S1 Ep1. Spark of Rebellion [Part 1]
The story begins in space where a small fleet of Star Destroyers were stationed. The scene moves to a white skinned Pau'an male wearing black and grey armour, kneeling before a holoprojector which showed the image of a man in an all black suit.
???: The Jedi Knights are all but destroyed. And yet your task is not complete, Inquisitor. The Emperor has forseen a new threat yet to rise against him.
Inquisitor: More children of the force, Lord Vader?
Lord Vader: No, this one is different. More powerful but mysterious. However, one thing is certain. They must not become Jedi. Hunt down this new assilant and if they will not serve the Empire, eliminate them at all costs. This is my master's command.
Inquisitor: And so it will be done.
With that, the hologram is switches off. The Inquisitor opens his eyes, revealing his bright orange eyes with a crimson red outside, ready to complete his new mission.
The story changes to the Outer Rim planet, Lothal. More specifically, a tower on the outskirts of Capital City. It shows a young man leaning over the railing of the tower. This man was Y/n L/n, who was looking at Capital City. Then all of the sudden, a loud rumble was heard and as he looked up, he sees an Imperial Star Destroyer, the main battleship of the Galactic Empire, flew towards the city. He descended the tower, hoped on his parked Speeder Bike and rode towards to city.
Time skip
The scene moves to where a group of Imperials are harassing a trader.
Imp 1: Your identification. Now
Trader: I'm just trying to sell a couple of Jogans here.
Imp 2: All trades must be registered with the Empire.
Citizen: (sighs) I rember what it was like before your ships showed up, before you Imperials ruined Lothal like the rest of the galaxy.
The people of their surroundings all look away with sad looks on their faces.
Imp 2: (takes out comlink) This is LRC-01. I'm bringing a citizen under the charge of treason.
Base: Copy that LRC-01. Dispatch to cell block AA-33
Imp 2: Take him away.
The stormtroopers grabs the trader by his arms and carry him while the first Officer picks up his basket of Jogans.
Trader: Y-you can't do this!
Imp 1: (bites Jogans) Yeah? Whose gonna stop us? You? You? (Laughs)
Suddenly, a small metal ball drops from above. The the Imperials look down, they realise it's a smoke but. But they were too late as the bomb burst and smokes was released into the air.
Imp 2: (coughs) Who's there!? Show yourself!
Then suddenly, many of the stormtroopers were knocked out and as the two Officers turned around, they see a person in a suit and helmet
A/N: Ignore the lightsaber.
Y/n: Suprise.
Y/n double punch both the Officers in the face, knocking them both out. He walks up to the saved trader and helps him out.
Trader: (offers a Jogans) Thank you.
Y/n: (nods and accepts it)
Y/n walks over to the some boxes before climbing onto them, hopping over to an AC unit and climb onto the roof.
Trader: Who is that guy?
He then made his way to the main square where another group of Imperials were stationed. He removes his helmet for a moment and sees that they're guarding four speeder bikes with two crates on each of three of them. Then, he remembers hacking a terminal a few days ago. It said that they're transport a shipment of crates full of E-11 Blaster Rifles, food and medical supplies. Y/n decides to steal only the food and m.s.
Y/n: No doubt they're valuable to the Empire. But not for long.
(Distant humming)
Y/n: (thinking) hmm?
As he kept hearing the humming, he turns to the alley and sees a man with a green shirt and dark green armour. As the man opens his eyes, Y/n quickly ducks as he watches him. Y/n puts his mask back on and begins to wonder about him
Y/n: (thinking) ... A Force-sensitive?
The man walks but stops at a door way. He taps his blaster holder twice and walked away. Suddenly, a purple Lasat exited the shadows and stands next to the building. The man then walks over to a female Mandalorian and taps his holster twice again and she taps her as well. Y/n realises and smirks at this, knowing that they're actually pulling a mission.
Y/n: (smirks) Interesting.
The Mandalorian walks over to one of the bikes where there was one trooper and pulls out a thermal detonator and tosses it to the bike and lets it stick to the side of it. It stars slowly before
The bikes blews up and alerts the others.
Imp 3: Get those crates out of here! Keep them secure at all costs.
Y/n: "All costs," huh? This is gonna be fun.
Y/n began to parkour across the building, following the speeder bikes. As the ICD'S reach into an alley, they slammed on the brakes as the man from before blocked their route with a Landspeeder.
Man: How's is going?
The man hops over the Landspeeder and kicks one of the ICD'S off the bike, pulls out his blaster and shoots the other one. The other stormtroopers took cover behind the crates and began to shoot him while the man shoots back. The out of the blue, the purple Lasat runs up to one of the troopers, grabs him and throws him into the other and does the same again with the ther two.
???: Don't move!
