Chapter 65: The first temple

Deep within the oceans we find a squad of Aqua clone troopers swimming deep into the oceans of the planet called Red Cave. They dive deep and deep to the ocean until they come across something amazing. They where met a huge underwater city that looks like it has been under water for years as they stared at this found.

Aqua Clone troopers: Captain I'm detected a unknown ship somewhere here.

Aqua Clone trooper Captain: Alright then. Let's check it out.

They head over and check this out and soon they found it. They swim close to the ship and looked inside only to find a skeleton inside as they suspected the ship and it seems very old.

Aqua clone trooper Captain: Let's take this to the surface so the generals will have a look at this.


Up at the surface we see everyone enjoying their time at Red Cave and having fun at the beach. Some where at the ocean, splashing around while soke where at shore and relaxing. We see Y/n and Carl relaxing by the shore with their shorts as Y/n ask his father.

Y/n: You ever been to thid planet before?

Carl: Don't think so but this is pretty neat.

Y/n: (smile) Agree. Still you think this is where we find one of mothers relics?

Kira: What? You don't believe me?

Then Kira, Kleene and Maria came up to Y/n with their bikinis as Y/n noticed Kleene and ask.

Y/n: I thought you and your brother didn't want to join us on the beach.

Kleene: I wanna have fun as well.

Maria: (smirk) More importantly wanted to see your sexxy body.

Kira: (smirk) Damn he maybe hot with his clothes on but he's even more hotter without them.

Y/n blushes while Carl smirks to see his son getting flirted by some girls.

Ella: Grandpa! Daddy! Look! Look!

They turn to see Ella, Happy and Pino making a pretty cool sand castle as they finish by placing a jedi flag on it and they are done.

Pino: (smile) What do you think?

Happy: (smile) Awesome castle right?!

Y/n: (smile) Amazing you three. That is a cool sand castle.

Ella: (smile) Thank you.

Gray: Hey guys.

Then Gray came up to them along with Eric and Reznya as Gray tells them.

Gray: The squad of Aqua troopers came back and they have something.

Y/n: Okay then, let's see it.

Moments later they see a small ship being pulled into shore as they suspect the ship while Shiki, Rebecca, Homura and Weiss came up to them.

Rebecca: Is that a ship?

Homura: A very old one.

Weiss: Doesn't look like any ship we're familiar with.

Aqua clone trooper Captain: No. It seems this was a star fighter and the skeleton inside is unknown but we found this badge.

He give it to Y/n as he takes it and looks at the badge.

Y/n: "Andrew." Any idea who this guy is?

Aqua clone trooper Captain: No sir. Whoever this guy maybe must be unknown.

Y/n: I see.

Aqua clone trooper Captain: That's not all. We believe we found the temple that we have been looking for.

Y/n: Good job Captain. Get some rest.

He saluted and he ans his squad make theie leave while Y/n turn to everyone else.

Y/n: Okay here's the plane. Me, my dad, Gray, Eric and Reznya will head down and check out this temple while the rest of you will stay here and contact us if there is a Separatist attack.

Shiki: You sure you don't need back up?

Carl: Well judging how the Captain and his squad came back without any deaths. Guess you can say there is no sea monsters ready to eat us.

Y/n: But if there is, we'll be ready.

Shiki: (smile) Well good luck man. Stay safe.

He nodes and everyone started to leave except for Rebecca who looks worried which he ask her.

Y/n: Is something wrong?

Rebecca: It's just.......I'm just afraid that you will die before.

Y/n: Oh.....Well.....maybe you can come along. Would that be okay?

Rebecca: Yeah. I'm sorry.

Y/n: No, no need to apologise. I mean if you died and came back to life I have to do anything I can to keep you safe. Still I won't worry you again, I promise.

Rebecca: (smile) Thanks. So how can we get down there without drowning?

Y/n: We can use rebreathers.....but I have another idea.


We see the group being drop down as we see them in a air bubble made by Laguna as they move through the ocean and watching the beautiful wild life under water which amazed them.

Reznya: (smirk) Ain't this romantic isn't it Eric?

Eric: (smirk) You said it.

Laguna: It's lucky that you two have lovers while I'm all alone. It's sad.

Rebecca: Hey! Let's try go through this without crying Okay?

Laguna: Your so mean.

Carl: So where is this temple?

Y/n shut his eyes and use the force to sense it. He felt a strong presence and then he open his eyes and points to the direction. They go to the direction and soon they arrived at the temple.

Rebecca: (surprised) Wow look at this!

Carl: This is the temple alright.

Gray: (surprised) Still amazing.

They move through the ancient city towards the temple which they go inside and once inside they noticed there is air so Laguna gets rid od the air bubble and they look around at the temple.

Y/n: I can feel the temples power. Its strong.

