Chapter 52: A special ops Mission
A venator class star destroyer exit out of Hyper space and flies towards a planet that is filled with a few other civilian ships that is in line waiting to be enter into the planet. Inside the Venator class star destroyer we see Delta Squad in the locker getting their gears and blasters ready for their mission.
We see Max working on something on his table as Sev walks up behind him and pat him on the shoulder while he tells him.
Sev: Briefing is about to start.
Max: Just hang on a second Sev. I'm almost done.
Soon he was done as a small droid fly around with Max putting on his helmet and open up a hologram controls on his shoulder as a small screen of the droids view point is seen as the small fly droid fly around as Fixed, Scorch and Boss watched as the fly droid fly around while Scorch ask Max.
Scorch: Why did you make a spy droid even though we have many other spy droids in stored?
Max: It's because they are big and very noticeable. Fly droids are the size of flies and there is no way no one will never suspected a fly is actually a spy droid.
Fixer: You think it will work on today's mission?
Max: We are going after two targets right in a huge city at the planet of Tropolis right? It will be very much useful for our mission.
Boss: Well let's put that away. The general will be here soon.
Max dose so just as Y/n and Lop enter the locker room and step inside as they saluted to them and the two salute back as Y/n tells them.
Y/n: Listen up Delta Squad. We have an important mission for you five and we need this mission be done as soon as possible.
Boss: Yes sir.
Lop step forward and pulls out a holopad that shows two male people as Y/n points to the first and tells them.
Y/n: His name is Lucas Edwards. He is an imperial colonel of the imperial empire and his commander, Liam Jones. These two have viable information of the where abouts of Joshua Taurus and his forces. We need to locate Lucas for the where abouts of his commander and then locate him and take him in to Republic hands for any information. Reports show that Lucas is staying at the Celestial key hotel and he is armer with his imperial bodyguards that is disgusted as men with black suits. You need him alive in hopes he can give the into about his commander's where abouts. Remember this is a important mission, we can't allow any of them to escape or leave this planet, is that clear.
Boss: Yes sir. We get it done.
Y/n: (smile) Good. My the force be with you all and good luck.
He and Lop leave the room as the Squad gets ready as Fixed walks up to Max from behind and tell him.
Fixer: Let's give your little toy a try then.
Max: Right.
(Sometime later)
It was a rainy night and across the building to the celestial key hotel we see Sev laying on the roof of the building aiming down at his blaster rifles scopes and scanning through the levels until he sees someone familiar as he calls up the Squad on his helmet.
Sev: Boss I see someone moving around a lot on the 23rd floor. He looks like our guy.
Boss: (coms) Copy that Sev. Max your up.
Then we cut to the rest of the team at the back of the hotel as we see Max launch his fly droid and controlling it as he share the veiw with his team as the fly droid flies up the 23rd floor and one's there fly through a cracked open window and sees Lucas walking about in a worry while his body guards were in the room as Max set the fly droid on the corner of the room.
Boss: Looks like we have five guards at the room.
Max: And two at the front of those doors in my theory.
Scorch: Still he's our guy.
Boss: Fixer you better hurry up.
We see Fixer working on the power box and soon the lights apart of the 23rd floor gets cut off.
Fixer: There we go. Not only I cut all the floors power besides the 23rd floor but I also cut all phone calls in Lucas hotel room. He won't know what hit them.
Boss: Good. Sev cover us as we enter the building.
Sev: (coms) Copy that.
Boss: Alright Delta Squad let's move.
(Stealth theme start)
They have their visors set to night vision and one's that Boss slowly opens the door and the four enter the hartal's back doors and move through the creepy and dark hallway but they can perfectly see with their night vision on their helmets.
Soon they reach a door as Boss grabs a door handle and opens slightly to see lights which he quickly close the door a bit and then which his night vision to thermal as he sees just a hotel guard droid getting people out of their rooms and wait outside.
Soon the hotel guard droid disappeared from sight as Boss opens the door slightly and they enter the main hallway of the hotel as Boss singals them to move. They did so as they reach the elevator that was around the corner. Boss, Scorch and Fixer stand guard while Max grabs the elevator doors and slowly opens the elevator doors and once they were open they see no lift but a metal line that will lead them to the 23rd floor.
Boss: (whisper) We're going up boys.
They each leap over and grab hold of tne metal line and they make their way to the 23rd floor. The squad make their way up and soon they arrive at the 23rd floor. Max managed to get the elevator doors open and they leap onto the still lighting up hotel hallway.
