Episode 1: Two Worlds Meet

War across the galaxy!

Both the Republic and the Separatists have their respective conquered planets receive scouting missions to see if there are any suspicious activities. On the planet of Alderaan, mysterious events are occurring, earth shifts occur on orders of magnitude higher than normally. Suspecting of a possible conspiracy, Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Aayla Secura, alongside their Jedi Padawans, Russel Skyfall and Ahsoka Tano, are sent to investigate.

On the planet, Bail Organa stood in his office looking out the window, looking over the damage that is recently being done to the planet. A clone then entered the room.

"Senator Organa, Generals Skywalker and Secura have just arrived," said the Clone.

"Excellent. I'll welcome them personally," he said. A Nu-Class shuttle was entering the planet and inside it revealed Aayla Secura, as stoick and calm as she ever was, prepared for the mission. Next to her was her Padawan Learner. He had snowy white skin tone, and was relatively tall for a Padawan of his age, he only seemed to be in it for a year or so as Aayla's Padawan, with golden hair that was methodically swept back, showing not a single strand out of place, and eyes as blue as an ocean. He was wearing a very traditional Jedi Robe, in a tone of blue similar to his master. Currently his leg was jumping up and down uncontrollably. Maybe it's the anxiety of the mission. Aayla's response to it was placing her hand on the Padawan's knee and she had a gentle smile.

"Russel, don't worry, you'll do great. Your moment isn't going to be in a control room, it will be out there on the battlefield." she stated.

"I know, but I am excited to meet a new Padawan." replied Russel.

"I understand, but I know you will get along with her. Just give her a chance." said Aayla. The Shuttle then arrived at a landing platform with another one as well. As Aayla and Russel got out of their shuttle, they noticed Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano arriving from their own shuttle. Both Padawans thought they stuck out to each other. Why? Who knows, Master Yoda would probably say it's the Force if they had to put it in a sarcastic ironic way. The Padawans did feel like meeting each other.

"Master Secura, it's a pleasure to meet you formally," Said Anakin as he met up with Aayla.

"No need to get formal, Anakin," Aayla replied. Anakin and Aayla both noticed Ahsoka's curiosity with the Padawan, but he didn't appear to react much, he mostly seemed like he had no idea how to interact with Ahsoka at all.

"Master Secura, who is that?" Ahsoka asked.

"Oh, I don't think you two have met. This is my Padawan, Russel Skyfall," Said the Twi'lek.

"Hi..." Said Russel very quickly and directly to Ahsoka.

"Hi there." said Ahsoka, a bit disappointed by how little Russel seemed to care for her Russel wasn't really thinking of Ahsoka at all, his mind was obviously occupied with something else, which Aayla noticed, and she plans to talk to him about it later.

Bail Organa eventually arrived.

"General Skywalker, General Secura, welcome," said the Senator.

"The pleasure is ours," Replied Anakin.

"Let's talk business, follow me," said Organa as the Jedi followed behind. After a couple of minutes, they arrived at the office, a hologram appeared, showing the planet's current seismic activity, nothing too major right now as it seemed.

A droid eventually arrived with 4 drinks, "Refreshments? May be a long talk," The 4 Jedi then accepted the drinks.

"Thanks," said Anakin, speaking for everyone.

"What are the specific issues, Senator?" Asked Aayla.

"That... we aren't sure. We have adapted to the planet's climate for few decades, this is why we got confident in constructing large buildings, now here is this unnatural phenomena," Organa then showed heavy seismic activity on the planet, things like earthquakes and large waves were occurring during that time, "This is the largest activity we've had in centuries time." Organa then showed in his hologram that the earth shifts occurring recently were larger than what the planet should be capable of regularly. He even showed comparisons of earth shifts on the planet regularly compared to the ones happening now.

"It's as though it's forced," said Ahsoka.

"Precisely... We just haven't found proof or where exactly it could be occurring," Said Organa.

"Have you tried there?" Russel asked suddenly, pointing to a specific area of the planet where the earth shifts seemed to be at their heaviest in the Southeastern region of the planet.

"We sent a Squad beforehand to investigate a week ago... they never came back," Replied Organa. It was obvious to the Jedi by now that there might be Separatist interference going on. After all, why would a squadron be sent and not come back? Especially since Organa didn't imply the squadron came into contact to confirm if there was proof of interference. Not to mention, the almost planet destruction events happening, this could be something similar to a super weapon, especially since it isn't natural at all "Now, you may have remembered a request of a small Squad and the Council decided to send you two. I hope it isn't... too much of a big task for you."

