Chapter 3 - Two Slaves, One Capital
Author's Note 1: As you can probably tell by the second chapter, I am making some changes to the Star Wars timeline. I just want to branch out a bit and make my OC have an actual impact on the story. This means that the timeline will be altered. Also, the only things I claim ownership of the following: Aurick Hermann, Emily Skywalker, the Germania Korps of Steel, the Korps of Steel 713th Infantry Division, and Ruhr and Germania Pattern wargear and ordnance. Star Wars is owned by Disney, Warhammer 40K is owned by Games Workshop.
Author's Note 2: Slow build-ups make for a good story.
A plethora of emotions weighted the morning air in the Skywalker residence. They had found that the front door controls were overridden. Rifleman was nowhere to be found, leaving the group to believe that the soldier had betrayed them.
"I knew he couldn't be trusted," Padmé muttered angrily.
"And why do you say that."
Padmé turned to look at Emily who was sitting at the table eating her breakfast.
"Isn't it obvious, a guy adorned in warlike armor with militaristic markings is very vague about his origins. Then he offers to help for a meager price and then runs off with what minuscule funds you have," Padmé said to the young woman.
"Hmm, if you come to a conclusion like that then you have clearly never met a Korpsman before," the Cadian mumbled under her breath.
"A Korpsman? Is that what Rifleman's group calls themselves," Padmé snapped.
"I... uh..." Emily stuttered as she tried to come with an answer. However, the sound of the front door caused everyone to look towards who entered.
They were somewhat surprised to see Watto come fluttering in, followed by Rifleman. The Toydarian's face was neutral when he entered the hovel and moved over to Qui-Gon.
"Your soldier friend has convinced that I may have been a bit harsh yesterday. 20,000 Republic Credits will do," The junk dealer turned to look at Emily and Annachan, "I'll send in these two as an apology." The Toydarian withdrew a stick and waved over the right arms of both Emily and Annachan. The wand emitted two small beeps. Watto turned back to Rifleman.
"Their transmitter chips are now deactivated. The eopies will be ready around midday to take the parts to your ship." The Toydarian turned and fluttered out of the hovel, leaving Rifleman alone to deal with the fallout of his actions.
"I do not know what you did Rifleman. but it worked. Not only did you manage to procure the parts we needed, managed to grant some slaves their freedom," said Padmé, who was slightly ashamed that she questioned the man's loyalty.
"How did you do it?" Annachan had tears falling from her eyes.
"Let's just say that all Korpsmen have mastered the art of the acquisition of materials and freeing those in chains," responded Aurick as he walked out the backdoor.
Both Aurick and Qui-Gon volunteered to return the eopies to Mos Espa. When the two were making their way back, Aurick noticed something out of the corner of his eye. His instincts suddenly screamed at him to take action. Without even breaking his stride, Aurick drew his Kampfschwert in a swing, and lunged forward, cleaving a lurking and floating ball in two.
"What is that?" Aurick said as he inspected the sparking and fizzing automaton.
"Probe droid," answered the Jedi Master, "Very unusual... not like anything I've seen before."
"Why do I have this feeling that the Queen did not heed my warning about accepting any transmissions," Aurick said as both he and Qui-Gon began to run.
Aurick and Qui-Gon were about 300 meters away from the Naboo Royal Starship when he tackled the Jedi Master to the ground. Aurick instantly got back up and drew his Kampfschert just in time to block a red plasma blade.
His assailant was a male Xeno. He had skin in the color of blood, vestigial horns that crowned her head. Thick black lines ran across his head and face, lacking hair of any kind. He narrowed yellow eyes complemented the look of fury and hatred that emanated from him.
Aurick could have mistaken the Xeno for a Bloodletter.
Aurick was forced to focus when the Xeno pulled back his blade and slice at the soldier from another angle. Aurick blocked his strike and continued to trade blows with the Xeno. The two galactic warriors moved in a continual cloud of dust, smashing everything around them. It is a fierce fight, and Aurick was forced to apply all his battlefield experience to keep up with the dark Jedi.
"Jinn, get to the ship! Take off! Schnell! Schnell!" Aurick screamed at the Jedi Master while in a blade-lock with the Xeno.
Aurick grunted and struggled to fend off the relentless onslaught. He was relieved when he saw the Jedi begin to sprint to the ship out of the corner of his eye.
