Chapter 69: A crusade against all robots

The battle of Foresta have begun with Republic forces decent to the surface of the planet and setting up a massive base with a massive walls surrounding the base and watch towers with snipers keeping a eye on anything.

The Republic ground forces begin assaulting the towns and eliminating Separatist forces and freeing captured humans and taking them to their base where they be given feed, medical care and a place to sleep.

The Separatist Regime knew of this and begin to deploy more droids to push by the Republic forces. Everyone is taking part of the battle with Gray leading a team of sith warriors to take down Separatist anti air cannons to clear the skies.

Carl and Lop leading Delta Squad to raid a Separatist communication outpost so they can find out any important and give the Republic forces a chance by using their coms against them. Kame and Yori lead a battle with Republic troopers as they push on a town.

We then cut to a massive watch tower in the middle of the base where we see Y/n inside with Flanker, Lancer and Doom as they are looking over the battle through the hologram table.

Then the elevator doors open and Akanak enter with her death trooper armor along with Asa, Jimin and Kameko.

Doom: Not bother to chance into your new armor?

Akanak: I rather not. Got a problem?

Doom: Yeah a lot.

Y/n: Take it easy Doom. Akanak glad you can join us. We need all the help we can get.

Akanak: It's not like i have a choice.

Asa: So what's the situation?

Y/n: The Separatist forces are going some good. It seems with the help of the androids the battle is gonna be harder for us.

Flanker: Its not their fault. They must have been hacked by Ziggy.

Lancer: If that's true then there has to be a way to get them back to normal.

Y/n: Hermit you have any ideas?

Hermit: (radio) I needed Weisz help for this. However it seems he is busy.

Y/n: Shiki and the rest should have contacted us after they left for a scouting run. I have a feeling they might be in trouble.

Cody: Sir.

Then Cody enter the room as everyone turn to him as he approach them and said.

Cody: I have these reports of some group of commandos destroying Separatist regime forces.

Flanker: That's good right?

Cody: Not sure. Actually a few troopers of mine encounter a group of them and they said something about "Emperor Nero."

Y/n: Emperor Nero. He must be some leader in this section of this galaxy.

Jimin: So possible good guys?

Asa: We can't be sure unless we talk to one of them of those commandos. Who ever they are.

Cody: They are called "Beast."

Y/n: I see. I suppose we need to investigate this. I'm heading out with the Batch. The rest of you will stay here. Contact me if there is any problems.

Flanker: Be safe Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No need to worry. I'll be fine.

He walks over to the elevator and was about to go down when Akanak came up to him.

Akanak: I wish to join you?

Y/n: You sure?

Akanak: I'm sure. Besides you did got me out of that super star destroyer so.....I suppose I'll return the favour.

Y/n: (smile) Alright then. Let's go.

She goes with him as the elevator doors close while Doom said.

Doom: I don't trust her.

Asa: You trust us right?

Doom: Still she still loyal to the Empire.

Flanker: Well I don't think there is no Empire here. But I'm sure Y/n will handle this.

Doom: Hope your right.


We see the Marauder flying over the trees and soon come across a forest fire. Then they found a spot to land and once they land the batch, Y/n and Akanak came out and look around.

Tech looks around and soon come across soke bit of glue which he kneel down and scan which Y/n walks over to him and ask him.

Y/n: What is it?

Tech: Glue but not anything I've seen.

Hunter walks around and soon come across a small broken android which he picks it up and looks at it for a bit and then return it to Echo and hands him it.

Hunter: See what you can find?

Echo: On it.

He enters back inside the Marauder and then Omega calls out to them. They walk over to Omega and Wrecker which they see a large hole as well as a tree that is broken in half.

Crosshair: Looks like this is Shikis work.

Tech: There's no doubt about it. There is also more glue stuck onto each trees.

Wrecker: So what? The Separatist created Glue?

Tech: I don't think this is the Separatist doing. I believe we might be dealing something far more bigger.

Echo: Check this out.

Echo walks over to them and opens up a hologram of the small android and what it usually look like before it was destroyed.

Echo: The androids name was Miimi and it seems she isn't hacked just like the rest. In fact for what I've gather in her memory banks it seems not all androids are hacked.

Omega: So there are other androids who aren't controlled?

Echo: Looks like it. Unfortunately it seems her and the rest are being killed by a group of humans that seems to target all androids. Hacked or not.

