Chapter 5: Android or not.....You have feelings

At the streets we see a bar and owing out of the bar was Sibir gang member walking out of the bar and walk towards his bike which is parked only a few metres.

He starts to walk towards it while we see a silhouette on the roof of the bar watching him walking towards his bike. The guy turns and looks up at the roof but the silhouette was gone.

He thought he felt someone watching him but he shrugged and walk towards his bike and soon he arrive at his bike and he hops onto his bike and pull out his keys out of his pocket.

He drop his keys onto the ground with him saying.

Sibir's gang member: Shit.

He bend down to pick it up and once he did he grabs the keys and sat himself back up and looks at his mirror and see someone behind him which he turns to see Yogi staring back at him.

Yogi: Hello.

Then he pulls back his fist and punches him and knocking the gang member out and then grab him at the back of the shirt and take off flying with the captured gang with him.


We see Y/n, Rebecca, Shiki and Happy at the Weisz house waiting for Yogi to return and he did with the captured Sibir's gang member.

They tied him up and Yogi slaps him which he wakes up and looks around to see them and starts off by saying.

Sibir's gang member: Y-Yous are dead you know! Once Sibir finds you, he's gonna kill you!

Yogi: Shut it.

He then slaps the guy and then asked.

Yogi: Where is your bosses base?

Sibir's gang member: I'll never talk!

Shiki: Wanna sent him flying?

Yogi: Maybe but probably not good enough.

Rebecca: Well I'm not a type of person to beat a guy up? I know he's a gang member but I do not wanna go to jail. Especially we're in 50 years in the past.

Y/n: I think I know one way.

Yogi: Alright.

Y/n walks over to the gang member and he moved his hand over him and said.

Y/n: You will tell us where Sibir's main base is at.

Sibir's gang member: I will tell yous where Sibir's main base is at.

Rebecca and Happy: (surprise) Whoa!

Shiki: (surprise) How do you do that?!

Y/n: It's call mind trick. It's an ability Jedi and Sith used if they need to get information or anything else.

Yogi: Huh I forgot Jedi's have that ability.

Y/n: We mainly use this force ability if we ever need information or something but anyways.

He turn back to the gang member and move his hand over him once more.

Y/n: You will tell us right now.

Sibir's gang member: I will tell yous right now.


We see Pino walking through a nasty street still have fear in her not just because of how bad this place is but also how Sibir will do to her when she gets there. Behind her was Weisz who is following Pino so he can take her and probably sell her for bigger money.

He follows her as he and Pino arrive at Sibir's main base which was in a construction site outside of town. Weisz sneaks inside and hide behind a wall and peek out to see Sibir and his gang there with Pino standing in front of Sibir with her saying in fear.

Pino: (scared) H-H-Hello M-M-Master Sibir.

Sibir: (smirk) Well, Well, Well, who has returned after abandoning it's master.

Pino: (scared) N-N-No I haven't! P-Please I didn't-

Then Sibir grabs Pino and lift her and squeezing her as she lead out a few cries of pain. Weisz see this and felt kinda bad but the thought of the money was ringing at his head but then he thinks to himself.

Weisz: (thought) Shit!

Sibir: (smirk) Time for one of your legs to be pulled as your punishment.

Pino: (scared) No! I beg of you! I-

Then a stone was thrown and hits Sibir on the head and that made him drop Pino with the rest of his gang members shocked by this. Pino was caught by Weisz who smirks at them.

Sibir: (anger) You!

Weisz: (smirk) I won't let you hurt Pino here, she's mine and don't you forget it.

Pino: me?

Weisz: (smirk) Yeah, I was thinking about selling you but.....guess change of plans.

Pino was surprised by this but soon they see all the Sibir's gang members surrounding them and point their blasters at them. Weisz thinks this is gonna be a rough fight but then blaster fire came out that hits a few of Sibir's gang members.

Sibir: (anger) Now what?!

Weisz and Pino turn and Yogi breaks through the window using his jetpack along with Y/n, Rebecca, Shiki and Happy crashing through with him on a scooter and lands hard onto the ground.

