True Justice
Narrator: Victory on Morelia. After a glorious victory over the massive republic attack army Avona and Morelia celebrate their great victory.
However the republic pulled on final card from its sleeve and now Grand General Tarkin forces Avona to come Negotiate.
Tarkin was grinning madly as he watched Avona's ship descend from The atmosphere behind him stood 4 commandos two of them roughly holding Carmiya's arms behind her back.
And another one holding the young Mila roughly by the arm and gripping it tightly.
The whole time Mila had been crying and Carmiya had frequently killed her guards to get to Mila only for rampart to assign commandos to guard them.
"Hahaha soon Avona you will pay for what you have done to me and the galaxy Traitor." Tarkin growled.
Carmiya was about to yell at him that her sister was no traitor only for Mila to shockingly beat her to it.
"My mommy is no traitor she's more nice and loving that you Scum bag old coots." She said crying out in pain when the commando tightens his grip on her arm.
Tarkin turns to the young girl and marches to her towering over the girl who stares at him defiantly.
"Psh just like your so called mother." Tarkin says as he raises his hand and slaps her.
Fresh tears stream from her eyes as the pain is registered to her.
"I'll kill you sick coward." Carmiya growls trying to break free causing the fourth commando to stun her.
Eventually Avona's ship lands and she steps out followed by her knights.
"Ah master General Avona welcome." Tarkin greets her With mock politeness.
"Grand General tarkin." Avona replies while struggling to contain her rage.
"Now then my terms are simple. Free all clone prisoners and republic leaders you've captured and surrender Morelia and Kynar and your sister and daughter go free." He demands.
Avona smirks internally already sending that was what he would want and she knew how to take advantage of his arrogance.
"I have a better idea." Avona says snapping her fingers as her knights step forward. "I'll turn myself in to you and in exchange you let my daughter and sister go." She proposed.
Avona could tell Tarkin was thinking hard about this weighing the pros and cons of it.
Finally looking up at Avona with a wicked smile on his face he replied. "I accept your terms."
Nodding her head avona steps forward as a commando cuffs her.
Meanwhile Alson and Torrance step forward and help Carmiya up and move to grab Mila only for her to rush and hug Avona's legs.
"No momma don't go to those mean men they'll kill you." She says sobbing.
Kneeling down avona takes her pistol out and hands it to Mila. "Hold on to this sweetie and be strong for me ok." Avona says gently.
Nodding while wiping her tears Mila goes to the knights as Alson picks her up.
Walking forward Avona is led to the republic ship tarkin had come on as it takes off for Coruscant.
Once tarkin and Avona leave the 4 clone commandos turn to the knights and the young girl as they raise their weapons to fire.
One knight draws his gun while the others shield Carmiya and Mila with their bodies.
However no shot is fired. Looking behind her alson sees the 4 commandos lifted into the air as they are force choked and thrown into the nearby mountain range.
Looking around the knights try to find where the force user is only to spot a hooded figure approach them.
???: Where is Avona," the figure says icily.
(Coruscant Avona POV).
The trip to coruscant was silent neither me or tarkin said anything to each other and I was fine with that.
I was struggling to reign in my temper because of what he did to Mila. I knew I'd either be interrogated or executed but neither concerned me for 2 reasons.
1. I was never going to betray my Allies to these corrupt scum bags.
2. If I died let's just say they who succeed me will not be as merciful to the republic as I am.
Eventually we exited hyperspace over coruscant and soon we began our dissent to the surface.
When we landed I was pulled roughly to my feet by commandos as I was made to follow tarkin into the senate building.
I briefly admired the architecture of the building it was truly wonderful and its scale was breathtaking. It was also amazing how little of it seemed to change over the centuries.
I was pulled out of my sightseeing by my guards who pushed me into a room full of republic representatives.
Seated on couches and around a large desk sat several senators and republic military leaders.
I only recognized some of them. I knew Senators amidala and Organa by reputation and Onaconda Farr from my earlier dealings on Rodia.
I also knew admiral Colburn and admiral Yularen by reputation but I didn't recognize the young officer beside them but I guessed he was a navy Comamnder based on his Plague.
Eventually I was seated in the middle of the room and then palpatine began the discussions.
"Ah master General Avona welcome to coruscant hope you are comfortable." He asked with feigned concern.
I decided to reply politely since I didn't want to spike anyone's ire yet. "I am fine chancellor thank you."
"That's good to hear. Now with pleasantries out of the way we can begin negotiations." Palpatine says gesturing to Padme who stands up.
"Master general instead of beating around the bush I'm just gonna cut to the chase." She says before taking a deep breath.
