Chapter 53: Countdown before destruction (Part 1)
At the surface of Blue Garden we see every citizen evacuating the planet after they were told by the sentors about a imperial fleet with a weapon that is able to destroy a whole planet of Blue Garden. Republic troopers escort everyone to their ships as they fly away from the planet while we see a huge Republic fleet with Edens Zero at the front as we cut to the bridge as we see Shiki, Rebecca, Happy, Pino, Witch and Weisz as holograms of Homura, Fordo, Ahoska and Lop as they are in the surface as they tell them the situation.
Homura: (hologram) The evacuating is going well. All citizens have made it to their ships and taking off.
Fordo: (hologram) If the threat is dealt with, we will call all citizens to return Blue Garden.
Rebecca: That's good to hear. I just hope Y/n is okay.
Ahoska: (hologram) He'll be fine Rebecca. Oncehe deals with he New Eternal empire then he will come back to help us.
Shiki: (smirk) Same here.
Happy: I'm sure the empire fleet isn't gonna be so bad. Since we have weaken the empire soo much, is there a possibility they just have a small fleet.
Gray: Unfortunately not.
Then Gray and Hermit enter the room as they apoorches them while Gray informs them.
Gray: My brother was clever to gather a whole fleet that escape after the battle of Belial Gore. Knowing how many imperial ships that escaped after the battle, there is a guess he had a whole army of them.
Hermit: That's correct. Actually I've detected multiple fleets travelling through Hyper space and it seems like there a lot.
Pino: Is there a possibility we stand a chance?
Hermit: It's small but only one way to find out.
Shiki: How long until they will come?
Hermit: Right now.
Suddenly they turn to see a huge imperial fleet exiting out of Hyper space along with the prototype 3 Xyston-class star destroyer MK 2 that seems to be bigger then the rest of the fleets including theirs.
Rebecca: (shocked) That's one huge ship!
Witch: It seems that is powered by either gear magic.
Suddenly the holograms of Homura, Ahoska, Fordo and Lop cut out and suddenly Joshua appeared in front of everyone as he stare at then and announced.
Joshua: (hologram) Attention Republic forces. I am Joshua Taurus, leader of the new imperial army and I'm giving you a chance to surrender now and I may spar your planets destruction but if not, your planet will be destroyed.
Gray takes a deep breath and then step forward and spoke to his brother.
Gray: Brother don't do this, I beg of you. You don't have to do this.
Joshua: (hologram) Huh, so you did abandoned your sith ways huh? Well how disappointing of you. You always told me how weak I am to care about you and other life and how I must embrace the dark side so I can be stronger. Now here I am, I've embrace the dark side and now I lead a new age of the empire.
Gray: Look I'm sorry what I said and did to you but you must realise that this is wrong. Your going too fair and now your going to destroy a peaceful planet and for what? Power? Proofing to yourself to be the best?
Joshua: (hologram) I will do what is necessary to show the galaxy and true power. Now brother, will you stand with me, or against me?
Gray looks down onto the ground and slowly forms a fist and then he looks up at Joshua and tells him.
Gray: I rather die for my friends then joining you.
Joshua: (hologram) Then so be it. You have 15 minutes until the cannon is ready to fire. In the mean time, I will sent my fighters to clear all of you out!
The hologram call ends and seconds after tie fighters vly out of the hangers from each of the Star destroyers and fly towards the Republic fleets.
Shiki: Deploy fighters!
Witch: Right away! All fighters prepare for battle!
Soon all Republic fighters fly out of the hanger and once that they have a space battle as they shoot each other and shooting each other out as they was a few explosions. Republic fleets also fire their cannons at the Tie fighters and Star destroyers while the Star destroyers do the same.
It was a large space battle as fighters battle each other as bolts fly each other. We see a Republic fighter being chased by two tie fighters as they fly around Edens Zero and over the Republic ships before the tie fighters were blown up by incoming Republic support.
They return back to the battle feild as the cannon the Star destroyer MK 2 starts to move as it aims at the Republic fleet and start to charge up which Witch detected.
Witch: It looks like the cannons is charging. We only have 14 minutes and 45 seconds until it's done charging and fires.
Gray: Damn it. Guess I have no choice but to confront my brother face to face.
