The Final Mission
It has been 2 years since Mira's death and Stahls banishment. Through all that time a lot has happened for both the Ghost crew and Stahl. For the Ghost crew Ezra and Sabine resigned from doing missions afraid of losing each other like their daughter, Hera had decided she had had enough with doing missions herself and offered aid in repairs of ships along with advice/training for new rebels, Kanan had spent most of his time with Dawn and/or Hera because they had the same fear as Ezra so they wanted to spend each moment with each other, Chopper......never changed. As for Stahl too much happened, after that day Stahl had decided to finish his mission to destroy the Empire. Stahl traveled to each planet one by one using his dark power to kill every Imperial he saw or sensed. During that time he would train to become stronger for when he does his final mission. After the lose of Lothal and Mandalore the Empire sent everything they could to destroy Stahl, but even with everything they sent would just die at Stahls hands. Driven by rage Stahl left only destruction in his path rarely saving anyone and if he did it was only rebels to which he would heal then send back to Yavin. Soon the loses became so great that the Emperor and Vader went to confront Stahl to try to reason with him. However when Stahl wouldn't accept their offers both of the siths tried to finish their troopers and Inquisitors jobs, they only found death in their blindness. Soon every other planet had been liberated cripiling the Empire to where they did everything they could to keep hold of their last planet.....Ryloth.
On the surface of Ryloth.
The Twi'leks had come under fire from the Imperials pushing towards the main headquarters. One of the soldiers took cover behind a rock seeing many others get shot down he contacted Cham Syndulla. "Commander were under heavy assault from Imperials, their trying to push to the headquarters" the soldier said through his comm as an explosion happened in front of his cover. "Dang it those Imperials are starting to get more and more desperate, fall back if we die we will die on our turf" Cham said recieving a "yes sir" from the Twi'lek as he put his comm away. The Twi'lek then looked over to see bodies of his fallen comrades and troopers. In the other cover next to him was one of Cham's best soldiers Nima. As the two looked at each other Nima looked over her cover seeing lots of troopers approaching both of them. Nima then sat back down super tired from the battle, soon looking over at the other Twi'lek who grabbed his blaster looking at Nima nodding in an asking way to which Nima nodded back understanding what they needed to do. As both of them got ready to make their final stand out of nowhere red energy blasts started pummeling all of the troopers. Once Nima and the other Twi'lek noticed the explosions were over they both looked over to see a massive black field indicating where the explosions landed. Through all of that smoke Nima had seen a figure in black torn up cloths covering his hole body and face approaching them both. Once the figure was in plain sight the other Twi'lek raised his blaster saying "that's far enough" to which the stranger answered in a dark voice "I'd put that down before you lose that arm" making the Twi'lek look at Nima who just shook her head getting the Twi'lek to lower his weapon. Nima then walked over to the stranger asking "d-did you cause all of this" in which she got "yes" from the stranger who added "and I've still got more to finish". This spiked Nimas curiosity making her ask "what else do you need to do" in which the stranger just looked up making her look up followed by a "I have to end this once and for all". The stranger then looked back down at the Twi'lek asking "can you and him make it to your base" and once Nima said "yes" the stranger flew straight up in the air heading towards the orbiting Star Destroyer.
On the Star Destroyer
At the bridge of the Destroyer Admiral Thrawn looked out at the last planet the Empire had been able to control. As Thrawn looked out of the window an officer said "sir, we lost contact with our ground troops" making Thrawn yell in rage hitting the controls breaking it. As all the men looked at Thrawn in fear another officer said "sir we have a life form approaching the Destroyer" to which he looked outside to see a figure with red mist energy glowing around him with black torn cloths. As Thrawn looked at the figure he smiled as he knew who it was since there was only one person with energy like that, but even if he knew the figure removed his hood revealing Stahls face which had a few scars on it. After Thrawn saw this he said to his men "at ease men I'll go talk to him" making one of the officers say "but sir you can't survive in space" to which Thrawn just said "who says my body is going out there" closing his eyes to which he let out a blue spiritual figure of himself who started flying towards Stahl.
