Chapter 61: The threat we are dealing with

Y/n starts to wake up as he slowly open his eyes and find himself in the medical bay of Edens Zero after he was chocked to unconscious and then he looks over to see Rebecca sitting next to his bed as she noticed him waking up as he slowly gets up while Rebecca helped him sat up.

Rebecca: You okay?

Y/n: I'm okay. What happened?

Rebecca: Ziggy.....Ziggy attacked us. He show his army to us and then he left with his fleet and Edens One.

Y/n: Edens one? Wait, what about everyone else? Are they all okay?

Rebecca: Yeah. They are all okay and they are safe. Right now we're back at Blue Garden, trying to figure out what is going on. We speak the senate about this and.....Captain Connor.

Y/n: What about him?

Rebecca: He betrayed us. He took his ship and gone with Ziggy.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! Why?

Rebecca: We don't know. That's why we're getting some answers.

Y/n: From who?

Rebecca doesn't know if she would tell him but after a short while she stare at Y/n and then tells him.

Rebecca: This man claims to be your father.

Y/n sat there frozen for a moment. Not sure if all of this was some kind of a joke but he can sense that Rebecca is not lying and so he ask Rebecca.

Y/n: Where is he?


At the cell we see Y/n's father in his cell while we see Shiki and the others staring at him like he has something to do with Ziggy's turn and knowledge of his threat as he called out to them.

???: I'm not the threat here! Ziggy is and he's gonna kill us all if we don't do something! Just let me go and I can help.

Weisz: Sorry man but I don't think we can do that. You sure up just to save Y/n who is "your son" and somehow you know what is going on. Kinda suspicious if you ask me.

Pino: If you wish to help us then you should explain yourself and give us every information you know.

Shiki: Yeah and now.

Carl: Okay I tell you. My name is Carl L/n and I'm friends with Ziggy but not anymore. It's a long story but you had to trust me please.

Y/n: Let him go.

They all turn to see Y/n ans Rebecca enter the room and walking up to them.

Happy: (smile) Your okay!

Shiki: You sure?

Y/n: I'm sure. Let him go.

Shiki nodes as Sister releases Carl and he step out of the way and he and Y/n look at each other. Carl smiled as he touch his cheek.

Carl: (smile) I've been waiting years to see you son. You've grown up soo much.

Then he immediately hugged Carl which surprised him but smiled and then huge Y/n back. Everyone smiled to see that Y/n has his father and suddenly someone called out.

???: Alright enough of that Carl, it's time we explain to them what is going on.

They turn to see Elsie and her crew at the entrance of the cell along with Angel and her Eternal Empire knights as Carl nodes to her and then turn to his son and everyone else.

Carl: Come, I have a lot to explain.


They were at the meeting room and they were waiting for Carl to explain as he stood there next to Elsie as Carl looks up at everyone and then goes on to say.

Carl: I know you all are shocked, confused and angry on what is going on right now.

Sister: Yeah. Very much so.

Ashoka: You know what is going on?

Carl: A bit but allow me to explain. A long time ago after Ziggy have the shooting stars to split apart across the cosmic galaxy, me, Elsie and Ziggy were talking about the future and Ziggy wishes to go and find Mother and after that he left. Me and Elsie stay at GrandBell and taking care his citizens. We stayed at Grandbell for years until he made his return but with a unknown army which was his Separatist Regime. At first we ask why he brought a new army but his only response was him attacking us. We defended ourselves and managed to defeated him but he escape. After that I knew that Ziggy will not stop until he success so I did the only thing I have to do. I reprogrammed every android on GrandBell, thinking Shiki passed away and rewriting their memories so they will remember him as a kind king.

Shiki: But that doesn't make sense. I remember Shiki as kind and I'm not a machine.

Carl: That's because I use my force mind trick to rewriting your memories so you won't go down to a dark path if Ziggy didn't taught you about friendship and human. And I have to hide my son which is you Y/n so Ziggy will not find him. So I took you to the Coruscant where my brother take you and bring you to the jedi order.

Rebecca: You have a brother?

Carl: Yes. His name is Zen L/n and he's your uncle Y/n.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Everyone was shocked by this as well but then Lop ask.

Lop: So what is Ziggy's goal now he ie back?

Elsie: Isn't it obvious? He's gonna find Mother and wipe all human life in the whole universe. Leaving a universe for machines to rule with Ziggy being the Emperor of them.

Rebecca: But he needs to pass the dragon wall to do that right?

Witch: Yes and only the four shooting stars has enough power to go through the dragon wall.

Carl: That's why he made four new shooting stars for Edens One.

Sister: (shocked) You shitting me aren't you?!

Hermit: (shocked) He replaced us.

Carl: I'm sorry. The reason I know of Edens one was because it was suppose to be the final works of our ship. You see, Edens Zero was the prototype while Edens One was the completed version of it. Our original ideal for the four shooting stars was to have your minds be transferred into new bodies and making them stronger, faster and more intelligent then the bodies for Edens Zero. But now Ziggy completely replace you all with new Shooting stars and right now he is going through the dragon wall as we speak.

Jinn: So this means he already won.

Elsie: Not exactly. He needs to search for the ancient relics of Mother. They are pieces of Mother and the only way to find Mother first is to find those Relics and get to her before Ziggy does.