The purple Lasat turns around to find the Imperial Officer from earlier aiming his blaster at him, smirking. The Lasat groans and raises his arms. Then suddenly,
Y/n drops from above and kills the Officer in the neck with his hidden blade.
He then front flips over onto one of the bikes. The two looked at him in suprise. He reverses the bike and dodges a punch from the Lasat. He backs out of the alley, hitting some stormtroopers and rides away.
Lasat: (growls) Now what?
Man: After that kid.
The man and Lasat began to chase after him on their bikes as well. As Y/n notices this and passed through the market, the Mandalorian jumps onto the crates behind him.
Mandalorian: Pretty cool move, kid. Not gonna lie.
Y/n pulls out his blaster and aims at her.
Mandalorian: Hey, relax! It was just a compliment!
Y/n: Appreciate it.
Y/n shoots at one of the locks of the crates and manage to detach one of them with her on it, leaving one left for Y/n. He looks back to see the two from before catching up to him.
Y/n: Who are these guys?
He faces forward and sees a few stormtroopers behind some cover. They start shooting at him, but Y/n pulls the trigger of his blaster kills them, each shot hitting them on the head.
Man: Who is that kid?
The chase reaches all the way ot the highway. Y/n was getting away so the man couldn't take the chances. He detached his crates from his speeder and signaled his friend to take them. The Lasat begrudgingly did so and hanged back, leaving the man to chase after Y/n.
Lasat: (slows down and stops) If Kanan catches that kid, I'm gonna end him.
Y/n managed to jump onto the other lane and pass through many landspeeders. The man (known as Kanan) managed to jump as well, but ahead of him and made some sparks, that distracted Y/n. When his vision returned to normal, he sees Kanan in front of him, blocking his way and immediately stopped.
Y/n: Who are you?
Kanan: I'm the guy who was stealing that crate.
Y/n: "Firet come, first serve". Plus, I already gave one to your friend and I got plans for it.
Kanan: And you've made it pretty far, but I've got plans for that crate too, so today's not your day.
While he was talking, Y/n sees an Imperial TIE Fighter approaching and smirks under his mask at this chance.
Y/n: (smirks) Well, the day's not over.
As Y/n rides away, the man hears the Tie's sound.
Kanan: (Eye roll) Oh wonderful.
The Tie began to shoot at him, as he dodged out of the way. The TIE hit the speeder and it explodes. Kanan got up and saw the wreck. He then saw Y/n leaving on his bike, waving him goodbye. The man gets up and smirks at him.
Man: (picks up comlink) This is Specter-1. I need a lift.
Y/n began to make his way back to the tower, but saw the TIE barring down on him. It began to shoot him.
Y/n: You've gotta be kidding me!
He began to dodge a number of the Tie's attack but it manages to land a hit, causing the bike to explode while throwing both him and the crate at a distance.
Y/n: (gets up) Shit! What now?
Y/n saw the TIE making another pass. But as it got closer, it was suddenly blowed up from a blast the came from behind. As he looks behind, he sees a modified VCX-100 Light Freighter. The cargo door was open and revealed Kanan standing on it.
Kanan: You want a ride?
Y/n then sees four more TIE's approaching
Kanan: Kid, you got a better option? Come on!
Y/n grabs the crate and began to run to the ship.
Kanan: Leave the crate, you'll never make it.
Y/n however ignored him and lift the bottom of the crate before jumping as high as he could. He managed to jump into the ship.
Kanan: (suprise) Woah.
As Y/n push the crate inside, the cargo door starts to close. He leans back against the door before looking up to see Kanan, the Lasat and the Mandalorian from before, all looking at him. Y/n walks forward to one of the crates and opens it, revealing blaster rifles in them.
Y/n: (picks one up) I see why you wanted these. They are worth a lo on the black market.
Kanan: That's true.
Lasat: Don't get any ideas.
Y/n: Don't worry. The blasters are yours, but the orange crates are mine.
Y/n places the blaster back in the crate and closes it, which confuses the others.
Mandalorian: (confused) So, what now?
Kanan: We'll have to talk about this later. (To the Lasat and Mandalorian) Keep an eye on your friend here.
The man climbs up the ladder, leading to the cockpit where we see a green Twi'lek flying the ship while a C1-10P Astromerch was next to her.
Twi'lek: You said this was a routine op. What happened down there?
Droid: (Beeping)
Kanan: (sighs) Chopper, please. It's been a difficult morning.
Twi'lek: He has a point, Kanan. We got four TIE Fighters closing in.
The scene change outside as the ship's flying through the clouds while the four TIE's are in pursuit and firing at the Freighter.
Kanan: Hera, how about a a little less attitude and a little more altitude?
The Twi'lek known as Hare smirks before doing a barrell roll causing Kanan to fall into his Co-Pilot seat.
Kanan: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you did that on purpose.
