Chapter 55: Countdown before destruction (Part 3)

We see Weisz and Pino at where the cannons controls are at as we see Pino hacking into the style and trying to shut it off. Weisz watched as the cannon is charging up and it will fire and destroy Blue Garden and all life at the planet.

Weisz: Any luck so far Pino?

Pino: There is some fire walls but I think I can get through them.

Weisz: Right. Why not just EMP this ship and that will be done.

Pino: That would be very risky. We need to be careful while not to alarm anymore guards.

Weisz: Bet all the guards are now high alart right now. God this Stormtrooper armor is really tight. Is this what it feels like to wear this armor?

Pino: According to the female Stormtroopers yes. Alright its all done.

Soon the charging cannon slowly turns off and the counter stop counting down as they successfully stop the cannon of blowing up Blue Garden.

Weisz: (smirk) Looks like we won.

Pino: (smile) Seems like it.

Weisz: Hey Gray we got the cannon offline, what's pur next move?

Gray: (coms) Head back to the ship and hurry! Ah!

Weisz: Huh sounds like he and Shiki might be in trouble.

Pino: Should we go and help them out?

Weisz: Nah I do not wanna get in between Gray's families issues with hid brother. Besides I bet he and Shiki are fine.

Pino: Well we should check up the girls and see they are alright.

Weisz: Right. Let's go.


Shiki was force pushed by Joshua as he was sent flying across the bridge and crashed into the wall. Then Gray comes over and swings his light saber but Joshua turns around and blocks his strike. The two clash sabers at each other as they swing their light saber at each other in quick speeds.

Then Joshua uses force lighting at Gray but he blocks it with his hand as he just slided backwards. Joshua continues to force lighting Gray when Shiki speed over and lands a kick at Joshua which cost him to slide back and then Shiki swings his fist and lands a powerful punch that sent him flying.

However he lands on his feet and force pushed both Gray and Shiki back, sending the two flying back and they slammed against the wall and hit the floor.

Joshua: Now whose weak brother? How dose it feel to be on the floor by me.

Then he he's a beep so he walks over to the controls and sees that the cannon is offline.

Joshua: So you've managed to disarmed my cannon. Impressive, well I should just surrender right here and now....but then a again.

Then he pushes a button on the coms and says.

Joshua: All fleets, target at the evacuating ships. Destroy them all.

Gray: No!

All fleets start to turn their cannons on the evacuating ships and they dtart to open fire at them. Blowing them up as they were just getting away.

Shiki: (anger) How dare you! They were innocents of people!

Joshua: Which they were loyal to the Republic. Those who worship the Republic will be purged for obeying to a Republic that failed long ago. This will be the day that my empire will rise and rule the galaxy once again!

He laughs while Shiki and Gray watched as the star destroyers continues their fire when suddenly a beam came out od nowhere and blow up one Star destroyer and then a few more as Joshua turns around in shock.

Joshua: (shocked) What?!

Suddenly Eternal empire ships came appear out of Hyper space and fighters from both the Eternal empire and Y/n's fighters came out and start to open fire at the tie fighters and taking them out while the fleets open fire and blow up many Star destroyers.

Gray: (smirk) Looks like our back up has arrived.

Joshua: (shocked) This can't be happening! How can this happen!

Suddenly a hologram of Y/n appeared in front of Joshua as he said with a smile.

Y/n: (hologram) Hello Joshua, having fun?

Joshua: (anger) You! You will pay for this jedi! I will destroy you and your Republic!

Y/n: (hologram) We'll see about that. Gray, Shiki I best you grab hold of something because I'm gonna take a different entrance.

Once the hologram call cuts out Shiki and Gray find cover while Joshua is confused until he looks through the window and suddenly sees Y/n's Star fighter flying towards him only for Y/n to eject out of his star fighter and burst through the bridges windows as the blast shields open before space would suck everything in while Y/n slide through the floor, active hid light saber and clash a blade at Joshua.