Homura: Sounds simple.

Elsie: Not exactly. They're at the other side od the dragon wall and we have no idea where to find the first piece.

Kira: Sorry to interrupt laides and gentlemen but my I suggest something.

Then Kira enter the room, shocking everyone as they thought she was at Blue Garden. Republic troopers aimed at her while she raised her hand but then Y/n step forward.

Y/n: Troopers, stand down! Kira if you know how to find the Relics then tell us.

Kira: (smirk) No problem my hot jedi. So, I have something that could lead us to these Relics.

She then pulled out a holopad and opens it to reveal a map with a line going through the dragon wall and to the first planet.

Pino: How did you get that?

Kira: (smirk) Sorry but that's my secret. Still we just use this to find the Relics and boom, the universe is saved.

Flanker: And your gonna help us?

Kira: Well yeah? Look it will be worse if androids became rulers of all the universe. No offence.

Witch: None taking.

Kira: So it's either let them win or not let them win. So I choice the second option.

Carl: That's good. Now we all in the same page, we need a huge army to aid us in this journey in case we get into a conflict.

Angel: My Eternal empire forces will aid you all into battle.

Kame: Including us.

Then Gray and a few sith knights enter along with Yori and Kame as Kame tells them.

Kame: The Order od the Sith will aid you in this battle.

Carl: (surprised)......Huh.....that was unsuspected.

Gray: (smirk) Not suspected sith helping you guys?

Carl: Well yeah but anyways moving in.

Y/n: I'm sure we will have Republic forces and some jedi aid so we can have an advantage.

Carl: That's good. Get ready everything you needed everyone, because this is gonna be a long journey.

(Sometime later)

We see Y/n at the bridge and just finished the call from one of the jedi at the academy to sent more jedi knights and masters to aid them. After that Carl enter the bridge and walk up to him as Y/n turn to him.

Carl: (smile) Hey there son. How are you feeling?

Y/n: (smile) Feeling good, thanks and thanks for saving me.

Carl: (smirk) Can't stand by and watch my boy get hurt.

The two smiled and then Y/n look down and then ask him.

Y/n: Tell me. Did I know Shiki many years ago?

Carl:.......Yes. I......I had to erased your memories of Shiki, Ziggy, the cosmic galaxy and everything in the Unknown region so you can be safe.

Y/n: I understand. But why didn't you come and see me?

Carl: Because I didn't want Ziggy to find me and torture me for your location. I had no choice but I only done it so you and Shiki will be safe. But look at you two now, you both are strong, you both are heroes and you have many friends! Especially you Y/n.

He then grabs his shoulder a she kneel down in front of him as he smiled proudly and tells him.

Carl: Elsie has told me your battle against Drakken and how you won and save your friends. You brought peace and hope to the cosmic galaxy and all the good that you have done. Your friends maybe heroes but your the one that is hope to them. Son.....I am so so so proud of you and I think your mother would have been proud of you as well if she was here with us now.

Hearing all of this made him tear up as he hug Carl once more and Carl hug him back. The two embrace for a moment and then the two look at each other and then Carl ask him.

Carl: (smirk) Guess you need a new lightsaber right?

Y/n: Yeah (sniff) Guess I do.

Carl: (chuckle) Here. This is my gift to you.

He handed him a double bladed lightsaber as he takes it and looks at it. He takes a few steps back and then activate it as both blades came out at both sides as he spins them around and then deactivate them.

Carl: (smile) That belong to your mother. She wanted to give it to you when she dies.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks dad.

Carl smiled then the doors open and Ella came out as they turn to see her as Ella rushed over to Y/n ans said.

Ella: (smile) Is that your new lightsaber daddy?

Y/n: (smile) Yep, sure is.

Carl: (surprised) Wait?! Daddy?!

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Dad, this is your granddaughter Ella. Ella, this is your Grandpa, Carl.

Ella: (surprised) Your my grandpa!?

Carl: (shocked) By the force I'm I really getting old? How long was I in hiding for?

Y/n: (chuckle) Can't say Dad.

Carl: So who is your wife or did you adopt you?

Y/n: Yeah we adopt her. It was actually Rebecca who wants to adopt her.

Carl: So she's your wife?

Y/n: She' first girlfriend.

Carl: First Girlfriend?

Then he realised what he ment by that and then give him a smirk while he said.

Carl: (smirk) I see. Well you never seemed to amazed me son. Not only your strong, a principal of your own jedi academy, a hero and a father to Ella but you have a lot of girls fallen for you. That must be very impressive son.

Y/n: (little blush) Y-Yeah it is.

Carl: (smirk) It will be very embarrassing if I told your "girlfriends" some embarrassing stories while we wait.

Y/n: (shocked) Wait what?

Carl: (smirk) Well, better go and find your girlfriends and tell them some stories. See ya.

Y/n: (blush) H-Hey wait DAD!

And so Y/n chases Carl out of the bridge while Ella laughs and follow them as Carl smiles, so glad to see his son and glad to see how much hod son has grown up and what he has become and hopefully he and his friends will be strong enough to defeat Ziggy and the Separatist Regime for good.

To be continued.......................................

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