Episode VII: Out of the Shadows Pt.3: The Battle Above Dorin
Space above Dorin
A fleet of Star Destroyers exit hyperspace. Leading the fleet is the ISD Gridlock. The cannons of the Colossal Haven lock onto the fleet of Star Destroyers.
Admiral Obsidian: This is Admiral Alexander Obsidian of the ISD Gridlock. Stand down and clear out. We detected an old Republic frequency which usually means Jedi. Get out of our way or we will destroy you.
Grieve: This is General Grieve, son of General Grievous, commander of the Colossal Haven, the flagship of Colossus Squadron. Turn away now or we will open fire.
The cybernetic tactician waves his hand, ordering the droids around.
B1: Sir, the BUZZ batteries are loaded and primed.
The general nods and holds a metallic finger up. The droid nods and waits.
Admiral Obsidian: Your lucrehulk is no match for five Star Destroyers. Back down, now!
Grieve: Clearly you don't know who you're dealing with. Viper! Give them a little taste of what real power is!
Darth Viper nods. He steps forwards, then reaches one hand out. In a flash, he snaps his open hand into a fist. One of the Star Destroyers behind the ISD Gridlock implodes on itself. Viper lets go of the ship, then turns his attention to the other Star Destroyer at the rear. He keeps his fist shut tightly, then opens his hand. The Imperial ship tears itself apart, breaking into large fragments.
Admiral Obsidian: We've lost two ships? Impossible! They haven't fired on us...unless...who did you say was aboard your ship?
Grieve: Don't worry about that. It won't be long until you meet him face-to-face.
With that, he ends the transmission. He turns to face the large, ancient Sith Lord.
Grieve: A group of battle droids are waiting for you in the hangar.
Viper nods, then makes his way there. Once in the hangar, he finds a gathering of B2 super battle droids and BX commando droids. They all turn to him and salute before following him aboard a Separatist shuttle. The shuttle takes off and flees the hangar.
Meanwhile, Grieve focuses his cannons on the ISD Gridlock and prepares to open fire. The only problem: the shields are still up.
Grieve: Get those shields down!
On Dorin
The U-Wing and the Jedi Interceptor descend onto the planet before a large heap of metal. As they land, Caleb checks with his brother.
Caleb: Do you have your mask?
Isaiah: Yeah.
Caleb: Good. Make sure anyone else onboard uses a breather and goggles. This atmosphere's toxic to them.
Isaiah: It's not to us.
Caleb: True, but we don't have time for you to adjustment right now.
Isaiah: Point taken. You go ahead. I'll catch up.
Caleb steps out wearing a mask and goggles of his own. The mask and goggles resemble those of his master, Plo Koon.
A few moments later and Isaiah steps out of the U-Wing. Emrr-Syin rolls out from behind him and jumps onto Caleb's back.
Emrr-Syin: You're alive!!!
The young Jedi smiles at her friend. She has a clear helmet that the Republic used to issue for underwater missions, only this one is smaller and repurposed for all kinds of environments. Meanwhile, Isaiah has his own Kel Dor mask.
Isaiah's mask has a pair of goggles that come out from the top of the mask and are able to fold in. The two brothers look at each other and smile before hugging each other briefly.
Caleb: Shoulda known the Empire couldn't get you.
Isaiah: They couldn't keep up.
Emrr-Syin: Not for a lack of trying. How did you survive?
Caleb: My clones didn't get the Order.
Isaiah: What!?
Caleb: Nicole Shan and I were with Master Plo on Cato Neimoidia. Plo was delivering air support while I led my battalion to the location of a potential stronghold. While we were on the way, we get hit with an EMP that was so strong, it fried their inhibitor chips. They don't bat an eye at the mere mention of the Order. We saved Nicole, took our cruiser, then bolted.
Emrr-Syin: So your clones are still your soldiers?
Caleb: No, they're my friends. Sometimes it's like the war never ended. In the good ways. We've been hiding out here for a long time.
Isaiah: Where's your ship?
Caleb: You see the heap of metal?
Isaiah: Yeah.
Caleb: It's under it. I need help uncovering the ship and help getting it to fly again.
The other Jedi nod and walk closer to the ship. Emrr-Syin hops down off of Kenojynn's back and follows the two older Jedi. Once they're close enough, they reach their hands out in front of them and focus. Piece by piece and chunk by chunk they remove the debris hiding Caleb's frigate.
