Chapter 63: The abandon super star destroyer
We find Y/n in his room sleeping within Edens Zero as the journey was very long in hopes to get to the dragon walls. Everything seemed to be fine while travelling through Hyper space. We see a mirror next to Y/n's bed that had a perfect veiw of Hyper space as Y/n is sleeping peaceful. A while later he slowly woke up, he slowly open his eyes and look up at the ceiling for sometime and then he sat up.
He look around him and hearing nothing out side of his door meaning everyone could be sleeping. He decided to get some coffee so he climb out of bed and leaves his room. He walk down the hallway and soon stop by Rebecca and Happy's room as he open their door and find the two sleeping together with Ella sleeping with Rebecca as they cuddle.
Y/n smiled as he remember them worming on a video together before they go to bed. He then close the door and make his way to the kitchen and pour in soke coffee into his cup.
Once he had his coffee he head to the bridge and look through Hyper space while taking a sip of his coffee.
Gray: Here I thought I was the onky one one is awake.
He turn to see Gray as he approach him and stood next to him.
Y/n: (smile) Figure I'll wake up first and have my coffee.
Gray: (smile) You made the right call there.
The two stare out of the window of the bridge in slince when Gray tells Y/n.
Gray: How did you feel about seeing your father?
Y/n: Surprised and exited. I thought I would never see my father but now seeing him again made me happy. True my mother is dead but at least I have my father and my friends.
He turn to Gray and realised he's a bit upset about seeing hid parents while he doesn't have one so Y/n reply.
Y/n: Sorry. I didn't mean to-
Gray: (smile) Oh no that's okay dude. Besides I'm glad you meet your father. He was very proud of you how grown up you are.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. My mother would be proud of me as well.
Gray node with a smile. Then Witch, Sister, Mosco and Hermit came into the bridge and noticed Gray and Y/n were awake.
Witch: (smile) Y/n, Gray, you woke up just jn time. We're exiting out of Hyper space and coming up to the dragon wall.
Y/n: (smile) That's good. Have you contact the fleet?
Sister: Yep. Hope we're not too late.
Soon Edens Zero and other Republic fleets exit out of Hyper space and what they were seeing shocked them. There was dead dragons floating through space as they fly straight through the bodies of the dragons.
Gray: (shocked) By the force!
Hermit: (shocked) Ziggy must have his Four dark stars push through the dragons.
Sister: Crap. We might be too late.
Y/n: True. However as long we know what to do, Ziggy and his forces will not find Mother. We just need to focus on our mission and-
Witch: Hold on......I'm detected a Supee Star destroyer at the other side od the wall.
Gray: Is it Imperial?
Witch: Yes. It seems the thrusters are damaged but I have no radio contact to anyone on board.
Y/n: Let's investigate it then.
They agree as they fly through the dead floating dragons and once at the other side they spotted the Supee Star destroyer floating through space and no sign of any life what so ever.
Gray: Did the Separatist Regime attack this ship?
Sister: I would be surprised if they did. But it's a possibility it was the dragons.
Hermit: I have no radio communication within the Supee Star destroyer. Everything is slient.
Y/n: In that case we should head in and find out. You with me Gray?
Gray: (smirk) Hell yeah man.
Witch: Should we wake up everyone and tell them about this?
Y/n: (smile) Let them sleep, besides it seems there is no power so it will be fine if me, Gray and the Bad batch go in and see what we can find.
Witch: Right. I'll wake up the bad batch.
Y/n: Alright then. Let's go Gray.
Gray: (smile) Right behind you.
(Moments later)
We see the Marcauder entering the supee star destroyers hanger and made a landing at the hanger. Once that Y/n, Gray and the Bad Batch exit out of the marauder and look around. It's completely dark with no lights around them. The bad batch turn on their light switches attached to their helmets while Gray and Y/n pulled out their flash lights and shine it around.
They found some dead Stormtroopers laying on the floor along with destroyed tie fighters as Tech kneel down at one of the Stormtroopers and sees a bolt on his chest.
Tech: It appears they were attacked.
Wrecker: Yeah but by who?
Hunter: Possibly themselves or droids.
Omega: Why would they attack each other?
Gray: You know how Imperials are when they wanted power. Probably they must nave a civil war within this super star destroyer.
Y/n: Let's hope that's true otherwise we have a bigger problem. Crosshair, Tech, stay with the ship. The rest will look around.
Tech: Yes sir.
Crosshair: On it.
Y/n, Gray, Omega, Hunter, Wrecker and Echo leave the hanger and make their way through the hallway as they first make their way to the control room to see what happened here.
Along the way they come across more dead Stormtroopers laying on the floor with bolts on their armor chests and they slowly started to doubt that it was not themselves they were fighting.
After a few minutes they made it to the control room and Echo plug himself into the control console which turns on the computers.