"We request the surrender of the Sepratist military so we can restore peace across the rim." She says but I can tell she is very uncomfortable with this so I guess these aren't her terms but actually terms devised by the war mongerer behind his desk I think as I glare at palpatine.
Deciding to reply I gave padme a steady look. "And why should I surrender the military hmm. We are winning this war so surrendering to you is useless to me.
If I ordered my armies to just stand down your precious republic would simply come and oppress us rim citizens all over again.
Or better yet you don't care about the rim at all. I can see it in the eyes of any republic official I talk to they dream about the true prize under the confederacy that would springboard republic power in the whole outer and mid rim.
And that's the Raxon drive yards am you got it! Right." I says glaring at the senators and palpatine who shrink back.
"Y-yes I won't deny that among the terms of surrender was a republic occupation of Morelia and its vast industrial power." Padme says shrinking back into her seat at the sight of my glare.
"Heh this is what the republic has become a bunch of sniveling idiots who care not do the people but only for the riches they can steal is that it.
I don't think so. I refuse to sign any document unless my terms are accepted." I stated boldly.
"And what terms are those." Palpatine questions I could tell he was getting increasingly angry with my stubbornness.
I smirked knowing exactly what I was going to say. "Simple a fair trade. The republic would stay in its core and inner rim territories and we would give you some baren worlds to feed your industry. No reparations will be demanded just recognize confederacy and Mandalorian legitimacy in the rims." I said simply.
Many in the room Seemed to consider it however before anyone else could speak the young officer stood up fury all over his face.
"You are in no position to make such demands traitor." He growled at me however I was unfazed. "You are at our mercy Avona and mark my words your precious confederacy will be defeated regardless if you sign or not." He said arrogantly.
I simply stood up and walked forward glaring she'd at teh young officer. "I see the republic has fallen so deep that they now recruit arrogant and incompetent fools like you to fill their ranks.
As I've said." I continue marching up to palpatines desk. "I will only accept a ceasefire or any form of peace on those terms." I say firmly.
I can tell palpatine is livid because I see him clench his fist as he stands up.
"If we can't convince you the Jedi have other means to make you cooperate." He says gesturing for the guards to take me away.
(3rd person POV).
News of Avona's capture and arrest by the republic spread like wildfire across the confederacy.
The parliament was more galvanized than before and many began flooding the military with fresh troops.
Tawni Ames and her men from Desix along with Kraken and his army begin a full invasion of Ord Mantell and in a display of power Tawni herself comes to direct the battle.
From Kynar the people were livid at the republic for taking a child hostage and invading their territory they dispatch 8 million Kynar soldiers invade Jakku and its moons.
From ryloth with their toydaria Allies the two began to attackof the empress Teta system with the aid of General Kalani and his army.
The republic was in disarray as high command struggled to stop the rapidly approaching Separatists.
Finally all across the mid rim driving closer to the core Was Grevious and Tx-1943 and their armies.
There was mass panic in the streets as the holo met constantly showed droid forces marching across city after city and planet after planet.
(Coruscant Avona POV).
I was eventually dropped off at the Jedi temple and handed over to temple guards who began to lead me to the council chambers.
I noted that the Jedi temple looked a lot like the shadow order temple aside from this one being more white and light colored.
Eventually I was led to a large elevator where I was led to the chambers and as I entered I saw the entire Jedi council gathered and I had to restrain myself.
'These are the scum bags who led to my brothers death.' I thought angrily.
One Jedi I think his name was windu was about to speak but I cut him off.
"If your going to try and convince me to tell my armies to stand down and surrender the entire CIS to your precious republic then you are mistaken.
I stand for Freedom and I pledged to defend my people to the death and I refuse to break that oath by surrendering to cowards like you." I said angrily.
"Great anger we sense in you young one." I think his name is Mundi says.
'No duh genius.' I thought sarcastically.
"If you fight for Freeform the why did you invade ryloth after it was already attacked once." Windu demanded.
"Oh please we all know that your stupid republic was oppressing the people and I steeped into stop it.
And every planet We've attacked or invaded has been to free them because your incompetent foolish senate can't seem to take 1 hour of its day to worry about its own people.
And here you all sit upon your ivory towers caring not about who lives or dies you have the power to make change yet you don't because it's against the senate or against your precious Jedi code." I said angrily.
However before a Jedi could retort I felt myself lifted into the air as I felt my throat being restricted.
"You." Anakin growls steeping out of the elevator. "What have you done with Ahsoka." He demands angrily.
Much of the council immoderately stand up and Obi wan forces Anakin to release me.
Sitting on my knees coughing while rubbing my throat I barely catch much of what the council says but I catch the end.
