Chapter 71: The hunting grounds
Hunter smashes through a window while bolts fly by follow by Y/n and Akanak leaps through the window as bolts continue to fire at them. Hunter and Akanak take each window and return fire at the Mandalorians.
We see them outside with some taking the roofs and shooting at the store they are in. A few fire missiles at them but Y/n use the force to hold them in thin air and then blows them up.
Covers them as they get down. Akanak poke her head out and then duck down and tells them.
Akanak: They outnumber us. Who the hell are those guys?
Hunter: Well clearly they don't work for the Separatist.
Akanak: We know that.
Hunter: But whoever she was working for must be rich.
Y/n: It doesn't matter. We need to lose them and find Shiki and the rest.
Hunter: Well not like they are gonna leave us alone.
Akanak: So what's the plan?
Y/n looks around then spotted some mannequins and had an idea. We then cut to Tori and her Mandalorians standing and waiting after the smoke cleared up.
She gets bored and have two her Mandalorians to enter and drag them out. The two approaches the door and then kick it open. They slowly enter and look around for them when they spotted Hunters helmet so he shoots him in the head.
The bolt hits the helmet as his body drops to the ground. They walk over and turn a corner only for a singal bolt fired which they immediately dodge and in return he open fire and shot both Akanak and Y/n.
They lowee their blasters but realised they were just Mannequins. Tori came in and sees they were fake and look around and then sees a light at the back.
She walk over and sees a cut hole that leads to the alleyway. She smirks while she said.
Tori: (smirk) Not bad jedi. Find him. Now.
We see the trio getting away from the area as they rush through the street until they were in a safe distance. They stop and take a breath.
Akanak: Not bad.
Y/n: Thanks.
Hunter: I see your starting to open things up for us.
Akanak: Shut up. Where to now?
Y/n: They may search the town for us. We need to find Shiki and the others and get out of here.
Hunter: I got something.
Akanak: Droids?
Hunter: No. Happy and Pino nearby.
Y/n: Then let's go.
They follow Hunter and soon they enter a clothing store and they look around for her. They search around and at first there was nothing but little did they know there was a commando droid around the corner and was ready to ambush them.
Before he could however he was shot from behind and fell in front of Hunter, Y/n and Akanak. They were surprised and then Rebecca came around the corner along with Pino and Happy that turn back into his cat form.
Happy: (smile) Hey guys!
Y/n: (smile) You three okay?
Rebecca: (smile) Yeah and I just saved you Hunter. That commando droid was about to stab you and kill you.
Hunter: Huh how?
Rebecca: (smile) My ether gear.
Akanak: What?
Y/n: She told me she has the power to control time. That's how she knows a group of Bounty hunters were about to destroy the super star destroyer with me and the Bad Batch. As well as you Akanak.
Akanak: I don't believe that.
Rebecca: (smirk) Is that so? Here, take this.
She then give Akanak a pen and notebook which confused her so Rebecca tells her.
Rebecca: Draw anything and I take a guess.
Akanak: Um...okay?
She begins to draw and once done Rebecca takes a guess.
Rebecca: Is it......a orange?
Akanak: No. Its a apple.
Rebecca: (smirk) Let's see about that.
She then active her ether gear and travels a few seconds, to the point where Rebecca hands Akanak the notebook and pen. After she was done Rebecca tells her.
Rebecca: It's an Apple.
Akanak: Y-Yes?
Hunter: How did you know that?
Rebecca: (smirk) My ether gear of course. With this, we can have a chance to-
Suddenly she was struck by pain as she collapses on her knee which Y/n immediately rush up to her.
Y/n: Rebecca! What's wrong?
Rebecca: I....I don't know. It hurts.
Then Rebecca left cheek begins to crack which shocked everyone.
Hunter: I'm not an expert of ether gears but I believe you can't use your ether gear a lot.
Y/n: Hunter is right. It might harm you or kill you. Whenever situation calls for it, you can use it but for now you should take a break from it okay?
Rebecca: Y-Yeah your right? At least we're not in trouble.
Suddenly bolts fly by which they immediately get to cover as Mandalorians is seen at the end of the store and firing at them.
Pino: It seems we're under attack by Mandalorians.
Hunter: Crap! We forgot about them!
Rebecca: Who are those guys?!
Tori: Hold your fire!
They stop firing and Tori step out and then calls out to Y/n.
Tori: Your a sneaky jedi. Your making me liking you even more.