Echo: I'm hacking into theie security cameras. Jeez this place is huge, it really is like a city.
Hunter: Kinda like Drakkens ship the Bellal Gore.
Wrecker: It eas lucky you took him down Y/n. If I where you, I would break his back.
Y/n: (smile) Same but I think I give him a lesson about messing with our friends.
Echo: You can say that again. Wait....I'm in. Looks like this ship was invaded by battle droids after that they left.
Hunter: Must be here to steal some of theie supplies.
Echo: Could be. Still they are smart, they use a Imperial shuttles that they have stolen to sneak theie way in, use commando droids to disguise themselves as Stormtrooper to plant some explosion in different important parts of the ship and then spring a ambush once the explosion goes off.
Omega: So these ain't the same droids like in the clone wars?
Hunter: No, they are organised, smart and very dangerous.
Y/n: It seems this war will be a bit harder then we may thought.
???: Don't move.
They slowly turn and were faced with a female death destroyer with a broken helmet on her and broken armor as she stood by the door while aiming her blaster rifle at them.
Y/n: Take it easy. We're not here for any trouble.
???: Shut it Republic scum. You think you have ever right coming here and try to steal our intel.
Echo: We're not doing anything. We just wanna know what happened here.
Gray: Please calm down. I understand the Imperials and Republic hate each other but right now we have a common enemy now. There is no reason now to hate each other.
Y/n: That's right. We're here to stop the Separatist Regime of finding mother before it is too late. You can trust us.
She stared at them for sometime until she lower her blaster and then took off her helmet, revealing her face to them.
Akanah: I guess you have a point there. In that case, my name is Akanah, I'm a Sargent of the imperial empires Death Trooper squad.
Y/n: Tell us why is this ship at the other side of the dragon fall and why was the Separatist Regime here.
Akanah: Well....we came here to find Mother however we were blocked by dragons. We figured we can punch through but we got attacked and lucky survived however the supee star destroyer was too damaged to move so we were stranded for a very long time. Soon a Imperial shuttle came and at first we thought we were saved but.....we were wrong. Those Separatist droids massacred everyone and stolen our supplies and weapons and rejoin then fleet that was outside and then left. I was the only survivor.
Y/n: I'm very sorry for that.
Akanah: Thanks. However before they felt I saw a massive ship I've never seen before and i believe it is ancient.
Gray: What makes you say that?
She walked over to the control console and type in something and then a hologram of a massive ship is shown.
Akanah: That's the ship I'm talking about.
Gray: (shocked) What is that?
Echo: No idea. Never seen a ship like this one before.
Y/n: Still it does look ancient. Whatever it is can't be good in the hands of Ziggy.
Akanah: Who?
Omega: He's the leader of the Separatist Regime and his goal is to find Mother and wish for the extinction of the human race.
Akanah: Shit. If that's the case then I guess there is a reason working along side with my enemies then.
Y/n: So will you join us?
Akanah: Sure, it's not like I have a choice anyways.
Y/n: (smile) That's good to hear. Come on let's head back and-
Tech: (radio) Um guys. We may have a problem.
Hunter: What's wrong?
Tech: (radio) A group of Bounty hunter have landed at the hanger and now they are attacking us.
Y/n: Hang in there Tech, we're coming.
Once that they race through the hallway and soon arrived back to the hanger where they see a group of Bounty hunters firing at Tech and Crosshair when Y/n ans Gray activated their light sabers and the Bounty hunters turn and aim at them.
???: Well, Well, Well, it seems we have meet again jedi. It's been a while hasn't it.
Then Genko show himself as he aim his blaster at Y/n and goes on to say.
Genko: Long time no seek jedi.
Gray: You know this guy?
Y/n: The Bounty hunter who kidnapped Rebecca and killed Homura's mother.
Genko: I see you have new friends. How interesting, guess you made new friends since the last time we met.
Y/n: Listen Genko. We have no time for this. There is a dangerous threat out there and we need to-
Genko: What the Separatist Regime? Yeah, we know. In fact, we're working for them.
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Gray: How can you be working for Ziggy?
Genko: He promised us fit within his Regime if we did the job right.
Y/n: Your joking a side who wants to wipe out mankind!
Genko: At least we be speared and can live on doing our business. Besides, this might be the last time we will meet each other.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Then Genko pulled out a detonation trigger and shows it to them as he said.
Genko: I had my Bounty hunter team plant explosions at the core of this Super Star destroyer that will blow up once I pull this trigger. Here is the deal, give us everything that is important or this ship will explode. Tick, tock jedi, what will it be?
Y/n, Gray, Akanah and the Bad Batch stood there as they can't risk Genko blowing up the Super Star destroyer with them inside. Hopefully Witch or anyone will notice them being troubled and will come in to help them.
To be continued......................................
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