Qui-Gon sprinted into the ship, up the boarding ramp, and into the main hallway. Emily, Annachan, Padmé, and Captain Panaka were finishing several repairs that Aurick pointed out in notes attached to the extra parts he bought. They dove out of the way the Jedi Master's path as she raced for the lift to the upper deck.
Qui-Gon rushed into the cockpit where he saw that Onee-Wan and the ship's pilot, Ric Olié, were conducting the final checks on the hyperdrive.
"Rifleman is engaged in combat. He says to take off!" The Jedi Master's face alarmed the bridge crew.
"I don't see anything," started Olié's co-pilot before he was cut off by Onee-Wan.
"Over there! Fly low!" The Padawan thrust a finger at the small cloud of dust in the distance.
Aurick could feel himself growing tired. The Xeno was continually leaping over like an Eldar Harlequin. However, this forced Aurick to turn around quickly to block the overhead strikes that completed the acrobatic display. Aurick never continued to block the blows of the Xeno until the sound of the approaching ship reached a certain point.
When that moment came, Aurick made a slash at the Xeno, who blocked his blow. The Xeno was woefully unprepared when an armored fist connected with the side of his face with an audible crack. This unexpected attack sent the Xeno warrior to the ground, giving Aurick the chance he needed.
Breaking into a sprint, Aurick jumped and got a grip on the edge of the boarding. He felt two people grab his tired arms and pull him up. Aurick felt someone try to put his right arm around their shoulders, but he shrugged them off and stumbled into the room entrance bay.
Aurick continued to stumble and shuffle until he reached the wall opposite of the boarding ramp. He leaned back on the wall, his Flak armor scraping against the durasteel as he slid down to the floor.
"What *huff* in the name *huff* of the Gott-Kaiser *huff* did I *huff* just fight?" Aurick eagerly drank in gulps of water from his respirator.
"I do not know, but he was well trained in the Jedi arts. I guess he was after the Queen," said the Jedi Master, his blue eyes narrowed in contemplation.
"How did he find us?" Aurick asked as he regained control of his breathing.
"It was a transmission from the Governor of Naboo. It had a trace inside of it," answered Onee-Wan.
"Did you not think to scan it first?" Aurick got sheepish looks as his answer.
"We will keep that advice in mind for any new transmissions, but there is one other thing that needs to be addressed," said Qui-Gon.
"Outlining new communication protocols?" Aurick asked as he stood up.
"No, it is about your sword," Qui-Gon clarified.
"What about it?" Aurick asked as he inspected the topic of conversation for damage.
"Your metal sword managed to block a lightsaber," Qui-Gon stated.
"And why is that so important?" Aurick, finding nothing wrong, sheathed his primary melee weapon.
"Rifleman, there are very few materials that a lightsaber cannot cut through," Onee-Wan stated.
"Then it is a testament that a Teutonicus Kampfschert is superior to even the most advanced plasma blade. Nevertheless, there must have been a trace in the Governor's transmission likely copied this ship's signature to whatever tracker that renegade Jedi is using. Wherever we go, he will follow. Let me know if the Queen wants a battle report." With those words, Aurick departed to the maintenance area.
Aurick quietly stalked through the halls of the sleeping vessel. The lights were dim as the Korpsman walked into the main room. Aurick strode over to one of the monitors and watched the recording Governor of Naboo, Sio Bibble, listing the atrocities of the Trade Federation.
Aurich suddenly felt someone was watching him and turned to his observer. Curled up in the corner of the room were Annachan and Emily. Both girls were shivering and looked vulnerable. When Aurick walked over, Emily looked up at him with her glassy, purple eyes. The elder sister had her arms wrapped around Annachan, who was crying softly in her sister's embrace.
"You two alright?" Aurick asked as he knelt in front of his two charges.
"It's very cold," whimpered Annachan.
Aurick stood and walked over to his rucksack and pulled out his blanket. He handed the blanket to the Cadian, who accepted it with a watery smile and wrapped it around both herself and Annachan.
"You're from a warm planet, Annachan. The Void is cold," murmured Aurick.
"You seem angry," muttered Annachan as she burrowed deeper into the blanket and her sister.
"Queen Amidala is... worried. Her people are suffering... dying. Her Highness must convince the Galactic Senate to intervene, otherwise... this Galaxy will bear witness to what happens to those who incur the wrath of a Korpsman," Aurick growled.
"I'm... I'm not sure what's going to happen to us. I dunno if we'll ever see you again..." Annachan whimpered as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.