"Absolutely not, Senator," said Aayla Secura as the other Jedi presented agreed.

The next morning, the scouting mission was ready. It consisted of the combined forces of the 501st and the 327th, with primary focus on many quantities of Troopers and in terms of vehicular methods, a large number of AT RTs and just a handful of AT TEs, just in case they were needed. Ahsoka noticed that Russel arrived relatively late, and he also looked disheveled, just on his face, as he looked tired and fatigued, and his hair, which was flowing downward. The blonde Padawan did however sweep it back in place, but Ahsoka honestly preferred his hair overflowing than swept back. The torgutan girl walked to the human Padawan.

"So I see you are a late bird," said Ahsoka in a teasing manner, to taunt Russel.

"What?" he asked her, annoyed at Ahsoka's snippy manner.

"I mean it's fine, I won't judge, but the fact is that you arrived so late, yet you barely look presentable," teased Ahsoka some more.

"Ahsoka!" Anakin called out to Ahsoka as the Togruta sighed, and went to stand by her master. Russel sighed, now he really wanted to get payback on Ahsoka. Anakin then took Ahsoka to a corner, far from the army, "Ahsoka! What was that about?!" Anakin began scolding her.

"What? He arrived late to an incredibly important task such as this. Why can't he be teased about it?" Ahsoka protested.

"That isn't your position to dictate. I can't have a second Padawan, but if he was my second Padawan, I would be the one scolding him if he arrived late or not. You can't, he has to be instead one of your greatest partners, like us with the Clones!" said Anakin "And if you want to act all snippy with him, don't do that as your first thing! That's how you're gonna make enemies faster," said Anakin, which did make Ahsoka regret a little of the teasing she had done.

As the current army of the Republic composed of both well recognized Squadrons started walking into the woods, they observed events you'd expect in the environment, like rustling leaves that happened because an animal passed by, but the Clones were still on guard, ready to expect anything, and same with the Jedi Generals and Commanders respectively. The group eventually arrived at the spot the last search party lost contact with.

"Ah, nothing here," said Commander Bly, "No signs to even detail why they would be here to begin with."

"There are a few signs of a struggle," said Rex analyzing a tree that showed evidence of blaster fire.

"So why would they kill the search party in this specific spot?" Ahsoka asked, but honestly, it was a question everyone had in mind.

Russel however felt like they were being spied on. He looked behind Ahsoka and saw a Commando Droid as it got out a katana and it jumped towards Ahsoka in an attempt to kill her.

"Watch out!" said Russel as he used the Force to pull Ahsoka towards him and when the Commando Droid landed, in a quick second that seemed like a blur to everyone else, Russel immediately decapitated the Commando Droid. However, it was followed with a wave of red blaster bolts coming from the other side, hitting a lot of the Clones and all the Jedi ignited their lightsabers to deflect the shots as the Clones also retreated behind trees to shoot at the Commandos.

"Ambush! Fall back!" said some of the Clones, falling back. More blaster shots came from behind them as well, revealing more Commando Droids, meaning the Jedi and the Clones had to prioritize both what was in front of them and what was behind them. Which was easier said than done, as the Commando Droids were not only faster than both the B1s and the B2s, but they also took more hits to go down, meaning generally, more Clones went down than Commando Droids.

"Rex! Pass me a grenade! Any kind works!" said Anakin.

"Yes sir!" replied Rex as he threw a grenade at the general direction of the droids in front of him, and using the Force, the Chosen One pushed the Grenade closer to the Droids and it blew up in their face. Now with one patch of Commando Droids down, the Republic Forces could focus on the other patch of Commando Droids. Bly did the same tactic as Rex, but now with the situation calmed down just a little bit, he could focus on using an EMP grenade to shut down the Droids completely. Much like Anakin, Aayla Secura used the Force to push the Grenade closer to the Commando Droids after it was thrown, and it worked on the Droids.

"Well, that was one heck of a surprise attack," said Rex.

"Flash, Lucky, give us a casualty report," Bly ordered the two Clones.

"We got hit pretty hard, nearly a quarter of our Troops are either dead or knocked out. They might need medical attention right now," Flash replied.

