Chapter 50: Malgus fall
Inside the Imperial base we see Imperial Stormtroopers rushing through the halls while alarms were going off around the base as Republic foces is attacking the base and they needed every Stormtroopers that are out there to push the Republic forces back. We see then rushing through the halls trying to get to the battle when suddenly Malgus burst through the wall, taking out a few Stormtroopers while crashing into a few more walls and then burst through inro a large hanger bey and crash onto the ground, destroying a few tie fighters as he slide across the floor and stop.
Malgus breaths heavily as he slowly gets up and he gets up on one knee while he breaths slowly while he looks up where he burst through and then Shiki suddenly dashes towards him and once close he pulls back his fist, ready to punch him but Malgus uses fore lighting on him which Shiki cross his arms and blocks the lighting while Malgus quickly actived his light saber and immediately blocks Y/n's strike when he suddenly came out of nowhere.
He force pushes Shiki away which Shiki was sent back and bit while Malgus turn to Y/n and the two clash blades at each other while the fire start to spread around them as the oil was caught by the flames, creating massive flames that spreads everywhere in the hanger while Malgus and Y/n clash sabers at each other.
Then the two enter a saber lock and Malgus try to push his saber towards Y/n but he will not allow that so he reach out from the force and fire start to fly towards his hand and the games form a circle around his hand as he formed a fist and then fire punched Malgus in the face, which he stumble back follow by a cry of pain as he stumble back and feel the burns on his face.
Malgus: You all will die here and your Republic will fall.
Y/n: I like to see you try Malgus. Shiki float me up!
Shiki: You got it!
He rushes towards Y/n but Malgus sees this and throws his saber at him but then another saber hits Malgus as Malgus catches his and turn to see Apollyon as he leap down and clash blades at Malgus as the two clash blades at each other while Shiki races towards Y/n and grab him by the arm and throw him up to the ceiling which he lands onto the ceiling and looks down at Apollyon and Malgus battle and then he leaps down from the ceiling while he calls out to Apollyon.
Y/n: Apollyon move!
Apollyon immediately dodged Malgus swings and then moves out of the way as Malgus looks up and then Y/n slammed his hand onto the ground, creating a large force blast that sent Malgus flying while also taking out the flames around them as Malgus was sent flying when Shiki appear above him and then he strike a kick, sending him back onto the ground follow by a large blast.
Malgus slowly forms a fist and stood up and once up he lend out a roar of rage and blast every force lighting he has at Shiki, Apollyon and Y/n but both Shiki dodges his lighting bolts while Y/n blocks I with his saber while Apollyon catches the lighting with the hand and then returns the lighting back at Apollyon which the two lighting clash but soon Malgus stumble back while Apollyon rushes towards him and leaps towards him as the two class blades.
Malgus fell on one knee while he grabs the wound that Apollyon have land a hit on as he stare at Malgus while stood there for a bit and then reach out his hand to Yorke chock Apollyon as he was sent floating off of his feet whioe Malgus slowly gets up while he glare at Apollyon as he tells him.
Malgus: I am very disappointed with you Apollyon. You were the best but you betrayed me. I'll be looking forward breaking you ne-
Shiki: Leave him alone!
Then Malgus gets punched in the face my Shiki while Apollyon drops on the ground as he gasp for air while Shiki reach out a hand to Apollyon which he looks up to Shiki as he gives him a smile while Apollyon is surprised and takes his hand and Shiki helps him up.
Apollyon: Wh-Why did you save me?
Shiki: (smile) Because you saved our friend so your not a bad sith. Your a good one.
Apollyon is surprised and he is very appropriate with it while they looked over to see Y/n and Malgus clash blades as Y/n leaps over him and lands behind him and force pushed Malgus back, sending him flying and crashing into a few tie fighters that blow up. But then there was a strong force push travelling towards Y/n but he reach out his hand and the impact send Y/n sliding back which Apollyon and Shiki catch him before he hits the wall.
Y/n: Thanks guys.
Malgus: You think you three can stand a chance against me?
They look over to see Malgus slowly walking towards them whike he uses the force to push the flames back to make a path as he exit out of the flames and he glare at them as he tells them.
Malgus: You three could never defeat the power od the dark side of the force. You three will die here and I will spread my empire across the galaxy and soon....I will have totally control of both galaxy's! Your adventure ends here!
Y/n: (smirk) Let's proof him wrong guys.
Shiki: (smirk) I'm right behind you!
Apollyon: Same here!