Pino: You sure your okay taking on your brother.
Gray: If I can't convince him to stop this then I have to stop him. Shiki, Weisz, Rebecca, Pino and Happy, you all are with me. We take the Republic gunship and make our way towards Joshua's flag ship.
Weisz: Well how are we gonna get pass this huge battle that is going on outside?
Hermit: There is a stealth gunship that you guys can use. It has a cloaking system.
Gray: Then that's the one we will take. Come on guys, let's stop my brother before he blows up Blue Garden.
We see Y/n's fleet exiting out of Hyper space. They arrived to the location as they see the huge Eternal empire ships all ready as we see Y/n, Flanker, Lancer and Connor as they see the massive fleet as Connor stretch the back of his head while he tells Y/n.
Connor: Guess you weren't kidding about this lady have a huge fleet. With that huge fleet, she might took over the whole galaxy.
Flanker: Let's hope that will not happen.
Lancer: So what's the plan Y/n?
Y/n: Flanker, Lancer, gather the troopers and get then ready on the gunships. Connor you stay here and maintain the fleet while we're gone. Report to me if anything happens.
Connor: Yes sir.
Y/n: Right. Let's go.
Minutes later we see three Republic gunships flying towards the massive fleet with Y/n, Flanker and Lancer in the first gunship. Soon two Eternal fighters appear in front of them, almost like they were scanning them in case it was a trick.
Republic pilot: Sir what should I do?
Y/n: Just stay calm, we be fine.
Y/n was right as the fighters fly off meaning they must be clear as the three gunships head towards the flag ship of the Eternal empire and soon they landed at the hanger and once the gunship doors open, they step out and there introduce by Eternal empire troopers as they march towards them.
Sky trooper 1: State your name.
Y/n: I am Jedi master Y/n L/n and I'm here to see your leader.
Sky trooper 1: I see. Your troopers have to wait here unfortunately.
Flanker: I have a bad feeling about this sir.
Y/n: Just stay here and wait until I come back.
Flanker: Yes sir.
Lancer: Be safe sir.
Y/n nodes to them as the Sky troopers lead Y/n down the hallway where there is more Sky troopers that act like machines. Y/n is amazed about her forces and never knew the Eternal empire army were tough. Soon they arrived to the elevator as they step in as the sky trooper pressed a button and the elevator closes and they go up.
While they wait Y/n looks at the Sky troopers and then ask them.
Y/n: So how did the Eternal empire got reborn after being gone for billions of years?
They were slient which Y/n sees they don't want to talk about it. Soon they arrived at their floor and the doors slide open as they step into the throne room. There was a huge circular glass above them that has a perfect veiw of the fleet and the galaxy as Y/n also sees Knight lioe troopers with light saber like spears and they looked pretty cool.
Soon they walk up to the throne chair where their leader is sitting as the Sky troopers bow and one of them tells her.
Sky trooper 1: Your highness, jedi master Y/n has arrived.
She glance up at Y/n and she was surprised how young he is but smirks as she can sense the strong force within him so she tells her Sky troopers.
???: Excellent work. Leave us.
Sky trooper 1: Of course.
The sky troopers get up and leave the room and once they left she look at Y/n and stood up form her chair and introduced herself to Y/n.
Angel: My name is Angel Tirall, leader of the New Eternal Empire and the decendant of Seyna Tirall.
Y/n: It's a honor meeting you Angel. I must say you have a large army. Maybe something I've never seen.
Angel: Indeed. If only my great grandma would see it now. She would have been proud of me right now.
Y/n: Still I wanna know. How did this all come from and how did you rebuild it?
Angel: Of course, you have questions that needs to be explained. Very well then, i will tell you but after that we will dual.
Y/n: Of course....I guess?
