Prologue: The betrayal and a new life

At the open void of space we see a planet sitting there as we see a separatist ships are around the planet as a blockade so no one can't go in or out of the planet.

Everything was silence until three ships came out of hyper space and slowly move towards the blockade as these ships are Republic class Star Destroyers sent by the Republic to stop what the Separatist plans are up to.

Separatist fighter ships came out of their hanger bays as Republic fighter ships also came out of the hanger bays as a space battle begins as each star fighters gets blown up by one of the other.

Within the bridge on one of the destroyer we see a Jedi master named Zen Kon as he is watching the space battle going on as Clone Commander Flanker walks up to his jedi general as he stood beside him and says.

Flanker: Sir the blockade seems to be weaken.

Zen: Agree I heard Coruscant is invaded by Separatist forces.

Flanker: Still why would there be some Separatist forces at the edge of the Unknown Region?

Zen: No clue but the council wants to stop this before it's to late. Once the blockade is broken get all your troops ready to enter to the planet surface.

Flanker: Yes sir.

Zen: Oh one more thing. Have you seen Y/n anywhere?

Y/n: Sorry Sorry!

Flanker and Zen turn as we see a young boy named Y/n as he runs over to them but he tripped and fell onto the ground. Zen chuckled a little as Y/n slowly sat up and look up at his master as he bows while saying.

Y/n: I'm so so sorry master. I-I slept in.

Zen: (chuckle) It's ok Y/n. I sometimes fall asleep during long trips when I was a Padawan like you.

Zen helps the young Y/n up as once Y/n stood up one of the clone crew says to Zen.

Clone crew: Sir  the blockade is broken.

Zen: (surprised) Already? Those Separatist are getting a bit rusty after all these years.

Flanker: I get the troops ready at the hanger bay.

Zen: Alright we be down there.

Flanker nods and walks off. Zen turns to Y/n and Y/n asked.

Y/n: Are we gonna win this war?

Zen: (smile) Yep it looks like it but we never know this will truly be over but remember, always trust the force no matter what ok kiddo?

Y/n: Yes, understood.

Zen pats Y/n on the head as he smiles and says.

Zen: (smile) That's a boy. Now let's meet up with our troops and stop the Separatist on what ever plans are up to.

Y/n: OK master.

Zen: (smile) Come on Y/n, you don't have to call me master all the time. Call me Zen, Alright?

Y/n: O-Ok, sorry.

Zen smiles as he and Y/n walk pit of the bridge and head to the hanger bay to meet up with Flanker and his troops. For years Zen was training Y/n to be a Jedi but not as a police officer of the galaxy or a powerful jedi to bring peace to the galaxy. He trains Y/n to be himself and always help even if the council told him not to.

Zen believes that the force is not all about strict codes or do what the Jedi council told them to, the force is about helping people and fighting for the sake of others. Zen is one of the most laid back Jedi who doesn't mind Y/n have any close relationship with anyone or he feels sadden or troubled. He'll help him like any normal person would do and Y/n looks up to Zen as like a father figure to him and the two were bonded like son and father.

Soon the two reach to the hanger bay where he meet up with Flanker and their army of Clone troopers as they were lined up and facing the two jedi.

Zen: Alright listen up. We have reports on a Separatist blockade within this planet at the edge of the unknown region. We have no idea what their plan is but all we know that we must invaded the planet and find out what their up to.

Then a hologram of the lay out is shown in front of Zen and the rest as Zen points at the mountains near the Sea base and says.

Zen: This is where we set up our base and we will plan out our attack. This maybe a tough battle but I know all of yous can do it. I have complete faith in all of yous in this battle. So let us get this over with and head home!

The clone troops cheered as they rais their blasters into the air as they all start to enter their gunships while Y/n, Zen and Flanker walks over to the last Gunship as Flanker says.

Flanker: Sir what is the plan once we made base at the mountain. What is our plan of attack?

Zen: Simple. We sent in some of our scouts near the Separatist base and find out what they are planning. After they return we pull a full on attack at their base and take them out.

Flanker: Sounds like a plane Sir but what if this is a trap?

Zen: (smile) Have trust Flanker, I'm sure we can handle with. After all all Separatist force are forced on Coruscant so I'm sure they will not have backup for a while.

Flanker: If you say so sir.

The three enter the gunship with the other clone troopers and once the doors closed the gunships fly out of the hanger bays and fly over to the planets.

