Chapter 8: The Forest Rebellion (part 2)

Two tie fighters fly over the forest and arrives at the imperial empire's vase which we see then landing foen to the ground while stormtroopers are marching to one base to another.

Many stormtroopers were in the base checking their weapons, fixing or cleaning vehicles and some taking rebel prisoners to their cells for try to stand up against the empire.

While all this is happening we see Saburo within the communication room which is in a large tower beside the main base as he looks down at the progress.

Then the doors open and the Inquisitor step into the communication room which Saburo turns and gibe him a salute. The Internet walk up beside Saburo and Saburo face thw windows but have his head turn to him while he says.

Saburo: Sir our base is complete as you can see. Soon we will have many other bases across this planet and this will be our might of the empire.

???: Indeed. I heard a squad was attacked by groups of Rebels?

Saburo: Yes and I believe Y/n along with his friends are there as well.

???: I see. I knew this day will come.

Saburo: You.....knew what, sir?

???: That I will face this jedi and convince him to join us and our new empire.

Saburo: Um if I would like to ask, how do you know he will join us?

???: Because....I am his-

Then suddenly there was a crash behind them and they turn to see Asa, Jimin and Kameko on the ground with dirt all over their armor and sticks sticking out of it.

Saburo sighs while he shake his head while the Inquisitor wasn't phase by this as the three female stormtroopers rush over to them and give them a salute.

Asa: Sorry we were late sir's.

Saburo: What took yous so long?

Kameko: Well Asa here decided to take a short cut back to base but unfortunately we gotten lost.

Asa: Hey! I said I'll explain what happened!

Kameko: (smirk) Like what?

Asa: W-W-Well We.....well.....we were.......attacked and gotten split off with the rest of our troops! Ha!

Kameko: Right, what ever you say Asa.

Jimin: While we were lost, we overheard the Rebels communication and found out where their base is at along with the jedi.

Saburo: (surprised) That's excellent you three! Now those jedi will be done for once and for all.

Kameko: Wait so we're gonna go to their base ans face them?

???: No. I'll sent in my purge troopers ans some stormtroopers to take out not only their jedi but their base as well.

Saburo: (smirk) Great idea sir. And this Y/n?

???: I'll also give them orders to bring Y/n alive. So I will force him to join us and unleash the dark side. Ready the troops lieutenant

Saburo: Yes sir.

Saburo walks off ans so dose the three girls while the Inquisitor turns back to thw window an stare out into the forest and hoping that Y/n will join him.


Oki leads Y/n and the rest through the woods and they have been walking for a while until they come upon a huge wall with a large gate in front of it.

A rebel soldier peeks out over the wall and says.

Rebel soldier: Who's there?

Oki: It's me. I have some guests with me. Let us in.

Rebel soldier: Yes Ma'am.

The soldier pulls the lever and the gate opens. Once open they walk into what seems like a village with houses on trees with bridges to one house to another. A market place down the bottom where fruit and other food are being sell and many more stuff.

Rebecca: (surprised) Whoa this is so awesome!

Happy: (surprised) Yeah and there is yummy food as well.

Weisz: So is this like your home or something?

Oki: This is our current home. Our last home was destroyed by the empire when they came. They told us to follow our rule but we didn't listen so they attack us and put some of us I prison.

Shiki: Those jerks. I hate people like them messing with other planet just so they can listen to them.

Quinlan: How did these group of jedi came here?

Oki: 5 weeks ago they crash landed on this planet and help us with the battle. Soon they help us win battles and free most of our people.

Y/n: Sounds like yous were lucky to have them.

Oki: (smirk) Agree and I think we might be close of kicking the empire out of out planet.

Soon they stop and they all look up to be face with a huge and ancient temple but it was not just a temple.

Quinlan and Y/n sense in the force that this is a very old Jedi temple. Possibly been around during the old Republic years ago.

They enter the temple and inside they see Rebel soldiers walking about and cleaning their weapons while some turn and were surprised to see two Jedi's here.

Soon they enter what seems like a map room and inside were three jedi. One male jedi master and two female knights.

Quinlan: (surprised) Master Ronin! Nice to see you are alright.

They look up and Ronin who have blonde hair see Quinlan and smirked while Quinlan shake Ronin hand ans said.

Ronin: (smirk) Nice to see your alive Quinlan, thought you have died?

Quinlan: (smirk) Well thanks of my spy mission I guess I was lucky.

Ronin chuckles while he pat him on the back. While Y/n, Shiki, Happy and Rebecca walk up to two female jedi knights ans Shiki said.

Shiki: (smile) Hi, names Shiki and these are my friends. Nice to meet yous.