Angel: (smile) Now....allow me to explain the beginning. Long ago there was once a emperor by the name of Emperor Valkorion. He was a cold, emotionless and hungry power person. He wanted total control over the galaxy and if anything stands against his way then he will destroy them all. He ruled his empire for years until he was given two sons. One named Arcann and the other Thexan, the two were very strong in the force just like his father and whne they grown up and became adults, they became the most powerful force users to ever lived. However, disbite all the missions they have completed for their father, their father was never pleased which made Arcann angry every time. He always hates his father turning away form them after they completed a mission. Then one day, the two brothers were in a battle when Arcann was hit by a explosion which his face and arm to be burned and was given cybernetics so he can not only survive his wounds but also continuing battling. However what anyone did not know is that on that day, on that battle.....he changed. He start to act aggressive towards his enemies, showing no mercy and showing fear to them which cost all sith to run away in fear.
Y/n: He fell to the dark side?
Angel: That's correct. Rage, frustration and confusion makes him even more dangerous to his enemies....and to hid allies. When they return here, on this ship, in this room....Arcann suddenly shown his true inner feelings after they father turne away but that was the final time his father did. Soon Arcann activated his saber and try to kill his father but he was his own brother, Thexan. The two brothers face each other in saber combat and with one swing, he sliced Thexan, his own brother died at his arms as his life disappeared in front of Arcann's eyes. Then Valkorion approach him but instead of ensuring him or kill him.....he lifted out his arm to Arcann, finally approx his actions and so Arcann and his father took control many planets until Arcann killed his own father and ruled the Eternal empire. Soon my great grandmother took over the Eternal empire and then took it fleet far away, far from any Republic, jedi or sith and soon.....our empire came to a end.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa.....Whoa that is.....that is some story. But why rebuilding the Eternal empire now?
Angel: You see my great grandmother forseen a future that involves around a jedi master that is so strong in the force that he can defeat one of the most greatest threats at all time. She told me that I must challenge this jedi to a dual in hopes that the prophecy would be true.
Y/n: So the reason challenging me to a dual is so you can test that I'm the jedi?
Angel: That's correct. I have sense a very strong power that travelled here and judging by the news we have managed to hack in, your the one that defeated Drakken Joe.
Y/n: Guess that's true. But I have one more question. Why did the force give your grandmother a vision of me and why I must be tested in hopes I am the one that your grandmother have seen?
Angel: There is more that my grandmother have seen. She also seems a massive army of emotionless soldiers, planets that are in flames, people crying and giving up hope and one last thing before she passed away. A demon king sitting on a throne chair and laughing as he sees many people suffering.
Y/n: (thought) Wait is her great grandmother saying that Shiki will destroy the world?! That can't be possible, this has to be a mistake. Shiki is the person I've trusted throughout my life and he's not a type to turn evil.
Angel: I sense your troubled by something. Is there something you have in mind?
Y/n: Look I don't want to disrespect your great grandmother but I think i know what Demon Lord your talking about which is Shiki but he would never do that.
Angel: How can you know that?
Y/n: What do you mean?
Angel: Think about it, Shiki is the second most strongest being to ever lived in the galaxy. He can destroy fleets, take down an army of troopers and even gose extremely fast. Do you think all this power will go into his head and he wishes he wanted more power? He wanted more powers so he can be unstoppable?
Y/n: Shiki would not think about that! Shiki wishes to make a lot of friends by finding mother.
Angel: You mean the entity that can wish anything the person wants? You must understand that Shiki is possible lying to you. He has already made friends with everyone and everything in the galaxy but besides that, he still wants his wish to come true? You must face it, Shiki will one day betray you and bring the galaxy into chaos.
Y/n slowly forms a fist as he glare at Angel and tell her.
Y/n: Listen here Angel, Shiki is my best friend and I will not allow you to disrespect him! Shiki have helped me a lot and if weren't for him, I wouldn't have be here and talking to you.
Angel: Very well then.
She then pulls out her saber hilt from her waist and activated it, a golden beam shot out a she stare at Y/n and tells him.
Angel: Let us dual then. Let's just see how strong you really are and maybe there is a chance if you can handle yourself again Shiki if he betrays you one day.
Y/n looked at her and then pulled out his saber and activated it as he ready his saber and then tells her.
Y/n: Not only I'll proof to you I can handle anything but I can also proof to you that Shiki will not betray me or anyone else.
Angel: We'll See about it.
They two stare at each other as the Zakuut knights sees this and leaves the room, letting their highness dual Y/n as the two stare at each other and then they dash towards each other and they clash blades as their dual begins.
To be continued......................................
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