Boss: (whisper) Night vision off.
They did so and they keep moving. Soon they get onto the wall as Boss slowly make his way around the corner and peak over to see two guards in front of Lucas hotel door.
Boss: (whisper) We need to take them out without alerting Lucas and the guards inside the room.
Fixer: (whisper) Allow me.
He make his way around the corner and he stand there as he aim down his wrist and fired two dirts that each hit the guards necks and they fell onto the floor unconscious. Scorch and Boss quickly get rid of them as Max whispered
Max: (whisper) Nice one.
Fixer: (whisper) Weisz maybe a pervert but with him and Hermit. They make fantastic toys for us.
Boss: Squad at the door.
The squad form up at the door as Boss calls in Sev.
Boss: Sev we're at the door. Mind doing the honours.
Sev: (coms) With pleasure.
We cut inside the room as we see a guard looking out of the window and see something shining across the street only to get shot in the head and fell onto the floor while another guard gets hit as well.
Lucas: (scared) Oh crap they're here!
Imperial guard: We're under attack! Contact the commander thet we are-
Suddenly a door slightly open and something rolled into the room. Next thing was a flash that blinded them and then the rest of the squad came in and take down the guards as the guards get shot and land hard onto the floor.
Lucas hide underneath the table before it was flipped over by Boss as he picked him up and toss him across the room which he slammed onto the wall as Boss contacts Sev to tell him.
Boss: Sev we got him. Regroup with us.
Sev: (coms) Roger that.
(Stealth theme ends)
(Short while later)
Sev arrived at the room and sees Lucas tied up in a chair as Boss starts to blow punches at him while demanding the location of hid commander.
Lucas: I won't talk shit you Republic scum!
Boss: You better tell us or else.
Sev: Guess I didn't miss the show.
Scorch: Yeah. Good thing you didn't disappear all of sudden.
Sev: Whatever you say Scorch.
Boss: Tell us now!
Lucas: Never!
Boss: Very well then. Fixer, inject him.
Fixer walks up and sticks a syringe into Lucas arm and once that Fixer steps back while Boss tells him.
Boss: Now there is nano bombs within your body and they will blow up unless you tell us where you commander is?
Lucas: (shocked) You put what to me! Are you all insane!?
Boss: 20 seconds.
Lucas: (panic) I-I don't know where he is! Honestly I don't know!
Boss: 15 seconds.
Lucas: (panic) Please I don't know anything!
Boss: 10 seconds.
Lucas: (panic) OKAY OKAY I'LL TALK! He's at the abandoned landing pad waiting for his shuttle to arrive. He is being escorted by imperial Death troopers and Imperial Stormtroopers now please save me!
Boss:......Good. Delta Squad let's move out.
They leave the room but before Boss leaves the room he tells Lucas.
Boss: Oh one more thing. I lied about the Nano bombs. We just put you to sleep for 10 hours. That will give our Republic police force will come and take you away.
Lucas: Wait did.
Then he falls asleep as Delta Squad leaves the room and soon leaves the hotel at the same way they came in as Fixer get the lights and everything all fixed while Boss contacts Y/n.
Boss: Sir we have the location of Commander Liam. He's at the abandoned landing pad somewhere in this city.
Y/n: (coms) Copy that. Good job. We have our spy droids to search the city for any abandoned landing pads. Stand by.
Fixer: Well that's all done.
Scorch: Man this is just like the good old days.
Fixer: Yeah same here.
Sev: I remember Boss was more of the slient type most of the time.
Fixer: Agree. You must be nervous when you first met us ain't that right sir?
Boss: (chuckle) I think we were all nervous back in the day.
Y/n: (coms) Okay there is an abandoned landing pad not fair from your location. Be careful, we just lost one of our spy droids and I think they know we're here.
Boss: Copy that sir. We get him before he gets away. Let's move Squad!
At the abandoned landing pad we see Liam and his imperial forces standing in the middle of the landing pad as Liam is waiting for his shuttle to arrive as his imperial death troopers and Stormtroopers secure the area while Liam asked in frustration.
Liam: Where is my shuttle! Its supports to be here by now.
Death trooper: Your shuttle will arrive soon sir. With the Republic being around the planet, it's hard for them to enter the planet.
Liam: Just great.
They keep yheie guard up and soon there was an explosion from the gates as Delta Squad open fires while they slowly enter the landing pad.