Carl: Same here. This temple holds many secrets.

Rebecca: (nervous) It is kinds creepy.

???: Hello there visitors!

They jumped as Y/n, Carl and Gray draw out their light sabers while Eric and Reznya aim their blaster rifles as they turn to where the sound was and soon a female android came out of the shadows with a very long cable behind her back as she approaches them.

???: (smile) My apologies for scaring you all. It has been a while since I've seen anymore besides my love. What brings you here?

After seeing she is not a threat, they put away their weapons and stand down.

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n, we're from the Republic and we came here to search for one of mother's relics.

???: Hm why?

Y/n: There is a massive threat that we need to stop and those relics are the only ones that can save the universe.

???: (smile) Ah so you fight for justice. I'm glad there is still a universe with heroes still out there.

Rebecca: Wait. She's a old android model.

Y/n: How can you be sure?

Laguna: Back then, Androids have long cables attached to their backs and if that's ever been pulled then they will die. I'm surprised this one still functions.

Y/n: Huh, interesting. Tell me, what's your name?

Nadia: (smile) My name is Nadia, a pleasure to meet you. Do you happen to know where my lover is?

Y/n: No we don't know sorry. Is he another android?

Nadia: Oh no. He's a human. You see, we both fall in love and have been together until he left but promised he will come back.

Rebecca: (smile) Aaaww that's romantic.

Y/n: So guess I'm not the only one who has female androids fall for me.

Carl: (chuckle) Seems like it son.

Nadia: Hm? You also have a android girlfriend as well.

Carl: (smirk) All three of them. Actually he has a harem, I'm both jealous and proud of my boy here.

Y/n: (blush) Dad!

Nadia: (giggle) Sounds quite interesting. Anyways if you wish to get the relic of mother then follow me.

They follow her and soon they arrived at a wall which suddenly open and they were met with a hallway filled with steam.

Nadia: (smile) At the end of this hallway, a relic will be sitting there and be waiting to be collected.

Rebecca: (smile) Really? This is going to be easy.

Rebecca goes first and after a while she came back screaming as her body feels ten times hotter and her clothes were burning off as she covers them.

Nadia: Oh I forgot to mention the steam is extremely hot.

Rebecca: You could have told us sooner?!

Y/n: In that case. Laguna, with me.

Laguna nodes and form a bubble which the two go in while the rest stay behind as both Y/n and Laguna walk through the steam, being protected by a water bubble.

Y/n: Hey thanks for doing this Laguna.

Laguna: Your thanking me? After what I did a long time ago.

Y/n: That maybe true but you can change. Anyone deserves a second chance sometimes.

Laguna: I see. You have grown.

Y/n: Yeah. I have. So random question, can you use your water abilities to change into anyone?

Laguna: Yeah.

Y/n: Huh. That's useful. Good thing I picked you to join us on this mission.

Laguna just nodes and soon they reach the end of the temple where it is cool and they see the relic. Y/n make his way over and stared at the relic and then he picked it up.

???: Y/n L/n.

He immediately turn around only to end up standing in space. He looks around, seeing that he is standing in the middle of space. Then he sensed something and turn and is shocked to be met with Mother but not her real self but possible she is connecting him with the force.

Y/n: (shocked) Mother.

Mother: Y/n L/n. The fate of all universes rest on your hands. There is a evil darkness coming and this darkness is more of a threat than Ziggy himself.

Y/n: I don't understand. What is more of a threat then Ziggy?

Mother: This universe may have its dark side but there is countless universes that have their own dark sides. Now this threat attempts to bring a great darkness from another universe to this one and you Y/n L/n, are the only hope that can stop it. Once you stop Ziggy and his army, travel to the planet of Exegol. There you will face the greatest threat that all universes has ever seen.

Y/n: But how can I find this planet?

Mother: You don't need to find it. Trust will know where it is.

Suddenly there was a flash of light and seconds later we see Y/n laying on the ground as he slowly open his eyes ans sees everyone standing over him. He gets up and shake his head and ask.

Y/n: What happened?

Eric: Laguna told us you fall unconscious the second to touch the relic so he brought you all the way back here.

Y/n turns to Laguna who is lend against the wall as he give him a smile with a node and then he gets up and holds the relic on his hand.

Rebecca: We have one now.

Y/n: Yeah. Now, we need the rest.

Nadia: Oh I believe we have more guests.

They were confused and turn to the entrance only to see Aqua droids enter and spotted them.

Y/n: Crap! Separatist!

Aqua droids: Open fire.

They open fire which they take cover as they continue to fire at them while we cut to outside to see a army filled with Aqua droids as they dive into the ocean while at above we see a massive battle taking place as the Republic forces holds off Separatist Regimes fleet as they arrive to take mothers relic.

To be continued...........................................

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