Chapter 59: The cosmic flesh

On the planet of blue garden, we see a hotel called the Love and lucky hotel as we see a janitor of the hotel walking through the hallways of the floor, doing his mopping job while he whistle to himself as he mop the floor while he continues on whistling while he is doing his job. He was minding his own business when he heard a scream fellow by something hitting the ground.

The janitor stopped and look around. He realised the noise was coming from the hotel room near him so he make his way over there and soon arrived at the door. He knock on the door and after a while there was no response. He looked around and then pulled out a spare key and unlock the room and open the door and peak inside. He step inside and look around as he enter the room.

He come across the kitchen which he sees blood pouring out behind the kitchen desk so he slowly make his way over and then peak around only to stumble back in shock and run away to call the police while we see a lifeless hand laying on the floor and not moving.


The Republic police force arrived as they block the entrance of the room with hologram like tape while inside we see a few androids taking some pictures of the crime scene while two detectives enter, one was the head detective named Mason while his assassin is android named Rily as they approach the police Sargent.

Mason: What's the situation here Sargent?

Police trooper Sargent: Well judging by the body and the wounds this victim have gotten, it seems this was a surprise attack. The attacker caught him by surprise.

Mason: I see. What is the cost of death?

Police trooper Sargent: It appears stab wounds sir. No light sabers wounds, just a stab wounds for whoever this attacker is, he or she uses a knife.

Rily: Have you identified his name?

Police trooper Sargent: We already know who he is. His name, is Ralph Diez. He works as manager of a android builder company not far from here.

Rily: I see. His company makes and upgrades androids and other devices correct?

Police trooper Sargent: Yes sir.

Mason: Well time to get to work. Look around and find anything suspicious and call me whenever you found something.

Police trooper Sargent: Yes sir.

The two detectives leave the apartment room and make their leave of the hotel and return back to the Police station.

(Short while)

Inside we see Mason and Rily placing up pictures and the victim along with the company he works for as Mason stare at the board and asked Rily.

Mason: It's strange since the murder has to get inside with a door but yet the janitor unlock it which is impossible so whoever this murder maybe use a different way to enter. But how?

Rily: Well the room is on the 5th floor and it will be risky for anyone to climb up 5 floors just to get to that room.

Mason: So it wouldn't be a human that climbed five floors but maybe a android might done it?

Rily: That's high likely but then again, it's a possibility.

Mason: Right now we need to find this attacker and lock him or her up for crimes.

Rily: We still have no idea where to start or any clue that can help us.

Mason: We do. We should check on their company and ask if they know one of their own workers was killed.

Rily: Agree. Hopefully things will go well unlike last time.

Mason: Well don't blame me, they started it.

Mason walked off while Rily sighs and follow him out of the room.


The two arrived at the company building as they walk inside of the building and look around and immediately they were met by a female secretary as she approaches them.

Female secretary: (smile) Hello, may I help you two?

Mason: Yes we are detectives, we're here to investigate your workers killing. Can we speak to your CEO or whoever is in charge?

Female secretary: (smile) Of course, right this way.

She lead them through the building and soon the two were at the CEO office as the CEO named Devin as they explained to him about his death to which Devin thinks about something and then looks over at the two detectives and tells them.

Devin: I'm not too sure it's because what he told the staff about but I believe he might be right.

Mason: What do you mean?

Devin: Okay let's start from the beginning. You see Ralph is a hard worker who does his job done without any problems what so far. Things have been normal until one day, he come up to my office and beg me to shut this company down.

Rily: Why does he want to shut down your company?

Devin: I'm wasn't sure. He told me about this group of people who wishes to kill him if he doesn't shut down the company and of course I refuse and sent him back to work. But then he try to sabotage my company, trying to make the androids worse and corruption all of our files. I let him go for a week, figured he'll calm down and come next next week but...he didn't.

Mason: So he try to ruin your company because of a group of people? Any idea who they are?

Devin: No clue but it may have something to do with the destruction of Hook.

Mason: You mean the planet that was destroyed by Muller and his scientists?

Devin: Yes, I heard that a lot of people rise up against androids after that and started to destroy the androids. Fortunately the Republic came and stop it but there have been groups formed together and have a deep hatred to androids.

Rily: Any idea which one of these groups are the one who threatened Ralph?

Devin: No idea however there is one person that might help you out. He used to be Muller scientists until he betrayed them after the destruction of Hook. He may know a thing or too about this group of androids haters.

Mason: Right then, thank you for this chat and be safe.

Devin: You too detectives.

The two leave the room and walk through the hallway as Rily asked Mason.

Rily: I have a bad feeling about this.

Mason: Same but we have a job to do and we're gonna get this job done.


They arrived at Edens Zero where Delta Squad in the armory while they spoke to Y/n outside of the room as they explain him their job.

Y/n: I see. Well, Max has told me he knows a few people that former groups that has hatred towards machines. But I don't know one in Blue Garden.