A few Republic star ships guided them as they take down any Separatist star ships as inside we see Y/n a bit nervous but Zen gently grabs him by the shoulder making Y/n look up at Zen.

Zen: (smile) Don't worry. No matter what happens....I have your back.

Y/n nods as he form a small smile and says.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah...your right.

The two Jedi's waited as the gunships break through the blockade and enter to the planet as their mission starts now.

(Days later)

Days has passed since they landed on the planet as we see the Republic clones established a base within the mountains as we see Y/n with Zen as they were on top of the hill above the base as Y/n was swing his lights saber around as he is training with Zen.

Zen watches as Y/n gets battle at his fighting style and after a few swings he stab his saber forward as he brave heavily as Zen clap his hands as he says to Y/n.

Zen: (smile) Nicely done Y/n, your fighting style is getting improved unlike before.

Y/n deactivate his lightsaber and turns to Zen as Zen walks over to him and bend down as Y/n says with a smile of joy.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you but I haven't gone better if it wasn't for you. Your the best master I never ask for.

Zen: (chuckle) It's not me I've been training you. It's the force and your heart.

He then point his finger at Y/n's chest as Y/n was confused until Zen explains.

Zen: Your heart wants to help people and wants to make people happy despite the jedi councils concerned about it but I see that you have a pure or heart to help others and the force is helping you to do it.

Y/n: Y-You think so?

Zen: (smile) Indeed. They may not see it but I see your gonna do a lot of good to the Galaxy then any jedi would.

Y/n: Do you think I can make the Galaxy great?

Zen: Only time can tell but I have complete faith on you and I believe you can make things right.

Y/n smiles as Zen smiles as well as the two smiled until Flanker walks over to them and says.

Zen: Sir, the scouts have returned gonna see this.

Zen turns to Flanker and stood up. He walks over yo Flanker as Flanker pulls out a holopad as he turns it on. A hologram of a large ship is shown. This shocks Zen as Flanker explains.

Flanker: If I'm right Sir, this ship can transport a whole cargo of battle droids and weapons to the unknown region.

Zen: (shocked) So they can make a massive army at the unknown region and return stronger then ever.

Zen was concerned by this then ever. If the Separatist launch this large ship to the unknown region, they will build a massive army bigger and stronger then every and come back and take down the Republic for good.

Zen: Get all troops ready for combat. We're putting the stop to this right now.

Flanker: Yes sir. I also have news that Count Dooku is dead.

Zen: (surprised) Really, he's dead? By the force.

Flanker: Should we get all troops into their walkers?

Zen: Of course, get all troops ready for combat.

Flanker nods as he walks away as Y/n walks over to Zen and asked him.

Y/n: Is everything ok?

Zen: Yeah just that Count Dooku is falling.

Y/n: But I thought the Jedi doesn't kill?

Zen: Something must of happen to him. But let's forget about that and let's meet up with the troops. Tomorrow morning we will take the fight against the Separatist one final time.

Y/n: Understood.

Zen smiles a bit as he picks up Y/n and puts him on his back like a father carrying his son on his back. Y/n was surprised by this but he laughs and so dose Zen as Zen carries Y/n on his back into the base to meet up with his troops so they can plan out their attack.

(Next day)

Explosions is heard as Clone troopers pushed forward to the launch base of the Separatist as Republic walkers were hanging at the back as they fired their cannons as the base and blowing up Separatist droid forces.

We then cut to Zen as he slashes his blue lighsaber at a super battle droid in half before he turns and deflected a few blast shots at the battle droids.

Then Y/n rushes over in quick speed as battle droids try to shoot at him but Y/n dodges the shots and even wall run which the droids were surprised.

Battle droid: How is this one doing that?

Then Y/n leaps off and slashes his blue lightsaber at the two battle droids as Zen runs up to Y/n as he is impressed of his skills as the two block a few blaster shots at the droids. Zen rais his lighsaber to the air as he says yo his troops.

Zen: Keep going! We must push on, for the Republic!

The Clone troopers charged as they follow Y/n and Zen as the walkers cannons blast open the gates as the two Jedi and Republic clone troopers enter through the gates and battle against the Separatist troops at the base.

Y/n looks over and was shocked to see a massive ship towering like a skyscraper as Y/n never seen something like that before.

Zen: Y/n watch out!

Y/n turn to see tow battle droids about to fire at him but two blue blaster shots takes out the two droids as Flanker appears out of the smoke and runs up to Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks Flanker.