Yei: (smile) Nice to meet you Shiki. Names Yei and this is my friend Leiko.

Leiko: (smile) Hey.

Y/n: (surprised) I know yous! You two were in my class at the jedi temple before we were asign to our masters.

Yei: (smirk) Yep and you must be Y/n then. How nice to meet you once again.

Leiko: (smile) Yeah and you look very different to your young self.

Y/n: (smile) Guess years fly by.

Leiko: (smirk) Yeah but you look so awesome and I gonna say....kinda cute.

Y/n blushes a little while Rebecca gotten jealous a little by that. Then Rinon turn to everyone else and said.

Rinon: I bet all of yous are hungry. Please come with me, dinner is almost ready for all of is to eat.

Quinlan: (smile) Sure, lead away.


They were in the dinner hall within the temple and food werw set out on the table and Rebecca starts eating ans so dose the rest. Yogi looks around ans see weapons that looker illegal so he turn to Rinon and said.

Yogi: Those weapons seem illegal. How did you get them.

Ronin: There empire was transporting cargo in and out of the base and use that opportunity to raid it and take what ever we needed.

Quinlan: (smirk) That's a smart move.

Pino: But aren't you worried that they have track these weapons to here?

Rinon: Don't worry, we managed to find the trackers and take them off before they could have a chance.

Oki: Still what choices do we have. We need weapons to survive and protect our love once.

Weisz: Why can't yous leave the planet?

Then Oki slams her fist onto the table ans stood up while yelling.

Oki: (anger) We refuse to leave our planet! Not by a long shot!

Weisz gotten a bit jumpy by her reaction while Rinon tells her.

Rinon: Take it easy Oki.

Oki: Y-Yeah, my apologies for that.

She sat back down ans Rinon turns to Weisz.

Rinon: Even if they would, they have a blockade around the planet. They will be shot down.

Rebecca: But we managed to enter the planet without getting shot down.

Rinon: Then yous must be lucky. Still it's too risky.

Yei: The only way we could destroy the blockade is by kicking the empire out of this planet and deemed a lost to the empire.

Yogi: Yeah but that's gonna be difficult to do that. They may sent down more troops to assist them empire on the ground.

Oki: You may have a point there but what choices do we have?

Y/n: What's their main base at?

Rinon: It's pretty far but it's highly defensive and no way we can't destroy it.

Y/n: But if we would destroy it?

Rinon: Then the empire will retreat back to their star destroyers and leave the planet.

Y/n thinks about it for a moment and then he asked.

Y/n: Have yous manage to capture some imperial vehicles or armor?

Oki: We have some but some are either damaged or not used, why?

Y/n: Well yous always use hit and run attacks but what about stealth and infiltration operation?

Oki and Rinon look at each other while Y/n explains.

Y/n: Tbe imperials will never suspect any rebels use stormtrooper armor. Besides, these forest are easy to get anyone lost, so they allow yous in without needed to ask for ID or anything like it.

Rinon and Oki have a thought ans realise Y/n have a point while Quinlan smirks at Y/n for that genius idea.

Rinon: That might work.

Oki: Yeah I agree.

Shiki: (smirk) Awesome. So what's the plan?

Rinon: Well we eaten up and after that we get started repairing and fixing some stormtrooper armors. Hopefully they were be convincing enough to follow those bucket heads.

Quinlan: (smirk) Agree.

They were on Y/n's plan and after they eaten their meal they get started. They pull out some broken stormtrooper armor they use for target practice and get to work.

They repaint the armor to white ane fix some of the armor parts so it's like it's just a normal and clean armor.

While all this is happening Y/n looks over to see Oki cleaning her weapon ans look to be bothered by something.

Y/n walks over to her and stand beside her and asked.

Y/n: Do you wnat some help?

Oki: Huh, oh yeah sure, go right ahead.

Y/n nods and he picks out a weapon ans start to clean it.

Oki: I thought Jedi's never use blasters?

Y/n: Some but now....maybe all do know the empire is ruling the galaxy.

Oki: Don't blame you. Jedi's need more then a lightsaber and what call "The force" to aid them during this time.

Y/n: Agree. Hey, sorry about what Weisz said earlier. He didn't mean to say it.

Oki: It's fine. I just......I never thought of abandoned my home to those empire. We were just living in peace until they came and ruin everything. They never care about us or this planet. They only care.....their empire.

Y/n: I understand. I'm sorry for that.

Oki: Never worry Y/n. Things might be dark but we can fight back the darkness to reach a new light.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah that's probably why there is a light side and the dark side. Light always wins.

