Chapter 6: Master Vs padawan
Rebecca's ship is pulled towards a pirate ship by the tractor beam as we see Yogi looking at the pirate ship through the window along with Rebecca and Y/n and turns to Weisz and asked.
Yogi: Can you try to get use the hell out of here?
Weisz: No! We're stuck in a tractor beam!
Yogi: Damn it, who the hell are these guys?
Yogi turns to see Rebecca shaking in fear and asked.
Yogi: Rebecca what's wrong?
Rebecca: (scared) I know that ship. That's Elise Crimson ship. One of the most deadly pirates around.
Yogi: (shocked) You gonna be kidding me!
Happy: (scared) Oh crap We're gonna die i just know it!
Shiki: Wait what's Elise crimon?
Yogi: Their one of the deadly pirates throughout the unknown Region. What I've heard, their not the type of people you wanna make friends with.
Rebecca: (scared) This is bad. Really Really bad.
Pino: Wait Y/n hadn't said anything for a while. Is he alright?
They all turn to Y/n who wasn't scared or frightening by the pirates but rather......surprised and confused as he stare at the ship.
Shiki: Hey you alright man?
Happy: maybe he is frightening like Rebecca is.
Rebecca: (scared) N-No I'm not!
Happy: Then why are you sweating all of a sudden?
Rebecca: (scared) It's normal alright!
Y/n: There is a Jedi on that pirates ship.
They turn back to Y/n and they were silent for a minute before Weisz asked.
Weisz: Um did I hear you correctly or the screams of Rebecca panic probably block my ears but did you say there is a Jedi in that ship?
Y/n: Not just a Jedi.....A jedi master!
Rebecca: (shocked) What, are you sure?!
Y/n: Yes. I can sense him through the force but I don't know who.
Then there was a shake and soon their ship was docked into the pirate ship for capture. Then a hologram of Elise sat in a chair appears in front of everyone.
Elise: (hologram) Hello there, my apologies but you are now captured by the Elise Crimson. I am the captain of this pirate crew named Elise.
Y/n: I've sense you've been tracking us down.
Elise: (hologram) Indeed. You must be a Jedi that we heard about. I heard many tales of you adventures with your friends and your fight against the empire who came to this galaxy. And I've just gotten word that you escape a dead planet by the time eater. You must have some great piloting skills.
Weisz smirks while he fold his arm but Elise also says.
Elise: (hologram) But only idiots could be caught so easily by our ship's tractor beams.
Weisz seems disappointed while Y/n asked Elise.
Y/n: I know there is a Jedi on your ship and I wanna know who is that jedi you gave gotten in there?
Elise: (hologram) Ah yes the other jedi we have. It's a long story. You see, we have detected a ship floating through space and we bring it in to see what is in stored. It was a weird one and we never seen it in our lives. But when we open it a singal jedi leap out and take out some of my crew until we stun him. He told us he was a Jedi survivor he managed to escape from the empire and now.....he is one of us.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! Why would a Jedi master join a violent pirate like yous?!
Elise: (hologram) He had no choice. It's either going back to his galaxy to get killed or join us and he did.
Shiki: What do you guys want with us!?
Elise: (hologram) Hmm...We plunder I guess? Then (scary face) And loot again!
Y/n: So you want to loot our ship, is that right?
Elise: (hologram) You can say that. Say you can join us you know Jedi. Having two Jedi might be interesting and no one will not face us if we have two jedi. So, what do you say?
Y/n: I'm still loyalty to my friends and the light side of the force. The jedi order maybe gone but I will never abandoned my friends including my Jedi ways!
Elise: (hologram) In that case, you guys are my property. I'm gonna sell you guys off in the planet guilst. Fo behave until then.
Weisz: W-Wait an second...I nothing to do with these guys including the Jedi. Hey! Let me join you guys please?
Shiki and Rebecca: What?!
Yogi: Weisz don't be stupid.
Weisz: Hey you may do the same as well right?
Yogi: I'm maybe a bounty hunter but I won't abandoned them.
Shiki: (anger) Yeah and friends never betray friends!
Weisz: Well it's worth a shot.
