Chapter 60: The Return

The day was the day, we see Edens Zero and some fleets of the Republic getting ready to head off into the stars and find mother so they can get their wish. We see engineers doing all the checks of Edens Zero while filling it up while we see Y/n looking at Edens Zero, couldn't believe the day was the day.

Y/n remembers Shiki's goals of finding mother in the beginning and how their adventures started and how they save the galaxy with many threats and now they might end this adventure once they found mother. He smiled and enters Edens Zero as we see Republic troopers getting conformable within their rooms, given to them by Witch as Y/n arrives at the bridge and sees everyone there as they turn to see Y/n.

Shiki: (smile) Hey man. Finish what you need to do?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. I left one of my trusted Jedi masters to be in charge of the academy while I'm away and inform Waston about our journey and he's happy with it and told me good luck.

Rebecca: (smile) That's nice of him.

Ella: (smile) This is going to be fun!

Lop: (smile) This is going to be a fun adventure.

Y/n: (smile) Yep, say Lop, what wish do you want once we find Mother?

Lop: Well.....maybe I can see my parents and love once I care about and show them how much I've grown.

Rebecca: (smile) I'm sure they're already proud of you.

Lop: (smile) Thanks.

Ella: (smile) I want everyone to be happy forever.

Rebecca: (smile) Aawww your too sweet Ella.

Y/n also smiles of Ella's wish while we see Anzu, Asa, Jimin and Kameko as Anzu ask them.

Anzu: So what do you girls wish for Mother?

Asa: Eh maybe some money or be more badass.

Jimin: I wish to be the best soldier that has ever lived.

Kameko: (smirk) I wish for a sexxy body so I can have some fun with Y/n.

Anzu: (smirk) Same here girl.

The two let out a giggle while Witch finished with all checks and tells Shiki.

Witch: We are ready to launch.

Shiki: Good but before I go, I wanted to go to one planet.

Weisz: And what's that?

Y/n: I think I know.

Witch noded and soon she fired up the engines and they took off along with many other Republic fleets as they take off into the stars, flying by the Eternal Empire fleets as we see Angel watching the fleet fly off and then jumping into Hyper space.

Immediately after the last fleet jumped into Hyper space, she immediately felt her head in pain as she kneel down, grabbing her head as she felt like needles were picking at her head as she yell while two Eternal Knights rushed over to her and help her up.

Eternal Knight: Are you okay my queen?

Angel: I feel.....I feel something extremely dark is rising. I've never felt since.......

Her eyes widen of realising as she barks at the knights as she called out.


Eternal Knight: Yes my queen!


The Republic fleet arrived at Grandball and down at the surface we see Shiki, Rebecca, Homura, Lop, Ashoka, Weisz, Pino, Happy, Y/n, Flanker, Lancer and a few Republic troopers step into the abandoned Grandbell castle and see Shiki's robotic friends laying on the floor and not moving as Flanker said.

Flanker: This place is like a graveyard.

Ashoka: I sense no life on this planet. Shiki, I'm so sorry.

Shiki: It's fine. Just wanna say my goodbyes to my friends.

Y/n: Understood.

They leave him to do it as Shiki says his goodbyes to his robotic friends. Y/n remembers how he had to reveal himself as a jedi to everyone in hopes to save them from the empire and will never forget it. He stood there and watch Shiki explaining them where they are going and right after he said his goodbyes, there was a noise which they turn and around the corner was Kira with a bag filled with robotic parts as she picks up some parts and tossing them into the bag.

Kira: Man this is gonna be easy mon-

She stop when she spotted Shiki and the others as they stare at each other for a minute until they called out.

Everyone and Kira: You!!!!

Weisz: (shocked) What the hell are you doing?!

Kira: Um gathering some old robotic parts to sell. What do you think i am doing?

Shiki: (anger) Those are my friends.

Kira: Your friends is with a bunch of robots? Kinda sad.....but then again who cares. Look have you gotten any idea how much these parts cost? Possibly thousands! So if you excuse me, I'm gonna grab my ship and make my leave.