Y/n flips out of the scooter and active his lightsaber and start blocking the blaster fire with his lightsaber and force push them back, senting them flying.

Y/n deflected more blaster fire and slice their blaster off and force pushes them back. Shiki came out along with Rebecca as Shiki use his gravity gear and sent Sibir's gang flying while Yogi fire his jetpack rocket at them and taking them out.

Yogi: Weisz, Pino yous alright?

Weisz: Yeah and thanks for my get away vehicle!

They turn to see Weisz on the scooter their in and dashes off with Happy still inside.

Rebecca: Happy!

Yogi: Damn it, we're saving their butts! Fuck!

Y/n: Go after them, we hold them off from here.

Yogi: Right.

Yogi active his jetpack and fkys after Weisz while Y/n and the rest hold the rest off.

Rebecca: I don't have a weapon.

Y/n: Take mine!

Then he passes his blaster to Rebecca and once she catches his blaster she quickly takes a few sibir's gang members out  which Y/n said.

Y/n: (smirk) Whoa, remind me not to have a shooting contest with a sharp shooter like you.

Rebecca: (giggle) Thanks.

Y/n nods and deflected more blaster fire while Sibir smirks and pushes a button which Shiki was standing over a huge cargo that released and gone fell on top of him.

Y/n: Shiki!

Y/n reach out his hand and he cargo frozen in place. Y/n can't hold it that long so he calls out to Shiki.

Y/n: Move!

Shiki moves and he let's go and the cargo smashes onto the ground where Shiki was standing.

Shiki: (smile) Thanks.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

???: Hold it right there.

Then two guys with robot feet on their one leg walks towards Y/n and stop while Y/n asked.

Y/n: And yous are?

??? 1: We are Sibir's right-Hand men.

??? 2: My oh My.

??? 1: We are the menaching master of kick.

??? 2: My oh My.

??? 1: The Iron legged.....

Foot brothers: Foot brothers!


Shiki: The foot what now?

Y/n: I'm confused as you are.

Foot brother 1: You dare mock our name? You shall pay.

Foot brother 2: My oh My.

Y/n: What ever, let's get this over and done with.

Y/n dashes forward and force push them but they leap up high into the air which surprise Y/n and they came down and stick out their feet at him. Y/n badkflips back, dodging their strike and slide backwards while holing his lightsaber back.

Then Shiki spinrts over and try to gravity punch them but they leap back and leap around the constraints site while Shiki and Y/n where back to back.

Y/n: Rebecca got a shot?

Rebecca: No, their just too fast!

Shiki: Now what?

Y/n: Shiki remember that training we did a while back?

Shiki: Yeah?

Y/n: (smirk) Now it's time to use it.

Shiki smirks as well and grabs Y/n by the shoulder and the two were sent up into the ceiling and they land their feet onto the ceiling. Once that they stick out their hand out and Shiki use his gravity to have the objects float up into the air like it's zero gravity while Y/n calls the force to lift a few objects as well.

Once that they circle the objects around them and the foot brothers have a difficult time trying to land a blow at them due to the objects surrounding them. Then both Shiki and Y/n pushes the objects back and they were spread everywhere and some managed to land a hit on the Foot brothers and sent him back down onto the ground and they were weaken.

Y/n and Shiki lands on their feets and Shiki turns to Y/n and said.

Shiki: (smirk) That was awesome man!

Y/n: (smirk) Same as well man.

The two gist pumped just as Rebecca runs over to them.

Rebecca: (smile) Nice work you two!

The foot brother see Rebeccas legs and they were shocked by her legs. They rush to her and she turn and see them how down and saying.

Foot brother 1: Your legs! There something we have never seen in our existence!

Foot brother 2: My oh My!

Foot brother 1: You are blessed by these beautiful legs! We beg of you, be our goddess and lead us into our journey with your beautiful and pretty le-

Rebecca: No! Get away from me pervert!