Flanker: No problem kiddo.

Zen, Y/n and the rest of the troops pushed forward as Zen force pushed a few battle droids into the wall before he deflected the blaster shots back at the battle droids.

Soon they clear out the launch pad as some clone troopers lead by flanker enter the command bridge and take out the droids within the bridge.

Zen slashes the last of the droids before seeing that the launch base is all clear as they won a very easy battle. Zen smiles as he deactivate his lightsaber as Y/n walks over to Zen and says with a smile.

Y/n: (smile) We won, that was a easy battle.

Zen: (smile) Yep sure is Y/n, nice work.

Zem pats Y/n on a head for a great work as Y/n smiles in joy. He turn to the rest of his clone troopers and says.

Zen: (smile) Great job everyone. Yous all done well in this battle. Soon the war will be all over and we all will go home!

The clone troopers cheered as their rais their blasters into the air as Zen smiles and so dose Y/n as everything is going well.

Hours have gone by as Republic troops take over the launch base as Flanker was at the bridge with his troops while we see Zen looking at the large ship as Y/n walks over to Zen and asked.

Y/n: So what's going happen to this ship now?

Zen: I have some of the clones take out all the offline droids and their weapons and we may lock this ship down.

Y/n: So dose this means the Separatist have lost the war. Without their secret army within the Unknown Region there is nothing they can't do.

Zen: (smile) Yep looks like it.

Zen looks up at the sky and so dose Y/n as the sky was close to night time as they see a shooting star up at the sky as Zen says to Y/n.

Zen: Even if the war is over there still be trouble within the galaxy and it's pur job is to help them no matter what.

Zen looks down at Y/n and bend down to Y/n as he says.

Zen: Remember Y/n always help others that are needed. Wver if you know them or not always help them. Maybe one day they will return the fever and help you when your in trouble and they be your friends. Always remember Y/n......

He then points at Y/n's chest which is his heart as he says.

Zen: Listen to the force but most importantly listen to your heart. These two things are more important then anything else. Is that understood?

Y/n: (smile) Yes Mastee Zen and Zen?

Zen: Yeah?

Y/n: (smile) Thank you for training me, your the best.

Zen smiles as at the bridge we see Flanker as he see this and smiles underneath his helmet until a trooper next to him turns to him and says.

Clone trooper: Sir we got a transmission from Coruscant.

Flankee was confused but he presses a button and then a hologram of a dark cloaked figure appears into front of Flanker as he says to him.

???: Commander Flanker the time has come. Excute order 66.

Then Flanker and all his troops around the base suddenly turn emotionless as if something inside his head was triggered as Flanker says.

Flanker: It be done my lord.

We then cut back to Y/n and Zen as the two smiled as they were about to turn until they hear marching coming towards them.

They turn to see Flanker and his squad of clone troopers walking up to them and stop as they stare at the two jedi not saying anything.

Zen sinces something isn't right as he step forward and asked.

Zen: Flanker, what's going on?


Zen: Flanker? Are you feeling alright?

Then Zen and Y/n looks around as they see more clone troopers were coming in their way as Flanker and his troops suddenly aim their blasters at Zen. Zen suddenly felt a disturbance within the force as if he hear many cries of his jedi's brothers and sisters cry out before they were silenced. H ether put two and two together as Flanker was about to pull the trigger of his blaster pistol.

Zen: Y/n get to cover!

(Battle theme start)

Then clones open fired at them as Y/n hide into cover while Zen active his lightsaber and deflected the blast shots away as clone troops open fire at Zen.

Y/n was confused on why the clones would turn on them and what did they do for them to betray them like this. Zen force pushed Flanker and his clones back as they landed hard on the ground. Zen then grabs Y/n by the hand as they make a run for it.

More clones arrive as they fire at them but Y/n blocks them with his lightsaber and take out some of the cline troopers. Soon they reacher the hanger bay of the ship as they walk inside as they hide behind a cargo box as Y/n asked.

Y/n: Wh-Whats happing? Why did the clones turn on us?

Zen: I don't know but I feel it's happening everywhere. Y/n listen I need you to get to the bridge and make sure no clones are there and set the coordination to the unknown Region.

Y/n: B-B-But can't we not return to the jedi temple.

Zen: I'm sorry but I afraid it's maybe destroyed by the clones. The Galaxy if full with clones except the unknown region. We hide there for a while until something happens.

Y/n: (scared) I-I don't know, I'm....I'm scared.