Rebecca: Wait? You know this girl?
Y/n: Let's just say being famous would attract some attention.
Tori: Huh. Can't help but hear a familiar voice. Would that happen to be Rebecca BlueGarden?
Tori: Well this day has gotten even better. Y/n's girlfriend and a B-Cuber. You know I watch your videos whenever I'm bored.
Rebecca: Oh.....thanks....I guess.
Tori: It's an honour meeting a important B-Cuber ever lived. Not to mention how attractive you are.
Rebecca: Attractive?
Tori: Coke on girl, your like the most sexxy ass girl I have ever seen in my life. The breast, the legs and that beautiful face. God, I would love to make love to you along with Y/n.
Rebecca and Y/n turn to look at each other with a "Wtf" face then Tori says.
Tori: Anyways enough the sexual stuff. Be good targets and surrender.
Y/n: Not a chance.
Tori: Oh you will. Trust me. You think the your fighting the Separatist all alone? Please. There is another faction that is more powerful then the Republic and when they find out what you and the Republic are trying to do, then they will see you as their enemy.
Y/n: Who is they?
Tori: The Nero Empire. Those guys are nothing to be messed with. They are powerful, stronger and their armies will surely destroy yours. You have no chance.
Happy: We've beaten an empire before!
Tori: (light laughter) That is cute. Trust me, they are nothing like your empire. They will eliminate you the second you enter to their main capital planet. Trust me, they are not the people you should deal with.
Y/n: And we should be taking your word for it?
Tori: Hey I'm just giving you a simple tip before you and your friends get taking, the cosmos is a dangerous place. But if you surrender now you might be safe. What do you say?
Y/n: So you'll be taking the job?
Tori: Like I said, depends if they pay us or not. But I can't afford messing with them. So what will it be then?
Y/n: Yeah I would say no.
Tori: (smirk) Okay then. I guess we have to-
The wall behind them suddenly exploded snd battle droids march in and begin to open fire at them. They quickly turn and return fire while a few gets shot.
More of her Mandalorians gets killed and soon she was the last one. She tosses a detonator that blows up the battle droids. She was about to turn when suddenly she gets stunned from behind and collapse onto thr ground.
Hunter walks over to her unconscious body while the rest came over to her.
Rebecca: So what should we do with her?
Y/n: We need to get some answers about this empire.
Hunter: Hopefully it's not just the Imperial empire with a new name.
Akanak: Well guess we have to wait until she wakes up and tell us.
Rebecca: Right. Let's get her out of here.
Hunter and Akanak pick Tori up and begin taking her away. Y/n walks with Rebecca, Happy and Pino as Y/n glance over to her cheek to see that it is normal. Rebecca noticed his glance and tells him.
Rebecca: (smile) Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
Y/n: I know but it's just.
They stop for a moment so they can have a private talk. After Pino and Happy disappear around the corner Y/n telle Rebecca.
Y/n: We don't know what your ether gear can do and if you use it again and get hurt. I'm just worried about you.
Rebecca: I'm worry about you as well! You died in the super star destroyer and have you gotten any idea how painful I was when you died! It really hurt, and it's not just me, it's all of us! I've saw the pain in their hearts and they were not the same when you died! Your maybe worried about us but we are also worried about you!
There was silence as the two look at each other and then Y/n tells her.
Y/n: Your right and I'm very sorry for that. It's just.....this war, it reminds me about Order 66 and how I lost everything. I survived but my master and the jedi order....all gone. I lost everyone I cared for and I can't afford losing you and everyone as well. I know it's hard for me to stay alive but if more will die if I sit by and watch.
Rebecca: I know. Maybe I'm being selfish.
Y/n: No of course not. Rebecca I know you and everyone cares for me and I appreciate it and....I don't want to hurt anyone that I care for or let anyone I care for get hurt.
Y/n grabs her hand to ensure her which made Rebecca feel a bit better and the two hug. The two hugged for a bit and then look at each other and then kissed. After the kiss they make their way out of the clothing store while th etwo hold hands.
Rebecca: (smirk) I bet the girls get jealous if they were here.
Y/n: (light chuckle) Probably but I'll protect you. After all, I'm still your bodyguard.
Rebecca let's out a laugh with a nice smile as they meet up with Hunter, Akanak, Happy and Pino with the unconscious Tori as they take her with them as they leave town and head off to find Shiki and the rest.
To be continued................................................
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