Chapter 64: Dream or reality
Rains pours from the sky above as we see what it appears to be a graveyard within a unknown planet as we see a crowd of people gathering around on a recent person who have died as an old man says his words to the person who have died and then closes his book. Soon the grave gets dig up and one by one the crowd make their leave as the crowd slowly walks away.
Soon all that is left is one. We see this person to be female and have tears in her eyes as she kneel down to place down some flowers as she look up the grave and we see the women to be Rebecca as she said.
Rebecca: (tears) I'm so sorry that we couldn't save you. I love you.
She then stood up and leave as we see a gravestone with the name belonging to "Y/n L/n" who died when Bounty hunters lead by Genko destroyed the super star destroyer while they were inside. The bad batch and Gray were also killed as the result of the blast.
Then we cut to Edens Zero as we see Rebecca in the shower as she is crying and letting it all out as her lover is now gone and she was too late to save him. She then sat down of the shower still crystal as she thinks to herself while crying.
Rebecca: (thought) I'll do anything just to save him on time. I just....want to save him for all the things....he has done.
She continues to sob when suddenly her leg started to glow and all of a sudden there was a flash and immediately Rebecca woke up from bed and sat up very quickly as she breaths heavily and look around.
She find herself in her room with Ella and Happy laying next to her as she looks at the two and then shake her head when suddenly the door open and Y/n came in and said.
Y/n: Morning Rebecca. You okay?
She turn to see him and then she rushed over and then hug him which surprised him a bit.
Y/n: Wow Rebecca, you alright? Did you have a dream?
Rebecca: Y-Yeah. I think I have.
Y/n: Well how's about we grab some coffee and you'll tell me everything.
Rebecca: O-Okay.
(Moments later)
We see the two in the kitchen and sat at the table as Rebecca told him about her dream and how he died in hee dream which shocked him. Then Gray came in and then noticed the two.
Gray: (smile) Here I thought I was the only one who is awake.
Y/n: Hey Gray. Sorry if we woke you up.
Gray: That's okay. Say are you okay Rebecca?
Rebecca: Yeah. I had this awful dream that you, the bad batch and Y/n died.
Gray: How?
Y/n: She said we were in a supee star destroyer when a group of Bounty hunter lead by Genko came and blow up the supee star destroyer.
Gray: Genko? Isn't that Bounty hunter from the planet of Guilts?
Rebecca: That's right. Everyone was sad and ashamed. I blame myself, I could have done something but I.....I..
Y/n: Rebecca it's okay. It was all a dream. Me, Gray and The Bad batch are okay ans safe. Besides I don't think there is a supee star destroyer pass through the dragons wall.
Soon Witch, Hermit and Sister came in and inform Y/n, Rebecca and Gray.
Witch: (smile) Y/n, Gray and Rebecca, you three woke up just in time. We're exiting out of Hyper space and coming up on the dragon wall.
Y/n: (smile) That's good. Have you contacted the Fleet?
Sister: Yep. Hope we're not too late.
They make their way to the bridge with Rebecca had a strange feeling about this as they arrived at the bridge. Once there Edens zero and the Republic fleet jump out of Hyper space and arrived at the dragon wall and seeing the dragons dead.
Everyone is shocked by this while Rebecca is looking at all of this and felt something familiar as if she been here yet that is impossible.
Witch: Hold on....I'm detected a super star destroyer at the other side of the wall.
Rebecca: (shocked) Wh-What did you say?
Sister: A super star destroyer. However that can't be possible.
Gray: Looks like it is, look.
They Soon see it coming up into veiw which Rebecca is shocked as she slowly moves backwards while Y/n turns and noticed her shock and then Rebecca collapses.
Y/n: Rebecca!
Y/n rushes over to her while everyone turn to Rebecca as Rebecca tells everyone.
Rebecca: (shocked) That's it. The dream I've been telling you about. If you go in there, you'll never come out of there alive.
Y/n turns to the supee star destroyer while he turns back to Rebecca and helps her up.
Gray: So should we investigate the ship or what?
Hermit: What if it holds invisible information?
Sister: Still I have no idea what Rebecca is talking about.
Y/n: Whatever is going on it could have information inside. Me, Gray and the Bad Batch will head inside to investigate.
Rebecca: Wait! Take me with you, please!
Seeing how worrying Rebecca is he nodes and tell her.
Y/n: Sure thing. Wake up Happy and meet up at the bridge.
Soon Gray and Y/n leave to get the bad batch and once they left Rebecca turns to Witch and tells her.
Rebecca: Any unknown ships gets near the Super Star destroyer, call me! Trust me. They will die if I gets inside.