"Knight skywalker take a 3 week mediative leave you will." Yoda orders.
Glaring at me anakin leaves the room.
"Forgive him please." Obi wan says helping me up.
"It's fine it's normal to feel emotions." I say calmly. "And he has probably been in turmoil since Morelia right."
Many on the council seemed stunned by my words as one a kel dor speaks up.
"Those are wise words young one but emotion can lead to the dark side." He says calmly to which I shake my head.
"If that's the case than I would be forbidden from showing love to my daughter or sister." Is at calmly. "Emotion is what lets us feel human yes it's important to stay calm and in control but it's not wrong to feel them
Especially love since love gives you the will to live for something And to protect it.
Is that not what you Jedi are peace keepers how can you protect the peace when you refuse to love all the people will see you as are heartless machines if that's the case." I said calmly.
Many fell silent at my words and it was the Togruta who stood up before speaking.
"I'll escort Avona to her cell and maybe tomorrow we will have better luck." She suggests.
Nodding his head the togruta takes my arm and leads me out of the room and back down to the hanger.
As we leave the temple she put the ship on auto pilot and introduced her self as shak ti.
As we sat opposite of each other she spoke. "What did happen to Ahsoka on Morelia the council told me that they weren't able to make it to her and she was captured.
And before they could launch a rescue mission you attacked and forced them to flee." She says clearly wanting to know my side of the story.
"That's not entirely true. Yes I had her position surrounded but the republic could've launched an attack because I hadn't completely encircled the town until after I pushed them back significantly." Shak looked angry at my words but nodded for me to continue.
"I ordered for my men to take the republic force in the town alive and we did we used stun rounds and one of my Rogue Jedi subdued Ahsoka.
I then ordered them to be imprisoned and treated as according to the Naboo war accords." I say honestly.
"I know that's one thing I didn't trust the senate about was you mistreating prisoners cause I knew that the Sepratists frequently obeyed the war accords." She says before growling.
"But my fellow Jedi lord to me I was told they were unable to because you were stopping them now I see they only cared about victory not her." She says while starting to cry.
Immediately I stood up and hugged her. "I assume ahsoka was special to you then." I ask.
"Yes on shilli her parents were killed by raiders her mother survived barely but I found them she entrusted me to care for her daughter.
I thought her becoming a Jedi would be for the best but I can clearly see it wasn't the case." She says sniffling.
I then notice we aren't flying to the military prison but to a space port.
"A master Jedi did you set the ship on the wrong course." I ask slightly concerned
Immediately shak stands up and looks at the contorts and immediately panics.
"I set us to go to the complex but it looks like the controls have Been hacked." She says worriedly.
Shortly after that discovery we land a port where shock troopers are waiting for us.
"Republic general Shak ti come out with your hands up." a clone demands.
Shak immediately steps back. "I'm no traitor what's happening." She says almost hysterically.
However before I can reply I see a white lightsaber ignite behind the clones who panic as the warrior moves towards them with blinding speed as they swiftly cut down the clones one at a time.
Eventually another shuttle lands and four Jedi knights rush out and charge the warrior only to be cut down.
With their opponents either dead or unconscious the warrior approaches the ship.
Gesturing with my cuffs shak cuts them as we prepare for a fight.
However when the figure enters and removes their hood and helmet I smile.
"Hey Selene it's been a while." I say smiling.
Returning my smile Selene bows before knocking out Shak and taking off back to Morelia.
(3rd POV).
A group of 200 Jedi knights and 4'000 clones patrol the Jedi stronghold of Ossus a space station named after the Jedis old home to stand as a symbol of Jedi power in the dark times against the Confederacy.
However suddenly the station goes dark and the Jedi whip out their lightsabers.
"You all believed your selves above the people." A voice says echoing across the massive station as white sabers cut down 4 Jedi.
"You believed yourselves to be gods above all. No rival to you or the republics power." He continues as more Jedi and clones are cut down.
"But now a new era is dawning our master has delivered on her promise now we will implement her vision." The voice finishes as dozens of white blades emerge and attack the remaining defenders.
On the station bridge a Jedi master rushed to activate the comm to call coruscant.
"This is Master Ova Cumera we have been overrun by rogue Jedi requesting.—"
She says frantically only to be killed by a lightsaber stabbing her.
"This is Shadow Lord Malgus and I only have one thing to say to you Jedi. True justice is coming and as you fall the shadow Order will rise." He declares as the station erupts in explosions.
An:hope you all liked this chapter and as always hope life finds you well.
My question for you all today is what's your favorite clone wars battle we've done so far in this story or your favorite Star Wars battle in general.
Have a great day everyone and stay safe.
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