Chapter 9: Hanging out with a B-Cuber

Eden Zero jump out if Hyper space and flys over to Blue Garden as Shiki and the rest returned back to the planet without any empire following them.

Inside the bridge we see Yogi along with Pino, Weisz, Shiki, Happy, Oki, Yei and Leiko looking gathered at the holopad while Witch is helping out with some of Oki's soldiers with the controls of the ship.

Some where given Witch some pervert looks while Oki looks at Blue Garden through the hologram and said.

Oki: So this is our current home now?

Shiki: (smile) Yep, it's a best place with large cities, amazing foods and a lot of people to be friends with.

Oki: I see.

Yei: Has the empire ever been to Blue Garden before?

Weisz: Surprisingly no. Maybe they haven't discovered the planet yet.

Happy: Let's hope so.

Pino: We can't have Eden Zero entering the planet, if so it may spread a panic.

Then Yogi enter the bridge holding some tools as he walks over to them.

Yogi: I agree with Pino. It's maybe best we take Rebecca's ship while Edens Zero stay up in space for a while.

Shiki: Right. Wait, speaking of Rebecca, where is she?

Yei: I think she's at the Jedi Dojo.

Pino: Is it because she wanna have her own lightsaber like yous?

Yei: No I think it's Y/n. He hasn't been himself ever sense you guys rescue him from the Empire.

Weisz: Wonder what they did to him?

Witch: I've scanned for any pain and it seems that he wasn't in pain by any kind. But I do detected some sadness in him and distress.

Leiko: Poor Y/n.

Oki: I hope he is alright.

Shiki: Same here. I don't like seeing one of my friends being like this, not in one bit.


We see Rebecca looking through the glass window and through the window we see Y/n within the Jefi Dojo and protects his lightsaber strikes with a jefi training driod.

Y/n try to block it's strikes but the dried best him and knock his lightsaber away. Y/n steps back and gets frustrated and use the force to grab his lightsaber and active it and charge at the droid.

Rebecca feels worried about Y/n and wanna know what's wrong with him.

Quinlan: I see your worring about him.

Rebecca quickly turn in surprise to see Quinlan at the door. He walks up next to her and see Y/n's frustration and Rebecca respond.

Rebecca: Yeah, I never seen him act like this. He is actually chilled and nice but after we rescue him....he changed a bit.

Quinlan: He must have discovered something that changed him a bit.

Rebecca: Like what?

Quinlan: No clue. So Rebecca how long did you have a crush with the young Jedi Knight?

Rebecca blushes deep when he said that while Quinlan smirks a little before saying.

Quinlan: Never worry about it. I know you have a crush with him. I can sense your emotions through the force.

Rebecca: (blush) Y-Yeah but I thought Jedi aren't allowed to have these kinds of relationships?

Quinlan: This is a new galaxy Rebecca. It doesn't matter no more now the Jedi order is no more. Besides, even before the fall of the order there have been Jedi's that have wife's of Husbands and have a family. Even I have one years back.

Rebecca: Really?

Quinlan: (smirk) Yeah. She was Sith assassin working for Count Dooku. Then he Betrayed her and later on she teach me how to use the dark side to defeat him. We then fall in love and even though there have been some....problems but we still love each other until hee death happened.

Rebecca: I'm....sorry for your lost.

Quinlan: It's alright. But I realise that love is one of the most strongest thing within the force and the council was wrong about it. So if you love Y/n then I'll won't stop you. Besides, your not the only one who wants Y/n.

Rebecca was confused about that last part but Quinlan chuckles a little before he turn to leave but not before saying.

Quinlan: Besides, I think he deserves some love after what he discovered. Maybe you can help him out of it.

Then Quinlan left the room while Rebecca believes he is right and turn back to Y/n and seeing he is done training and decided to cheer Y/n up.

(Blue Garden)

We see Rebecca and Y/n at a small cafe and Rebecca was digging in with the food giving by the waiters while Y/n was just eating like normal and was day dreaming for a second before Rebecca asked.

Rebecca: You alright Y/n?

Y/n: Huh? Oh! Yeah I'm alright, just.....thinking that's all.

Rebecca see Y/n was a little upset and asked.

Rebecca: Is there something bothering you? If so, I can cheer you up?

Y/n: It's....nothing. I just.....(sigh) I'm sorry Rebecca. I may have ruined your meal because of me.

Rebecca: Don't say that Y/n! You haven't ruined anything, besides I wan a try to cheer you up.

Y/n: Really? Why?

Rebecca: (smile) Because I'm your boss. And if one of my bodyguard is in trouble then I'll help you to cheer you up.

Y/n smiles a little when Rebecca said that and said.

Y/n: (small smile) Thanks Rebecca. I really thankful I can work with you and Happy.