Witch: Understood.
Soon Rebecca leaves to get Happy while Witch and the others were confused and hoping that Rebecca is okay.
The Marcauder lands inside the hanger and once that Y/n, Gray, Rebecca, Happy and he Bad batch exit out of the marauder and look around to see it completely empty ans dark so Gray and Y/n light up with their light sabers while Happy noticed Rebecca being concerned as Tech said.
Tech: It appears they were attacked.
Wrecker: Yeah by who?
Hunter: Possibly themselves or droids.
Omega: Why would they attack each other?
Gray: You know how imperials are when they wanted power. Probably they must have a civil war within this super star destroyer.
Y/n: Let's hope that's true otherwise we have a bigger problem. Crosshair, Tech, Rebecca and Happy stay with the ship. The rest will look around.
Tech: Yes sir.
Crosshair: On it.
Y/n and his team leave as Rebecca watch them go and once that she look around all nervous and turn to space to see no ships.
Happy: Is everything okay Rebecca?
Tech: Yes you seem nervous for some reason.
Rebecca: Look I know this may sound crazy but you all will get attacked and this star destroyer will be destroyed and killing you all within it.
Crosshair: You have proof?
Rebecca: I.....I don't know but trust me. It will happen.
Happy: Look! There's something coming.
They look over and they see a ship flying towards the hanger. Rebecca knows what will happen so she pulled Tech and Crosshair to cover and behind the cargo as they watch and see the ship landing next to theirs and then a group of Bounty hunters came out with Genko as he look around and noticed the bad batches ship.
Genko: Looks like our friends are here. Plant some explosions at the generator room. Let's make this place go boom.
Rebecca: (whisper) See! They're gonna use explosions at the generator and blow this ship about.
Tech: (whisper) If that's the case then we must stop them.
Crosshair: (whisper) Already on it.
They turn to see Crosshair aiming down his blaster rifle and fire at the group of Bounty hunters with explosions as they fell onto the floor. This shocked Genko and the others as Rebecca and Tech spring into action as Happy changed into Rebecca's twin Pistols and open fire at Genko's Bounty hunters.
Genko: (shocked) What the hell?!
Genko sees this surprising attack and tries to escape but Crosshair fired a grapple that grabs Genko as he was pulled back and hit the floor as Tech came over to him and then stun him as he falls onto the ground unconscious.
Rebecca sees that and breaths a sigh of relief that Y/n and the rest are safe. Soon Y/n ans his team came back with Akanah as they walk over and noticed bodies of the Bounty hunters and the captured Genko to which Y/n asked.
Y/n: Did we miss anything?
Tech: Very much so and it was all thanks to Rebecca.
Akanah: Why? What did she do, isn't she a B-Cuber?
Y/n: (smile) More then that. She's a good friend to all of us and....a person i love.
Rebecca started to tear up and then she rushed over qnd then hug him. He ug back and after that they inform everyone about the super star destroyer and we see Shiki, Weisz, Homura and everyone else moving the supplies from the Super star destroyer to Edens Zero.
We then see Rebecca in her room as she calls in Noah qnd soon he answered. Once he did she informed him what happened to which he tells her.
Noah: (hologram) I see. There could only be one thing. You must have used your either gear.
Rebecca: I must have been but how?
Noah: (hologram) Well let's see. In this alternative timeline, what did you do before you time travelled back?
Rebecca: Well i was crying in the shower after the funeral and all of a sudden there was a flash and all of that leg.
Noah: (hologram) Then I may have a possible theory. Whenever something tragic happens to you or to your friends, it must have cost your either gear to jump back to the moment where it has happened or possible you've hoped into another universe. That would explain why Drakken called you No.27. It must be how many times you've changed time or hope into alternative reality.
Rebecca: (shocked) I don't believe it. So what now?
Noah: (hologram) I suggest calling me if anything happens. It may seem useful but messing with it will cost some timelines to alter very differently.
Rebecca: Well everything seems to be the same.
Noah: (hologram) Well keep an eye on anything okay. Whatever you do, don't use your ether gear too much okay?
She nodes and after that Y/n came into her room and walk up to her.
Y/n: You okay?
Rebecca: Yeah I'm sorry for all of that. I may have sounded a bit crazy earlier.
Y/n: (smile) No that's okay. Actually I should be thanking you Rebecca. If you would have warned us about what will happen, then our fates would been the same.
Rebecca: (smile) Just glad your safe and sound.
Y/n smiled and then the two kissed as Edens Zerois finished with the transfer and then make their flight towards the first planet to find one of mothers relics before Ziggy and his army finds it first.
To be continued..........................................
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