Chapter 57: A dead space station

A Republic Aquitens Class light cruiser exit out of Hyper space and flies towards a space station over the planet of Sun Jewels called "Dimond resort" which is where rich people would go to have a vacation as they have a perfect veiw of the stars. However they have lost contact with everyone on the station so a group of Republic troopers are sent to investigate it.

Among the troopers we see Eric and Reznya walking down the halls while Eric is looking through the files of their commander who is in charge of this mission which surprised him and ask Reznya.

Eric: (surprised) So he's a clone.....but also a general as well?

Reznya: That's right. Apparently he's apart of a special type of Republic military forces unit also called as "Phantom Knight's."

Eric: Huh, I've heard about them before. They forced on special operation missions that involves serious or extreme dangerous missions.

Reznya: That's right. They're also focused on assassin missions and spying. They are one of the most dangerous troopers within the Republic military.

Eric: Well.....not as dangerous as I am.

Reznya let's out a giggle and soon made it to the bridge where their general turn to face the two as he climb down the small steps and he spoke.

Reaper: Commander Eric and Captain Reznya, glad to have you and your unit here on this mission. The names General Reaper.

Eric: (smile) Same to you sir. Fill us in on the mission.

Reaper: Sure thing. We've lost contact with the space station of Dimond resort above Sun Jewels however before we lost contact with them, they called to inform us about an Imperial star destroyer just appear out of nowhere and they docked it and that's when we lost contact with them.

Eric: An Imperial star destroyer?

Reznya: I thought we made peace with the empire?

Reaper: Well it seems something is going on. Right now we're trying to radio in the bridge of the station but there is nothing as we speak. So we're gonna go in there and see what's happening in there.

Republic pilot: Sir we're apoorching the station.

The trio walked up to the window and see the station and the Star destroyer that looked to be very old. It looked like the star destroyer was drifting through space for years and still attached somehow.

Reznya: That star destroyer looks very old.

Eric: Either their Hyper drive is broken or something else.

Reaper: Get ready your unit commander, we're aboit to dock inside the station.

Eric: Will do.

Soon they dock the Arquitens-Class light cruiser at the station and once that both Eric troopers came out first and once the hallways are clear, Reaper troopers came out, joining up Eric's unit and forming up with the other troopers.

Eric, Reznya and Reaper step into the station and looked around, the hallways were all empty and no sign of life anywhere which give them the creeps a bit.

Reznya: Where is everyone?

Eric: No idea but I have a bad feeling about this.

Reaper: Troopers listen up! It's clear there is no one alive on this station! We must do what is necessary to find out what happened here and see if this is the works of the empire or any terrorist! Here's the plan, Team A will comedy me, Commander Eric and Captain Reznya to the bridge, Team B will secure the hallways, Team C will head to the power station and Team D will investigate the docked star destroyer! Now let's move out!

Once that they split off as Reaper, Eric, Reznya along with their Republic troopers walk down the hallway and they start to noticed some blood on the walls, floor and even on the ceiling. This was no normal Imperial attack they are dealing this, something worse must have happened here.

Soon they reach to the bridge which looked completely abandoned with no one around so they walk inside and Reaper gets onto the controls.

Reaper: Team C this is Reaper, got the power back on?

During Reaper radio talk with his trooper team, Eric looked around while Reznya walked up to him.

Reznya: This is strange. I don't see any blasted battle happened on this station.

Eric: I agree with you. Something doesn't feel right, not even the slightest.

Reznya: Well this is no normal attack. Something must have happened here and we might be in big trouble.

Eric nodes and soon the power comes online and the controls also turned on which the Republic troopers got on as Reaper ask one of them.

Reaper: Report?

Republic trooper: Nothing here on the cameras sir. Its all empty, nothing in sight.

Reaper: I see. Team D, what's your situation?

Team D leader: (radio) Approaching the doors now. We're ready to go in.

Reaper: Understood. Proceed.

And so they stand around the bridge while each teams were doing their job and things seemed to be calm. Then one of Eric's troopers started to cough which made Eric turn to him and ask.

Eric: Trooper, you ok-

But he cough even more and then he ripped off his helmet and cough out blood and then immediately fell onto the floor as Reznya rushed over and check his body.

Republic trooper: He's.....He's dead.

Reaper immediately knew what just happened so he radios in the whole team and called out.

Reaper: All Teams this station contains a virus! I repeat, this station contains a-

Suddenly screams can be heard through Reapees radio as they were suddenly attacked by someone or something. Then the dead trooper suddenly stood up and looked at the trooper near him and then launched launched at him and starts biting the Republic trooper as everyone turn and see this.

Eric: Open fire!

They open fire and kill the him while the other trooper that was bitten on the neck slowly gets up but was immediately shot in the head by Reaper as everyone turn to him.

Reznya: What the hell are you-

Reaper: He's infected. Whatever this virus is must be bringing back those from the dead and have a desire of eating and infection the other.

Eric: So like a zombie virus.

Reaper: Zombie virus?

Eric: Let's just say Rebecca show me a game that involves something like this.

Reaper: Well in that case yes.

Reznya: How come we're not coughing violently?

Reaper: No idea but whatever the reason we need to destroy this station and get out of here.

Eric: So what's the plan?

Reaper: We need to head to the engine core and set this station to blow up.

Eric: Me and Reznya will heaf there and take some of our troops to the power core and set the timer.