Elise: (hologram) So Jedi. What are you going to do now? Are you gonna stay here and be a god boy, or are you gonna come and-
Y/n pushes a button to deactive the hologram transmission while everyone looks at Y/n in shock on what he just did.
Y/n: Weisz......keep the ship running. I'll shut down the tractor beams and we can leave. If I'm not back in 5 minutes....leave without me.
Yogi: Wow hold on a second! Are you gonna face them?
Happy: (shocked) Arw you nuts! I know your a jedi and all but their way too strong for you to handle.
Pino: Not to mention they have a jedi master on board. If I'm correct the you might not make it.
Y/n: Yes but as jedi I must do what's necessary so yous will be safe from those pirates. I see yous once I shut down the tractor beams.
Then Y/n left the bridge while everyone was silent and the Shiki said to Weisz.
Shiki: See Y/n will even do what's necessary to keep us safe because he is a true friend unlike you.
Weisz: Shut up.
However Rebecca noticed something is wrong with Y/n so she follows him. We see Y/n in his jedi clothes and was at the door and opens the door when Rebecca calls out to him from behind.
Rebecca: Y/n wait!
Y/n turns to see Rebecca and Rebecca runs over to him and once there she asked.
Rebecca: I know something if bothing you and I don't want to see you go out there unless you tell me what's wrong.
Y/n:.....I.....I think this Jedi Mastee could be my master.
Rebecca: You mean master Zen. But you said he was-
Y/n: I know but I have a bit of hope that he survived and try to look for me but was captured by Elise and her pirates. If he is in this ship then I gonna find him and hopefully....what Elise says were not true.
Rebecca see how determined Y/n is to find his master and wants to find him even by means staying in this ship. Rebecca step forward towards Y/n and then hugs Y/n which made Y/n blush in surprise as Rebecca says.
Rebecca: If you wanna look for your master then that's OK by me. Just.....please come back after you deactivate the tractor beams will you?
Y/n: (blush) I-I will.
Rebecca looks at Y/n seeing him blushing and he turn away to hide the blush but Rebecca giggles while her too blushing as well.
Once that Y/n walks out of the ship and head off to find his master while deactivate the tractor beams so they can escape. Rebecca watch him go before she heard Yogi said behind her.
Yogi: Is he gone?
Rebecca turn to see Yogi, Weisz, Pino, Happy and Shiki which Rebecca nods.
Rebecca: Yeah. Just hope he'll be fine.
Yogi: Well don't worry about leaving him. Because we're gonna shut down the tractor beams and help him.
Shiki: (smirk) Yeah friends never abandoned friends so we gonna help him find them.
Happy: (smile) Yeah!
Rebecca: (smile) Alright let's go.
The group wall out of the ship and walk to another door ane once there Pino asked.
Pino: Is it me, or is there no one here to stop us?
Weisz: Yeah I have this feeling the creeps.
Yogi pushes a button and then turn to Weisz and says.
Yogi: Well it's either they are in their break or there is-
The doors open and they look at the hallway and see it was covered by some flesh and alien stuff that they cannot explain on the walls and the floor.
Yogi: Or something is really REALLY wrong with this ship.
Happy: (scared) I have a bad feeling about this.
Rebecca: (scared) A-Agree.
Shiki: Well let's hope Y/n is alright on his own.
We see Y/n running through the hall and see the halls are filled gross flash everywhere. Y/n looks down at them and see them moving and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) What are these things? What is going on with this ship?
Then he look up to see Elise's pirate stareing at him. He pull out his lightsaber and active it and ready for a fight.
Y/n: Alright pirates, stand down and take me to the jedi or this might get-
Then their arms suddenly turn into octopus like arms which shocked Y/n.
Y/n: (shocked) Ugly?
Then their tentacle arms stretch out and they came towards Y/n. But Y/n dodges their attacks and he even slice som eod them off and leaps up to the slice and looks at the pirates and see their slice up arms get regrow very quickly which shocked Y/n.
Y/n realise he can't win this fight so he dashes towards them and then leaps up over them and lands behind them and use force dash to escape from them.
They chase after him and Y/n stops near a door and he opsn it and hide inside. He hears the pirates running by the door which was a close one. Then Y/n realise it is dark and try to find a light switch.