She turn around only to bump into Y/n as she look up to see Y/n while he look down at her.

Y/n: Sorry but I afraid you can't do that.

She stare at him a bit and then smirk as she tells him.

Kira: (smirk) You must be Y/n. You look handsome in real life then on news show. How's about we-

Then there was a click and look down to see handcuffs on her hand as Y/n smirked at her while he tells her.

Y/n: (smirk) I'll drop you off to Blue Garden before we go to pur journey.

Kira: (smirk) Whatever you say hot stuff.

She winkded at him as we cut to Flanker who got a radio communication from Witch which he was confused but he said.

Flanker: Guys, Witch told me she detected some movement.

Rebecca: Movement?

Happy: But I thought its just us?

Flanker: Well Witch just told me there ie movement and they are unk-

Immediately a Republic trouble gets shot from behind and soon after red bolts fly by as they grabs cover as bolts fly by them.

Homura: Whose shooting at us?

Y/n hands Kira to Lop and peak around and he was shocked to see who is attacking them.

Y/n: (shocked) Separatist battle droids?!

Lancer: (shocked) What?! You got to be joking!

Y/n: No! I can see them clearly and they're in good condition somehow.

Ashoka: How is that possible? Those droids are ancient and never been used after the Clone Wars.

Y/n: Whatever is going on they are here now and we have to take them down.

Immediately Y/n, Lop ams Ashoka active their light sabers and jump in the middle and deflected the incoming shots as the Separatist droids get shot by their own bolts.

Flanker: You heard him men, open fire!

Flanker, Lancer and Republic troopers return fire and taking out many Separatist droids. Shiki leaps up in the air and slammed down, sending the Separatist droids flying while the three jedi cut them dow  as they fell towards them. After this they look around while Witch radios in everyone.

Witch: (radio) This is Witch! We got a situation!

Y/n: What is it Witch?

Witch: (radio) Several unknown fleets just exit out of Hyper space and they are attacking us and sending out fighters. We sent ours but they are given us hell.

Ashoka: Those must be Separatist fleets but how. This cannot be possible.

Weisz: Maybe they are pirates?

Y/n: No, these droids look like they were repaired and upgraded. This cannot be the work of pirates, we are dealing something far worset then-

Suddenly Y/n, Ashoka and Lop felt extreme pain in their heads as they fell to their knees while Rebecca, Flanker and Shiki rushes over to them.

Rebecca: Are you all okay?! What's wrong?!

Lop: My hurts soo much!

Ashoka: I sense.....extreme power near us. Something.....or someone very powerful.

Y/n: (groan)......We need to get out of here now.

???: Shiki.

Shiki suddenly froze as he heard that voice before and slowly turn around while everyone look over and they were all shocked to see.....him.

Shiki: (shocked) Ziggy?

They were in shock to see Ziggy alive and standing as Shiki walks towards him, cannot believe that Ziggy is alive as he make his way over before he was pulled away by Y/n as he lands onto the ground while Y/n gets up and activated his light saber.

Y/n: Get away from him!

Shiki: Why?!

Y/n: I sense.......darkness within him. Purr evil and hatred.

Shiki: What?! That's not true. Ziggy isn't evil, right Ziggy?


Shiki: Grandpa?

Ziggy:.....I am not your Grandpa human.

Immediately the floor beneath them collapses and they fell but Y/n uses the force to catch everyone and then place everyone back onto the ground while Ziggy says.

Ziggy: Humans are in eyesore. I should not have raised you, or sent you into the sky. Shiki.....I made a mistake. Humans and machine should never live together in pace, all humans....must be destroyed.

Shiki: (shocked) What are you saying?

Then Ziggy turns to Y/n and then pulls him towards him and then he grabs him by the neck and starts to chock him.

Rebecca: Y/n!

Then the floor behind them collapses once more, costing them to fell into the hole while Ziggy takes Y/n's light saber, looks at it and then said.