Imperial Stormtroopers find cover and return fire whioe Death Troopers cover Liam and fire as well. Delta Squad take cover and return fire as they take out a few Stormtroopers and Dearh troopers while Liam looks over and sees his shuttle flying towards him.
Scorch: We got a shuttle!
Boss: Don't let him get on board! Push forward Squad!
They pushed forward while they continue to fire as most the Stormtroopers gets hit and lay on the floor. A Stormtrooper who is hiding behind a cargo jump out and attack Sev but he managed to slamm him onto the ground and fire a singal bolt at his head. Then turn and aim hsi wrist and fired a repulsor blast that sent the Stormtroopers flying.
Max fired a few shots at the Stormtroopers and then tossed two grenades at the Stormtroopers that stuck onto their armor and they blow up, sending them and many others flying.
The Death troopers cover Liam ad the shuttle finally lands at the landing pad and Liam runs towards the shuttle ad he climbs on board just as Delta Squad takes down the Death troopers as they see the shuttle lifting off of the landing pad.
Sev: Damn it we're too late!
Max: I don't think so.
He sent his foy droid as it lands on top of the shuttle and then created a eletro blast that at first they thought was an EMP but then the shuttle makes a gentle landing and the shuttle doors open.
Max: (smirk) It can also hack into star fighters or shuttles so I can take control and make a nice landing.
Boss: Nice work Max!
They enter inside the shuttle as they take out the pilots and walk up to Liam and knock him out as Sev carry him while Boss contacts Y/n.
Boss: This is Boss mission complete sir. We have the target, awaiting gunship.
Y/n: (coms) Nice work team! I'm sending one down right away.
Once that was done Boss turns to Max and tell him.
Boss: Nice work Max. You did a good job.
Scorch: Yeah. With a five of us, we're the best team ever!
Max: Thanks you guys. Just glad I can help out.
Sev: No problem brother.
Soon a gunship arrived and they climb on and once inside the gunship takes off as they take the capture Liam back to the Venator for questions.
We see Liam at his cell with Lop and Y/n inside as they demand information while at the other side we see Boss waiting while his team is away for a break.
Shiki: Any luck Boss?
Then Shiki and Gray walk up to Boss as he shake his head while he tell them.
Boss: Not yet. Lop and Y/n will get the information out of him.
Gray: They need to be quiet about it. I fear my brother might plan of an attack any second.
Shiki: (smile) Don't worry man. We will stop him for sure.
Gray: I hope so.
Soon Y/n and Lop exit out of the cell as the two walk up to Boss, Shiki and Gray as Shiki ask them.
Shiki: What did he say?
Y/n: Something that isn't good. We don't need to find Joshua.
Boss: Why is that?
Y/n: Because he's coming straight to Blue Garden. He's planning to use the prototype Star destroyer Mrk 2 to blow up the planet in hopes of weakening the Republic and allow the empire to retake the galaxy.
Shiki: (shocked) That's not good!
Boss: (shocked) We have to be ready!
Y/n: Indeed but there is another problem. I just gotten word about a massive fleet at the planet of Oedo. What I heard it's the New Eternal empire waiting for me to come.
Boss: That's not good. We can't deal both Joshua's empire forces and the Eternal empire at the same time.
Y/n: I know. That's right me, Lop, Commander Flanker, Captain Lancer and the Bad Batch will come with me to their fleet while I'm leaving Gray in charge of Blue Garden's defence.
Gray: (surprised) Me?! Your leaving me in charge?! I-I don't know.
Y/n: Gray this is you chance to redeem yourself by protecting the Republic form your bother. I know you can do this, I believe in you.
Gray is surprised and sees everyone looking at him and they agree as well. Gray swallow his nervousness and nodes to Y/n as the two shake hands as Gray tells him.
Gray: (smile) Understood. Good luck Y/n and good luck.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you. Be safe, all of you.
Gray: (smile) We will.
Travelling through Hyper space we see the prototype Star destroyer Mk 2 as we cut to the bridge to see Joshua standing at front of the window while an imperial officer walk up next to him.
Imperial officer: Sir we be arriving at Blue Garden soon.
Joshua: Good. Be ready with the other fleet and all fighters.
Imperial officer: Yes sir.
The imperial officer leaves as Joshua stare at the window as he slowly forms a fist while we can see his sith armor as he tells himself.
Joshua: Soon I will end the Republic and retake the galaxy for my vision of the empire. Once and for all. As for you brother, I will show you that I am no longer the weak. Not anymore.
To be continued.....................................
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