Y/n: Damn I can't see anything in here. Wait I feel like this is familiar to me. I can't help but feel like.....I'm back at the Jedi temple.
Suddenly the lights turn on that nearly blinds Y/n as he shut his eyes for a quick second. He open his eyes and he was in shocked to what he is seeing. He was standing at what appears to be a clean Jedi Dojo training room where Jedi's can training to use a lightsaber.
Unlike the halls outside that is filled with flesh, in here was clean and Y/n feels like he is back at the jedi temple at coruscant.
Y/n: (shocked) Wh-What is all this? I-Is all this a trick?
???: Nope it's all real kid.
Y/n turns around to see a cloaked figure and at first he thought he is his master but he remove his hood to reveal Quinlan Vos. He was disappointed for a little but surprised to see Quinlan here and asked.
Y/n: M-Master Vos? What are you doing here?
Quinlan: (smirk) Why else kid. I'm apart of Elise pirate crew. You should join them kid. Their great.
Y/n: But thier dangerous pirates that just wanna capture people and sell them to lower class guilst.
Quinlan: (smirk) Which is great!
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Quinlan: (smirk) Kid there is no turning back. Look at our galaxy, it's gone. Our jedi order is gone, the Republic is destroyed, the Sith have taking over and the empire has rose to take over the galaxy. You must understand we must do what's necessary to survive and now, we're in the unknown region and now we can have a new life. What do you say kid, will you join us?
Quinlan reach out a hand to Y/n for him to join him. Y/n was shocked by this. He knows that Quinlan have falling to the Dark Side once but mostly important he known him as a Jedi who shows to care about the order during the Clone wars.
Now he has giving that up and using his skills as a pirate and kidnapping and looting people ships. He will not allow this so he pulls out his lightsaber and active it. He grabs it with two hands and gets to a battle stand.
Quinlan see this and realise Y/n will not join him and challenges him to a dual.
Quinlan: (smirk) So be it.
Quinlan pull out his own lightsaber and active his green lightsaber and he too get into a battle stand. Two jedi look eyes, lightsabers in hand ready for a battle.
Quinlan smirks and charge at Y/n. Y/n charge at him and they swing their sabers back and they clashes at sparks came out of their lightsabers and they battle within the Jedi Dojo.
The walls start to move and grow out tentacles and attack Rebecca, Happy, Yogi, Pino and Weisz. Yogi fired us blasters at the tentacles while Weisz fire his blaster at them as well while Yogi asked while fireing his Blaster at the tentacles.
Yogi: What the hell are those things?!
Weisz: No idea but their not friendly.
Yogi: Where's Shiki?
Weisz: Must have slip off when those pirates came out of the corner and attack us with their tentacle arms.
Yogi: What the hell is wrong with this ship! I heard their deadly but never suspected they have fucking tentacles as arms!
Rebecca: Help me!
They're turn to see Rebecca upside down and grabbed by the tentacles and getting slime all over. Pino and Happy get trapped as well.
Yogi: Rebecca, Happy, Pino hang on!
Weisz: What a sight we have here.
Rebecca: Shut up and get us down!
Yogi fired his wrist flamethrower at the tentacles and they let Rebecca, Happy and Pino go and they scream out in pain before they were gone into the walls.
Weisz: That's all of them.
Yogi: The heck is going on here?
Happy: No clue but it appears this ship might be infected by these tentacle like zombie's.
Yogi: Tentacle like zombie's?
Happy: Well what do you call them?
Yogi: Um....I.......damn it fine let's stick your "tentacle zombie's" idea.
Rebecca: But how did this happen? I know their criminals but there has to be way turn them back to normal.
Yogi: If they are "Tentacle zombie's" I don't think there is a cure to turn them back to normal. Our best bet is to find the tractor beams controls and escape.
Weisz: Um guys!
They look over to see Weisz getting trapped by the Tentacles and looks at them and asked.
Weisz: Need a hand?
Rebecca and Yogi look to each other and to Weisz and then said.
Yogi: Sorry, my fuel of my flamethrower might be out.
Weisz: What?! But I thought to said they were full!
Yogi: You must be imagination things.
Weisz: (anger) You jackass!