Reaper: Right we'll we download as much information we need to find out what happened here, now go and hurry. I'll meet you all at the light cruiser.

Eric agree and he, Reznya and their troopers rush out to the hallway while Reaper and his team downloaded and information they needed so they can find out what happened on the station.


Eric and his team were rushing down the hallway until they come around the corner and they stop when they see the undead which they turn and spotted them and let out a roar and then they charge towards them.

Eric: Open fire!

They open fire, taking out a few undead creatures as they stood their ground. Reznya pulls out a detonator and throws it at the undead which blow them up while they continue to fire at them until they were force to push back and make a run for it.

Reznya: Jesus they're just too many of them!

Eric: Keep moving!

A few of Eric's troopers got caught by the undead and were eaten and rip apart. They kept running for a while until they reach to a large metal door which Reznya gets onto the controls while Eric and a few of his troopers stand guard and when the undead came around the corner they open fire at them.

They took out many undead creatures as Eric called out to Reznya.

Eric: Reznya?

Reznya: Got it!

The metal doors open and they rush inside and once inside Eric slammed the butt of hid blaster rifle at the controls, breaking it as the metal door close shut, leaving the undead slamming and scratching at the door.

A Republic trooper step back pnly to be jumped by one but he quickly dodges it and shoot at its head which cost the undead at the other side to scream like they were in pain for some reason.

Eric: What was that all about?

Reznya: I think they are connected. Like they are in a hive mind.

Eric: How is that even possible?

Reznya: No idea but anyways we should keep moving.

Eric: Right.

They kept moving and after a while they reach the core which Eric get onto the controls and type up the space station toSelf-Destruct and once that was done he radios in Reaper.

Eric: Reaper this station is gonna blow up in 8 minutes, we need to go now.

Reaper: (radio) Already at the light cruiser, I'll be waiting you the-Ah! Damn it!

Eric: Reaper what's wrong? Do you copy over?! Reaper!

Reznya: What happened?

Eric:........Let's return back to the light cruiser now!

They race back to the light cruiser as alarms start to go off around them follow by flashing lights. There was a loud roar echoing through the station that sounded like a whole army of the undead are coming.

Soon they arrive at the docking doors where they found Reaper lend against the wall while holding his bleeding hand as Eric rush up to him.

Eric: Get up Reaper! Get up!

Reaper: I can't. The pilot got infected and one bite me. I'm done for.

Eric: Crap! We're not gonna leave you here!

Reaper: You have to commander! Here, I've pulled everything out of the station. That star destroyer was the start of the infection, infected everyone here and turn them into those things.

They hear the roar again but this time it was getting louder as Eric takes the file as Reaper slowly get up and noded to him. Eric nodes back and runs inside the light cruiser with Reznya and his troopers as once inside Eric and Reznya pilot the light cruiser and they take off as they leave the station while Reaper stayed behind and decided to fight off the undead like a troopers. Soon the station blows up, killing everything inside as well killing and destroying the star destroyer and the virus along with the infected people.

(A Week later)

Eric and his troopers were in quarantine after their mission and after a week they were declare uninfected and we see Eric enter the lab where Hermit, Y/n and Shiki were in the room as Hermit is looking through the files that they have gotten.

Hermit: Hhhmm this is interesting. It appears the virus was called "Project: Black Wing." It was suppose to be use as a bio weapon for the empire to use against Rebiel threats.

Shiki: (anger) I thought we're friends of them now! I swear I'm gonna go over there and I will-

Hermit: Actually it came from Y/n's galaxy. Turns out there was a spill which turned all the crew on the station into undead creatures and their star destroyer was sent drifting through the unknown region and ended up at Sun Jewels space station.

Y/n: Well it's a good thing it didn't spread throughout the planet. Still those people on that station must have been horrified.

Hermit: There's more. The undead can use equipment and even can pilot star fighters or large ships. If weren't for you commander then the while cosmic galaxy might have ended up in an apocalypse.

Eric: Don't thank me Hermit, we just do our jobs.

Y/n: (smile) Still the galaxy would have been doomed or maybe the universe if weren't for you and Reaper. Get some rest Eric, you earned it.

Eric node and leaves the room as we see him walking down the hallway until he coke across Reznya as she turn to face him and apoorches him.

Reznya: (smile) Hey. You doing alright?

Eric: Yeah I'm good.

Reznya: That was one crazy mission.

Eric: (smirk) You can say that again.

Reznya: (smile) Still, glad we made it out there alive. It almost felt like a video game.

Eric: (smirk) Well let's just hope there is no human vs machine war video game like scenario.

Reznya: (smirk) Probably not jinxed that now.

Eric: (smirk) Probably too late.

The two let out a chuckle and then Reznya takes Eric's hand and ask with a smile.

Reznya: (smirk) You wanna go to this bar we always love.

Eric: One with the dance floor?

She node which Eric also smiled and noded to her.

Eric: (smirk) Sure thing, let's go!

The two head off to have their own fun, forgetting the horrors they have been through as long theynare together as a couple while we cut to Y/n looking out of the window with Hermit with him looking through the computer when Flanker enter the room.

Flanker: Sir we have a communication.

Y/n: From who?

Flanker: Well....I think you should see this.

Flanker pulled out a holopad and he activated it as a image is shown which shows Karre which immediately shocked him and Hermit.

Y/n: (shocked) Karre?!

To be continued...............................................

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