Rebecca: Yeah even though you were hiding your identity as a Jedi all these months.

Y/n: (chuckle) Oh come on, you didn't tell me that Happy was a machine and turn into a gun.

Rebecca: (giggle) Yeah I guess you got me there.

Rebecca and Y/n finish up their meal ans exit out of the cafe. Once on the street Rebecca asked.

Rebecca: So where do you wanna go?

Y/n: (smile) I'm more of a gentleman so I'll let a lady decide where to go first.

Rebecca smiles and so dose Y/n and Rebecca knows where to go first. They rush through the streets of Blue Garden and arrive at Rebecca's favourite place.

The Galaxy extreme Arcade. It is one of the famous arcades around and millions of people go there to play ans have fun. The two try out a few Arcade games and seem to enjoy the games they play.

They dance at the dancing Arcade game and try to break the new high score on it. They dance as hard as they got and a fee people near it walks over to see this and cheering them on when their almost breaking the high score.

Y/n finish this up with a break dance and after that they reach a new High score and everyone cheered while Y/n ans Rebecca turn to them and wave at them.

Some even recognised Rebecca as a B-Cuber ans ask for a autograph. Rebecca sighs them while Y/n smiles and feels a bit better.

After that they have a go getting some plush dolls at the claw machine and Y/n managed to get a cat doll and take it out of the machine.

Rebecca: (smile) Aaaww it's so cute.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, lucky not the same one from Granbell.

Rebecca: (sigh) Don't remind me.

Y/n chuckle and hands it to her. She blushes a bit and takes it.

Y/n: (smile) That suits you since you like cats. Besides I think it's cute to have a blush cat in your videos.

Rebecca: (blush) Agree. Thanks

Y/n smiles and the two head out of the arcade and explore around the city for a bit. During the exploring we see a mysterious figure watching them or better yet, watching Rebecca before this mysterious figure retreated into the darkness of the alleyway.


We see thw two now on top of a hill looking over the city of Blue Garden as they laugh and tell each other stories. Y/n tells Y/n his adventures with Anankin ans Ahsoka which made her laugh.

Rebecca: (smile) Wait so they kept of arguing during their first mission together?

Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah and they never seem to stop arguing till that day until Ahsoka grown out of that phase and their a better team since.

Rebecca: (smile) Still they sounded awesome. I wish I would have met them.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah and it be great to see them after so long.

The two stare out of the distance of the city I silence. Rebecca see he is all cheered up but still wanna know why he wasn't.

Rebecca: Hey Y/n? I wanna know and if you don't wanna talk about it then that's OK. You don't have to say anything.

Y/n: Sure what is it?

Rebecca: When you were captured at Endless Forest. What did they do to you or what did you found out while you were captured in there?

Y/n fall into silence and looks down and Rebecca see he doesn't want talk about it. But then he said.

Y/n: I found my master.

Rebecca turns to Y/n and was caught off guard when he said that.

Rebecca: What?

He turn to Rebecca and said again.

Y/n: When I was captured, I found my master and he found me.

Rebecca: (surprised) Really? That's great? Why didn't you tell us and we can rescue him.

Y/n: Because........Because.......

Tears start to form in his eyes and he buried his face while Rebecca gently grabs him by the shoulder to comfort him before he said in tears.

Y/n: (tears) He was one of them. Rebecca.....My master join the empire.

Rebecca was shocked by this and truly felt awful for Y/n and completely understand why.

Y/n: (tears) My master was one of them. The empire, the sith even. He join them because he blame the Republic for what they did! B-But.......he was like a father to me and I trusted him all my life but he.....betray that trust like that and now......I'm alone.

Y/n cries once more and Rebecca move up to him a bit and hugs him to comfort him. Y/n was surprised by this ans hug her back while Rebecca said.

Rebecca: Your never alone. You have us. We're your family now. I'm truly sorry for what you have yo found out about your master. He have no right to betray you like that, especially since you see him as a father like figure to him. But we're here for you and we'll take care of you no matter what.

Y/n was surprised by these words from Rebecca whipe Rebecca reach over and wipe the tears off of Y/n eyes. Y/n blushes a little when he feels Rebecca soft hand and even gently hold on her hand.

Rebecca blushes as well but allows this. The two look eyes with their hearts racing before the two lend in and their lips touched. Rebecca blushes deeply ans so dose Y/n as they kissed.

Y/n wrap his arms around Rebecca's waist and so dose Rebecca with Y/n's. The two kiss for a long minute before they stop kissing to catch their breath.

The two were blushing deep and look at each other with love in their eyes ans Y/n said in surprise.

Y/n: (blush) W-Whoa. That felt.....wonderful.

Rebecca: (smirk) I can tell that was your first kiss.

