Prologue: To unity and a rescue mission (Update)
After the empire gained power over the galaxy, an alliance of rebels fought against the order, most say that the rebels will overthrow the empire and form the New republic.
However a new power will tip the scale of the fate of the universe, But the power is not from here but from a another galaxy far far away.
The starborn will change the fate of the balance and bring an new era.
Y/n: What? where Am I?
Y/n opens his eyes to see himself in a dark place, but as he looked ahead he sees something in the distance so he started to walk towards it, as he got closer he recognised it.
Y/n: wait a minute, is that the Unity?
???: Indeed it is.
y/n turns around to see the grim reaper in a strange clothing.
Death: Welcome y/n I been waiting for you.
Y/n: whoa, Your the grim reaper you look different then everyone thought
Death: Indeed, by now you have many questions.
Y/n: yeah like what happened to me and why is the unity portal from starfield here?
Death: allow me to show you.
he opens a portal and it shows him his past life.
y/n was cosplaying as a star born from starfield with empire symbols in his shoulder pads and is in a star war convention getting selfies with other cosplayers that dressed as characters from the legend universe that Disney nuked (Yeah screw you Disney for doing that) as he was getting lunch a girl was getting her ball in the middle of the road. and a car is speeding towards the girl so y/n pushed her out of the way and hit y/n send him flying and crashed to the ground bloody and broken and died.
Y/n: well shit, so why is the unity portal is here?
Death: You're not the only one on why, my guess is my lord took inspiration of the concept and thought "Why not" and decided to test it out and you are the first test subject.
Y/n: oh.... Okay... So how does it work?
Death: Simple, you think about what you want to be and where to go, then you step forward Or you can refused to do this and I can send you back to earth as a different person.
So y/n begins think on what he wants so he closed his eyes and made a choice on what he wants and where to go.
Y/n: Alright I'm ready.
Death: Good now step in unity and Transend.
Y/n takes a deep breath and steps in and been reincarnated as a Starborn in the star wars universe.
After y/n was reincarnated into the star wars universe death saw the transcendence and grins
Death: good luck star born.
but then a voice yells out.
???: Oh Grimy! do you have any more wine?
Death: (Sighs) oh for fuck sakes.
(1 Month before the first episode of the rebels show)
Y/n opens his eyes to see himself in the guardian ship or known as the starborn ghost and him wearing the star born Armor.
(Check the bio if your confused)
Y/n: whoa
he tours around the interior of the ship, he has a bedroom, a kitchen, workbenches he checks inside the captain's locker to see his gear from his modded save game.
Y/n grins happily as he grabs them but sees a slate, he picks it up to see it was a cheat slate.
Y/n: no fucking way.
he picks it up and checks it out, it showed many things like spawn Armor, weapons and resources, can give experience, skills. traits and powers and many more.
with this he can be set for life but first he had to find out where is he at.
as he sat on the pilot seat and about to open the grav drive to see it's unavailable, It never happened before but realised he's in a new universe meaning it has to adjust to the new galaxy.
(I know it doesn't make sense but just go on with it or insert your own reason)
Y/n: well just have to wait.
but then he sees something in the distance so he flies closer, as he got closer he sees it's a imperial shuttle but is damaged.
the wing is clipped, sparks flying and scorch marks.
Y/n: Holy shit what happened to it?
then he was hailed by the shuttle, so he opened the channel but it was busted.
Imperial shuttle pilot: KZZZZZT Unidentified Ship KZZZZZZT of the Imperial envoy KZZZZZZT Your business.
y/n almost recognized the voice but the transmitter is broken.
Y/n: Imperial shuttle this is captain L/n of the Starborn guardian ghost, your transmitter is damaged and unable to fully understand your message do you required aid? I can take you anywhere for help.
after radio silence
Pilot: KZZZZT Require transport to KZZZZT Imperial spaceport KZZZT Stand by.
then the cockpit detaches itself from the ship.
Y/n: Okay Stand by for docking procedure.
the ship begins to dock with the escape pod.
Y/n: Alright docking successful time to meet the guests.
he heads to the back where the docking is, the door opens and greeted by two familiar faces.
Captain Juno eclipse from star wars force unleashed
and Maketh Tua.
Y/n: (Whoa Holy shit they were my teenage crushes But why are they here?) Welcome allow me to introduce myself, my name is Y/n can I get you both anything?