"Alright, this is what we will do. Obviously we must be getting closer to a base of some kind," said Anakin. "Now, we just have to find it," He added.

Russel then noticed Ahsoka and thought of doing some pay back to her for her teasing him earlier. Did Ahsoka mean to hurt Russel? Obviously not, but Russel took offense to that, and said to her,"You know, if I have to save you... I don't know what it tells me, but you're either dead weight or too slow," he taunted her out of spite. "How about you go back to the Temple? This isn't a place for little girls after all."

This made Ahsoka's blood boil out of rage "Huh? Oh really, I just fought against a bunch of Commando Droids, and this is what I get?!" Ahsoka asked with some rage in her mind.

"Then how about you aim to be useful, instead of almost getting killed right away?!"

"I got caught by surprise! That would happen to anybody! It's not like arriving late to something as important as this!"

"That's a small thing compared to losing your life!" The Padawans bickering began getting more and more heated. Which their Masters noticed, but before Anakin could even so much as move his lips by an inch, Aayla already spoke up.

"Russel! Come here now!" she called him out, which made Russel calm down and he went next to his master "I'm sorry Anakin," she told the Chosen One as she then took Russel to a distant place, far from the search party "Russel! How many times do I have to tell this to you?!" Aayla began in an authoritative voice, though she still wanted to hear his side of the story.

"What? She began the whole thing by making fun of me!" replied Russel. All Aayla did is sigh, as though it's the same song she heard thousands of times, and memorized the lyrics. What she needed to do right now was be completely honest in what she thought, and remain as objective as possible, maybe that way, the song Russel sang all the time would change.

"Russel, I won't deny Ahsoka is pretty snippy, and maybe she can get under other people's skins without intention of doing so; but it doesn't change one simple fact. You two will only have each other, and you two can only rely on each other, not anybody else," She began.

She knew that she was stepping on eggshells right now with Russel, "I am not asking you to be friends, but you are under different circumstances. You're in a battle of life and death, not the Jedi Temple. I hope you realize that... I once had to go through a similar process as you."

"You did?" asked Russel.

"Yes, Kit Fisto and I were close friends, until someone tried to get in our way. I couldn't just let my feelings cloud my judgment. That's why Jedi learn to see the truth," She explained, which made Russel think about it a little bit.

He didn't have to like Ahsoka, but maybe he could be a little nicer around her. Eventually, the Twi'Lek master and her Padawan returned to the group. The Clones were busy at that time, they set up a perimeter around the area, were organizing search parties, and Anakin was already talking with Rex and Bly about a potential strategy. Both Aayla and Russel were catching on to bits of the conversation.

"Sir, maybe we have to use the caves, it is common for them to do their experiments underground, or in areas most people wouldn't think of going to. If it was on something like a mountain, I'm certain we would have spotted it by now," said the Captain.

"That's a good point, Rex," replied Anakin as he spotted Aayla and Russel.

But before anything else could be said, a violent earthquake could be felt, this was making everyone present in the field lose a little bit of their footing and the ground began to crack.

"Sir! This one is an exceptional earthquake!" called out one of the Clones who currently had a Hologram projection of the planet's tectonic activity, "It is the most violent one thus far!"

"Sir! We're way too close to the mountains! We have to leave!" said Bly.

"I agree with you, Commander!" said Aayla.

"Tell all the men to fall back! Leave behind anything that may slow us down!" said Anakin. Suddenly, all the Clones took all their needed equipment, sadly leaving behind things like the AT TEs, and as fast as possible, ran from the mountains to a safer location. Though with how violent the quakes were going, it was easier said than done, as some Clones were tripping and falling because of it.

Suddenly, the ground cracked open and two Clones fell.

"Heeeeeeeeeeelp!" one of them yelled as the other also screamed.

"Troy! Light!" yelled Rex to the falling Clones. Russel and Ahsoka spotted the two Clones falling, and acting immediately, they jumped into the hole and in a quick swift motion like lightning, grabbed the Clones and threw them back up to the surface, but they could do nothing to the fact that they were now falling in place of the Clones.

"Russel!", "Ahsoka!" Yelled their respective masters at the same time, but it was too late.

Even if they tried to protest, the ground continued to crack, and the Jedi had to focus on saving their army. The Republic Forces ran and ran, until the quaking stopped, and they were in safe space away from the mountains. As the Clones were catching their breath, Aayla could feel anxiety from the Chosen One, "We have to go back for them!" Began Anakin.