Y/n: (blush) Y-Yeah it was.

Rebecca: (giggle) Same here.

The two chuckle and giggle for a bit before they kiss once more before they stop and Y/n said.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you Rebecca. Thank you for everything you've shown me along with everyone else.

Rebecca: (smile) No problem Y/n. We all care about each other and we like family. No matter what.

Y/n: (smile) Still thank you Rebecca. I....I love you.

Rebecca: (smile) I live you too Y/n.

The two kissed once more as they huged while the sun shines on them with Y/n now back to normal and have a new purpose now. He will protect his only family he has now, has a jedi Knight.


Rebecca arrive at the shooting star-Light guild while Y/n head back yo Rebecca's ship to get a few things. She was all happy when she first kiss with Y/n and was in a good mood.

Shiki, Yogi and Happy where there ans Rebecca walks over to them.

Shiki: (smile) Oh hey Rebecca, you look like your in a happy mood.

Happy: Did something happen?

Rebecca: (smile) It's alright for me to have some good moods sometimes.

Yogi: Where's Y/n? Is he alright?

Rebecca: (smile) Yep. He's at my ship getting a few things. He's all better now.

Shiki: (smile) Awesome!

Happy: (smile) All thanks to Rebecca.

Clarsse: Hey Rebecca.

Then Clarsse walks over to them with Rebecca saying.

Rebecca: (smile) Hey Clarsse, how is things?

Clarsse: (tears) Very hard. I have to do some paperwork and other stuff.

Yogi: That must of suck.

Clarsse: Oh by away. The guild master wants to see you.

Rebecca: Just me? What for?

Clarsse: No clue but he wants you right now.

Rebecca: Let's hope I'll won't be in trouble.

Happy: I'll go with you.

Rebecca: Alright. Wish me luck guys.

Yogi: Take care you two.

Rebecca and Happy head off to speak with the guild master while Shiki, Yogi and Clarsse waited for hee to return.


Walking through the alleyway we see Labilia with her two bodyguards as she scroll down some of the videos other B-Cubers make and one of them was Rebecca's.

She smirks and turns it off before saying ti his guards.

Labilia: Who dose she think she is trying to do. Everyone knows I'm one of the most famous B-Cubers around so she may find a new hobby other then this.

Labilia laughs a little then her thoughts turn to Y/n and thinks to herself.

Labilia: (thought) And maybe that cute boy may become mine and I'll give him special treatment as my special bodyguard.

She smirks a little and before they exit out of the alleyway. A armored man step in their way and they stop to see this person.

Labilia: Hey! Would you move out of the way! I'm busy as you can see.


Labilia: Hey are you deaf or something?

The bounty hunter pulls out a holopad and active it and a image of Labilia appears which the Bounty hunter at the two before saying while turning off his holopad.

???: Target found.

Then with a quick second he pulls out his blaster pistol and quickly fires two shots ans killed two of Labilia's guards.

Labilia was surprised by this while the bounty hunter walks towards her while she said.

Labilia: H-Hey! Do you know who I am!

???: Yeah I know you. And my client will pay me a lot to take you alive.

He points his blaster pistol at her and said.

???: Say goodnight, B-Cuber.

Before he even pulls a trigger. A blaster shot hits the bounty hunters shoulder armour and he step backwards.

???: Fuck! Who did that!

Then Y/n leaps over Labilia and lands in between them. He stood up looking at the bounty hunter and said with a smirk.

Y/n: (smirk) Hello there.

Labilia: (smile) Cute bodyguard!

???: (anger) Damn it! Where did you cone from?

Y/n: (smirk) Let's just say I can since trouble a mile away. So, who are you?

Genko: The names Genko and it's best you don't disturb my hunt on this type of B-Cuber.

Y/n: Why are you going after Labilia?

Genko: None of your business.

Then he fired a fee blaster shots at Y/n but he fires back and grabs Labilia's hand and they take cover before a trsh can while blaster fires zips by.

Labilia: (smirk) I knew you one day abandoned that Neko girl B-Cuber and rescue your true B-Cuber.

Y/n: Look I'm not here to abandon Rebecca. I'm here because I've sense you were in trouble so I came to help.

Labilia: Sense? Like you have some kind ability to sense people in trouble?

Y/n: Something like that.

Y/n peeks out a fire a fee blaster shots at Genko. Genko step steps out of the alleyway and people were already running when they hear the gun fire.

Genko pulls out two explosion chargers and tossed them into the alleyway.

They rolled right next to Labilia and Y/n so he picks up Labilia by the arms and leap up into the roof as the charges exploded.

They land onto the roof and Y/n set Labilia down before they turn to see Genko leap onto thr roof and fire a fee blast shots at Labilia.