Malgus charges up his most powerful force lighting and once he is done he fires a bolt towards the which Apollyon and Y/n blocks them with their sabers while Shiki leaps over them and uses Gravity wave to attack Malgus which hits him, sending him flying while Y/n rushes towards Malgus and leaps up in the air and once he is above Malgus, he immediately slammed a punch at him in the guts, sending him flying down while Apollyon charge up his powerful force push and before Malgus hits the ground, Apollyon fires his massive force push and the force push hits Malgus and sending him flying back in quick speed while all tie fighters were hit by the force blast and follows Malgus as he hits hard onto the wall and then the tie fighters crashed him as there was a large explosion that blows up the hanger where Republic forces along with the crew of Edens Zero looks up to see the hanger doors blown up.
Rebecca: We need to get up there! That must be Y/n and Shiki!
Flanker: Right! I'll call in a gunship!
We cut back to the hanger as the trio walks towards the piled up toe fighters and looks at the piles to see if Malgus is still alive. Once they sees Malgus is defeated both Shiki and Y/n turn back to normal and the trio turn to leave but then a hand suddenly burst oit of the rubble and immediately the trio turn back to see Malgus slowly coking out of the rubble as he caught while he looks at the trio.
He looks down to see his saber and he was about to reach towards it but Y/n pulls his saber away from him and he catches his saber and looks back to Malgus and tells him.
Y/n: It's over Malgus. You have lost.
Malgus stood there in silence looking at the trio and then he lend out a laughter and tells the trio.
Malgus: I must say I am impress. Really I do, you three managed to defeat one od the most powerful sith Lords to every existed. Either you have gone stronger or your just lucky. Either way at least you didn't end up the same fate as your mother have.
Y/n: What do you mean? What did you do to her?
He once again lend out a chuckle and then tells Y/n.
Malgus: After your parents ruined my plans, I used eveyr anger and rage I have and use the last force lighting to kill your parents. However your mother pushes her love away and gets hit by the lighting and after a while she suddenly turned into dust.
Y/n is shocked by this including Shiki and Apollyon while Malgus lends out a laughter once more while he gose on to say.
Malgus: I can still hear your mothers screams when she died. It was a slow and painful death. Still your parents were fools to try to ruin my plans but if it wasn't for would still have a moth-
Suddenly there was a stab that cost Malgus to stop speaking and look down to see a red saber stabbed at his gut as bith Shiki and Y/n sees this and turn to see Apollyon reaching out his hand and then he pulled his saber back towards him and catches his saber.
Apollyon: Just shut the hell up asshole.
Malgus breaths heavily and then he fell onto the ground and take his last breath and died on the spot. Apollyon breaths a sigh of relief as he fell on both knees while Shiki turns to Y/n and ask him.
Shiki: You okay? I'm sorry for your mother's lost.
Y/n looks up at Malgus lifeless body and then he grabs Shiki's shoulder and tells him.
Y/n: I'm okay Shiki. My mother maybe gone but she will always be with me in my heart.
Shiki: (smile) Yeah.
Then a gunship came into the hanger and once landed the doors open and Rebecca, Weisz, Pino, Happy, Homura, Witch, Hermit, Sister Irvy, Flanker and Lancer came out with several other Republic troopers ad the girls rushes over and hug Y/n to see him alright as he laugh with a smile.
Then Weisz sees Apollyon and ask Y/n once the girls let's him go.
Weisz: Say is this guy good? Is he not gonna try to kill us?
Y/n: (smile) He's good Weisz. He's on our side.
He walks up to Apollyon and the two shake hands.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you very much for helping us and redeeming yourself.
Apollyon: (smile) No I should be thanking you. You show me the right path and rather using the dark side to spread fear to those who wrong me. I should use the force to protect and help those that are needed and make things right.
Witch: (smile) That's great to hear.
Sister Irvy: At least it's over now.
Y/n: Not exactly. We still have Imperial forces still fighting Republic forces.
Apollyon: Don't worry, I got this.
Y/n nodes and then Apollyon gets into his comms to connect to all Imperial forces and once he gets through he calls out.
Apollyon: All Imperial forces this is Lord Apollyon. Darth Malgus has been defeated and killed. The battle is lost but I'm giving all of you a chance to surrounded yourself to Republic forces and comply to their orders. The battle is lost all did a good job.
There was silence and then more comms of Imperial troopers and commanders came.
Imperial commander: (comms) Understood Lord Apollyon. I will follow your orders.
Imperial commander: (comms) Same here.
Imperial commander: (comms) I will comply to your orders sir.
Apollyon: (smile) Thank you.
Weisz: (surprised) Wow! That was easy. Here I thought they just gonna refuse and just continue the fight?