The two have a blade lock and then the two start to clash sabers at each other as Joshua was shocked to realise how fast Y/n is and how fast his moves was as he block every strike. Then within seconds he disarm is saber by slicing his saber into two and pointed hid blade at his neck as he steps back.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like your plan is ruined. That's your cue to surrender.

Joshua: (anger) You think you have won? As long the empire is still alive we will destroy you.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah but no matter what we will stop them no matter what.

Joshua surrenders as Y/n placed force blocking hand cuffs on his and he, Shiki and Gray take Joshua to the hanger where everyone else is at and they were glad that Y/n came back just in time as they won the battle as they climb onto their ship and they head back to Blue Garden and tell the people of the planet that the threat is dealt with and they can return home.

(Three days later)

We see Gray and Y/n at the prison where they are looking at Joshua in his cell as he look glare at the two while they look back at him before they make their leave.

Y/n: Sorry for this but we didn't have a choice.

Gray: That's alright. It's best he'll be locked up for his crimes.

Y/n: You gonna be alright?

Gray: Yeah, I'll be fine.

Y/n: Okay.

He then look around to see a lot of imperial generals, commanders and everyone whose apart of the empire locked up as Y/n's realised more will come to threading the galaxy if they continue.

Y/n: This violence has to be stopped.

Gray: Huh?

Y/n: The empire isn't gonna stop until all of us are dead. Even though they have lost all of their troops, fleets, fighters and leaders. We can't continue this battle any longer.

Gray: Agree. The empire will not stop until they succeed their goal. But what should we do?

Y/n thinks about this and then made a decision as he tells Gray.

Y/n: I think I know what to do.


We see Y/n back at Blue Garden as we see him talking to Waston about something which surprised him and ask him.

Waston: You wish to make peace with the empire?

Y/n: Their army is weaken and they have lost many leaders. They won't stop fighting us until they succeed. This fighting has gone long enough. I think a peaceful treating must be in order ensure there won't be another battle ever again.

Waston: True but do you think the public will accept this?

Y/n: It's the only way. Even if they don't agree we must bring peace and end the violence once and for all. Besides I've made truth with the Eternal empire.

Waston: I guess so. Very well then, I'll allow it.

Y/n: Perfect. I'll grab my crew and head to their location to make peace.

Waston: Still are you sure about this?

Y/n: We don't much have a choice. We either let them threating the galaxy or make truths with our enemies.

And so he left while Waston is a bit worried but he trust Y/n and his friends and hopes the truths will be perfect.


Edens Zero jumped out of Hyper space and flies towards a small fleet of star destroyers along with their space station as we see Y/n, Witch, Shiki, Rebecca, Happy, Weisz, Homura, Pino and Ella as they are getting close to the space station.

Rebecca: There it is.

Weisz: I don't like this one bit.

Shiki: Same but Y/n is right. We can't keep on fighting each other anymore, I think it's time we make them as our friends.

Weisz: Um Shiki your talking to the most evil army that every lived. How do we know they will accept a truths?

Y/n: They will. I can sense them being troubled and I think they are near to collapse.

Ella: I trust daddy, he'll know what to do.

Rebecca: Yeah same here.

Witch: We're approaching the station. Looks like they didn't active their cannons.

Y/n: Sounds good. Looks like they'll not bothered to fight.

Soon Edens Zedo makes dock and cannons Edens Zero to the space station as we see Y/n, Shiki, Rebecca, Weisz, Homura, Pino and Happy enter the station where they were met by three grand admirals which Akina asked.

Akina: What brings you here? Wishing to destroy us once and for all.

Y/n: No. We're here to make peace with the empire. This fighting has gone on for too long. Its time to set aside our differences and make peace.

Joben: Why should we make peace with you jedi!

Akina: Enough! You wish to make peace with us? That's surprising for us. Why?