In space
When Thrawns spirit had reached Stahl they both just looked at each other for a long moment before Thrawn said "brother, how are you?" getting a "fine" from Stahl who just kept looking at him. "So. Your the one who has been destroying the Empire, huh? I must admit I am quite impressed with your power rise, but I have to ask what are doing here?" Thrawn asked getting a dark "finishing the mission" from Stahl as he gave a death glare at Thrawn. Thrawn then widened his eyes knowing what Stahl was talking about making him say "you wouldn't be foolish enough to do that, you know what will happen to you if I die" in which Stahl said "yes, that's why I must do it. I would say I'm sorry but I hate lying to you" bringing his hands into position. Stahl then began to say "Ka-me-ha-me" making Thrawn say in complete fear "y-you can't you will die too" making Stahl say "I have nothing left to live for Thrawn so this is what I'm gonna do, go out with a bang" scarring Thrawn to where he looked as if he turned white. Stahl then shot his hands forward yelling "Haaaaaa" shooting a huge energy wave destroying Thrawns spirit and soon obliterating the Destroyer. Once Stahl had finished his technique seeing nothing of the Destroyer he felt a bit peaceful knowing the galaxy had now been freed from Imperial authority. However all was not finished, Stahl saw a blue energy rushing towards him in which Stahl started flying up because it was the quickest way to get away from the planet. The energy followed Stahl soon entering his body making Stahl feel more powerful but also feel his body start to pull all that energy into a powerful bomb. As Stahl kept flying further he kept feeling his energy grow rapidly almost to his breaking point. When Stahl felt he was far enough from the planet he used whatever energy he could doing a special technique moving his body in an aligning motion and when he was finished......
On the Ghost
Ezra and Sabine were in the Common Room watching the Holo net because ever since that day, they lost most of their will to do anything other than to be with each other. Then suddenly out of nowhere the Holo net began losing signal getting Ezra and Sabine curious at what was happening. Then a blue and red energy appeared making Ezra grab Sabine in a protective way ready to take any damage, but what the energy released wasn't any explosion it was a child. After the energy laid the child on the table Ezra and Sabine looked at the little girl. "E-Ezra does she look familiar" Sabine asked getting a "yeah" from Ezra. The little girl soon woke up and when Ezra and Sabine saw the little girls face they didn't know what to say, the little girl they were looking at was Mira. Mira then looked at her parents saying in confusion "mommy daddy?" in which they didn't say anything they just grabbed Mira and hugged her as if they were worried they would lose her again while shedding tears of joy.
Above Ryloth
After Stahl finished his technique he used his powers to have one final look at Mira with her parents. The sight that he saw made everything he did worth it, Stahl finally found the perfect thing he has foughten for. As Stahl took his one last look at Mira he said to himself but as if speaking out to someone "thank you. All of you, for this great journey" then letting the image he saw in his hand return to a mistic mist putting it to his chest. Stahl then looked up at the stars gazing upon their beauty for one last time. Stahl then brought his legs to his chest wraping his arms around whispering "send me out.....with a bang" shooting his limbs out creating a huge red explosion that started expanding.
Nima and the other Twi'lek had managed to make it back to the base and when they did they were greeted by Cham. "Nima, soldier, are you both alright" Cham asked as the medical team approached them both. When the medical team got to Nima she just shook them away saying "I'm fine Commander". After that Cham asked in curiosity "how did you and him get out of there, even more without severe injury" getting a "well we sort of had help from a mysterious figure" from Nima making Cham much more curious. Cham then asked "and where is this figure" to which Nima pointed up towards the sky. To which a second later the ground started shaking causing everyone to lose their balance followed by a sudden red light appearing in the sky approaching the planet. As the light approached a Twi'lek asked "what is that" getting a "I don't know, but what I'm concerned about is what happens when it hits the surface" from Cham as they did all they could do and watch. The light kept getting closer and closer to the point where many Twi'leks closed their eyes waiting for the end to come. The only ones who didn't look away were Cham, Nima, and Cody who were ready to face death with no shred of fear. Surprisingly however as the light was nearing the surface it soon stopped catching the 3 Twi'leks by surprise. The light soon started going back towards its triggered spot really quickly and then giving off a barely visible blast. The sky's soon returned to normal and when the others noticed this they signed in relief that they were still alive. Cham then turned to Nima asking "are you good enough to fly the ship still" getting Nima to smile and say "yes Commander". Cham got up on his feet saying "good, I want you and Cody to go find out where that explosion was started" getting the two Twi'leks to salute Cham saying "yes sir" as they both got on the ship lifting off and heading towards the explosions main point.