Then there was a huge thud from above as they look up and Happy said.
Happy: that's coming from the bridge.
Pino: I think Shiki might be facing off with Elise.
Rebecca: Right, you guys help him. Common Happy.
Happy: Aye.
Yogi: Where are you going?
Rebecca: I'm gonna find Y/n. Hopefully he is safe.
Yogi: Alright take care.
Rebecca nods and her and Happy run off to find Y/n while Yogi gets Weisz off and he, Weisz and Pino head up to help Shiki at the bridge.
Rebecca and Happy entee the room where they hear something and once the doors open they see Y/n dodging and clashing his blade at Quinlan as they battle.
Happy: (surprised) Wow it's a Jedi vs Jedi battle!
Y/n turns yo see Rebecca and Happy and kicks Quinlan back and turns to them.
Y/n: What are yous doing here?!
Rebecca: We can't leave you here. We're here to help, let's do this Happy.
Happy: Aye Rebecca.
Happy transform into his twin blasters and Quinlan was about to charge at Y/n but he quickly blocks the blastee shots by Rebecca as she fires it at him.
Quinlan deflect them and then use the force to rip Rebecca's blaster off of her hand and Quinlan catches Happy and looks at him and said.
Quinlan: (smirk) Whoa a pet that can turn into a gun. Very impressive, most impressive.
He throws away Happy and he charge at Rebecca and was about to strike at her but Y/n get in front of her and blocks Quinlan blade.
They get to a blade lock while Rebecca runs over and grabs Happy as he transform into his cat form and Quinlan and Y/n leaps back and reach out their hand to make a force push.
The two hold out their hand for a while as Y/n steps back for a little and fell on one knee while Quinlan smirks to see Y/n fall. But Y/n determines to keep on fighting is yelling inside of him so he slowly stands up and reach out another random to Quinlan.
Quinlan can feel the force pushing him back a bit and he was surprised to see iow strong Y/n was within the force. Y/n continues holding out of the force until he pulls back his arms and thrust it forward that sent Quinlan flying.
Quinlan crashes through the wall and disappear into the darkness. Y/n lower his hands and was breathing heavily as he fell to his knees while Rebecca and Happy rushes towards him.
Rebecca: Y/n you alright?!
Happy: Speak to us!
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine. You shouldn't have come.
Rebecca: (smirk) Well when is the last time we have listened?
Y/n: (chuckle) Far point.
Happy: (surprised) I can't believe you defeated a Jedi Master! That was so cool!
Y/n: Yeah but I bet other jedi Padawan's face down their Jedi master who have falling during the empires rain. But who knows. Where's everyone else?
Rebecca: Heading to the bridge and probably fighting Elise.
Y/n: Let's go and help them.
Rebecca nods and they run off and leave the Jedi dojo. We the pinned over to a hole on the wall where Quinlan crash through. Then we see a hand reach out and grab the side of the hole.
Rebecca, Happy and Y/n made it to the bridge and they see how much of the mess Shiki did as they run over to see Shiki there along with Weisz, Yogi and Pino. They run up to see Elise but her face was a skull like face which creep Rebecca and Happy out.
Rebecca: (scared) Creepy.
Yogi: Shiki managed to defeat her before we came. Stillwater is this?
Y/n: No clue.
Suddenly Elise buddy turn into slime and they were shocked to see it turns out it was a small slime creature who was pretending to be Elise.
Rebecca: (shocked) what is going on here?
Yogi: This doesn't make sense?! Is this really Elise?
Weisz: Doesn't look like her.
Happy: Hang on a second. The Jedi master Y/n faced looked real and usw force abilities and seem not like the rest.
Shiki: So what dose that mean?
Pino: I believe this Jedi master Y/n faced might be the one who killed Elise and her crow and use these slime creatures with transformed ability to pretend to be this pirates crew.
Y/n: I don't know what to believe anymore. Why would quinlan do such a thing?
Then suddenly everyone was pushed back and land on the floor. Y/n lightsaber was rolled away and Y/n stood up and turn to see Quinlan with his active lightsaber.
He turn to see Shiki which made him smirk and charge at him. Y/n see this and doesn't have much time to use the force to grab his lightsaber and block is attack so he did what Jedi will do.