"Wait Skywalker! Just listen for a second!" said Aayla standing in Anakin's way, "You can use the Force to feel their presence! They should still be alive!" said Aayla, as Anakin obviously couldn't focus on his moment of anxiety.

Once he thought about it, using the Force, he searched across the planet for the Padawans and sighed in relief, "They're alive." he said in happiness, "But the question is, how do we find them?"

"Russel knows what to do in a situation like this. Give them time," said Aayla.

"But my concern is Ahsoka. They don't even get along right now, how will they listen to each other?" Anakin stated, which yes, right now both the Padawans have a chance of listening like oil mixing with water.

At the ground, it was extremely dark and impossible to tell which way to go. Russel was able to recover, and woke up. He did feel a staggering pain in his head, but he was able to recover from it and immediately got up. Russel couldn't exactly see with his normal eyes, so he had to rely on other things, like his lightsaber as a starter.

Once he ignited, the sudden light emitted from the lightsaber caused him to look away for a brief moment, but he got the hang of it by angling it perfectly to act as a flashlight. Once he did, he saw someone was with him, Ahsoka Tano.

Russel recalled how she saved one of the Clones falling, and whilst that didn't change his opinion completely, a spark of trust did appear within Russel's consciousness.

Ahsoka eventually also groaned in pain, this time on her shoulder, and she looked at the source of the blue light.

"Russel?" She asked, which made the blonde Padawan surprised she even bothered to remember his name.

"Yes, Ahsoka. Need help?" He asked as he stretched out his hand for her.

"Thanks." she replied, accepting it and got up. She did however groan in pain, placing her right hand on her left shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Russel asked her.

"Yeah, a little. Guess you are in the same condition as me."

"A little, except I feel a greater pain in my head," Both the Padawans then analyzed their surroundings.

"I am guessing this is the caves," said Russel.

"Yeah, let's go back up to the surface." said Ahsoka, as she began to walk. To which Russel looked in her direction.

"But Ahsoka, how can we possibly find our way around this place?" asked Russel with concern, to which Ahsoka looked behind Russel and smiled confidently.

"No worries, I have these." said Ahsoka pointing to her Lekku "They will allow me to echolocate. I have used these in combat before, but I should be able to navigate through this," Ahsoka explained. "Look who's dead weight now," said Ahsoka in a snippy manner.

Just now, Russel felt enraged and annoyed. He felt like Ahsoka was trying to make herself superior to him, as she had something that he couldn't balance out. Russel reluctantly followed behind, but whilst doing that, he pressed a button on his communicator and did three taps then paused and did three more at an uneven rate, which signaled to his master that he and Ahsoka were in fact still alive. As they walked, they reached a fork in the road and it took Ahsoka a few seconds to know the way "Left, the density of oxygen is greater there." she claimed. Russel then instinctively Force Pushed Ahsoka into a wall, catching her by surprise, she collided against it and then collapsed, not being knocked out, but instead got back up immediately annoyed, as she angrily walked towards Russel, who had a pale expression on his face "What's wrong with you?!" she yelled "I am the one with the only means to getting us out and you're acting like a child!"

"Acting like a child?! You were the one who decided to make fun of me for something so small and we barely even know each other!" Russel yelled back.

"I never went so far as to call you DEAD WEIGHT after being saved!"

"And you're the same person who was trying to make yourself superior to me!"


"Yeah right, explain... today actually!"

"You really can't let go of things, huh?! We're in the exact same situation and you wanna talk about that?!"

"Actually, this is the perfect moment to talk about it!"

"You know what, I agree with you on that one, let's resolve this, you child!"

"I've just been called a child by a little girl..." during their argument, they could hear a mechanical stomping noise from B1 battle droids, a large number of them that likely reach the double digits, which seems to be true as once Russel angled his lightsaber perfectly, he could see the Droids. Two rows with six battle droids in each one.

"Ah! Jedi! Let's run!" said one of them as Ahsoka ignited her lightsaber.

"Relax, it's twelve of us and two of them. We can win, right?..."

"It won't matter." said the last one with a sad tone of voice. As the two Jedi Padawans destroyed the battle droids with swift swings that all could be seen were blurs of blue and green destroying the battle droids, with none of them capable of reacting to the incredible speeds both Padawans possessed. Once it was done, the two Padawans then looked at each other.

