Chapter 54: Countdown before destruction (Part 2)
At the surface of Blue Garden, we see many civilians racing to the transport ships so they can escape the planet before the empire would destroy it.
The Republic troopers get everyone on board the transport ships lead by Cody who is calling out to everyone to get into the transport ships while Homura and Lop rush up to Cody as Cody spotted them and turn to them.
Lop: How is the evacuation doing Cody?
Cody: Going well as we speak. Some who have their own ships are leaving the planet while we're getting everyone else onto their transport ships and getting them off the planet as we speak.
Homura: Have the pilot be careful about the space battle that is happened above us. Those tie fighters ain't gonna let anything leave the planet.
Cody: I can guess why.
Suddenly they heard something and soon after four new kind of tie fighters burst through the clouds and flying towards the transport ships as they take aim at the ships.
Cody: They're targeting at the transport ships!
Homura: Lop! Throw me!
Lop: Right!
She then use the force to lift Homura off the ground and then throw her towards the tie fighters as Homura use her soul blade and slice off the wings of the tie fighters while she landed on top of fourth tie fighter and stabbing her two Soul blades through the cockpit and then pulls them out and then throws one at the tie fighter beside her as it burst into flames and then she leaps over and cuts a tie fighter in half and then stabbing a tie fighter pilot in the chest as the tie fighter made a crash landing onto the road.
Once it stopped Homura leaps off while Cody was left surprised while Lop rush up to her and high fuved her.
Lop: (smile) Now that was awesome!
Homura: (giggle) Thanks.
Cody: (surprised) Well that was impressive.
Eric: (coms) This is Commander Eric we need soke help over here!
Cody: What's the situation Eric?
Eric: (coms) There is a large traffic to the transport ship D-5 and it seems one of the vehicles is stuck. We need some help pulling it out.
Cody: I have my troops and be there as soon as possible.
Eric: (coms) Alright then thanks, Eric out.
We then cut to the large space battle that is happening over Blue Garden as we see Republic star fighter ships battling the Imperial tie fighters while Republic fleets and Imperial fleets keep firing at each other with their cannons.
We can cut to the hanger of the Star destroyers MR 2 as we see a few Stormtroopers patrolling the hanger as they march around. They haven't realised a Republic stealth ship that is invisible has just enter the hanger and made a gentle landing at their hanger.
We then see Gray, Shiki, Rebecca, Weisz, Happy, Pino, Asa, Jimin and Kameko as they were getting ready as Asa asked Gray.
Asa: So what's the plan? Doesn't look like we can just rush out and start blasting them.
Gray: This Star destroyer is still new to me and it be hard to navigate.
Shiki: So what can we do?
Pino: We only have 10 minutes until their cannon fires and destroyers Blue Garden.
Gray: Then we stall them. Here's the plan. Rebecca, Happy, Asa, Jimin and Kameko will head to the navigation room to give us the layout of this ship. Weisz and Pink will make their way to the cannon and try to stall it as best you can or even destroy it if necessary. While Me and Shiki will head to tne bridge and confront my brother and try to convince him to stand down.
Weisz: You think he'll listen?
Gray: No but I gonna stop him without killing him. Disbite his actions he's still my brother and I refuse to harm him.
Shiki: Same here. If you deserve a second chance then so dose your brother.
Gray: Yeah.
Kameko: Question? How do we make our way to our locations? They will immediately shoot at us if we cone out?
Gray: Well it's a good thing I brought these along.
Then he open a chest to reveal Stormtrooper armor which they stare at and then look at each other.
(Short while later)
Rebecca, Asa, Jimin and Kameko are seen walking down the hallways while wearing their Stormtrooper armor as a few Stormtroopers and tie fighter pilots walk or rush by them as they continue walking down the halls.
Happy transformed into his twin pistol form and hides within the holsters which Rebecca has on her.
Asa: Jeez who knew we get to wear this armor again.
Kameko: Well at least we can see your sexxy ass again.
Rebecca: Sexxy ass?
Kameko: Seriously? Asa ass is so sexxy! Take a look.
Rebecca did so and Kameko was not joking and find Asa's ass to be very sexxy.
