: Changed Juggernaut to Sentry as to appease the Ordo Hereticus for having a character named after a daemon of Khorne. Changed the uniform.

Version 9.0, 5/19/2020: Fixed continuity.

Version 10.0, 5/29/2020: Minor changes, changed Obi-Wan to Onee-Wan and Anakin to Annachan.

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