"Now, where were we?" Russel asked.

"We were at the part where you are the child between the two of us," said Ahsoka.

"Wanna see what this child can do?" Russel asked as he got into a fighting stance.

"You know what. Fine!" Ahsoka replied as she got to her own.

"Just to let you know, I am not scared of hurting a girl."

"I'm happy to know that," as the two Padawans were then about to collide, a door could be heard being opened and more stomping noises of battle droids, all that activity happening above them. So once they looked up, they saw a platform at the top of their heads. Without exchanging a word, as though both Padawans read each other's thoughts, they went to the upward platform quietly, to not engage in another fight with the Battle Droids. Russel then opened the control panel and was able to hot wire the control panels, "I didn't know Master Secura knew how to hot wire these things." said Ahsoka.

"No, I picked this up from the Clones, they taught me a lot once I got to know them," said Russel, both spoke in a tone that came off as, 'I don't want to be around you anymore', though the distance both have created towards each other and their expressions told the whole message for them.

Eventually, the door opened and they entered, with expressions of shock now overshadowing their faces. They saw a machine that a lot of droids were working on, it seemed to be the cause of all the earth shifts happening, as it was connected through a mass of massive wires and generators, things you'd probably use for a Super Weapon just how complex the mechanisms were within the machine. They then saw someone come out of the floors below. It was General Grievous, who made both Padawans take cover from behind the door they came out of. They could still hear what the General was saying, somewhat.

"How is the machine looking for a second use today?" the General asked the tactical droid.

"Sir, the machine is taking a while to recharge. It takes a lot of power to cause earthquakes and earth shifts, and just as much proportionally to recharge. Our designers were against the idea of using it two times in a day, but the best case scenario is, we can use it again after a couple of minutes," the droid explained.

"And the integrity of the machine will still be fine?" asked the Droid General.

"Precisely. After all, this is a prototype, we shouldn't be using it in excess."

Russel and Ahsoka knew now that they had to agree on a plan.

"Ok, so that hunk of scrap is the one behind it all. I suggest we go in there, disable or destroy it, either one, then we take down the rest of the Droids." suggested Ahsoka.

"Are you stupid? There are too many variables for this plan to work. I suggest we wait for our army... who should be arriving soon, and we fight the Droids, with them present."

"But it risks activating the weapon!" exclaimed Ahsoka.

"And your plan risks us dying!" Russel exclaimed back, and before Ahsoka could counter what Russel said, all they heard was.

"Jedi! Blast them!" said a Droid, as they spotted a swarm of battle Droids from behind Ahsoka.

Both the Padawans then deflected their blaster bolts with their lightsabers, and went inside the factory. Russel was able to, in the meantime, activate a tracking function on his communicator, to allow his Master to find him.

Grievous did however spot them.

"Jedi!... and that girl from before!" He exclaimed, spotting Ahsoka "Make sure to guard the generator!" said Grievous.

"Shall I send a Droid army to escort you?" The tactical droid asked.

"No, I'll deal with them myself," Said the General going downstairs. Russel and Ahsoka got into a corridor, just located on the other side of the main room they just got in from.

"Well, we lost the element of surprise," said Russel. But then a door opened behind him, and Ahsoka noticed who it was coming out of the door.

"General Grievous," said Ahsoka, immediately igniting her lightsaber.

"The youngling from my battle station has come back to fight?" Asked Grievous, taking out one lightsaber.

"That's Grievous? I heard a lot about him," Said Russel.

"And another Padawan is there with you? How many younglings are the Jedi gonna send me?!" Exclaimed Grievous.

"Well, our problem is we learn real quickly," said Russel.

"Then let's see what you have to offer," Said Grievous.

"Aren't you going to use two lightsabers? My skills have doubled and I held my own against you," said Ahsoka confidently.

"Really? I remembered it differently. I remembered it as: You promised a fight, so I just played along," Said Grievous confidently, but then he started coughing.

"Well, big mistake," Said Ahsoka, as both she and Russel charged towards Grievous with lightning fast speeds, using their predominant fighting styles to their advantage, but it didn't matter. Right now, Grievous was as perfectly still as a mountain, deflecting both their lightsaber strikes from multiple angles no matter how fast the Padawans were going. If he could, Grievous would take a cup of any kind of drink and still be perfectly fine battling armies of both the Padawans with his singular lightsaber, that was the current skill gap.