Rebecca: (surprised) Whoa your not joking! They are really sexxy.
Kameko: I know right. Bet Y/n would like to slap her ass I'd he was around.
Asa: Can we force on the mission please!
Jimin: Over there.
They look over to see a Imperial officer enter a room qhich they follow as the doors open and they found themselves at the navigation room as they see a few Imperial officers on their monitors and typing while they make their way up to the main computer as they get there and they start downloading the map and sending it to Gray.
Asa: Good, now we just wait here and we should be fi-
???: Asa? Asa is that you?
They slowly turn around to see a female Imperial officer as she walk up to Asa as she reply.
Asa: Uuuuuummmmm.....yeah?
???: (surprised) Holy crap! It's really you! I misses you girl~!
Asa: Wait? Anzu?
Anzu: (smile) Yes! OMG It's been years girl! How is things?!
Rebecca: Um do you know this girl Asa?
Asa: Yeah. We were friends at the Imperial academy before we were asigned on different roles.
Anzu: (smile) Yeah I was asigned as a Imperial officer while you were asigned as a Stormtrooper. Speaking of which, how was it?
Asa: Oh um you know the usual.....what about you?
Anzu: (smile) Oh I'm good! Say who are your new friends?
Asa: Oh this is Jimin, Kameko and that's Rebecca.
Suddenly the room falls silent and all eyes were on them while Asa was a bit confused and ask.
Asa: What?
Rebecca: You do realise you told everyone my name right.
Asa: Yeah so what? It's not like your a famous B-Cuber who is working for the rep-.......Oh......crap. Now I see what you mean.
Male Imperial officer: WE HAVE INTRUDERA!
They immediately start blasting as the Imperial officers return fire. They get behind cover while they return fire and taking out any Imperial officers before they can sound the alarm. Soon they managed to take them all out apart of one which Anzu picks up a blaster and aims at them.
They turn to see her and before Asa could explain, she pulled the trigger and take out a Stormtrooper behind them as he fell onto the ground while Anzu lower her blaster while she said.
Anzu: (smile) Mind I join you guys?
Asa: Wait.....what? Your betraying the empire just like that?
Anzu: Asa your my friend and I can't let my friend die here right in front of me. Plus the empire are kinds jerks......and perverts.
Kameko: Huh....guess we have another Ex Imperial joining our side.
Jimin: There have been a lot of Imperials joining our side.
Kameko: Yep.
Rebecca: Guys the download has been sent. It's up for Gray and the others now.
Asa: Let's hope they be alright.
Jimin: Let's also hope that Y/n will be back soon.
Kameko: Yeah, I wonder what he is doing?
We see Y/n and Angel clashing blades at each other within the throne room as they swing their sabers at each other, blocking or dodging their attacks. Angel leaps backwards and once she lands onto the floor uses force push to sent Y/h flying but he stood his ground but the force push was stronger then he thought but he stab his saber onto the floor so he can stand on his ground.
Then he looks up and leaps away as Angel swings her saber at him but missed as Y/n moves away from her strike. He then blocks a few saber strikes as Y/n stumbled backwards until he land his back onto the wall which the two enter a blade lock as the two look at each other.
Then Y/n force pushed her and sent her flying before he uses force dash and to get behind her onky for her to turn around while falling and land a strike at Y/n's saber which the impact made him stumbling back.
He shake himself while he looks up at Angel as she stare at him and then tells him.
Angel: It seems you were trained well by your master. That or you trained by yourself.
Y/n: Well I can't help to train myself a bit while I was hiding a while back.
Angel: So you were a victim to the jedi purge.
Y/n: Yes including many other knights and masters which were victims of the Jedi purge. But we came out strong with a new order.
Angel: And they have you as their leader? Interesting.
Angel tossed her saber towards him which he blocks bit then Angel dash towards him whike she grab her saber but Y/n leaps over her while she swings her saber at him which he lands behind her but she turned around and managed to land a hit at him, stabbing him through the chest.
Her victory was shot lived however as Y/n puffed into smoke while the real Y/n came out and land a strike at her. This impressed her as the two continue to clash their sabers at each other as they keep battling for a a bit while Angel tells him while clashing her saber at him.