He leaps over in front between Shiki and Quinlan as Quinlan rise his saber into the air and pulls it down towards him.
Shiki: Y/N!
Y/n shut his eyes and know his time was up and he was ready to be with his jedi friends in the afterlife. Then.....nothing happened. He open his eyes and see Quinlan blade near at his check but Quinlan stops for some reason. He looks up at Y/n and then......smiles.
Quinlan: (smile) Nice work Padawan.
Everyone else:...........
Everyone: (Shocked) WHAT?!
Quinlan: (smile) I must say, I did great as a fallen Jedi. What do you think Elise?
Then a hologram of a real Elise appears with a smile on her face.
Elise: (hologram) Yeah you did well 100%. Still it would be realistic if your eyes were red like you actually have fallen.
Quinlan: (smirk) Eh, figured it will be a bit too realistic but I did great.
Yogi: Now hold on a second! Can someone tell us what the hell is going on! I thought you have fallen and trying to kill us?!
Quinlan: Oh well let us explain. You see, this ship is over run by these tentacle like creatures and I've been dealing with them ever since we grab a cargo filled with these things. At first we figured we just burn them all but one yous enter our trackers we figured this might be a good time to pull....."a friendly surprise" for yous.
Shiki: (anger) You trick us!
Quinlan: You could say that but at least no one isn't harmed right?
Elise: (hologram) As for my fake self. Their called Minnic-Type Parasites neetel so. It can minic human forms.
Yogi: So those slime these are not you or your crew guys whole time?
Elise: (hologram) No. In fact I'm in my other ship somewhere in gone galaxy where it is safe and sound.
Y/n: So your not gonna sell us?
Elise: (hologram) Nope. I was actually joking about all that staff. The truth is we're giving you that ship your on.
Everyone was shocked by this and Quinlan explains.
Quinlan: This isn't actually our ship. It was given to her years ago but the demon king himself.
Shiki: You mean this ship was my grandpa's?
Quinlan: (smirk) Yep. They promise him if Shiki ever gets older, he would take this ship and set off to find mother.
Shiki: (shocked) Really!
Elise: (hologram) Young Jedi.
Y/n turns to her and she said.
Elise: (hologram) The story I said about a jedi survivor was true. We did take him in and he help us in our missions and even help us when we encounter the empire. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have been here to give you this ship. I apologise that we can't meet each other in person but maybe one day we will.
Y/n cracks a smile and said.
Y/n: Yeah, your maybe not as a bad pirate as I thought you were. Hopefully we will see each other again.
Elise smiles with a sudden blush appear on her cheek and says.
Elise: (hologram) Thank you. May the force by with you, always.
Then she cuts off. Quinlan walks over to Y/n and Y/n turn to him and Quinlan said.
Quinlan: Kneel.
Y/n realise what happening and kneel down. Quinlan active his lightsaber and Shiki wants to stop him but Rebecca stops him and watch as Quinlan lower his saber down at Y/n's shoulder and then move his saber over Y/n's head to his other shoulder while he said.
Quinlan: By the right of the council, by the will of the force. Y/n L/n, I Quinlan Vos member or the Jedi High council of the Jedi order, promoted you as Knight of the Jedi.
Everyone was surprised by this and so dose Y/n. Quinlan deactivate his lightsaber and Y/n stood up and asked.
Y/n: Why this promotion master Vos?
Quinlan: (smile) Because your loyalty towards the Jedi order was strong and your bravery to risk your life to not only save one, but two of your allies. That is a way of the Jedi.
Y/n smiled ams felt proud to himself. Yogi walks over to Y/n including everyone else and said.
Yogi: (smile) nice work Y/n!
Weisz: (smirk) Yeah that is some promotion right there.
Pino: (smile) Agree, congratulations Y/n.
Shiki: (smile) Now your a jedi Knight.....what ever that means.
Happy: (smile) Congratulations.
Rebecca: (smile) Same.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks guys.
They turn to Quinlan and Y/n asked.
Y/n: So, what happens now?
Quinlan: (smirk) Now.....let's find other jedis within the unknown region.
To be continued.............
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