Hera: If you knew any better, we wouldn't be in this situation. Seriously Kanan, what happened?
Kanan: He did
Kanan says while looking at the monitor displaying a live feed of the cargo hold, showing Y/n, the Lasat and Mandalorian.
Y/n: Look, there are people who needd them badly, so that's why I stole them. You guys were simply just stealing to survive.
Lasat: First off, you were gonna sell them. Second, you got no idea what we were doing. You don't know us.
Y/n: (Gets off crate) And I don't need to. I simply want what's rightfully mine and get off this burner.
Lasat: Please, nothing would thrill me more than tossing you out, while in flight.
Y/n: (cracks his neck) Try me bitch.
Y/n says while deploying his hidden blade until the Mandalorian breaks them up.
Hera: (suprised) A kid tripped you up? Must be some kid. Spill it.
Kanan: Aren't you a little busy at the moment?
Hera: Spill
As Hera tries the avoid getting shot at, one of the TIE's managed to land a hit, causing the ship to jolt forward.
As the ship jolted, Y/n fell down followed by the Lasat (who fell on him).
Y/n: Ack! Get off! I can't... breath!
Lasat: I'm not that heavy in this gravity (gets off him).
Y/n: (Grunts) Not the weight, Ugh! The smell! It's way worse than Bantha shit!
This ticked the Lasat off as he became furious but made the Mandalorian chuckles.
Lasat: (Angry) Oh you don't like the air quality in here, eh? Fine, I'll give you your own room.
The Lasat tries th grab Y/n's leg but he dodges it and punches him in the face, knocking him out. He then deploys his blade before hearing a blaster drained behind and saw the Mandalorian. He immediately knocks her blaster out of her hand and slams her against the wall, with his blade against her throat.
He turns around the find the Lasat grab him and threw him into the wall.
Lasat: (helps his friend out) You alright.
Mandalorian: Yeah. Gotta say, he's fast, tough and... gone?
The Lasat looks behind to see Y/n was gone.
Lasat/Mandalorian: Uh oh
Hera: This guy sounds impressive.
Kanan: You're not thinking what I think you're thinking.
Hera: He held onto a crate of blasters, killed an Imperial officer from above saving Zeb's life and shot every single stormtrooper that was on his tale, with a headshot each.
Kanan: Oh please, he's a street rat. Wild, reckless, dangerous, and -gone?
The two look at the monitor for a moment and sees no one.
Kanan: (over the intercom) Zeb, Sabine, where is he?
Zeb: Well, he's still in the ship. Just... (nervously chuckles) no idea where specifically.
Hera: Very creative. Sounds like someone else I used to know.
Kanan: (groans)
Scene moves to Y/n in a chair with controls and sat on it. He looked out the glass as he was in space.
Y/n: (Thinking) Wow, it's beautiful.
Then, TIEs started coming down on them. He immediately grabs the controls and started to shoot at them. He manages to land a hit on each of them.
Y/n: Yes!
He then feels a hand on his shoulder. As he turns around, he sees the Mandalorian. But this time, she wasn't wearing her helmet. She had tan skin, short dark blue hair with orange tips and brown eyes. Y/n held it in as she was incredibly beautiful.
Sabine: Nice shot. Mind if I have a turn?
Y/n: (slightly bushing) Uh yeah. Sure
He respectively gets up and she sat down. She begins shooting at the TIE's.
Y/n: I'm guessing you guys do this on a regular basis?
Sabine: You can say that.
Y/n was then grabbed from behind by the same Lasat and faced him.
Zeb: But that's none of your business, kid. Now stay put!
Y/n: (deploying hidden blade) Or what?
Hera: Calculations complete, but we need an opening.
Sabine: Found one.
She fires at the last TIE and destroys it as the ship immediately jumps into Hyperspace.
Back on Lothal, it was nighttime. But a full investigation was launched at the site of the attack. The second Imperial officer, Commander Aresko, was giving his report to Imperial ISB Agent.
Commander Aresko: They knew our protocol and were waiting in position.
ISB Agent: (Sighs) I've no doubt. You're not the first on Lothal hit by this crew.
Commander Aresko: (Sighs) That's a relief (stammers and quickly corrects himself) I'm mean, I assume that why you're here Agent Kallus.
The man named Kallus removes his helmet and turns around facing Aresko.
Agent Kallus: The Imperial Security Bureau pays attention to patterns. When the Empire's operations are targeted on an ongoing basis, it could signify something more than the theft of a few crates. It could signify the Spark of Rebellion. So the next time they make a move, we'll be waiting to snuff out that spark before it catches fire.
2780 words.
Hey everyone. Sorry to posting late. I was a bit busy for this whole week. Don't worry, I'll be free next week to post the second part of Spark of Rebellion for everyone to enjoy. Goodnight.
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