Y/n: Because I see that your forces is low and your Emperor has abandoned you all to die. Instead of extinction maybe we can make peace and maybe work together in thr future when the time comes.

Akina: Hhhmmmm so what rules do we have to put in so there will be peace?

Y/n: Three things. First: The Imperial forces will be moved to the section of the galaxy that the Senate has requested and you all must know expand or take over worlds. Second: Your allow to recruit only 5.000 Stormtroopers to your army, any more then 5.000 will considerate to be treason and breaking the peace treating. Lastly third: Secret projects, plans or anything that the empire is made must be taking by the Republic and lock them up for safety. Any plans you wish to have must be asked by the senate for their improval and will not make plans or projects without the Senate's permission.

Joben: You can't be serious?!

Y/n: If you wish to continue fighting us then that's fine but you have a small fleet now, a few Stormtroopers and all of your bases are either destroyed or lost connect. It's best you choice the right decision right now and make peace with us now or continue a losing battle.

Akina:.........You have many good points there Y/n. Very well then, we accept your peace but only in one condition.

Y/n: And what would that be?

Akina: We wish to some of us to leave this galaxy and return to our own galaxy.

Weisz: No way! Your just gonna tell your Emperor what happened and sent more fleets just to destroy us!

Akina: I knew you would say that but listen. I will tell the Emperor that we were lost and lost many forces by creatures. After all this is the unknown region so the Emperor will believe us and even if he won't, I believe there won't be a point for him to sent a fleet to the unknown region only to be destroyed by your strong army. So is that a deal?

Y/n:.........As long the Empire from our galaxy doesn't come to this one then I will accept it.

Then the two shake hands and the peace treating is signed and most od the imperial fleets gather as many forces as they can and fleet back to their galaxy as they were promised to never speak of anything to the Emperor once they arrive back.

(A while later)

We see Y/n back at Blue Garden as night time came as we see Y/n looking at the balcony of his new home as Rebecca tugs the sleeping Ella and Happy to bed as she smiled and looks over and walks over to him.

Then she wrap her arms around him from behind, giving him a hug from behind as she ask him.

Rebecca: (smirk) How's my hero doing?

Y/n: Just thinking. I know the peace between the empire and the Republic is signed but I wonder what happens now. I have been surviving from the empire for years and fighting and now it's all over. I wonder what happens next.

Rebecca: (smile) True but you made everyone proud for making peace with the empire and your master should be proud as well.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah he would.

The two of them smiled as they make their leave to their bedroom as they open the door and step in only to see Homura, Ahoska, Clarsse, Hermit, Yori, Kame Lop, Witch, Sister, Kleene, Asa, Jimin, Kameko, Miwa, and Leiko at theie bedroom as they all turn to Y/n as he was a bit surprised and ask.

Y/n: (surprised) Um what's this?

Rebecca: (smirk) Figured we have a sleep over but onky just you and all of us.

Y/n: (blush) Huh?

Kameko: Dibs on sleeping with him!

Asa: No way I go first?

Jimin: No me!

Miwa: No fair I want to go first!

Ahoska: (smirk) I see who ever gets Y/n first will get to sleep with him.

Then all eyes turn on Y/n as he realised this and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Well....I'm doomed (nervous chuckle)


Within the unknown area of space we see a large ship flying through space and it looks very familiar with a very familiar symbol beside it.

We yhen cut to a bridge where we see a figure looking through the windows in the bridge and then a second figure came up behind him as he tells his leader.

??? 2: My lord the Empire has now surrendered to the Republic. The empire will not bother us any longer now.

??? 1: Good. Inform our king that the empire is no more and this galaxy is now our to rule.

??? 2: Of course my lord.

The second figure turns and make his leave as the first figure continues to stare at the stars while he says to himself.

??? 1: You may enjoy your peace now Republic but it will not last. You may have defeated the empire but this is the day the ghost of your past will come back to the life. The Separatist regime will destroy you all once and for all!

To be continued......................................

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