Apollyon: (smirk) Guess you can say they hated Malgus guts. Still not all Imperial isn't gonna comply. They could be jumping into Hyper space right now, escaping from Republic forces.
Homura: Then I seems we still not to track them down before they think of a plan of attack.
Rebecca: (sigh of relief) Still thanks a lot Apollyon.
Gray: (smile) No problem but for now can call me by my real name. Gray, Gray Cheti'tra.
Weisz: So you have different names? Jeez the siths are weird.
Gray: (smirk) Yeah but they are badass names.
Y/n: (smile) Stil let's help out Republic forces and head back home.
Flanker: Yes sir!
Soon more Republic gunships along with Sky's mandalorians fly inside the hanger and once inside they secure the Imperial base while the victory belongs to the Republic as they won the battle and defeated the Republic forces once again.
We see them all back at the Republic base as Republic forces were packing up to make their leave while we see Y/n and Ella along with Sky, Nick, Jeanne and Yogi as Y/n and Sky shake hands.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you so much for helping us Sky. We couldn't have done this without your help.
Sky: It's no problem Y/n. It is an honour fighting along side you in battle.
Y/n: (smile) Same. Say you can come around by my jedi academy anytime you want.
Sky: I'll think about that.
Sky, Nick and Jeanne make their leave while Yogi walks up to Y/n and tells him.
Yogi: (smile) Looks like this is goodbye.
Y/n: (smile) It's never a goodbye Yogi. We'll see each other one day.
Yogi: (smile) Same. Hey I'm sorry to what happened to your mother. You gonna be okay?
Y/n:....Yeah. my mother maybe gone but I will still remember her. Besides I have my friends with me and they are my family right Ella?
Ella: (smile) Yep!
Yogi: (smile) Alright then. Well take care man, see you around.
The two fist pump and once that Yogi leaves with the rest of the Mandalorian as they climb into their ship and takes off. Once that Y/n turns and climb inside Edens Zero and once inside he enters to meeting room to see everyone else and even Gray as he and Ella step inside and Y/n ask.
Y/n: So what's going on?
Gray: Y/n glad you came. I want to talk to you all about something.
Y/n: Sure what is it?
Gray: Well.....let's just say....there is another sith out there that has a fleet of star destroyer somewhere in the galaxy.
Weisz: Great another sith Lord. Who is it this time?
Gray: My little brother. His name is Joshua Taurus also known as Lord Taurus and He controls a fleet of ships and he is somewhere out there just waiting to attack the galaxy.
Rebecca: Can you not call him and tell him to stand down?
Gray: Me and him.......have a bad relationship. Plus he is stubborn, he'll won't surrender until he can destroy his enemies with a Star destroyer MK 2.
Witch: Star destroyer MK 2?
Gray: It's a prototype star destroyer but it's very powerful and it has a large cannon at the bottom of it that can blow up all life on the planet with a singal shot. A second shot will destroy the planet immediately.
Eric: Do you know where he is?
Gray: No idea. All we know he could be attacking some planets without us knowing right now. Still he has a massive fleet that is just waiting for any Republic forces to attack.
Shiki: (smirk) Then that means we need to find him before he harms anyone else!
Gray: Yeah but there is one other problem and this one is very serious.
Happy: And that is?
Gray: Well....dose anyone know the planet of Zakuul?
Everyone was silent as they don't know about that planet apart of Y/n who says.
Y/n: I think I've heard of it but not much about it. Why?
Gray: Because there is this secret empire that was thought to be forgotten but I was wrong. We just saw a few fleets enter the unknown Region and now they are looking around and searching for one person and that person is you.
He pointed at Y/n which surprised him so Hermit ask.
Hermit: Why him?
Gray: Their queen wants to challenge him to a dual in hopes she will be the stronger forces user ever. He defeated Drakken Joe and hold his ground again Darth Malgus so she wants to battle him in hopes she can show her strength towards her empire.
He then grab his neck which they noticed and one of them ask.
Reznya: Why are you grabbing your neck?
Gray: Because.....I encounter her years back and....she was very strong and she nearly killed me but she let me go.
Weisz: Say I have a question!
Gray: And that is?
Weisz:......How hot is she?
Then Rebecca hits Weisz on the head and then she ask a question.
Rebecca: So who is she and her empire?
Gray pulls out a holopad out of his pocket and once that he telle them.
Gray: Her name is Angel Tirall, Empress of Zakuul, Descendants to Senya Tirall and Queen......
He then pkace the holopad onto the table and the holopad opens up to reveal a images of something that shocks everyone while Gray continues by saying.
Gray: Of the New Eternal Empire.
To be continued.....................................
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