Oki smiles a little while she nods. She actually like being around with Y/n and find him different to the reat of the jedi.  She can even find him cute ans handsome as well.

But she shakes it off while blushing a little. Then suddenly there was a Siren which made everyone stop working and see a rebel soldier rushing towards them while saying.

Rebel soldier: The empire! They found us!

Everyone start to panic and rush to get their gear ready. Rinon along with the four jedis take out their lightsabers and rush off.

Shiki and the rest follow as well. Soon yhey reach at the gates were blaster shots were fired at the other side and a gate guard was shot a few times ans fell off the wall and crash onto the ground.

They hear stormtroopers at the other side ording the rest to open that gate. The four jedi active their lightsabers while Shiki and the rest get ready.

Happy transforms into twin guns ans Rebecca grabs them and aims at the gate.

Soon there was a blast an She gate was destroyed with dust filled the air. Then stormtroopers breach through the gate and open fire at them.

Y/n and the rest of the jedi block the shots with their lightsabers and reflect them back at them. Oki and the rest open fire at them and taking them out.

Shiki leaps up into the air while using his gravity gear and slams down ams senting the stormtroopers flying.

More came along with their large tank that strolled through the gates and into town.

Rinon: Get to cover!

The beam on top of the tank fires and they move out of the way while some rebel soldier were cut off and killed. More stormtroopers came and blast at the Rebels and the jedi and Rinon and Y/n who are know together deflected their blast shots ans force push them back.

They were sent flying and Y/n thinks they can do this. But then two purge troops walks up to them and aims their blasters at them.

Y/n: What are they?

Rinon: Their purge troopers. They are deadly stormtroopers and they must be here to take us out.

The purge troopers open fire at them while they deflected their shots and rush at them. They swing their sabers St them but they leap back in quick speed and open fire at them once more.

The two take cover while the blast shots keep on shooting their cover.

Rinon: We're pinned!

Y/n peeks out his head and see some explosion near the purge troops and he have an idea.

Y/n: Master Rinon I have an idea but this might be dangerous.

Rinon: What ever it is boy, let's do it.

Y/n points at the explosion ans Rinon nods. Then they reach out of the force and they move the explosions towards the purge troops. Soon the explosions were behind them and one turn around and see them but it was too late.

Y/n rolled out of cover and fire one single blast at the explosion and once it the explosions blow up, senting the purge troops flying. Rinon was empress while Y/n blow the barrel of his blaster pistol as Rinon walks up to him and said.

Rinon: (smirk) Nice shot Y/n. Never know you have an eye on a blaster.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks but let's go and check up the rest.

Rinon: Right, let's go-

Then suddenly he was electrocute from behind which shocked Y/n as Rinon dropped his lightsaber and he fell onto the ground dead.

Y/n: Master Ronin!

???: Your be coming with us, Jedi.

Y/n looks up and he was in shock to see a purge trooper but not just a purge trooper. He recognised his helmet and realised who he is.

Y/n: (shocked) F-Flanker? Flanker is that you?!

Flanker: Come with us, Jedi.

He swing his electric rod at him but he dodges it and even blocks it with his lightsaber while he calls out to him.

Y/n: Flanker it's me! Y/n! Do you not remember me! Flanker!

Flanker keeps on attacking him until two purge troopers snuck up behind him and aim their blasters at him and fire a stin shot. Y/n was tuned from behind and he dropped his deactivate lightsaber before he fell unconscious and fell onto the ground.

Flanker looks down at Y/n for a second before two Purge troopers walk up to him and he said.

Flanker: Misson complete. Let's take this jedi back to base and we have him interrogated.

Purge trooper 1: What about the Rebels?

Flanker: Leave them. They lost their base anyways. Let's go.

The two nod and they pick up the unconscious Y/n and drag him away. Rinon who was nearly close to death watch them taking him away and soon he was gone.


We see Shiki and then rest holding of the empire's attack and soon they see they were falling back.

They rush off while they watch tjem leave.

Yogi: Looks like we won.

Oki: Yeah but now they know our base.

Pino: Yes and it who knows they will come back.

Happy: Hang on, Where's Rinon and Y/n?

Rebecca: They must have gotten split off when the attack started.

Rinin: G-Guys.

They turn to see Rinon stumbled towards them and then he fell onto the ground. Quinlan and the rest rush towards him and once there Quinlan bend down to him and asked.

Quinlan: What happened to you?

Rinon: Th-The Purge troopers attack us.....Th-They taken Y/n back to their base. Possibly their....theirain base.

Rebecca: (shocked) Oh no.