"You do not need to worry. Many things will change when we reach the capital, Annachan. Both you and Emily will always have a place in the halls of those I cherish," said Aurick as he brushed away Anakim's tears
"I care for you too. Only I... miss..." Fresh tears welled in Annachan's eyes.
"... You miss your mother," finished Aurick.
Annachan nodded her head as she quietly sobbed. Aurick slowly sat down and pulled the two girls close to him.
"So this is the capital of the Galactic Republic?" Aurick gazed out of the cockpit window as the ship flew over the sprawling cityscape.
"Yep... the entire planet is one big city," answered Ric Olié as he carefully guided the ship into the atmosphere.
"Wow! It's so huge!" Annachan's eyes were full of wonder.
"I am unimpressed," said Aurick as everyone within the cockpit looked at him to elaborate, "I did not see any sort of home fleet or defense platforms on our approach. There are no ground fortifications of any kind. How can the capital of your galaxy's government have so little defenses?"
"The Galactic Republic is a symbol of peace and unity for the galaxy for the last millennia. Having weapons on Coruscant would send the wrong message in a place of diplomacy," Padmé informed.
"Coruscant does have a planetary shield," added Captain Panaka.
"Can this shield hold up against a prolonged bombardment until reinforcements arrive if there are any?"
"The Ruusan Reformation disbanded all military forces of the Galactic Republic," replied Padmé.
"Then why would Her Highness come to plead for the intervention of the Galactic Senate if there is no military available," said Aurick.
Silence permeated throughout the cockpit as the ship continued to fly towards the massive domed building in the distance. A few minutes later, Aurick felt the ship land on the platform floating high in the air. Aurick was standing with Qui-Gon, Onee-Wan, Annachan, and Emily as the ramp lowered. On the other end of the platform were two men. Both were accompanied by several guards, dressed in deep blue robes and carrying ceremonial spears.
Aurick begrudgingly bowed to the two officials, moved off to the side, and gave a single nod to the ramp. Seeing the "all clear" signal, Captain Panaka, flanked by two guards, descended the ramp, Following the three guards, was Queen Amidala, Padmé, Rabé, Eirtaé. Following the four women were the rest of the Queen's guard.
Annachan and, surprisingly, Emily were looking around the city in wonder. Padmé smiled at the two former slaves while the official in the red robes bowed to Queen Amidala.
"It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesty," said the man as he gestured to the official standing beside him, "May I present Supreme Chancellor Valorum."
'That man must be the Senator of Naboo, Sheev Palpatine,' Aurick thought to himself.
"Welcome, Your Highness," began Chancellor Valorum, "It is an honor to finally meet you in person. I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the current situation. I've called for a special session of the Senate to hear your position."
"I am grateful for your concern, Chancellor," replied Queen Amidala. Senator Palpatine began to lead Queen Amidala and her Retinue to an airspeeder.
"There is a question of procedure, but I feel confident we can overcome it..." The Senator began to converse with the Queen. Emily and Annachan started to follow the monarch, then stopped. The Skywalker sisters noticed that Onee-Wan and Qui-Gon were staying with Supreme Chancellor Valorum. Queen Amidala waved to the duo, along with Aurick, to follow her.
Aurick, Annachan, and Emily joined Queen Amidala, Senator Palpatine, Padmé, Rabé, and Eirtaé in the taxi. The Senator of Naboo gave the two girls a skeptical look while eyeing the Korpsman with caution.
As the Jedi and Supreme Chancellor Valorum watched the taxi move off into the city, the Jedi Master spoke up: "I must speak with the Jedi Council immediately, Your Honor. The situation has become more complicated."
Annachan and Emily sat in the anteroom of Senator Palpatine's quarters while Aurick was standing near the entrance. Queen Amidala was listening intently to the man's words. Eirtaé and Rabé stood behind the Queen. However, Padmé was nowhere to be seen. The trio can see the Queen but cannot hear what is being said.
"This is all so confusing," Annachan thought aloud as she turned to her sister for guidance.
"Don't look at me. I'm just as clueless as you are," said Emily.
All three heads turned when Captain Panaka entered. The Captain indicated for Aurick to follow him.
Inside the living area, Senator Palpatine was pacing. Eirtaé and Rabé stood off to one side.
