Chapter 74: Ziggy's mentor
Within one of the towns we see five Battle droids talking about the recent report that the androids are no longer their control and the planet is lost.
Battle droid 1: So what should we do now?
Battle droid 2: Well it's clear the planet is a lost cost and the Republic had take control of the planet. Should we return to our ships?
Battle droid 3: I'm just waiting for further orders from command.
They stand around awaiting orders however little did they know there was a little girl hiding begin some stacks of boxes. When she try to move she accidentally knocks them over which gives her away.
The battle droids turn to see her then she try to ran but then bump into a super Battle droid. She looks up while the super Battle droid aims his wrist blasters at her.
She was incredibly scared as she try to crawl away but the five Battle droids block her. Then command radio them and given them orders.
Separatist command: (radio) Kill all prisoners. That is the order.
Battle droids: Roger, Roger.
Then they all aim their blaster at the little girl. She begins to cry and wished someone could save her. Suddenly a light saber impaled a super Battle droid then he was pulled and then cut in half by Y/n. They look up at him while he looks up at them.
They aim theie blasters at Y/n but then he force push them away and they land onto the ground. Y/n deactivated his light saber then approaches the little girl and kneel down in front of her.
Y/n: Are you lost? Don't be afraid. I'm not gonna harm you.
He gently lend out his hand to her to show he isn't going to harm her. She looks at his hand then grabs it and Y/n helps her up.
Y/n: What's your name?
Aruna: (sniff) Aruna.
Y/n: Aruna, nice to meet you. Where are your parents?
Aruna: I don't have parents.
Y/n:.....I'm sorry. I'll contact some troopers to pick you up.
Aruna: No! Please sir, I need to find my friend! He's oit there and I need to find him.
Y/n: You are brave but this isn't safe.
Aruna: (tears) Please sir! He's my only friend. (Sniff) I'll be upset if I lose him.
Y/n thinks about for a moment then he looks at her and tells her.
Y/n: Very well then. You will come with me.....but stay with me, okay?
She wipe the tears away then node. Suddenly Y/n heard something undead and then sees a Separatist Tank coming towards them. Aruna gets scared then Y/n gets in front of her and activated his light saber.
He make his stand while the tank came along with a squad od Separatist droids. They stop right in front of him and aim their blaster at the two. Aruna holds tightly behind Y/n while was about to protect her.
Suddenly the tank and the battle droids were lifted off of their fight like they have lost gravity all of sudden. Seconds later they were crushed with the tank blowing up.
Then they drop to the ground as Y/n turn and says.
Y/n: There you are! Where have you two.....been?
He was suspected Shiki but is surprised to see a small cloaked robot with his hand up with a green glow on his hand. He lowee his hand then turn to the two.
???: You there. Your a jedi right?
Y/n: Yes I am. That was Ether gravity? How can you-?
???: Perhaps it is best to go somewhere so we can talk. More might come.
Y/n: Right.
(Short while later)
The trio are seen walking through the trail in the woods and since they are safe for now, Y/n ask the mysterious robot.
Y/n: So who are you and how can you use your gravity ether gear?
Xenolith: Because I'm the master of this Ether gear, and my name is Xenolith.
Y/n: Xenolith? I thought you were dead?
Xenolith: I am.
Y/n: What?
Xenolith: Hard to understand but I wasn't always a robot. I use to be a human long ago.
Y/n: So you transfer your mind into a robot body?
Xenolith: Yes.
Y/n: Right.
Xenolith: I noticed when we first met you seem to mistaken me with someone else.
Y/n: Yeah. Shiki use the same ability as you have. Ziggy was also the one who uses gravity.
Xenolith: Ziggy.
Y/n: You know him?
Xenolith: Indeed. I'm his mentor.
Y/n is surprised by this and before he can ask a Separatist gunship flies over head. Aruna gets scared but then Y/n notice they ignore them. He then sense something so he follows it with Xenolith following behind.
Soon they ended up in a massive crater. Down below where the people of Foresta, gathered in the middle while an army of Battle droids stood above them.
Y/n: This isn't good. They are planning to kill them all.
Aruna: My friend might be in here! We have to save them.
Y/n: I'll go and stop this. Xenolith, keep Aruna safe.
Xenolith: There is too many of them. Can you defeat them all?
