Ambush Upon Entry


Normal speech: "Hello there..."



Internal comms(ex: between CST-3342 and Phoenix and for the "recordings"): {"You ever wonder why we're here?"} {"No, because I know that you're here for war crimes and I'm just along for the ride"}

External comms, long range: <<Strider 1, Fox 2>>

Whispering, quietly complaining, grumbling: "grumble, grumble, grumbldy grumble"

Thoughts: 'So if one smol boi in yellow ship added to a trade federation donut ship and a shit load of battle droids is equal to one smol boi in a yellow ship, not donut ship, and no battle droids, what the fuck were the rest of the pilots doing? Also, what the hell did Naboo do with those droids?'


Mission:  Accompany JGM Yoda to Rugosa for talks

- Objective: Display the combat prowess of CST units and keep delegates safe

- Assigned CST Operative: CST-3342

- Command Hierarchy for this mission: JGM Yoda > CC4477 > CST & CT units


Scav: . . . and that's how I ended up getting bits of my arm in six different systems at the same time and why I'm banned from every traveling on public space transport for the next 15 years.

Jek: Uhh, not exactly what I asked but okay.

Lt. Thire: Cut the chatter, we're coming out of hyperspace

Scav: Sir yes sir. 

Scav: 'Let's see . . . power packs for blaster, check. Power cells, charged and ready. . . ordinance and detonator, check, and weapon mod kit, always.' Alright cool, I have everything I might need. {"Nyx, you ready?"}

Nyx: {"All systems online"}

Scav: {"Cool now le..."}

Yoda: Into escape pods, go we must

Scrapper: Okay then.


Scav: Not sure about anyone else, but I enjoy riding an escape pod into battle.

Jek: *just sitting there flabbergasted* What?

Scrapper: This is just a normal Thursday for me. Part of my whole thing is getting dropped into battle. Now let's see grab you, insert you, attach this, zero that in, and done.

Yoda: Go, we must. Ahead, long journey we do.

Scav: Uh, hey Mr. Jedi Man, what do you need me to do? I was told that I'm supposed to give a demo of what CSTs can do in my briefing, and I don't know what kind of demo you want.

Yoda: Scout ahead, you may. Engage the droids, permission you do.

Scav: Alright, I'll be back in a bit. *runs off*



Alright, Nyx, you detecting any signals?

Nyx: {"Yes, head towards the big coral tree and angle slightly right"}

Cool, thanks Nyx.


This is a nice planet. Shame the war had to come here. This coral wood could be a good shield though, might have to take inspiration from that at some point. Tree, tree, tree, tank, tree... ayo hol up, that's a tank. Let's see,  six cluster charges, two  AV claymores, some det cord and a fire work. I can work with this. 

- Step 1: place three charges on each side of the path the tanks are on

- Step 2: link the charges

- Step 3: Place a claymore on each side of the path, down a little ways from the charges

- Step 4: Link the claymores to the charges

- Step 5: Attach the firework to det cord and place it about 5 yards past the claymores

And done. Now to set up a nest and wait. Let's see, ammo in easy access, check, high ground, check, eyes on target, check. 


Tanks are almost in the kill box aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd *presses a button* 


Time for phase 2. Crosshairs, droid, trigger pull, boom, release, reload repeat. Crosshairs, droid head, trigger pull, boom. Crosshairs, droid head, trigger pull, boom. Crosshairs, droid head, trigger pull, boom. Crosshairs, droid head, trigger pull, boom. Crosshairs, blue flash, clone head, wait, brain, stop.

*moves and re-examines their surroundings*

Hmm, I think the paint bombs on some of those are a little faulty. Still looks pretty neat. {" Hey, Nyx, can you take a picture of this?"}

Nyx: {"You want me to send this back to the rest of the squad?"}

Bingo, thanks Nyx

Nyx: : )


Scrapper: <<Opinions on the light show and the painting>>

Yoda: <<Confusing, it is. Ineffective, it is not.>>

Scrapper: << I'm gonna clean up my nest and rejoin you on the ground now sir.>>


Are you sure we should go in there General? There's no way out.