Shiki: (anger) How dare they capture our friend. They shall pay!

Rinon: Quinlan......

Quinlan: Yes?

Rinon: The empire will not stop will kill everyone here. I.....I need you to take......some rebel troops back to your ship and.....take tnme far away as yous can.

Oki bend down beside Quinlan and said to Rinon.

Oki: No! This is our planet and we fight until they are kicked off!

Rinon: and your people will fight back times like these......yous must

Then Rinon dies as he take his last breath. Everyone was in silnce ans sadden of his death. Even Yei and Leiko were sadden by his death.

Oki sews him as an honest and wise Jedi and she realise he has a point. They can't win this war unless they escape and fight for another day.

She shakes her fist and then stood up ans said.

Oki: Everyone get packing! We're leaving here now!

They all start to get packing up and getting their gears into their cargo.

Shiki: We can't leave yet. Y/n is captured and as friends, we won't abandoned him!

Rebecca: That's right. We need to rescue him.

Happy: Aye!

Oki: I see. The armor is ready so.....let's see they can fit yous.


Everything was a blast to Y/n when he woke up. Then his vision gets clear and he looks around and realise he is in a prison cell within an imperial base.

He try to move bit realise he was strapped onto table facing the prison gates.

Y/n: (thought) Crap! This is just great. How do I get out or here? Should I use that same need a pee trick like before? No that's too easy for them to be suspicious? Or maybe I should-

Then the cell door open and Y/n looks up to see the Inquisitor stepping into the cell and walks up to him. The two stare at each other until the Inquisitor spoke.

???: I have been waiting for this for a very long time. I have seen that you have grown.

Y/n: You sounded like you know me?

???: Why else. I've known you even since you step into the jedi temple on Coruscant several years ago.

Y/n: So that's what yous are that Quinlan told me. Yous are fallen jedi that turn to the dark side ans join the empire as Jedi hunters.

???: That's correct. Although I am the last of the Inquisitor. The rest were killed but just as long one remains. The jedi will be feared. will turn inot two.

Y/n: What do you mean?

???: Join me Y/n and together, we can become tbe most powerful Jedi hunters ever.

Y/n: (smirk) Ha! Yeah right. Why would I wnat to join a jedi hunter like you?

???: Don't you want to be by my side just like the good old days.

Y/n: Good old days. What are you-

Then Y/n eyes widen his shock. How did this Inquisitor know his name, why was Flanker here with him and why was he desperate to finally see him all these years.

Y/n doesn't want to believe it at first but something tells him that he must know so he asked in nervousness.

Y/n: Wh-Who are y-you?

The Inquisitor was silent for a moment until he reach out both of his hands and grab his helmet. Steam came out of it an she took it off. Y/n eyes turn into pure horror to see what is underneath the mask.

The Inquisitor standing in ftontnog him........was Master Zen, his old master and.....his father figure to him.

Zen: (smile) Hello kiddo, nice to finally meet you.


Outside of the base we see two stormtroopers in front of the gate keeping guard for any rebels.

Then they heard brushing within the bushes and they have their blasters up ans coming out were Rebecca, Shiki ans Weisz all wearing stormtrooper armor with a helmet to hide them from the two stormtroopers.

They walk over to them while they lower their blasters and one said.

Male stormtrooper: Who are yous?

Shiki: Oh um we were lost and separated by our squad until we stumbled here.

Weisz: That's right. We were hoping if you let us in so we can contect our squad.

Thw two stormtroopers look at each other and there was a long silence before one press a button and the gates open.

Male stormtrooper: Alright you can enter.

They breath a sigh of relief and they walk through the gates ans enter the base. It was huge with imperial vehicles  ans troops everywhere.

Happy: (radio) Guys everyone is on the ship, we're coming in your location.

Rebecca: (whisper) On it Happy.

Shiki: I really wanna break this place for taking Y/n and killed Rinon.

Weisz: Take it easy Shiki. We didn't come here to fight them, we're here for a rescue mission.

Rebecca: This actually reminded me on this video I play about sneaking into enemy base like a spy. This is actually so cool.

Weisz: If we get caught, I blame yous for this.

The trio arrived at the prison base and Shiki opens the door and they step inside. The prison was huge with many prison cells everywhere so they is harder to find Y/n as they thought.

Weisz: So where should we go?

Rebecca: No clue.

Then all of sudden they hear what sounded like cries of panic or fear echoing throughout the prison base. It didn't take long to realise it's Y/n probably in trouble.

Shiki: Come on, he's this way!

Weisz: Right, sounds like he is in trouble.

Rebecca: I hope he is alright.