As the two approached the destination of where the explosion was ignited Cody had activated the scanner to see if there was anything that posed a threat nearby. After a little bit Nima asked not looking away from the view "is there anything on the scanner" getting a "no, thats weird, Imperials usually go back to where the main explosion took place as to check for survivors" from Cody making Nima start wondering if the explosion wasn't caused by the imperials, then what caused it? Their questions were soon answered as they saw a small figure floughting just 50 yards away. Nima took the controls and started approaching the small figure. As they came closer and closer the figure started to get bigger and bigger to the point where they both saw that the thing that was lying in space was a......boy. Once the boy was in clear sight Nima stopped the ship so she could think about how could a boy be in space. After a little bit of thinking and trying to put 2 and 2 together Cody said out of nowhere "Nima let the ramp down so we can pick him up" getting Nima to look at the Twi'lek in confusion saying "are you crazy Cody, what if he is an Imperial" getting a "he's not an Imperial. That's spectre 7 of Chams daughters team" from Cody making Nima widen her eyes and take another looka t the boy. After a few seconds Nima grabbed the controls and lowered the ramp soon scooping up the boy. Once he was in the ship Nima closed the ramp to which Cody went down to the cargo bay. Once Cody got there he ran over to the boy putting his hand to one of his veins and after a few moments of feeling nothing he looked at the boys dead face giving him a sorry look. Over the comms Nima said "Cody how is the boy" receiving silence for a few seconds before Cody said "he's gone Nima" making the Twi'lek widen her eyes as she took in the news. After a few minutes Nima told Cody "we....we will tell Cham when we arrive on Ryloth" getting a "yes ma'am" from Cody who soon joined her in the cockpit.
On Mandalore
Ever since Mandalore had been freed by an unidentified person Bo Katan became ruler of Mandalore. Sabine had been offered a place as co-leader but she turned the offer down wanting to stay with Ezra so Ursa became co-leader. Through the 2 years Bo had spent the planets recources to rebuilding the damages left behind in the huge battle. During the Debriefing that Ursa and Bo were having about what section of the city to rebuild a mandalorian soldier ran into the room saying "Dutchess Katan. Duchess Katan" catching both of the mandalorians attention. "What is it soldier" Bo asked waiting to hear what the mando had to say, the mando still low on breath said "come take a look outside" getting both of them curious as to why the mando wanted them to see their desert planet.
As the 2 approached the door to the balcony the trooper stopped in front of the door waiting for both of them to pass. The two then gave concerning looks to one another followed by Ursa who asked "what's waiting for us on the other side" only getting "something beautiful" from the troop as he stayed into position. The two just decided to go out to the balcony and once they did they saw something they never imagined. Grass was growing all over the surface, in every direction there was life forming out of the sand, it was almost as if the planet had its own soul again. "In all my years......I never imagined" Bo said as she leaned forward against the edge absorbing in the view in front of her. Ursa soon joined Bo at the edge asking "how" receiving a "I don't know, but what I do know is our people have been given a second chance, so lets not squander it" from Bo as they both nodded at each other heading back inside to re-plan their entire dome structure.