Maketh Tua: It won't be necessary, I am governor Maketh tua, next to me is captain Juno eclipse and we like you to cooperated by taking us back to lothal.
Y/n: no problem may I ask what happened?
Maketh Tua: we were on a diplomacy trip when The terrorists ambushed us and attack, they damaged the ship we manged to escape but suffered damaged.
Y/n: Shit that's not good.
Maketh: What's worse I think they hunting us down.
Y/n: well let's get out of here, where to?
Maketh: Lothal, Please tell me this ship has any defences?
Y/n: (Laugh) Ma'am this ship is called a guardian for a reason.
Juno: I may say this ship is unlike any I Ever seen.
Y/n: well thanks to starborn tech now if you please take a seat and get comfy.
They sat down on the seats, and y/n undocked from the pod.
Y/n: Ok we're undocked. So what type of ship did they used?
His question was answered when a large rebel curser and other ships just arrived from lightspeed.
Y/n: Oh Shit.
Maketh: Oh no it's them! They found Us!
Y/n: wonder who's in the helm of the fleet.
Juno: they hailing us.
y/n open a channel to the cruiser and also recognised the voice.
Saw Gerrera: Unidentified Ship This is saw gerrera of the alliance, you are harbouring empire war criminals, surrender them to us or be destroyed.
Y/n: (Shit it's him no doubt he'll leave no one alive)
Y/n: now hang on can we discussed this like civilised folks here?
Then the cruiser fire a bolt at the guardian dealing little damaged
Saw: this is your first and last warning, surrender now.
Y/n was pissed off that the asshole shot him when he was being peaceful, Now he'll hurt him back, he powered all weapons, engine and shields.
Y/n: Wow such hostility, no wonder Steela died due to your recklessness.
Everyone in the guardian and the rebel ships were silence when y/n made that remark.
saw grinds his teeth and grips heavily on the computer causing his hand to bleed.
Saw: Kill Them!
rebel star ships begin to open fire on the guardian and x wings poured out of the cruiser.
y/n smirks while he turns on his music which confused both juno and Maketh
Y/n: Let the fun begin.
he goes full on accelerate towards them and fires the red solar beam cutting the squadron of x wing ships down.
X-wing Pilot #1: Crap mayday MAY (INSERT DEATH SCREAM)
X-wing Pilot #2: Shit! Fred is Down NO WAIT! (INSERT DEATH SCREAM)
a second squadron arrived and locking on him.
X-Wing Pilot #4 Target locked on, Fire!
they fired missles at the guardian.
Juno: We got missles locked on us!
Y/n: Not for long.
Y/n fire the boosters which turns the ship invisible.
X-wing pilot #5: Where did it go?!
then the guardian turns visible and blasted the second squadron in seconds.
Maketh: This ship has a cloaking device?!
Y/n: Hell yeah!
The turrets continue to fire on the guardian but every hits is weak.
Juno: Shields is still at 100 percent.
Maketh: Just how powerful is this ship?!
Y/n: something that can withstand a nuke, now hang on.
y/n pilot the ship towards the fleet and fired gravity torpedoes at the CC-7700 Frigate.
They raised the shields hoping to block the torpedoes but the blast was powerful that it thorn though the shields destroying the frigate.
both Maketh and juno were in shocked to see the ship destroyed in one hit of the torpedo
Rebel crew member: Sir do we continue?
Juno: Ma'am they powering their weapons.
Maketh: Y/n! get us out of here! Lightspeed back to Lothal!
Y/n: sure thing but first hang on a sec going to put the hurt on them.
y/n head towards the heavy cruiser and unleased all weapons upon it.
He dive for cover as the cruiser suffered heavy damage and the turrets were destroyed in the process.
Y/n: Alright got them.
then the computer shows that the grav drive is finished updating.
y/n: alright ladies hang on we getting out of here.
Maketh: Good now lightspeed us out of here now!
Y/n: it's called a grav jump but yes ma'am.
saw saw a portal open and the ship vanished into it.
Saw: Dammit get the light speed coordinates on that ship!
crew member: Sir we can't.
Saw: What? why not?!
crew member: cause that wasn't lightspeed, it was something else.
Saw: (Growls) Dammit! Curse you whoever you are, you made an enemy of the alliance.
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