They all rush through the prison base while following the cries of Y/n and wonder what are they doing to him.



Zen chuckls a little and then said.

Zen: (smirk) Believe it or not Y/n but it's true. I'm working with the empire.

Tears start to form down on Y/n as he can't believe his own mastee would have turn his back and join the sith. In his rage or sadness he demands.

Y/n: (tears) WHY!? Why did you join tjem master!? I thought we were fighting for what's right! WHY JOINING THE EMPIRE!? WHY!?

Zen smirks once more and looks up at Y/n and explains.

Zen: After you left the planet I was captured by Flanker ans his troops and was taking ti Coruscant where I meet the one that killed all the jedi. The Emperor. I told him that the Jedi will rise and defeat him but he told me something that convince me something.

Y/n: (tears) And that something is?

Zen: He told me that the Jedi have already been fallen from the very beginning when the Clone wars started. Many Jedi's have either died or turn yo the dark side due to the war. Our brothers ams sisters were killed because the Republic force us to take part of the war even though we have nothing to do with it. But it was thanks to a group of Jedi on Geonosis, we have to take part. I quickly realise that he is right. The jedi have already have been fallen ane the Republic is responsible for it. So.....I join the empire and help them seek out any Jedi within the unknown region and either giving them a chance to join them.....or die.

Y/n can't believe what he is hearing. His own mastee believes that the sith are the good guys while the Jedi are know the evil once. He look down onto the ground with tear drops drooping down onto the floor until Y/n looks up at Zen ans said in tears.

Y/n: (tears) B-But you said.....the sith are evil and it doesn't matter what the jedi said, just as long we fight for what's right.

Zen: I know and I thought so at first about the sith. But look at the bright side, we can be together again. You, me and Flanker can be just like during the Clone wars. Together like unstoppable team and we can do what ever we want. What do you day Y/n...Will you join us?

Y/n was silent and can't believe his own master would have giving up the light side just so he can be a sith. He glare up at his "master" and said.

Y/n: (anger) I'll never join the empire. Not what they did to our jedi brothers and sisters.

Zen felt disappointed by this response. He stood up and active his red lightsaber ans said.

Zen: I guess......your not my padawan no more then. Say goodbye, Jedi.

He rise his saber into the sir about to kill him. But then he was punched from behind and sent flying and crash into a wall. Y/n open his eyes ans see Shiki along with the rest without their helmets him.

Y/n: (surprised) Yous came!

Shiki break out the shackles and Y/n step out while Shiki hands him.his lightsaber.

Shiki: (smile) Of course we did. We're friends and friends never abandoned friends.

Y/n nods and take back his lightsaber and then they rush out of thr prison cell while Zen stood up and see Y/n has escaped.

Zen: (thought) Nice one, jedi.


They enter thr roof of the prison while blaster fire zip pass them. Weisz fires at a fee shots before he smash the controls and the doors shut in front of the stormtroopers and purge troopers.

They run up at the edge of the building and look down to see stormtroopers enter in the prison cell. Behind them they see their cutting into the door.

Rebecca: Happy where are yous know?

Yogi: (radio) Coming up in!

Then their ship arrives and the hatch opens and Yei and Oki wave them all to enter. They all leap into the ship and Y/n was the last one into the ship. The hatch closes just as the doors blow up and Zen walks out along with his stormtrooper troops and they fire at the ship.

Yogi punches it and the ship flies up into space. Zen holds out his fist and they all stop firing. Flanker walks up to Zen and said.

Flanker: Should we sent tie fighters to go after them?

Zen: No point. They can fall back for know.

Zen turns and leave while Flanker nods and follow him back into the base.

Soon the ship which everyone else is on made it our of Endless Forest and enter back to Edens Zero.

Yogi: Witch get us out of here!

Witch: (radio) Understood.

She turns edens Zero around and they a jump to huper space. Everyone exit out of the ship including Oki and her rebel troops.

Shiki looks around and spotted Y/n walking away so he rushes over to him and asked.

Shiki: (smile) Hey, where are you going?

Y/n: I just need.......need some alone time.

Shiki: You sure? You sounded trou-

Y/n: (anger) I said I need some aline time Shiki!

Shiki was a little startled including the rest as Y/n walks out of the bridge while Rebecca asked Quinlan.

Rebecca: What did they do to him?

Quinlan: No clue but I don't think they didn't do anything to him. I think he must have saw something that horrified him.

Rebecca was worried for Y/n while we see Y/n walking through the halls of Edens Zero with his faith on his master is know gone and wonders what he should do now knowing his master has become an imperial Sith Inquisitor for the empire.

To be continued............

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