Chapter 75: A enemy they will face
Republic forces have gone around Foresta to clean up any Separatist droids and rescue any civilians captured by the Separatist. They were taking to the Republic base which they were giving some food and supplies.
Y/n oversees this and it remind himself the Clone wars where Separatist forces destroyed towns qnd villages which lead to many begin homeless. He stood there for a moment till Carl walks up nect to him then ask him.
Carl: You good son?
Y/n: Yeah I'm good.
Carl: You did well son.
Y/n: I think we all did well. Still if Ziggy can control androids then it will be a problem.
Carl: He did wanted a world where machines are the dominant humanity so yeah.
Y/n: That's not the worst part.
Suddenly a group of humans burst when machines came and it erupted into an argument which Republic troopers try to calm the crowd down.
Y/n: Even if we would stop Ziggy and his plan.....humans will soon distrust machines.
Carl: I know......but we'll still have hope.
Y/n: Yeah.
Carl: Gonna go but good job son. Try to get some rest.
Y/n: Thanks dad.
Carl walks away while the crowd of angry humans break away and left the machines go. Y/n thinks about something then heads off to find someone.
Ella is seen wondering around the base when she come across Aruna sobbing alone within a tent which Ella approaches her which got her attention.
Ella: (smile) Hi. My name is Ella. Why are you crying?
Aruna: (sniff) Cause....I lost my best friend. He was my only friend and now he's gone forever.
Ella: I'm sorry for your lost. (Smile) But cheer up. I know he might be gone but he'll always be with in your heart. As long you never forget him, he'll always be with you.
Aruna: Y-You're kind. Thank you.
Ella: (smile) It's no problem. Hey, can I be your friend?
Aruna: Really? You wanna be my friend?
Ella: (smile) Of course. Just like Shiki, I like making friends. What do you say?
Ella lend out her hand which Aruna wipe hee tears away as she take her hand the two begin to smile.
Y/n: (smile) Hi there you two.
Then Y/n came uo behind them as he kneel down which Ella rush over and hug Y/n.
Ella: (smile) Hi daddy! How was the battle?
Y/n: (chuckle) Let's just hope the next planet we go to isn't as confusing or cover by trees.
Ella giggles while Y/n turn to Aruna and then ask her.
Y/n: You remember me?
Aruna: Y-Yes. Just want to say thank you.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. Listen, if you don't want to be alone then perhaps you can come with us? We can take care of you.
Aruna: (surprised) Really? Why?
Y/n: Because I gone through the same feel of loveless as you have. I lost everything when I was young and I was alone for years until I met Rebecca and Happy. I won't let it happen to you as well Aruna. It is your choice if you wish to cone with us.
Aruna begins to cry once more then came over and hug Y/n. Y/n can take it as a yes as he hug her then Ella join as the trio hug together while Akanah is seen behind them then she turn and walk away.
(Sometime later)
We find Y/n at Edens Zero ship we see Y/n in his room taking a shower and after he is all clean he step out and finds Rebecca sitting on the foot of his bed.
Rebecca: (smile) Hey. Guess what relic we got from Xenolith?
Y/n: I'm guessing it is something ridiculous isn't it?
Rebecca: (smile) Yep. Check this out.
She flips something small to Y/n and he catches it and sees it to be a bottle cap. He stare at it for a moment then looks over at Rebecca.
Y/n: Okay this can't be it?
Rebecca: (smile) Yeah. It sure is and all relics are gonna be similar.
Y/n: So just like the previous relic, the others are just normal items that you can find in shops? I mean I was suspected something but nothing like this.
Rebecca: That's what we thought. Still we have one right?
Y/n: Agree. We just need to collect the rest and stop Ziggy.
Rebecca: (smile) Yeah.
Rebecca sighs then collapse onto the bed while looking up at the ceiling. Seeing this Y/n crawl on top of Rebecca qnd blocking her veiw which made Rebecca smile.
Y/n: (smirk) I sense that your tired aren't you?
Rebecca: (smirk) Yeah. All that running around, fighting and avoiding death. It took out a lot of energy out of me.
Y/n: (smirk) Does the kitty cat need some cat nap?