Angel: Your a very skilled Jedi I must say. I thought all jedi were weak and were not much as warriors.
Y/n: (smirk) Guess some of us can't always use our words od talking.
Angel: Agree.
The two continue to clash their blades for another minute as they leap around the room in incurable speed as their sabers clash in every strike.
Soon Angel used the most powerful force push which Y/n catched within seconds as he holds her force push but it was too strong as his feet was starting to drag backwards while Angel sees this as she keeps force pushing him.
Very soon after Y/n's either gear is awaken which Angel is shocked to see this and soon Y/n dashes through her force push, breaking it immediately and then get in front of her and let out the most powerful force pushed that Angel has ever felt that sent her flying and sent her crashing onto onr of the status in her throne room as she fell and land hard onto the ground.
She breaths heavily while she looks to her left to her light saber and was about to reach over and grab it but Y/n pulled it towards his with the force as he stood over her. He look down at her while Angel sees her defeat as she lower her head and tells him.
Amgel: It seems I have lost this dual. You may finish me off and lead my fleet anyway you want. Your now the New leader of the Eternal empire.
Y/n:........I will not kill you or take your leadership.
She looked up a him in surprise as Y/n tells her.
Y/n: This is your empire, not mine and I know you never made your army just to take over the galaxy. Your ancestors were evil to the galaxy but you can redeem the Empire's name by helping us. Right now the Imperial empire is about to destroy Blue Garden and you have a large fleet that can change the tides of this battle. I don't want us to be enemies Angel. I wish for us to be allies or friends and I will be happy if we can work together to make this galaxy no, this universe great again. What do you say Angel, do you wish to be our ally?
He hand her light saber hilt to her which surprised her and without a word, she take her light saber and stand up as she nodes to him and tells him.
Angel: Yes. I wish to be allies Y/n. I very much appreciate for sparing my life and giving me a option I never knew it is possible. I along with the Eternal empire will lay down our lives for the Republic and for our friendship.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you Angel.
Soon after we see Lancer, Flanker and the other Republic troopers still at the hanger with the Sky troopers and Zakuul knights. Then the doors open and Angel and Y/n came to the hanger as Angel looks at her army and then tells them all.
Angel: My loyal soldiers of the Eternal Empire! A new day has come for us as we make an alliance with the Republic, this Jedi master has spared my life and as the result of it, i will own him by helping him win this battle against the Imperial empire! Today, this will be the day that the Eternal Empire and the Republic has come together and united as one!
Her army cheered while raising their weapons into the air as they continue to cheered as they make their way back to Blue Garden to win the battle for the Republic.
At the hanger of the Star destroyer MR 2 we see Joshua watching the battle that is going on through his window as he stood there in slince as he sense something familiar close.
Joshua: I want everyone to leave the bridge immediately.
They all look up him and not wanting to upset him they all started to leave while Joshua is still standing and watching the space battle and soon the bridge was slient.
But soon the doors open and Gray and Shiki came into the bridge as they approach Joshua and once they were behind him, Joshua slowly turns around and meets face ti face with Gray after all these years.
Joshua: Gray.
Gray: Joshua.
Joshua: I see you have changed a bit.
Gray: That's because I've changed a new life. Which you should do as well Joshua.
Joshua: Oh brother do you really think I can change? After what I've done or what we have done.
Gray: That's why I want to make things right and you should as well. Please Joshua, stop this right now. This doesn't have to end like this.
Joshua: Unfortunately it seems like this is how it ends. Bit first....i don't want any distractions.
Suddenly Joshua force lighting Shiki away which he crashed into the wall just as the force field turned on. Shiki rushed over but gets zapped as the result of it while Joshua tells Gray.
Joshua: Actually....things shouldn't end like this. Unless you be willing to join
He then lifted out his hand to Gray as he stare at it while Joshua tells him.
Joshua: Join me and together we can spread rain and destruction to this galaxy as much as we liked. We canbe together again after all these years. What do you say Gary? Do you wish to rule the galaxy by my side or do you rather sided with the weak? Make your
To be continued.............................
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