Chapter 66: Lost lover (lemon)
Aqua droids keep coming into the temple and firing at Y/n, Gray, Eric, Reznya, Rebecca, Carl and Nadia as Y/n, Gray and Carl deflected the incoming bolts with their sabers while Eric, Reznya and Rebecca fire at the Aqua droids and took a few out.
Nadia: Excuse me but may I ask why are you all fighting?
Rebecca: It's a long story.
Eric: They just keep coming!
Y/n: Gray on me!
Gray: Okay!
The two charge forward while deflection the bolts and once close they start cutting down the Aqua droids. They slice and cut them off as Gray swing shut saber towards Y/n but he leaps over him as Eric cuts the Aqua droid in half while Y/n came down and slice the Aqua droid in half.
They then combine their force push and sent the Aqua droids flying while one came out from the shadows and was about to shoot them only to be crushed by an aquatic fist as Laguna came out and walks over to the two.
Laguna: Allow me.
They allow him as Laguna turns to the Aqua droids and then he gather all the water around him and once that he blasted the water towards the Aqua droids, breaking them apart and sending them out of the temple and into the ocean.
Y/n: Nice work.
Laguna: Thanks.
Nadia: (surprised) Amazing! You sure know how to fight.
Eric: Yes we do.
Rebecca: Just hope everyone up in the surface is alright.
Y/n: I can sense the battle up there. Looks like we're winning.
Gray: (smile) That's because we have over power beings on our side.
Y/n: (smile) True.
Both fist pump while they smiled which made Nadia smile and then she said.
Nadia: (smile) You know, you reminded me of my lover who is always smiling and show pure happiness.
Y/n: (smile) Well hopefully your lover will come back soon.
Nadia: (smile) I believed so as well.
Rebecca: Say who is your lover anyways? You never told us hid name.
Nadia: Oh! How silly of me. I suppose I was too exited meeting new humans it may me forget things Huh. Well if you must know......his name is Andrew, he's a very kind and sweet man and he told me that he will return someday.
They faces have shock of realising as the old ship and skeleton they found was Andrew while Nadia noticed their faces and then ask.
Nadia: Is something wrong?
Y/n: Nadia.......I'm truly am sorry but......I think we have found your lover.
Nadia: (surprised) Really?! You do?! Where?
Y/n: He's.....He's unfortunate......dead. we found his crash ship and his skeleton. I'm sorry but.....he's dead.
Nadia had a horrified face as she slowly cover her mouth and then drop to her knees and begins to cry. She sobs as Rebecca came over and comfort her.
Rebecca: Nadia we're so so so sorry. We really are.
Nadia: (tears) My lover is gone. How?
Y/n: We're not too sure yet but we can-
Nadia: Then take me up there! Please! I want to see him.
Gray: How? Your a old model and that cable is the only thing that keeps you alive.
Carl: Unless we can transfer your mind into a new body and take your old body with us to give some upgrades.
Carl turns to one of the Aqua droids and has an idea.
(Sometime later)
We see Nadia's mind transferred into an Aqua droid while Eric carries Nadia's body after that detected her wires from her back. Once ready Laguna creates an air bubble and they leave the temple.
They make their way to the surface only for Separatist fighters fallen through the ocean as they slowly dodge the fallen fighters. They were almost there when Aqua droids appear behind them and open fire at them.
They race up to the surface and soon they made it as they climb onto shore as well as the Aqua droids. They came up and were ready to fire only for Shiki to came down and blasted them all away.
Y/n: Nice work.
Shiki nodes and noticed one behind them and goes to attack when Rebecca stops him.
Rebecca: Wait? She's okay!
Shiki: Wait she?
Gray: Long story short, we found a old android names Nadia within a temple and we told him about her lover being.....Well dead.
Y/n: Where's everyone else?
Shiki: Clearing out the rest od the Separatist forces. Man so much for a fun vacation.
Y/n: (chuckle) Maybe next time. Oh I almost forgot.
He pulls out one of mother's relics and gives it to Shiki.
Y/n: We got it. Take it to Edens Zero for safe keepings.
Shiki: What about you?
Y/n: We have something to do first.
(Hours later)
After giving Nadia a new upgrade of her body and transferred her mind back to her body, Y/n shows her to the ship and Andrew's body as he looks at his body and gently reach down and touch his skeleton hand.
Y/n: Witch did some research of the body and it turns out he went through a Chronophage which was the reason of his death. I'm sorry.
Nadia: I loved him. He told me he will come back and now....he did. He maybe dies but as long as i remember him....he will not die.
Y/n: (smile) I know your lover will be happy knowing that you are safe.