Rebecca: (giggle) No, something more.
Then the two came over and begin to made out. Rebecca let's out moans of pleasure while they kept going. Y/n squeeze on her breast which made her groan even more as he then begins kissing on her neck.
Rebecca let's out more moans of pleasure and soon she breaths heavily while Y/n smile and then we see Rebecca laying on his lap while Y/n gently stroke her Ash Rebecca let's out a cute purr.
Y/n: (smile) Whose my cute and hot kitty cat?
Rebecca: (smile) Me, Meow~
He smiled while he kept stroking her until she falls asleep. Then the door open and Witch came in.
Witch: Oh apologies for disturbing you and Rebecca.
Y/n: (smile) Nah its alright Witch. What's the problem?
Witch: No problem. I was actually looking for you cause I have a question to ask you.
Y/n: Sure, what's on your mind?
Witch: Well.......if we do find Ziggy and you confront him.....what will you do?
Y/n goes silent for a moment while Witch let's him think.
Y/n: I'm not really too sure Witch.
Witch:.....In my opinion the only way to stop him is to kill him.
Y/n eyes widen in shock when she tells him this.
Y/n: (shocked) Witch......I.....are you sure? I understand why but this is someone your served with for a very long time.
Witch: It is true. Ziggy and I respected each other as well as the Four shooting stars. He truly was a kind king with pure of good. However.....he rather die then letting humans and machines be torn apart by his actions.
Y/n: Is.....Is this what Ziggy would have wanted?
Witch: Ziggy wanted to unit machines and humans together. He wanted all machines to be like humans rather than simple bots following orders. He doesn't want war between humans and machines, he would sacrifice everything in hopes to complete his wish.
Y/n: I......I'm still worried about Shiki. Ziggy rasied hij since he was a baby and although I have not much memories about him.......I feel terrible for killing him.
Witch: I know you care for Shiki and I know you two are close. But sometimes we must sacrifice something in hopes to save the world.
Y/n: Which being my friendship with Shiki.
Witch: Shiki may not forgive you but someday he would understand and you two will be friends again. You know Shiki gives those a second chance. He can give you a second chance when the time comes.
Y/n:.......When the time comes I'll make the call.
Witch: Understood. Just want to let you matter if you do kill Ziggy.....I will always love you. Including the four shooting stars.
Y/n: Thanks Witch.
Witch nodes follow by a smile as she turn and leave him be with Rebecca who is still asleep. Once gone his worries about the possibility of be the one to kill Ziggy pops up on his head and gets worried just a bit.
At the hanger we see Akanah on the walkway above the hanger as she look down to see sith warriors interacting with the Republic troopers.
Then Asa came up next to Akanah and stood next to her. Akanah turn to her and ask her.
Akanah: You were once a stormtrooper aren't you?
Asa: Yeah but now I'm apart of the Republic.
Akanah: I see.
Asa: Your not use to this aren't you?
Akanah: Sorta. I mean this is something I've never seen.
Asa: (smile) Yeah it's all thanks to Y/n and his friends. With a large army we have now.....we can take on the Separatist.
Akanah: Just like the Clone wars.
Asa: So gonna change your armor?
Akanah: Just because I'm no longer apart of the empire, that's doesn't mean I abandon this armor.
Asa: Alright, alright it is your choice.
Akanah: So what now?
Asa: We continue on our journey to search for the rest of the relics of mother. Maybe we can grant our wish if we find hee first.
Akanah: Sounds like a myth.
Asa: Trust me, from all the things you've saw, you would change your mind.
Akanah: Very well then. Gonna go.
Asa: Alright, see ya.
Akanah walks away as she walks down the halls of Edens Zero and the thought about a being that can grant wishes rolls around inside of her head.
She then walk into her room and walk over to her table and picked up a book which was a imperial book she kept. She stare at it for a moment thinking about something then place the book down and make her way to her bed and sat down.
She sat there in the dark as she took off his helmet and stare back at his death trooper helmet. She stare at it for a moment then place her helmet beside her and then lay down on the bed while her helmet stare back at the viewer while Akanah get some rest so she can be ready for the next battle.
To be continued.............................................
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