Zen: Don't be kiddo listen. We be fine, I join you there.

Then they hear footsteps as Zen peeks out and see Flanker and his clones enter the hanger as they aim their blasters around looking for the two jedi.

Zen: (whisper) I'll distract them while you head to the bridge and set the coordinations to the unknown region, no matter what happens I keep you safe.

Y/n: O-Ok Master, I'll try.

Zen: (smile) Good go now.

Y/n nods and runs off while Zen came out his cover as Y/n hears blaster fire and Zen lightsaber deflection them. Y/n just runs through the ship and try to get to the bridge.

Luckily no clones were around as he finally reach to the hanger bay and rushes to the controls and type some buttons until the ship lights up as the thrusters turns on outside as Clone troopers see this.

Zen see this and force pushed Flanker and his troops outside as Y/n calls Zen through the coms.

Y/n: (coms) The ship is online Zen, we can escape.

Then Zen see a walker and know they will shoot down the ship and kill both of them. He decided to leap off of the hanger bay and tells Y/n.

Zen: I'm sorry Y/n but I can't let them shoot down this ship. I.....I have to stay behind and hold them off.

Y/n: (coms) What?! No please, I need you.

Zen see the cannon aiming at the ship but Zen dashes over and slice the cannon off as he turn back and see the hanger bay doors close as he says to Y/n.

Zen: You don't need me no more Y/n. It's up to you to help people in the unknown region. I'll hold them off so you can escape.

Y/n: (coms) Master (sniff) Please.....what if I can't do this on my own.

Zen gets shot by a clone trooper from behind so he turns and force pushes the clone trooper before he blocks a fewblast shots form the clones before he says.

Zen: Never forget what I told you. Follow in the force and your heart, they will guide you to whatever is in the unknown region and never forget.....always help people no matter what it their hero.

Y/n: (coms) O-Ok, I'll try.........thank you.....thank you for everything.

Zen cracks a smile and says.

Zen: (smile) Your welcome kiddo and.....thank you.....for being a best Padawan I could ever have.

Then the ships takes off as Zen turn and see the ship blasting off into the sky and off itno space. Zen looks down to see his men along with Flanker aiming at him as Zen smirks and says.

Zen: (smirk) Alright guys.....let's dance.

Zen leaps into the air as blaster shots is heard before we cut to the ship where Y/n is on as it takes off into space and once in space, it automatically active the hyper drive and the ship disappeared into hyper space.

We then cut to he bridge as we see Y/n behind the control console as he cries for the lost do his best master and his father figure as his journey will now lead him to the unknown Region.

(Battle theme ends)
(Years later)

Years has passed since the clones turn on Y/n and Zen and Zen's sacrifice to protect Y/n. We see a planet known as Bluegarden as we see pinned to a future like city with many people walking by morning their own business.

We then cut to a large tower which was the adventures guild as inside we see many guild members drinking and having a great time. We see a teenage Y/n as a bar tender hands him a cup of beer as Y/n takes a drink and says after he drinks it.

Y/n: (smile) Man this is great.

Male Bar tender: Well glad for that. Hey we need to talk.

Y/n: What is it about?

Male bar tender: You haven't have any pay for a while.

Y/n: There have been problems with the jobs I have and they seem pretty difficult.

Male bar tender: Well I can't have you stay at one of our rooms anymore. There is others that is pissed by how long you have been staying.

Y/n: Yeah I know but some jobs are pretty hard for me and need a job that is simple.

Male bar tender: (thought) And no wounder people around here call you weird.

Male bar tender: Look man you gotten find a job that suits you and probably earn some money and possibly a place to stay in.

Y/n: You got any suggestions?

Male bar tender: Well I have one.

Then he pulled out a paper and set it onto the table and slide it towards Y/n. Y/n picks it up and read through it.

"Are you looking for a simple and fun job? Are you tired of doing jobs in the same planet your in? Do you want to hang out with B-Cube bloggers and join them in many adventures? Then come to this location and be our bodyguard as this job will be a life time of fun. We supplie a room if you don't have one. Can't wait to meet you there, signed Rebecca and Happy."

Y/n: Rebecca and Happy? Are those B-Cube bloggers that I've heard about in the guild?

Male bar tender: Yep and since your a excellent shooter and pretty strong, I bet that job will do it for you.

Y/n looks at the job as he smiles to himself as this job will suit for him. He get off of the seat and says.