"... the Republic is not what it once was," lamented the Senator, "The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates who are only looking out for themselves and their home systems. There is no interest in the common good... no civility, only politics... it's disgusting. I must be frank, Your Majesty, there is little chance the Senate will act on the invasion."
"Chancellor Valorum seems to think there is hope," stated Queen Amidala.
"If I may say so, Your Majesty, the Chancellor has little real power... he is mired by baseless accusations of corruption. A manufactured scandal surrounds him. The bureaucrats are in charge now." Aurick watched Palpatine's eyes carefully.
"What options do we have?" Queen Amidala was growing more and more desperate.
"Our best choice would be to push for the election of a stronger Supreme Chancellor. One who will take control of the bureaucrats, enforce the laws, and give us justice. You could call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum." Palpatine's eyes had two different emotions.
"He has been our strongest supporter. Is there any other way?" Feelings of doubt began to build within Queen Amidala.
"Our only other choice would be to submit a plea to the courts..."
"There's no time for that. The courts take even longer to decide things than the Senate. Our people are dying, Senator... more and more each day. We must do something quickly to stop the Federation." The doubt had morphed into frustration.
"To be realistic, Your Highness, I'd say we're going to have to accept Federation control for the time being." Aurick could sense that Senator Palpatine knew more than he let on.
"That is something I cannot do," Queen Amidala vehemently declared.
Many of the most iconic structures in the galaxy were built on Coruscant and the Jedi Temple was no exception. The sloping walls and five towering spires gave it a unique silhouette. In the central spire's stately room, twelve Jedi seated in a semi-circle. These twelve Jedi made up the High Council, the ruling body of the Jedi Order. Qui-Gon was recounting the events that had happened ever since the failed negotiations with the Trade Federation.
Currently, the council was reeling from the news that the Sith may have returned after 1000 years of silence. There was also the fact that the Queen's "Tactical Advisor" had fought the Sith Assassin with a metal sword.
"How did Rifleman defeat the Sith Assassin?" Jedi Master Mace Windu's face bore skepticism.
"Rifleman defeated the Sith Lord by forcing him to block a slash while he punched him in the face," recalled Qui-Gon. The gaping looks of the High Council made his smile inwardly.
"I highly doubt that a mere soldier from this 'Imperium of Man' could defeat a Sith," stated Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi.
"The heraldry on Rifleman's uniform, specifically the double-headed bird. It looks like the symbol on some of the sealed chambers within the Jedi Temple," said Mace.
"An interesting connection, that double-headed bird has. Question Rifleman, we must," intoned Grand Master Yoda.
"Mistress Qui-Gon, more to say have you?" Yoda asked the Jedi Master with a bemused smile.
Qui-Gon's eyes widened in shock before he realized that the Grand Mistress of the Jedi Order had addressed him, "With your permission, Master Yoda. I have encountered a vergence in the Force."
"A vergence, you say?" The Grand Master's tiny head perked up.
"Located around a person?" Mace Windu cut in.
"Two girls and a man... The Force practically envelopes all of them, but the bonds between them feel... incomplete," informed Qui-Gon.
"You saying that the one referred to in the prophecy of one who will bring balance to the Force, may not be a single person, but rather a group that is united as one?" Mace was wondering if Qui-Gon's obsession with the Living Force had finally driven him off the deep end.
"I don't presume..." Qui-Gon tried to save face.
"But you do! Revealed your opinion is," said Yoda with a cheeky grin on his face.
"I request the trio be tested," stated Qui-Gon.
The Jedi Council all looked around at each other before all nodding their heads.
"Trained as Jedi, you request for them?" Yoda asked the Mistress.
"I believe Rifleman's arrival was the will of the Force... I do not doubt that. Then he freed those two girls. There is too much happening here..." Qui-Gon was lost in thought.
"Bring them before us," stated Mace Windu.
"Tested, they will be," added Yoda.
Version History:
Version 1.0, 2/16/2020: First Published.
Version 2.0, 2/23/2020: Continuity changes.
Version 3.0, 3/1/2020: Changed the first scene and senate scene.
Version 4.0, 3/9/2020: Fixed some mistakes.
Version 5.0, 3/10/2020: Changed Field Guide to Rifleman.
Version 6.0, 3/15/2020: Fixed grammar.
Version 7.0, 5/19/2020: Edits galore.
Version 8.0, 5/29/2020: Fixed the beginning, changed Obi-Wan to Onee-Wan and Anakin to Annachan.
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