Then she stun them with Y/n's blaster and after that's done, Y/n and Shiki walks over to her and Shiki asked.

Shiki: What was that all about?

Rebecca: No clue but at the same time, I don't wanna know.

Y/n: Let's check up on Yogi and see how he's doing.

The two nod and they rush out the construction site to see if Yogi is alright.


We see Yogi flying through the city looking for Weisz until he spotted him down below and he gives chase. He pulls out his blaster and aim at the wheels buy he suddenly remembers something in his past and decided not to risk that.

Instead he flys in front and lands onto the road and turn to see Weisz coming towards him. Weisz see him and he quickly pulls the break and the scooter skidded and soon it stop a inch of Yogi with him looking at him through his viser and Weisz said.

Weisz: Hey what are you doing? I don't need your help!

Yogi: I know. I'm here because we're rescuing Pino, not you.

Pino: N-No! You gonna take me back!

Happy: Why, Sibir and his gang has treat you very badly and we wanted to help.

Pino: You don't understand! If I can't go back, he will kill all androids in this city and possibly everyone else.

Yogi: We won't let that happen. Not in my watch.

Then they look up and they see Sibir's mecha arriving on seen. Sibir's mecha stops and Yogi walks over to his mecha and stand in front of it. The hatch opens and Sibir peeks out and see Yogi and said.

Sibir: What do you think your doing bounty hunter?

Yogi: I'm here for Pino. She doesn't need to be around a  cruel master like you anymore. She deserves more then that.

Sibir: (smirk) Oh really? Why do you care such a useless droid. Her kind have no heart, their just useless machines. Why do you care about them.

Yogi: Two things buddy. One: She's an android and don't you forget it. Two: Android or not she has feelings and her heart maybe bolts and screws but at least she can feel.

Pino was surprised when Yogi said that. Yogi looks down and still remembered Pino's tears and saddness within the footage and remembers many things that he did that wasn't great. But he's making things right and looks back up at Sibir and said.

Yogi: If your gonna harm Pino, you gonna have to get past me.

Sibir: (smirk) So be it.

Sibir sat back down and the hatch closes and his mechw get into a battle stand while Yogi crackle his neck and said.

Yogi: Alright Sibir.....let's dance.

He active his jetpack and takes off into the air as Sibir fires rockets out of his mecha and they head towards Yogi. Yogi flys towards the rockets and dodges the incoming rockets and even grabs one and throws it at another and they exploded.

Yogi continues flying down towards Sibir's mecha and then he fire his flame thrower out of his wrist and damaging his mecha before he fires his twin blasters at his mecha and flys behind Sibir's mecha and stuck bombs on it's back and once clear he press a button on his wrist and they blow up.

This damages Sibir's mecha more and surprising Pino, Happy and Weisz because of Yogi's skills as a mandalorian. Yogi flys down this time fires two rockets pit of his jetpack and they hit Sibir's thrusters which cost them to explod and Sibir try to gain control but his mecha fell and crashes onto the street.

Yogi lands down onto the road like a badass and walks towards Sibir's mecha with Weisz ane the rest surprised. Yogi take out the turrets that were activated and active a laser beam from his wrist and start cutting the hatch.

Once it's done he opens the hatch and a blaster was drawn at Yogi's head. Sibir smirks while holding his blaster at Yogi then more of his gang aim their blaster at Yogi and start to surround him.

Sibir: (smirk) Any last words.

Yogi see he was out numbered and think this was it for him but then their blasters except for Yogi suddenly shuts off and won't work.

Sibir: (shocked) What the?!

Yogii was surprised and turn to see Pino standing at the road and guve him a nod with a smile. Yogi nods back and turn and fire his twin blaster pistol at Sibir's bang in quick speed and then aim his blaster at Sibir.

His gang drop their blasters and fell onto the ground with shock to Sibir while Yogi said.

Yogi: Now who's out gunned?

Sibir: Shit.

Yogi: Yep.

Then Yogi hits Sibir at the back of his blaster pistol and Sibir was knocked out and defeated. Pino was surprised by all that and Yogi walks over to Pino and bend down to her and asked.