Russel tried to disarm Grievous, but it didn't change anything, as Grievous used his foot to grab Russel's face and threw him at Ahsoka, knocking both Padawans to a wall, which both Padawans recovered from but, they then looked at each other with annoyance.

"Stop being in my way!" said Ahsoka.

"Well stop being dead weight!" said Russel back at her. This made the general shake his head.

"You know, I recognize those colors, youngling with the blue lightsaber. I fought her before, and she lost; but even she worked together with her other Jedi friends. If you two had a sliver of their teamwork, I would have maybe considered using my other arm," said Grievous, which infuriated Ahsoka but Russel got curious.

"You know Master Secura?!" asked Russel.

"Why yes, it was a very good fight that she gave me," said the General, "But enough talk."

Grievous was then about to strike down Russel and Ahsoka with one swing, but Grievous was blocked by a blue lightsaber, which Russel recognized based on the position. Both Padawans looked to their side and saw Aayla Secura, and when they looked behind the Master Jedi, a fire fight could be seen between the Clones and Droids, and they could feel Anakin's presence in the same room as the generator, "Master Secura..."

"General Grievous," The Droid General then created distance between himself and the Jedi Master, then the Jedi Master looked at the Padawans who were on the ground, "I'm glad I got here just in time, but now you both must run!" said Aayla Secura to the Padawans.

"But Master! He is too strong!" argued Russel.

"Neither of you will add much! Just go and help Anakin! He needs you more than me!" countered Aayla, so with very little choice, the Padawans were able to get up and run for Anakin at the generator. Aayla was then able to give her full attention to the Droid General, "What? I'm surprised you didn't try to chase them."

"Why would I? I can defeat you and then kill Skywalker and those children before you destroy the Generator," replied Grievous, as he revealed his two extra arms, and his three empty hands got lightsabers.

His hands began to spin, showing a swirling stream of blue and green colors, and the sound of the lightsabers were all mixing because of how fast the General was moving. He jumped at the Twi'Lek Jedi Master, and then clashed lightsabers with her. One odd thing however was when Grievous tried to use one of his arms to land a killing blow at the Jedi General, she reacted and blocked.

In fact, Grievous tried to attack and kill Aayla in every possible way imaginable, at the rate he was moving, it was like he was at two places at once. But Aayla Secura, for some odd reason, she was moving and blocking as though four Jedi Masters clashed with one Grievous' lightsabers, and with all of them, it was as though sixteen Jedi Masters were fighting Grievous, however, it was just the Twi'Lek. At some point, the two combatants were in a lightsaber cross.

"What is it General?" Aayla began taunting, "You seem slower than before."

"You don't need to get smart with me. I know you have gotten faster," Replied Grievous.

"I did train after our encounter. Did you think as Jedi Masters we would sit around and do nothing?" Aayla then used the Force to push Grievous away, and both got prepared to fight some more.

In the meantime, both Padawans arrived at Anakin Skywalker's current location, the Generator room, as two Clones were keeping guard, and both the younger Jedi caught a glimpse of what was happening. They first saw the pile of dead battle droids, all cut by a lightsaber.

"Kix, careful here," said Anakin with a Clone next to him. They were at the core of the complex machinery, loosening some of the mechanisms to prevent it from working, then they found the core, "This is going to be the most important bit, so we need steady hands."

"Yes general," replied the Medical Trooper, as Anakin then spotted his Padawan and Aayla's.

"Ahsoka, Russel! I'm glad you two are alright," said Anakin.

"Why thank you, Sky Guy. We found the bad guy's secret hideout," said Ahsoka.

Russel was surprised how Ahsoka referenced Anakin as 'Sky Guy' and not 'Master Skywalker'.

"Now isn't the time for sweet talk. See the wires that are connected to the planet? I need you two to remove them," said Anakin.

"But can you explain why?" asked Russel, wondering why it was the case.

"Ok, let me put it simply, since it's still recharging. This functions in a similar fashion to the Malevolence; except it uses the energy from its core and spreads it across the planet in a manner that causes the earth shifts," explained Anakin "However, guess what is the problem right now."

"It's unstable?" Ahsoka asked.

"Correct, and it requires a lot of power. These wires are there to concentrate and aim it. In order to be certain that there isn't a system, we need to remove them," said Anakin, but Kix spotted something inside the machine. Not only was it completely charged, but then a voice came out.