On the Ghost
The 3 were still holding each other not wanting or willing to let go of the other 2. Soon the door to the room had opened revealing a green Twi'lek who was busy reading her data pad but was stopped when she heard a little girl say "grandma". The Twi'lek then looked up and the sight in front of her took her breath away. After a few moments Hera ran over to Mira and hugged the day lights out of her. Mira losing her breath from the bear hug she was getting hugged her grandma back making Sabine and Ezra look in aww at their mother figures reaction to Mira's revival. The door soon opened revealing Kanan holding Dawn, as the 2 walked in they both noticed Hera hugging Mira and thats when they were surprised out of their minds. Mira then looked over at Kanan and Dawn saying "Grandpa Dawn" running over to the getting a hug from them both. As the 3 hugged Hera stood up smiling at them while asking Ezra "h-how" getting a "I don't know, this isn't a dream is it?" from Ezra as Sabine pinched him making him give a small yelp. "Nope, not a dream" Sabine said as she hugged Ezra again watching their daughter get smothered in hugs. Then out of nowhere Hera's comms went off to which she answered it getting a "Commander Syndulla be e have an incoming transmition from Mandalore" from Mon Mothma to which she said "we're on our way" hanging up. "What do you think is happening" Sabine asked Hera curious as to why Mandalore would contact the rebellion getting a "I don't know, but what I do know its either really good or super bad" from Hera as she went over to Dawn picking her up saying "come on Dawn lets go see whats wrong with Mandalore" getting the little girl to smile and lie into her mothers shoulder. Ezra then went over to Mira picking her up followed by Sabine who smiled at them both following Hera to the meeting room.
Meeting room
As the 6 entered the room they saw Mothma with Bail Organa talking about what they had just recieved from Mandalore. "Senator" Hera said as she approached her receiving a "Commander Syndulla we received a transmission from Ursa Wren and we figured you and your crew would want to hear it" from the Senator as she turned towards the holo-table activating the transmission. When Ursas hologram appeared Sabine was the first to say "mother its good to see you" getting a "hello Sabine" from Ursa as Sabine asked "what's going on with Mandalore". Ursa then said in the happiest way she could "life has returned to Mandalore" shocking everyone in the room. Even though Sabine wanted to believe it she asked "h-how can Mandalore have life growing on it mother" to which she said "I don't know, but I know that this must be our second chance". Sabine however was still unsure if what her mother was true and Ursa saw this so she showed Sabine the images of the planet and when Sabine saw this she couldn't believe what she saw, her homeworld had life growing on it. Mira saw her mothers reaction and reached for her to which Ezra handed Mira to her and when she took her Mira asked "mommy are you ok" to which Sabine answered with "mommy is alright starbird" hugging her still looking at the images. Then out of nowhere a rebel said "Senator we have another transmission coming from Lothal" to which the Senator responded with "put it through" and a few seconds later Ryder appeared. Mothma approached the hologram saying "Governor Azadi how are things on Lothal" getting "Lothal is going great, but I'm here to speak with Ezra" from Ryder catching Ezras attention. Ezra asked with a bit of concern and anxiety in his voice "what's going on with Lothal" in which Ryder said with surprised happiness in his voice "its the plants that the Empire destroyed, their growing back like as if nothing had happened to them". After Ezra heard this he felt just like Sabine about hearing about her planets sudden growth, Ezra then looked over at Sabine and Mira and went over hugging them deeply very happy with what had just happened. Even though everyone was happy from these sudden knews Kanan had to be the buzz kill and say "this is all great but how is this happening all of a sudden". Hera could see where this was going and decided to shut him up by going over to him saying "love, don't ask, just be happy and hug your family too" making Kanan be quiet and hug his wife and daughter. Then all of a sudden another rebel interrupted the moment with "Senator we have another transmission coming from Ryloth" making Ezra say in annoyance "are we having a party all of a sudden" getting glares from everyone and a giggle from Mira and Sabine. Hera then turned to the rebel saying "put it through" in which the rebel obeyed and soon Cham Syndulla appeared. "Father its good to see you" Hera said getting a "its great to see you too Hera" from Cham as Mon Mothma said "Cham Syndulla how is Ryloth doing, if you need help dealing with the last of the Empire the rebellion can send all of its troops". Cham was greatful that Mothma was offering aid but the events of early made him say "no thank you. Ryloth has been liberated, the Empire is finished" making everyone even Ursa and Ryder were surprised at this. The only person however who wasn't