Mason: It might be best to speak with Max and he'll tell us what he knows.

Y/n: Understood.

After he said that Max exit out of the room and sees the two detectives as Y/n explained to him.

Y/n: These detectives are here to ask you some questions.

Max: Sure, ask away.

Mason: After you betrayed Muller and his scientists, do you know any anti-Android groups and which one of them is on blue Garden.

Max: Well there has been a few however there ie one that sticks in my mind. This group calls themselves "The cosmic flesh." What I heard, these group of people are very smart and accepted anyone who has flesh. They beat up androids, hack into machines and even pay someone to kill them just to mess with the androids and make their lives worse.

Mason: Any ideas where their base is at?

Max: They usually hang out at the abandon building outside of the city.

Y/n: Rebecca and Happy told me how they were chased by these guys when they were in the middle of recoding for her channel. Let's just say it was not apart of her plane but she got the views.

Rily: It looks like that's where we need to go.

Mason: Right. Thank you for this you two and don't worry, those criminals can't escape from us.


We see Mason and Rily arrived at the abandon building as they see lights inside as Rily takes one steps only for Mason to stop him and tells him.

Mason: Can't let you get hurt. Call it back up and wait here.

Rily: No, we're partners, we stick together no matter what.

Mason: Yeah but I can't lose you on this job. These people will kill both of us. It's best I'll go in and confront them.

Rily: Okay then. Just be safe.

Mason: (smirk) Well, you know that's not gonna happen.

He then make his way to the building and soon he enters inside the building and look around. At first things are quiet and there was no sign of life but then he held like a blaster was pointed behind him and he was right when someone tells him behind him.

???: Don't turn around. Don't do anything stupid.

Mason rasies his hand and seconds later the members of the cosmic flesh came out, aiming their blasters at him while he was calm and sees they were mostly wearing Imperial armor found within the scrap.

Mason: (smirk) So, mind introduce me to your leader or are we gonna be standing here?

Soon their leader wearing a helmet of a death trooper and armor of a Imperial tie pilot came out of the darkness as Mason turns to see him.

Adrian: My name is Adrian, leader of the cosmic flesh and we have been watching you along with your machine friend.

Then rily came into the room with blaster at the back of the head as he turns to Mason while Adrian approaches them.

Mason: So you are responsible for the murder of Ralph. How and why?

Adrian: I have one of my female members as hookers to Ralph and once he was distracted, she stab him and after the janitor found the body and leave to call the cops, she make her escape. As for why? Machines will be the down fall of humanity itself. That company was going to make androids more human like which we refuse that to happen.

Mason: So your plan is to kill or threatened the company so the androids will never be upgraded or be rebuild.

Adrian: That's correct. You must understand I use to love machines when I was a child. But I open my eyes when one tries to kill me. I escape but no one believed me. Since then I hated machines because how special they are and now I will do anything I can to destroy them all.

Mason: Your one crazy leader.

Adrian: Shut it, and now I will kill you android friend snd you as well.

He then pointed his blaster pistolt at Rily as he said while he aims at his head.

Adrian: This is the end to all machines!

Suddenly a flash detonator was thrown into the building and suddenly it goes off, blinding everyone as police swat troopers burst into thr building, smashing through windows and get around them as they aim their blaster rifles at them.

Police swat trooper: Drop your weapons now!

The members immediately drop their weapons and rasies their hands as they start to arrest them. Adrian sees that he is outnumber so he throw his blaster pistol and surrendered as they arrest Adrian for his crimes while Mason and Rily were let go as Mason tells the swat trooper leader.

Mason: Nice timing, now take them away.

Police swat trooper leader: Yes sir.

They take the members away as Mason ane Rily make theie leave as Rily tells Mason.

Rily: Another case solved don't you think?

Mason: Yep. It went well unlike last time.

Rily: Yeah. So what should we do now?

Mason: We grab a drink of course. Celebrate another case solved.

Rily: Sounds good to me but try not to get too drunk.

Mason: (smirk) We'll see buddy, we'll see.

They enter their car and they drive off back into the city to have a nice drink to celebrate another case done.

(Next day)

We see Y/n, Rebecca, Happy and Ella at the living room as they watched the news about the murder of a company worker and the arrest of the cosmic flesh as Happy says with a sigh.

Happy: Good thing they were arrest. I was worried they might come and try to break me.

Rebecca: Yeah same.

Y/n: (smirk) But you did got the views for your video?

Rebecca: (smirk) Guess I shouldn't go near abandon places.

Ella: (smile) Yep.

Soon there was a door bell which Y/n walked over and open the door to see Shiki as he smiled and ask him.

Y/n: Hey Shiki, how is things?

Shiki: Nothing much man but I wanna ask you something.

Y/n: Sure what is it?

Shiki: You remember that quest to go and find Mother?

Y/n: Yeah I have.

Shiki: (smirk) everything is now peaceful and there is no more threats, I think it's time to complete our journey by finding mother!

To be continued.............................................

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