 Yoda: Now rest, we must.

 Jek: We're low on ammo sir. Only 2 grenades, and 1 rocket for the launcher. 

Against a battalion? Forget it, we've lost. 

Yoda: So certain of defeat, are you? 

With respect General, maybe you should go on. Let us slow 'em down. 

Yoda: All around us, is that with which we need to prevail is. Come, sit. Your helmets, remove them. Your faces I wish to see. 

There's not much to look at here sir. We all share the same face. 

Scav: Alright 1) not exactly, and 2) give me a bit, I have some things I need to do before I can remove my helmet.

Yoda: Deceive you, eyes can. In the force, very different each one of you are. 

Rys, always focused on the enemy, are you. For inspiration, look to yourself, and those beside you. 

Jek, concerned about weapons you are. Weapons do not win battles. Your mind, powerful it is. Outthink the droids, you can. 

Scavenger, anarchic tendencies you have. Useful, chaos and independence can be. But around you, the best allies are.

Thire, rush not into fights, Long is the war, only by surviving it, will you prevail.

Yes. Clones you may be, but the force resides in all life forms. Use it you can, to quiet your mind. 


Tanks. Is that the best they can throw at us? 

Jek: Yeah, but I've only got one shot left. 

Yoda: Greet them I will. 

General, you don't plan to take that whole column by yourself? 

Yoda: Have you four I do. Outnumbered are they. Know the time to help me, you will.


Scav: Damn, I'm kinda jealous of the Jedi now. I want a lightsaber.

Lt. Thire: Shush

Scav: Got it. I'm gonna go down a bit and keep an eye out for enemy reinforcements

Lt. Thire: Got it.



Oh hey, there are some rollies there. Wait, there are rollies there. Deploy flare *fires a silent flare to warn the clones*


Scav: Alright now that we're done fighting, I can remove my helmet.  *Disconnects a hose from helmet, attaches hose to a mask that was in his bag, takes off helmet, puts on mask, and then presses button on the side of the mask* *see the clones staring* What, I got something on my face?

Jek: Uh... if you aren't a clone, why are you fighting with the GAR?

Yoda: Intrigued by this as well, I am.

Scav: Well you see... I'm a CST,  or ConScript Trooper. Can't really say much else. We serve in units like the 444th and the 666th, and we uh... we're serving so that make and test experimental things... and also so that we can shave off time.


Scrav: Dathomirian, dead ahead


The Count: Perhaps our negotiations will be more fruitful with your successor. Ventress, kill him! 

A/N: I can't hear Obi-Wan refer to Dooku as "The Count" and not think of Sesame Street.

One. Aht ha ha. Two. Aht ha ha

King Elephant Geonosian Guy: Jedi Master Yoda. I am very pleased to meet you, at last. 

Yoda: Share the feeling, I do, King Katoonku. Failed you, Ventress has, Count. 

Ventress: I don't fear you, Jedi. 

Yoda: Strong you are with the dark side, young one, but not that strong. Still much to learn, you have. Surrender, you should. In the end, cowards are those who follow the dark side. 

Dooku: It's a pity I wasn't there in person, my old master. 

Yoda: A pity, indeed, my fallen apprentice. Perhaps now, begin negotiations, we can. 

King Katoonku: That is not necessary, my friend. You have my faith. Toydaria would be honored to host a Republic base. My people... are at your service. 

Yoda: Your Majesty, fail you, we will not.



Hope you enjoyed this, but first, a couple of things. 

1: Apologies about the time it took me to get this out. 

2: I forgot to finish the previous chapter and write the one that I was planning on putting between this one and said previous one. 

3: I'm most likely going to re-work what I have, because I'm not sure how I feel about the script format for this, because it doesn't feel right to me. I also have some things that I'm planning on changing around, like when I introduce some of the OCs I've created, because I prefer to have a Chekhov's gun situation, as opposed to mentioning someone or something once and then never doing anything with them again.

4: If anyone has any constructive criticism, I'm willing to hear it.

So yeah, now that that's done, I hope that everyone has an and abso-fucking-lutely wonderful rest of their day.

This is Inva1idus3r, signing off

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