Labilia close her eyes but then their was a engery like clash and Labilia open her eyes to see Y/n deflected a blast shot with his lightsaber which shocked Genko and Labilia.

Genko: (shocked) Your a jedi?! Impossible!

Y/n stare at Genko and sense he was not suspected to be faced with a jedi so he lower down his blaster pistol and said.

Genko: Fine you win Jedi. Besides, my boss has many more so having one missed isn't the end of the world. Till we meet again Jedi.

Then he leaps back onto the street off the roof and Y/n rush over and look down and see he vanished.

Y/n: (thought) Where did he go? What was he talking about his boss have more with him?

Y/n: Labilia are you-

Then Labilia hugs Y/n when he turn to her while made Y/n blush in surprise.

Labilia: (smile) Thank you so much cutie! Your my body guard anytime!

Y/n: (little blush) U-Um thanks Labilia and no problem.

She let's go and Y/n looks around for that bounty hunter before he ask Labilia.

Y/n: Why was that bounty hunter after you?

Labilia: Don't ask me but he maybe a creep but I don't care. So question, what's a jedi?

Y/n: It's a long story but maybe I'll te you later. But you must not tell anyone by this. If you do, someone far more dangerous like that bounty hunter will come.

Labilia: (smirk) Sure. Anything for my strong and cute bodyguard.

Then she start to walk away before she turns to Y/n and give him a blow kiss while saying.

Labilia: (smirk) See you around, cute bodyguard.

Y/n blushes a little before she was gone. Y/n looks at his lightsaber hilt and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) You may have Betrayed my trust master. But I will not forget what you told me. I will keep on fighting....for my new family.


Y/n: (smile) Hey guys!

Y/n enter the guild and walks up to Shikiz and Yogi table with Clarsse there as she walks up and said in tears of joy.

Clarsse: (tears) I'm so glad your here Y/n. I missed you so much.

Y/n: (chuckle) Same to you Clarsse.

Shiki: (smile) I see your feeling better now.

Y/n: Yeah and I wanna apologise the way I acted. It wasn't coll for me.

Shiki: (smile) That's alright man. We're friends and we stick together.

Yogi: (smile) Yeah.

Y/n: (smile) Right. So where Rebecca and Happy?

Shiki: Their up there talking to the guild master.

Y/n: Huh, wonder why?

Happy: G-Guys.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Happy. How is yo-

Then they see Happy broken and damaged with tears pouring down his eyes.

Y/n: (shocked) Happy!

Y/n rusn up to Happy and asked.

Y/n: (shocked) Who did this to you?

Happy: (tears) W-We were at the guild masters office when all of a sudden this man appears and attack us. We try to hold him off but he was too strong and....he.....he....

Y/n's shock turn into horror as he rushes to the guild masters office and he burst through the door. Everything was a trash as he walk inside and looks around for Rebecca.

He then looks down and his eyes widen in horror once more. He bend down and pick up a damaged cat doll that he give to Rebecca at the arcade not too long ago.

Y/n hugs the cat doll as tears start to come out of Y/n's eyes while anger got a hold of him as he yells out at the top of his lungs.

Y/n: (anger) GOD DAMN IT!

A massive force blast blows off some books while papers were blown out of the broken window and onto the city.

Later Y/n return back to Shiki, Yogi and Happy with Clarsse with them as Y/n walks pass them with Shiki calls out to him.

Shiki: Wait! Where's Rebecca!?

Y/n stops and turn to Shiki ans said.

Y/n: They took her.

They were in shock by this and Y/n said.

Y/n: Let's go get her back.

Then he went of and so dose Shiki, Yogi and Happy. Then they went pass a female girl wearing Japanese like clothes as she turn to see them walking away.

She was surprised when he spotted Y/n and pulls out a holopad and active it.


At the ship yard we see a ship docked in docking Bay 6 and it was huge unlike other transport ships.

Inside the ship we see a person laying back on his charge and laying back on his chair relaxing while his PL-D3 unit rolled over to him.

PL-D3: (beeping)

???: What dose Homura want?

Then D3 pulls pit a hologram of the same girl from the guild as she explains.

Homura: (hologram) Sorry for disturbing your work but I believed not only we've found tbe demon king.....we've also found Y/n that you mention. He's alive.

The person seemed to be shocked by this and after the hologram of Homura was gone, he asked D3.

???: Call Homura back here and we'll see what's up.

PL-D3: (Questionable beeps)

???: Why do I sounded surprised by Y/n? Because......

Then he leap out of his chair and turns to PL-D3 and we see he was wearing a clone trooper armor with a few bounty hunter details around it as he said.

???: Because that's my old General Zen's padawan, Y/n L/n......let's see we can help them on what ever trouble they might be on.

To be continued.............

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