Y/n: (smirk) Watch.
He then leaps up very high and just before the battle droids were about to execute the citizens, there was a massive bright light above them which they all look up.
Then Y/n in his armor came down and crash onto a group of Battle droids, sending them flying. The citizens are shocked to see an armor warrior appear out of the light.
The battle droids stood there then immediately begin to open fire at Y/n. However when the bolts get close to him, they immediately froze in place. They kept firing but their bolts just froze in place.
Then Y/n immediately fires them back with their own bolts and they all get shot. The tanks all aim their cannons at Y/n and they were about to fire.
However Y/n lifted his hand at them then suddenly they were blown up. Super Battle droids fire their missiles at Y/n but the missiles goes blown up in front of Y/n.
When the smoke clears up Y/n was gone which the super Battle droids look around. They scan around and when they turn he was immediately right in front of them. Y/n cuts them down with his blade and their bodies exploded.
Battle droids try to kill him but they were outmatch as he begins cutting them down while the citizens watch with amazement. Then Separatist fighters and bombers came out of the clouds and were about to open fire at him.
Then he lifted up his hand and suddenly vines came out od the trees and wrapped around the fighters and bombers and immediately pull them down.
They blow up then Y/n hears something loud above him ams saw a Separatist ship appear out of the clouds and hover above the crater.
Y/n stare at the ship as the ship aims its cannons at him and the citizens which all begin to cry out in fear. Then the cannons begin to fire, they hit on the target and they kept firing and after 3 minutes they stop.
The smoke slowly clears up and to Aruna and Xenolith amazement, they see a force shield protecting Y/n and the citizens.
Then rumbling thunder is heard as the nice clear blue skies turn onto a storm. thunder is heard and seconds later a massive lighting bolt hits the ship and the Separatist ship begins to go down.
Soon it crash onto the ground with a large explosion which can be seen in the distances. After seeing the area is clear Y/n's armor disappeared then he goes over to the crater and sees everyone is alive.
Then everyone begins to cheer to Y/n as their savour. He smiles however the was one Battle droid still alive as I lay on the floor. He slowly rasied his blaster and was abiut to shoot when Homura came and ended the droid.
Y/n turn to see Homura along with Shiki, Tech and Echo.
Y/n: Where have you two been?!
Echo: Well blame Tech, he got us lost.
Tech: Don't blame me. One od the battle droids destroyed the map. Luckily we follow the sounds of blaster fire and explosions.
Shiki: (smile) Hey, you were busy.
Y/n: (smirk) You have no idea.
(Sometime later)
The Republic troopers arrive at the crater and they begin to take everyone out of the crater in a line and guided them to the transport ships so they can be taking to base for food and water.
A few citizens thanked Y/n for saving him and a few girls give him kisses as a way to thank him and find him attractive.
Xenolith: It seems the young girls seem to give you a lot of attention.
Y/n: (blush) Yeah.
Echo: So who is here?
Y/n: This is Xenolith and he's Ziggy's mentor.
Homura: (shocked) He's Ziggy's mentor?!
Shiki: (shocked) You use to taught Ziggy?!
Xenolith: Yes and you must be Shiki right?
Shiki: That's right.
Xenolith: Hm. Your Ether gear is strong but not reach true potential. Y/n on the other hand, he's impressive. You took out an army on your own.
Y/n: Normally I save it in case of a bigger and more powerful threat but it was good to use it.
Xenolith: Still it is interesting.
Then he noticed Aruna looking around and is sad. He walks over and ask her.
Y/n: Found your friend?
Aruna: No. I can't find him.
Y/n: Well.....what about a photo? Maybe we identify him?
Aruna: I have one. This was my only one.
She took it out her pocket and show it to him. Y/n looks at it and is stunned to see the small robot that looked like the robot they found when Shiki and the rest were missing.
Aruna: His name is Miimi. He's the only friend I have and I miss him. If you find him, please let me know.
Y/n sees how desperate she is and feels extremely bad to lie. He turn to Shiki and the others, sginal them to leave them be and as they were walking away Y/n tells Aruna what happen and apologies.
Then Aruna begins to cry after Y/n tells her the truth and then he pull her in and hug her. She cries and cries while he still hugs her. It also made him tear up as he knows what it feels like to lose important people in his life.
To be continued........................................................
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