"Interference with CS-1089 Generator has been detected!" Said a voice in the intercoms "Automatic activation will begin in two minutes and counting."

"Grievous thought this far ahead?!" Anakin yelled out loud "Ahsoka! Russel! Remove those wires! Kix! Keep a hold of the core! It will be the most important thing! We have to remove everything connected to it! If the core is still present, it will be the end of both our forces and Grievous!"

Kix then felt like his hands just froze for a brief second, but he was able to keep a cool head.

"Yes general!" he replied. Back to both the Jedi General and Droid General currently fighting, both crossing blades again, but Grievous heard the intercom and in response, he pushed Aayla Secura, put away his lightsabers and began to run away. Aayla gritted her teeth.

"A coward as usual." she stated as she gave chase "Bly! Grievous is running away again! Spread out the troopers to help me find him!" she told her Clone Commander through her communicator.

"Yes, general!" Bly replied. Back at the Generator Room, Russel and Ahsoka were anxious about removing the wiring, which Anakin noticed.

"You two, don't mess that part up! One wrong move, and the thing could still work." said Anakin.

"Great, as if this thing couldn't get any more complex." replied Russel ironically.

"T-Minus, one minute and thirty seconds and counting." said the intercom.

"General! We're barely a quarter of the way through and the machinery is working!" exclaimed Kix. Anakin then had to improvise, so he went to the two Clones who were currently outside.

"You two, we need your help!" he stated.

"What can we do, sir?" one of the Clones asked. Back to Grievous, he arrived at the hangar bay, with a handful of Clones present already, then Aayla arrived.

"Shoot him down!" she exclaimed.

"But sir, you're..." the Clone was about to point out that their Jedi General was in their line of fire.

"I don't care! Just take him down!!!!" The Clones then began to fire at Grievous, but he was able to deflect many of their Blaster shots with his lightsaber. Some missed and went to Aayla Secura, but she was able to deflect them and send them at Grievous, but none of their attempted attacks landed, as the General then pushed the Clones out of the way and went to his personal starfighter. Beginning to prepare it to fly, the Clones began firing, but due to the activation of the deflector shields, they bounced off the ship. Aayla Secura had to improvise and jumped in front of the ship. Just then, a hole opened, revealing the outside world to everyone, which Grievous used to fly through, carrying the Jedi General as well. She attempted to activate her lightsaber and destroy Grievous' ship, but with some maneuver, the Droid General made Secura lose her balance and she fell to the ground. All Aayla could do at that moment was stare at the ship, thinking to herself how the Republic failed again to capture the droid General. Back at the Generator, the Padawans were almost done with the wiring, thanks in part to the help of the Clones, but then the intercom came.

"T-Minus, one minute." it stated.

"Sir! What now?!" asked Kix.

"Okay, you should be capable of removing it physically by yourself!" said Anakin. Kix began to move his hands and the core moved along with him, with minimal resistances "Just move back, don't touch the edges!"

"T-Minus fifty seconds." said the intercom, as Kix continued to move the core towards him, but as he continued, the countdown continued, the Jedi and Clones present were having their hearts racing, but they couldn't distract Kix from the most important job of all, then the core was finally removed at "Seven... Generator can't function. Core was removed." as then everyone sighed in relief, that the Generator didn't explode and might have possibly have killed everyone present. Back at the surface, the Republic began to take out many of the parts of the Separatist base and might plan to use it for something else. Senator Organa then walked to the Jedi Generals.

"General Skywalker. General Secura." he began "How can we ever repay you?"

"You don't need to." said Anakin with a grin.

"It was just our work." Aayla continued. The conversation became faint as then the attention was turned to the Padawans, Russel was currently sitting on a crate and Ahsoka was looking at him with hostile eyes, though the feeling was mutual on Russel's part.

"You were really a pain, you know that?" said Ahsoka spitefully, as Russel sadly sighed, but he didn't want to lose face.

"And you are one annoying little girl. I hope I never get to work with you again." said Russel equally as spitefully.

"For once, I agree with you." replied Ahsoka, as both Padawans then looked away from each other.

To be continued

AN: I just wanna say, that me and a good friend, @ShaNEON_757 are working on a Star Wars story, with Russel appearing as well, and he has his own OC in it as well. So if you're interested, go on over to him and follow, check out the story once it comes out.

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