Yogi: You alright?

Pino: Yes but....I must ask. Why doing all that for me?

Yogi: Because.....well because you have a right to be treated like a living person then just a machine. True you are a machine bit you have feelings which I count that as something right? Besides.....having an android along side me, isn't actually a bad thing, I can give it try if you like?

Pino was surprised by Yogi offer of taking her as not just as his master but as a friend. She broke into tears and leaps over and hugs Yogi. Yogi smiles underneath his helmet and huge Pino back. Happy smiled and see dose Weisz just as Y/n, Rebecca and Shiki arrive and see Pino happy and glad to find a new master to take care of her.

(A while later)

We see them at the elevator as Y/n, Shiki, Yogi, Happy and  Rebeccaare gonna try to leave this planet with Pino with them but first they say goodbye to Weisz.

Weisz: Sorry yous don't have a large ship to go to.

Shiki: (smile) That's alright man, we can always find a new one.

Rebecca: Let's just hope we didn't made another time line.

Y/n: I think we might did.

Happy: Aye.

Weisz: Hey Yogi.

Yogi looks at Weisz and Weisz reach out his hand to him and said.

Weisz: Sorry for being rough at you. What you saying is true then, see you in 50 years.

Yogi smiled and grabs Weisz hand and they shake on it. Soon they hop into the elevator and they head up to the surface.

Once at the surface they walk through the empty wast land heading back to their ship. They reach a hill and they spotted their ship.

Shiki: There it is.

Yogi: Do you think we can get back to our own time?

Rebecca: Only one way to find out.

Pino: Everyone. I think we might have company.

They were confused until they hear something and turns around to see Tie fighters coming towards them.

Y/n: Thet empire is here!

Yogi: Run!

They make a run for the ship while the two Tie fighter open fire at them. Green bolts hits the ground but luckily didn't hit them as they managed to get into their ship and Rebecca rushes towards the bridge and turns the ship on.

Rebecca: We're ready!

Y/n: Punch it!

Rebecca pulls the ship up and she takes the ship up into the sky while tie fighters were on their tail and firing at them. The ship rocks a bit and Yogi asked Pino.

Yogi: Pino, van you shut down their star fighters?

Pino: I can't. I don't want to risk us crashing if I do that.

Happy: Take us up to the clouds and let's get out of here!

Rebecca: Ok!

Rebecca takes the ship up yo the clouds and the tie fighters. They fly through the clouds and realise they haven't break through earths atmosphere.

Yogi: Why the hell haven't we reach space yet?

Rebecca: I don't know! Something must be wrong.

Yogi: Quick any ideas?

???: Let me drive this ship.

They look over and they were surprised to see Weisz in the ship with them.

Yogi: (shocked) The hell are you doing here?

Weisz: (smirk) I can't help myself so I enter your ship and here I am. But if these things are chasing you the let me take the wheel.

Yogi: Oh no you don't! Your going go back down there and you gonna stay there!

Weisz: (smirk) Hey, you have no choice. Those fighters are gonna take you down if you don't let me take the wheel.

Yogi looks at Weisz and see see point so he said to Rebecca.

Yogi: Rebecca let Weisz take the wheel.

Rebecca nods and she gets off and Weisz sat down and he smirks and says.

Weisz: (smirk) Alright. Let's do this!

Them marks similar to Shiki's appear on his arm which shocked everyone. Then metal parts start to appear around the ship and they form a large booster and then the boosters fired up and the flames hit the two tie fighter and they blow up.

Soon they break earths atmosphere and they were in space. Y/n turns to see a star destroyer near them and at the same time sense something within the force sense a sith in that star destroyer.

We then cut to the bridge of the star destroyer were we see the inquisitor stairing at the ship where Y/n is on before they dissappear in hyper space and off in imperial radars.

Empire ships captain: Sir they agve escaped.

The inquisitor stood there for a while until he said.

???: Let us leave this dead planet and we will find them someday.

Empire ships captain: Yes sir.