Above Dorin
The upgraded Separatist shuttle speeds towards the ISD Gridlock. The cannons open fire on the shuttle, but it's going too fast for most of the blasts. That is, until one blast sets the cockpit of the shuttle ablaze. The Dark Lord of the Sith forces the shuttle doors open and leaps out. The droids follow behind him and they all magnetize to the hull. Meanwhile, their shuttle dives straight into the tower holding up the bridge and explodes, rocking the crew and Admiral Obsidian.
As he falls, Viper summons crimson and scarlet Force lightning and shoots it at his adversaries, ripping the shields of the three Star Destroyers apart. As soon as the shields go down, General Grieve turns to one of his droids and shouts.
Grieve: All batteries: FIRE!!!!!
The BUZZ batteries erupt, slinging large metal capsules at the Star Destroyers. The capsules erupt as garrisons of tiny droids are unleashed upon the Star Destroyers. The buzz droids swarm all over their hulls, quickly working to try and cause as much mayhem as possible.
Darth Viper orders his men to help out and they make short work of the nearby cannons. Viper ignites his saber and runs across the hull with a roar, slicing any nearby cannons to pieces. Admiral Obsidian sends out a battalion of spacetroopers to deal with the Sith Lord.
The Mythosaur Mereel speeds into battle. Onboard the ship, Cassus Mereel stands up and heads to the back of the starship.
Isaac: You sure about this?
Cassus: Someone has to make sure that Sith lives. If he dies to some Imps, he'll haunt us forever.
Naat: Try not to die.
Cassus: Don't worry about me, Jedi. This isn't my first rodeo.
Naat: You've done this before?
Isaac: Only a couple times. Ready to drop?
Cassus: Yep.
Isaac: Dropping...now!
The doors beneath the drop rack in the back of the ship opens. Cassus falls out of the ship, diving feet first into space. His jetpack activates and he flies over to the ancient warrior. He lands by his side and draws his blaster pistols. The two quickly get to work, tearing through the spacetroopers as quickly as possible.
A large piece of scrap is all that's left on the ship. Together, they remove the scrap and breathe heavily. Caleb gets on comms and contacts Caino.
Caleb: Caino, get the engines fired up. We're gonna help get you guys outta that hole.
Caino: Copy that, General.
Emrr-Syin: We are? How? It's so-!
Caleb: Remember Master Yoda's lessons, young one? Size matters not.
He says, imitating the little green Jedi at the end. The younger Jedi laughs a little, then gets ready.
Emrr-Syin: Okay, I think I can.
Isaiah: We're with you, Em.
Caleb: Trust us, trust yourself, and trust the Force.
Emrr-Syin nods. The trio of Jedi reach out with their hands and through the Force. The ship rattles a little as they grab it.
Caleb: Caino, takeoff!
Caino: Yes, General.
The ship shakes as the thrusters kick on. The large frigate rumbles as it slowly begins to lift. The engines hum as the ship dislodges itself from the dirt and sands of Dorin. A Republic Arquitens-class frigate is now clearly visible.
Caleb: I can handle it from here! Get back to your ship and get inside!
Isaiah: Are you kidding!? The strain from holding a ship this large could crush you!
Caleb: I know, it almost did when we stole it! Now, get back to your ship and get inside! I'll meet you there!
Isaiah: I won't let you die!
Caleb: I won't! I've done this before!
Isaiah: That doesn't make it safe!
Caleb: Now isn't the time to argue, Isaiah! Get to the ship now!
Isaiah: Not without you!
Caleb: RRAAGHHHH!!!!
Letting go of the ship with one hand, he Force pushes the two younger Jedi. The two fly backwards, causing the ship to dip a little. Caleb quickly moves his hand back and does his best to hold it up.
Caleb: AAHHHH!!! Get to the ship!
Knowing there's no convincing his brother, Isaiah reluctantly complies. He and Emrr-Syin dart to the U-Wing and take off. The ship slips into the hangar as the two remove their masks. The two Jedi and the Nightsister land the U-Wing and sprint to the bridge.
Isaiah: Are the stabilizers working yet!?
Caino: Not yet, sir.
Nicole: Isaiah? What're you doing here?
Emrr-Syin: We were helping him lift the ship.
Nicole: Were? Where is he now?
Isaiah: Where do you think? Get those stabilizers back on before this ship gets a fresh coat of red paint.
Caino: You heard 'em, boys! Get those stabilizers online!