Ziggy: both have been fighting each other for years. Wishing to end to bring peace to the galaxy. But in the end, both sides onky cost destruction and chaos, never succeeding of destroying the true evil in the galaxy. Now then Jedi.......

Then he immediately crushes his light saber and drops it onto the ground while he shot a glare at Y/n as he tells him.

Ziggy: Your light will die along with mankind in this galaxy as the Separatist Regime will destroy all humans once and for all. Starting with you.

He squeeze Y/n's throat even more as he start to lose air very quickly and start to lose conscious as he struggled to stay alive but Ziggy will not allow him to live as Shiki and the others climb out of the hole and called out to Y/n.

Ziggy starts them with more destruction while Y/n starts to feel his body getting weaken and his limbs go numbs as his eyes slowly starts to go down and slowly he loses consciousness and passed out.

Ziggy was about to snap his neck while Shiki sees this and yell at Ziggy.


All a sudden a purple light saber slice Ziggy's should, making him drop the unconscious Y/n but he was caught by the force and was lifted towards a man who catches his purple light saber as Ziggy and everyone look over to see the man as he yell at Ziggy.

???: You will not hurt my son Ziggy!

Everyone was shocked that tne man was Y/n's father while Ziggy stare at him while the man picks up the unconscious Y/n ans called out to everyone.

???: We got to get out of here right now! Get back to the ship!

With no choice they make their escape as Ziggy watched and then the whole ground start the shake as they managed to arrived to theie shuttle and they take off. They were in the air when suddenly a ship came out from thr ground as they watched in shock.

Weisz: (shocked) What in the world is that?!

???: That's Ziggy's main flag ship of his Separatist Regime.....

???: Edens One.

Happy: (shocked) There's another Edens Zero like ship!

???: Edens Zero was the prototype ship. This the finish version of hid ship. We must return to your fleet immediately.

They did so as they leave the planet and immediately they dodge the incoming fighters as they see Republic ships battling against Separatist Regime ships as they open fire at them.

They were shocked by this as they return back to Edens Zero and once inside Y/n was place in the medical bay to see if he is alright while the rest heaf to the bridge where Witch, Hermit, Sister and Mosco were at as Mosco was in a panic as the Separatist ships fired at them.

Shiki: Witch report!

Witch: Several of our turrets were taking out and we lost a few fighter squads.


Shiki: It was Ziggy. He's the one whose attacking us.

They all turn to Shiki in disbelief but Y/n's father step forward and tells them.

???: It's true. Ziggy has returned to act his plan of whipping out all humans.

Sister: And who the fuck is he?

???: I'll explain everything to you but right now we need to-

Witch: I detected a large ship coming out of the planet!

Seconds later the Separatist Regime ships stop firing as Edens One appear in front of them as Witch and the other shooting stars were shocked by this.

Sister: (shocked) What the hell is this?!

Anzu: Incoming transmission.

Witch: Put it through.

Then Ziggy appeared on the screen which shocked Witch and the other shooting stars even more as Ziggy says.

Ziggy: (transmission) Republic fleet, you are fools to try to attack me and my army. You must understand that you are all going to die.

Shiki: Snap out of it Ziggy! Thid isn't you!

???: Ziggy, please remember who you once were. Your not like this. I know your not the machine that wish to destroy humanity from the galaxy. You must remember who you are.

Ziggy: (transmission) I know who I am. I am the Demon King and I will do what is necessary to destroy all humans and rule the galaxy. This will be the day that the Republic and all humans will fall into the might....of the Separatist Regime.

Anzu: Um I got captain Connor's ship trying to contact us.

Witch: Put I through.

They put on a second screen on and they see a Republic navy crew breathing heavily and telling everyone.

Republic navy crew: (transmission) Captain Connor has let Separatist commandos into the ship! He's a traitor I repeat, he is a tra-

Immediately he was shot in the head and fell onto the ground. They were shocked as Captain Connor appear on the screen as he look at the screen and then said.

Connor: My name is Captain Connor...and I serve Ziggy and the Separatist Regime, all hail Ziggy.

To be continued..........................................

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