The captain leaves as once the two tie fighters enter back at the hanger bay, they turn the star destroyer around and jumped into hyper space.


Y/n and the rest jump out of hyper space and they all breath a sigh of relief that they made it out there alive while Weisz turn his chair at them and said.

Weisz: (smirk) See, I'm the best pilot across the galaxy.

Yogi: That gear. How did you get it?

Weisz: What this gear? This is different to your friend's gear. Mine can repair or build any machines around me with a signal touch.

Shiki: That's soo cool!

Pino: Master, look.

Yogi turns and was surprised to see Pino repaied and fixed which Yogi was glad. Then he head a beep in his pocket. He pulls it out and it was someone calling Yogi through his holopad.

Rebecca: Who is it?

Yogi: Let's see.

He press it and a hologram of a old Weisz appears as he waves at Yogi and says.

Weisz (old): (holopad) Hello Yogi, how is things with you?

Yogi: (surprised) Weisz?!

Weisz (old): (holopad) Why soo surprised? Weren't you not suspected me?

Rebecca: Well yeah but you should see it for yourself.

Yogi shows old Weisz to young Weisz which young Weisz was surprised to see his old self. His old self sees himself and asked.

Weisz (old): (holopad) I see. Have yous been to River?

Yogi: Yeah we have.

Weisz (old): (holopad) Thought so. That planet is a dead planet cist by a monster in space that feast on a planet's time. It's called the time eater.

Y/n: (thought) That explains why the force was telling me something isn't right about that planet.

Rebecca: (shocked) Seriously, we didn't know that planet was a dead planet?

Weisz (old): (Holopad) But you don't have to worry about my young self. No matter what you do to the past, it doesn't effect the future so you have no worries about me dissappearing.

Y/n: Well at least that's good news.

Yogi: Wait, the reason why be go there is so we can borrow your ship. So, where are you?

Weisz (old): (Holopad) Oh, I'm at a club right now. Wish you'll be there Yogi, this please is pretty nice.

Yogi: Maybe next time.

Pino: Excuse me?

Weisz (old): (holopad) Hmm? You must be the broken android from before.

Yogi: So are you the one who created Pino?

Weisz (old): (holopad) You tell me she doesn't remember? I see. Well I only did some repairs on Pino. I somewhat remember someone saying that your master was the daemon king.

Pino: Demon King?

Shiki: Grandpa?

Weisz (old): (holopad) I believe so but I'll be best be off and Yogi one more thing.

Yogi: Yeah?

Weisz (old): (holopad) I know you can teach my young self some things just like I teach you how to be a better bounty hunter. I wish you Goodluck and take care.

Old Weisz smirks before he cuts out. Yogi smiles underneath his helmet and Pino walks over to Yogi and said.

Pino: Yogi?

Yogi looks down at Pino and she said.

Pino: I maybe created by the demon King, but you shown to care about me and you and yoru friends risk your life just to protect me and make me happy and feel more human then machine. I don't care who my master is, as long I'm with yous that's all I care about.

Yogi smiles and bend down to Pino and said.

Yogi: (smile) Your my first android I've ever have and I'm gonna treat you better. I'll make sure you feel like a human then a machine no matter what. Let's do our best.

Pino: (smile) Yeah!

Yogi pulls out a fast for a fist pump and Pino punch her fist into Yogi's as they smiled. Everyone else smiled and it seems things are gonna be great. Then suddenly there was a shake and their ship suddenly stopped all of a sudden.

Y/n: What happened?

Weisz: I think we're stuck in tractor beam.

Y/n: Is it the empire? Have that catch up on us?

Happy: Um I think it's worse then that.

They turn to see Happy looking out of the window so they walk over and they were faced to face with a huge pirate ship that is ten times larder then their own.

We then cut to Quinlan Vos looking out of the window and sensing Y/n is inside as he smirks and said.

Quinlan: (smirk) There you are Jedi.

To be continued............

(A/n: I also wanna say..........MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU ALL EVERYBODY!!!!!)

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