Several clone officers work quickly in an attempt to fix the stabilizers. Outside the ship, sweat falls rapidly down Caleb's face as he holds the ship up himself. He does his best to calm his breathing, knowing that stressing about this will only make things worse.
Above Dorin
TIE fighters swarm out from the Star Destroyers and attack the Colossal Haven and the Mythosaur Mereel. Upon seeing this, General Grieve orders numerous squadrons of tri-fighters.
Grieve: Mando, my fighters will follow your commands. Use them as you see fit.
Isaac: Thanks, Grieve. Get those fighters away from the Haven. Once they're gone, we'll take the fight to them.
The droids buzz and beep in response. They twist alongside the Mythosaur and blast a number of TIEs out of the sky.
Meanwhile, on the ISD Gridlock, Cassus and Viper cut through trooper after trooper. A group of TIEs fly overhead. Seeing this, Viper grabs one, crushes it, then throws it at another one. Cassus fires several blaster bolts into the cockpit of one, forcing it to crash into the Gridlock.
Cassus: Those Jedi need to hurry it up. We won't be able to hold out for much longer.
Viper stares at him, then turns back around to the fight at hand. The Dark Lord sends a storm of crimson and scarlet Force lightning at a cluster of TIE squadrons, disintegrating those closest to him in seconds and causing the others to combust.
Cassus stomps towards a group of spacetroopers. He knees one in the stomach, then headbutts the soldier, smashing the breather beneath his beskar helmet. He fires two shots at a soldier to his right, then fires a wrist rocket at a TIE fighter flying overhead. Mereel blasts another spacetrooper with one of his WESTARs. He uses his jetpack to fly at another group of them, firing as many blasts as he can.
On Dorin
The ship's stabilizers come to life after a long struggle. Caleb falls to one knee and breathes heavily. Once he regains his composure, he hops into his starfighter and takes off.
Nicole: Where are you going!?
Caleb: To get the hyperspace ring. Once I get it, I'll land.
Nicole: You shouldn't be flying! Last time-
Caleb: We were in a rush and the ship lost power! I worked with Wrench and Screw to make sure that wouldn't happen again.
Nicole: It was reckless!
Caleb: It was necessary! Look, we don't have time for this! Just find a system we'll be able to lay low in for awhile.
Above Dorin
Grieve sits on his ship and watches the battle. He ordered several Hyena bombers to attack the other two Star Destroyers. As the battle rages on, he takes pride in what he's seeing. They're actually winning. It's their first real stand against the Empire and they're actually winning!
He is soon distracted when a Jedi Interceptor swoops behind the Haven. He sits forward and contacts it on the team's private channel.
Grieve: Jedi! Were you able to free your ship?
Caleb: You tell me.
Just then, another ship appears on his scanners. He orders the droids to scan the ship only to find its still in pretty good shape.
Grieve: Welcome to the battle. Are you capable of lending a hand?
Nicole: This is Jedi Knight Nicole Shan. Our shields are up and our hull is just fine, but our weapons systems are still down.
Grieve: Don't worry, Jedi. Once the Interceptor returns, we'll leave this system.
Nicole: He's grabbing the hyperspace ring. He doesn't want to leave behind anything for the Empire.
Grieve: A wise strategy. All batteries: focus on all the surrounding Star Destroyers!!
He pauses as the turrets turn and target the two Star Destroyers flanking the ISD Gridlock. The batteries charge and the droids await their orders.
Grieve: FIRE!!!!!
The cannons unload a flurry of blasts. The Star Destroyers are hit hard as their shields are still down. The blasts rock the ships and tear holes in their hull.
B1: General, the Star Destroyers are too far out of range for our cannons to do any serious danger.
Grieve: Good. It'll force them to keep their distance. Send another shuttle to extract them.
Another shuttle leaves the hangar and speeds to the Gridlock. It reaches the Star Destroyer and lands on the hull. The ramp deploys. Cassus notices it and orders the droids to fall back. He and Viper protect the droids as they fall back before climbing aboard the shuttle themselves. Just as soon as it had arrived, the shuttle departs. An escort of tri-fighters protect it as it jets back to the Haven.
Caleb: I've got the ring. I'm heading back now.
Grieve: Do you think you can make it back to your ship in time?
Caleb: Positive. Thanks for the assist, General.
Grieve: Any time, Jedi. Set a course for Kalee.
Nicole: Setting a course now. Thank you for your help once again.
With ships either landing on the Arquitens-class frigate or on the Colossal Haven, the two vessels jump to hyperspace.
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