Y/n: That's horrible. Even if the androids are working for the Separatist, some are not.

Akanak: But isn't that a wise decision?

Hunter: What to you mean?

Akanak: We can't be sure that all androids can't be hacked. Some might be waiting for a moment to strike and attack. We can't just risk any to surprise attack us.

Tech: True but if what Echo is saying is true then these people are killing innocent androids.

Akanak: But we can't be sure until it is too late. We need to be more careful when we come across a android. Especially one of our own.

Omega: You think Happy and Pino will turn on us?

Akanak: It's a possibility.

Crosshair: For what we see they are not capable of betraying us.

Akanak: I'm just making a point. We shou-

Suddenly they heard a explosion and turn to see smoke over the trees. Then Y/n can sense Shiki in trouble so he immediately dashes off with the Bad Batch going after him along with Akanak.

Y/n can soon hear Shiki's screams and soon he burst out of the forest and kicks a large orc like beast away from Shiki which he crashed into a few trees.

He breaths heavily and then turns to Shiki who is laying on the floor and kneel down beside him.

Y/n: Shiki you okay? Can you hea-

Suddenly he quickly gets up and active his twin light sabers  as bolts fly out of the forest which he blocks as the massive person came out od the forest.

???: A jedi. I heard a bit about you. Never thought to face one.

Y/n: Who are you.

Orc: They call me Orc and I served the Nero Empire as part of commando team called Beast squard 6.

Y/n: Well stand down. We're here to free this planet from the Separatist.

Orc: And the androids, right?

Y/n: What?

Orc: The Androids are rebellion against humans. We must destroy them all before they can destroy us.

Y/n: They've being hacked by the Separatist. It isn't their fault! Besides not all androids are hacked. There are some that are innocent.

Orc: Innocent? You call those machines innocent? They are killing us and we must fight back.

Y/n: The Separatist are our true enemy, not the androids.

Orc: If your not with us...then I have to take you down.

Quickly he lifted up his arm cannon and open fire which Y/n dodges and blocks the incoming bolts. Then the Bad Batch came ans they open fire at Orc.

Orc moves and turns his guns at them but Y/h quickly dashes ans slice off his barrel of hid cannon. He groans in pain and tries to swing his arm at him but he use the force to his strike.

He then force pushes him away and when he hits the ground he calls apon the force to have vines wrapped around Orc and holding him to the ground.

Once he is tied up the bad Batch race over to the injured Shiki. Y/n turn and came over to Shiki and press his hand onto his head to heal him.

Soon he begins to wake up as he sat up and turn to see them.

Shiki: (smile) Good seeing you all.

Hunter: Can you walk?

Shiki: Y-Yeah. I think so. Thanks.

Omega: It's no problem. What happened to everyone else?

Shiki: We got separated when the bombers drop bombs on us. I think they are hunted down by the same squad which he is apart of.

They turn to Orc still tied up as Y/n stood up and then tells them.

Y/n: We need to split up and find them. Hunter, Akanak you two are with me. Tech, Echo and Shiki will go as well as Crosshair, Wrecker and Omega. We need to find them and regroup back the Marauder.

Tech: We can use trackers so we can watch our moves and find each other more easier.

Hunter: Good idea. Be carful.

Wrecker: Ha! As long we get to smash some droids, there is nothing to worry about.

Omega: (smile) We'll be fine.

Y/n: Okay. May the force be with you all.

They then split off into teams of three and head off to find the rest. Once they are gone a mysterious Mandalorian came out of the forest and pulled out a knife and cut the vines and free Orc.

Orc begins to get up and soon more Mandalorians arrive with a female Mandalorian as she approaches Orc.

???: What happened?

Orc: The Jedi got the upper hand. He's pretty powerful. He wants off that way.

???: Jedi interesting. Okay boys looks like we have a jedi to hunt down. Whoever captures a jedi first gets extra credits by me!

The Mandalorian cheer and they blast off into different directions with the female Mandalorian turn to where Y/n, Hunter and Akanak went and decided to go after them however Orc tells her.

Orc: Got to warn you. This jedi is pretty powerful. He may gain the upper hand.

???: Doesn't matter how powerful a jedi are. In the end.....I'll be victories.

She then heads off as she goes and hunts down Y/n within the forest.

To be continued.............................................

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