Nadia: Indeed. Thank you Y/n.....I will always remember you and your friends.
Y/n: You sure you wanna stay here?
Nadia: (smile) Indeed. If I want to die with my lover then so be it. Good luck with your journey and be safe.
Y/n: We will.....thanks for everything Nadia and my the force be with you.
He turns and leaves her as he climb onto a gunship and returns back to the Edens Zero as the ship takes off. Soon y/n enters the veiw area of the Edens Zero and finds Witch there staring at the stars.
Witch: How is Nadia?
Y/n: Sad but happy that she can see her lover again.
Witch: That's good to hear. Can I ask you something?
Y/n: Yeah?
Witch: What do you see androids? What are we like to you?
Y/n: (smile) Your like us. True you were made but you have emotions, can feel and can love. Androids are like humans.
Witch: (smile) And you'll do anything to protect them.
Y/n: (smile) Of course. We all do. I don't care what others say about androids, they are like humans and we should treat them as such.
Witch smiles and she lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips which he kiss her back. The two kissed until they stop and Witch blushes but making a cute smile.
Witch: (smile) Your always kind Y/n. You and everyone here are soo kind. I just wish all humans are like that towards androids.
Y/n: (smile) Same here.
Y/n leaves the room and soon arrives at his room as he collapse onto his bed and lay there for a bit as the doors shut and the lamp light turns on.
???: Tired?
Y/n looks over to see Elsia only wearing her bikni and laying next to him.
Y/n: Kinda sensed you were here.
Elsia: (smirk) You know it. You know I'm kinda wanna have fun with you. I've been dying to have my way with you.
Y/n: (smirk) Is that so?
Elsia: (smirk) Yep. So....wanna do it?
Y/n: Yeah why not. Let's go.
(Lemon start)
Elsia let out a soft yet sexxy giggle as after Y/n take off his clothes Elsia gets on top of him and the two of them make out. They let out some soft moans and have their tongues clash inside as Elsia let out some moans of pleasure as the two make out.
Soon they roll over and Y/n stops kissing her and take off her bra and begins to suck on her breast which made Elsia moan in surprise.
Elsia: (moaning) Oh Y/n~!
He grab both of her breast while sucking her her nipple as Elsia keeps moaning until he goes down to her underwear, took off her underwear and begins to lick her vigina which Elsia can't hold it back and let out some loud moans.
He keeps going for 1 and a half minute until Elsia couldn't take it anymore and let's it out. She let out a loud moan as she releases it as Y/n lick some stuff off of his face and then he gets up top of her and the two make out once more.
By then Elsia gets really turned on as she slammed Y/n onto the wall as they aggressively make out as Elsia lifted Y/n's up by the legs while Y/n wrap his arms around her neck and they kiss roughly. Then Y/n begins kissing her neck which makes her moan as he continues kissing her neck and soon they collapse back onto the bed and Y/n inserts his dick into her and thrusting his dick into her.
This made Elsia let out more and more moans as he keeps going for sometime. He keeps going by this time faster and and harder which Elsia seemed to really like and after a while the two feel it and before long they both let out pleasure like yell.
They were sweating as they look at each other and then Elsia turns him over and she moves down and begins giving him a blow job. She suck his dick which made Y/n let out some moans of pleasure as she keeps going, licking his dick while sucking it which made Y/n grab tightly onto his blanket and then he can feel it coming and soon his dick erupted as Elsia swallow it all.
(Lemon ends)
Elsia moves up next to him as the two were breathing heavily as Y/n turns to Elsia.
Y/n: That was great.
Elsia: (smirk) You can say that again.
They pull over the blanket over them as Elsia cuddles Y/n while Y/n looks up at the ceiling and ask Elsia.
Y/n: Hey Elsia?
Elsia: Yeah?
Y/n: Do you think Ziggy can be redeemed? I mean....if we do confront him.....I don't want to kill Shiki's grandfather. Perhaps there is a way to make him turn good.
Elsia: Maybe......but if not then the Ziggy Shiki knows him is long gone. We have to do whatever we can to stop him, no matter what.
Y/n: I know but still.....He's still Shiki's grandfather and.....I don't want to be the one to kill him.
Elsia: It's hard I understand. But you or Shiki are the only ones that can stop him. If not Shiki You are the hero of the Cosmos after all......they needed a hero to end the great evil once and for all.
Soon Elsia falls asleep and lays on Y/n's chest while Y/n continues staring up at the ceiling and fears that killing Ziggy may upset Shiki and he doesn't want to do that.
He'll try to make Ziggy see reason and chance him to becoming good again but if that fails then he must be the one to strike him down and save the cosmos before all human life is gone.
To be continued.........................................
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