Y/n: (smile) I'll pack my things and meet up with her. This is gonna bring great.

Male bar tender: (smile) Alright man, see you when you get back.

After Y/n pack up his things he exit out of his guild and head to the location where they might be at. After a while he arrived at the docks were he was faced to face with their ship which was a gosh with large wings in the sides.

Y/n find this ship pretty funny but he try not to laugh and walks over to the door and knocks at it. After a while the doors open to reveal no one which confused Y/n as he looks around until he heard.

???: Hi is there anything we can help?

Y/n looks down and see a small blue cat looking up at him.

Y/n: (thought) OK that's adorable Alright. Wait stay focused Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Hey I'm here as a job as a body guard. You must be.....?

Happy: (smile) Names Happy Nice to meet you and thanks for taking on our job, it's been a while since we have someone as a body guard.

Y/n: I'm I your first?

Happy: (smile) Aye.

???: Hey who are you talking to Happy?

Then a young teenage girl appear as she looks up and sees Y/n.

Happy: Oh this is our new body guard that we put up. Can't believe it actually worked.

Y/n: (smile) Hey you must be Rebecca right? My name is Y/n L/n and I'll be your first body guard, it's nice to meet yous both.

Y/n lend out a hand as Rebecca heart skip a beat when she see his smile which she thinks it to be adorable as she blushes a bit.

Y/n: Um Rebecca, you alright?

Rebecca: (little blush) Huh? O-Oh sorry my bad. Nice to meet you Y/n and thanks for taking on the job.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. Hey I don't wanna sound rude but do you have a room to set all my stuff in?

Rebecca: You don't have a home?

Y/n: I'm kinda homeless and stay at the guild for a while until now.

Rebecca: That must be hard but sure we have a room for you.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you very much.

Rebecca and Happy let Y/n in and show him his room which was nice as it has a window to outside. Y/n place his bag onto his bed as Rebecca and Happy walk off as Y/n unpack his stuff and set them into his draw.

After he pkace his clothes away he pulls out his lightsaber and his jedi clothes which was dirty with some hole in them. Y/n stares at then for a while until he set them underneath his bed and cover it with a blanket as he decided to not tell Rebecca or Happy about him being a Jedi in fear they would be in danger by the sith and their evil army of clones.

After they he walk to the bridge were Rebecca and Happy were at as they walk up to them as Rebecca cheerfully says.

Rebecca: (smile) Welcome to our ship and since your apart to us Welcome to our blog channel called Aoneko: Blue cat.

Rebecca and Happy: Nyan Nyan~

Y/n: (smile) Sounds pretty nice. So what do yous do for your flog channel?

Rebecca: We explore around the galaxy and flog them to get views from everyone. It's sometimes dangerous since soke planets are dangerous and that's why we needed a bodyguard to keep us safe.

Happy: (smile) Aye and now your here this is gonna be great.

Rebecca: So have you got some background we mist know about?

Y/n: Well I've came to this planet years back and took on several jobs and try to help people.

Rebecca: How did that go?

Y/n: Let's just say.......I'm not allowed to use an oven at one restaurant ever again.

Rebecca: Oh....well what skills do you have?

Y/n: Well........

He pulls out his blaster that he managed to buy as he spoke it around and stops it as he says.

Y/n: I'm a mark men and pretty good with my aim. I'm also pretty quick with my feet so someone is gonna watch out for this guy.

Rebecca: (smile) That's awesome.

Happy: So do you think he'll be our first bodyguard?

Rebecca looks at Y/n as Y/n gives her a friendly smile as Rebecca smiles with her heart skip a beat and says.

Rebecca: (smile) Yep he looks pretty cool for the job. What about you Happy?

Happy: (smile) I think he'll be great as our first bodyguard.

Rebecca smiles as she turns to Y/n and walks over to him and reach out a hand to him.

Rebecca: (smile) What do you say, wanna join us?

Y/n smiles as he takes Rebecca hand which Rebecca feels his hand as his hands are warm as Rebecca blushes a little as Y/n says.

Y/n: (smile) Of course, let's explore the galaxy.

Rebecca smiles as once that, Rebecca fires up the engines of their ship and they take off into space as Y/n looks at the stars as he closes his eyes as he said to his thoughts.

Y/n: (thought) Mastee Zen, thank you for everything and your sacrifice will not be forgotten. Soon I will help everyone and save lives even if I use the force or my heart. Either way....I will help other within this a jedi.

To be continued...........

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