surprised was Hera who said "that's wonderful dad" to which he responded with "it is, but this victory came with its price" getting a "I know father, and I'm sorry for your loses but we can celebrate now" from Hera making mostly everyone happy. The only person who wasn't happy or rather curious was Kanan who asked "something doesn't add up" getting Hera to ask "what do you mean love" Kanan who answered "well think about it, 2 days ago Cham reported that the Empire was knocking on their front doors. So how did he defeat the Imperials?". This got Hera along with the others wondering the same thing, after a little bit Cham said "we didn't win against the Empire" making everyone look at him followed by Mothma asking "then how did the Empire get defeated" which Cham said "he was the price of our victory" making Hera ask in confusion "he". Once Cham heard Heras question he pressed a button making the holograms view widen out revealing Stahls dead body lying on a table. As the crew saw Stahls dead body they all gasped with Mira asking in tears "uncle" to which Sabine moved her head away saying "don't look Mira" to which she cried into her chest. Even with all of the shock that was swarming Heras body she still managed to ask "w-what happened" in which Nima appeared on the hologram saying "he saved me, he saved us all" making everyone lower their heads in saddness at the loss of their friend. In the first time for 2 years Ezra along with Sabine were hurt at losing their former brother. After a little bit Hera asked "w-what shall we do with his body" getting a "we can give him a mandalorian burrial" from Ursa who just got a "no. He wouldn't like that too much" from Sabine. After a bit of deciding of what to do no one could come up with the right thing to do so Hera had just decided to pick up Stahls body and go from there. Once everyone decided this the crew got in the Ghost and made way towards Ryloth, but on the way Ezra decided to go looking in Stahls room hoping to find some answers.
Stahls room
Once Ezra entered Stahls room he saw everything as it was before, Stahls wing chun dummy on his left, his bed in front of him, and a picture of the crew just near his bed. Ezra then went over to his cabinets looking through them searching for something. After about 10 minutes of looking Ezra found nothing of interest, but when he got to the last cabinet he found a note. Ezra picked the note up and sat down reading it which said....
Ezra if you are reading this I have failed to say goodbye as I wanted, but the time never seemed appropriate. I leave this galaxy and all of its people to you and your family. I trust you all now know that this rebellion has become something of great significant. A community to serve as an example of what this would-be-galaxy could become, but the larger and stronger it grows, the more fragile and difficult to defend it becomes. I hope our family who are reading this message understand its truth, your all unwavering bravery and honesty, have burdened you all with a responsibility far greater than anyone should bare, but you all if anyone are capable. All of you have given a lost warrior hope...for the very last time, and for that I thank you. I ask that you lay my bones to rest on the hill of Lothal overlooking the field. There is no other place in this galaxy I'd rather be. I am grateful to have met you all, knowing you will guide this galaxy and its people to a brighter future.
Yours in brother hood
When Ezra was done reading this he couldn't stop his smile or tears from showing. When Ezra had straightened himself he went over to the cockpit to show the message to Hera.
On Lothal
After the crew picked up Stahls body they did as he requested and took him to the hill overlooking Lothals plains. Once they were done digging and placing him in the hole they all placed beside him a memorial item to stay with his body. Kanan gave Stahl a piece of the broken bike that Stahl pulled him from, Hera gave Stahl a maloorun, Chopper gave Stahl the spray paint he used to paint Chopper green fpr Christmas, Zeb who came to the burring gave Stahl a gun part, Ahsoka gave her padwan the training lightsaber they used, Sabine gave Stahl one of her disarmed mirracles, and the last one to give Stahl something was Ezra who gave Stahl the note that Stahl gave him when he was 12. After that Ursa, Ezra, and Zeb helped with burring the body. (Oh by the way for those who are curious Scarlet is dead also). Once the hole had been completely filled Ahsoka, Kanan, and Ezra took their lightsabers and wrote....
A good rebel, friend, padwan, brother, son, and uncle.
Will be missed.
When they were done they all stood around the grave in silence remembering all the times they had shared with him. Before they all left Mira walked over to the burial placing a rock on it saying "a rock for every year your gone uncle" and running back to her parents arms trying to find comfort in them.
Hope you all like it. There is for sure going to be one more chapter on this, but based on the next opinions or requests there might be one more. But until then.....
Spectre 7 out.
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