Chapter 49: Enemies become friends

Inside the Imperial HQ we see Apollyon walking through the halls getting to his location while Imperial troopers walk by him. He walk by them all as the Stormtroopers do their patrols while also walking to what ever location the troopers are going. Some Stormtroopers talk to each other at the halls laughing and chatting before they have to salute to Apollyon when he walk by them and then go back to talking.

Soon Apollyon enter the elevator and press on the floor to which the elevator doors closed and he gose down. He stand there thinking to himself about something ad the elevator slowly gose down and soon he made it to his floor. The elevator doors open and he walk out and enter the prison cell where we see prisons like civilians or Republic troopers being captured waiting to be tortured as Apollyon stop by one cell and glance over to see a mother and two children looked to be hungry as the mother look up at Apollyon.

Apollyon have a face of ashame as he stare at the mother before he continues on walking and arrive to a cell as he stop and stood in front of the cell. The two Stormtroopers turns on the red energy cell to let Apollyon in and turn it back on behind him. Apollyon looks over and we can see Y/n sitting at his cell meditating when he sense Apollyon here so he open his eyes to meet Apollyon as he lend out a smirk.

Y/n: (smirk) So what brings you here Apollyon?

Apollyon:....Listen jedi, when we were trapped you sympathise me disbite me being a sith. I wanna know is why, Jedi suppose to kill the sith so why you show sympathise towards a sith?

Y/n: (smile) Looks sith or not your still a living being, a living person and it ain't right to just straight up kill someone who has gone through a dark and trauma past. If the Jedi of the past were smart they would try to change the siths ways and join the light rather then continue their path through the dark path.

Apollyon: I see. You also said that no matter how you were betrayed by your master and your clones, you don't show angry towards either of them?

Y/n: It wasn't either of their faults. The clones have inhibitor chips in their heads that forced them to obey to orders while my master was tortured and possibly brainwashed by the dark side of the force. Still I don't blame either of them for betraying me.

Apollyon just lend out a chuckle and sat down on the steps across from him as he sat there in silence and then he tells him.

Apollyon: Have you......ever gone down to the dark side before?

Y/n sat there in silence until he lend out a sigh and tells him.

Y/n: A few times yes. The first was on the planet of Guilts where I nearly killed someone with my rage and anger. Fortunately I stop myself before it was too late.

Apollyon: I understand why you let out your anger on that planet. What I heard it used to be a planet filled with criminals and gang Lords. Guess I don't blame you.

Y/n: Still if I haven't stop himself....things would have been different.

The two sat there for a bit when suddenly a Stormtrooper enter the cell and tells Apollyon.

Stormtrooper: Sir Lord Malgus wishes to see the prisoner.

Apollyon: Right.

He stood up and so dose Y/n as the two make yheir way out of the cell and walk through the halls to meet with Malgus.


We see Apollyon bringing Y/n to Malgus at the bridge as he set Y/n onto his knees while stand next to Malgus while he glare down at Y/n while Y/n looks up at him.

Malgus: I am impress that you've hadn't escape from your cell so you can return to your friends.

Y/n: (smirk) Let's just say they are coming here to pick me up.

Imperial crew: Sir we detected a Republic army heading towards here!

Y/n just smirks while Malgus turns and look out of the window as we cut to a army of Imperial forces with Xitto in front as he sees the Republic forces lead by Shiki, Ahoska, Rebecca, Weisz, Happy, Pino, Sky, Yei, Miwa, Leiko and Ada along with Republic troopers among them were Flanker, Lancer, Trevor and Hills. Next to Shiki was the captured Gak as he look up to see Xitto as Shiki looks up as Malgus sees that Shiki is looking up at him as Shiki called out to him.

Shiki: Release our friend! And then we release yours.

Malgus looks at Gak through his window and then turn to see Y/n's and then turn back and lend out a laugh before he reach out and Gak was lifted up in the air as he gags for air and then his neck snapped and he fell onto the ground lifeless while the rest were shocked by this. Then Malgus spoke through the speakers.

Malgus: (speakers) Do you actually think I would allow my weak Apprentice to return back to my empire? Fools, only the strong will survive and I make sure your deaths will be slow and painful. Xitto, kill them.

Xitto nods as he actived his double bladed light saber while the Imperial forces from behind aim their blasters at them.

Shiki: Okay then. Let me show you not to mess with the crew od Edens Zero!

Suddenly something lands in the middle as Xitto and Imperial forces step back as the dust slowly clears up and they see Homura, Hermit, Sister Irvy and Witch all in their battles dress mode as they stare at the Imperial forces.

Sister Irvy: (smirk) It's best you let our hadnsome friend go or we beat the shit out of you!

The Imperial forces were shocked by this power while Xitto just laughs and tells them.

Xitto: Impressive, most impressive. But you all won't stand a chance against our might.

Kame: No? Then that case allow us to get in on the action.

Suddenly a large wall beside them burst open and they all step back as they only see darkness at first until sith warriors actived their sabers as they step out from the large hole leaf by Kame and Yori.

Xitto: How can you call yourselves sith if you joins our enemies?!

Kame: (smirk) We can make our own path. Warriors, its time to show Malgus and his forces who we are! ATTACK!

The sith Warriors and Republic forces charge together ad the Republic troopers open gire at the imperials while the Imperials return back as Red and blue bolts fly by as both sides get shot left and right. The jedis deflected the shots and so dose Xitto while Shiki use his gravity Ether gear to mash and throw away any Imperial forces out of the way while he looked up to see tie fighters so he fly up and grabs one tie fighter and throws to towards the others which they blow up.

Then another squad of tie fighters open fire at him from behind but Shiki masks a fist and then thrust it forward, creating a massive gravity blast that sent the tie fighters flying and crashing onto the ground. Then we see Rebecca as Happy already transformed into twin pistols as she gets some cover with Flanker and Lancer as the two shoot down some Imperial Stormtroopers that were firing at them.

Lancer: Either those Stormtroopers are getting good with their aims or what.

Flanker: Must be their new armor.

Rebecca: (smirk) Yeah but they have no match against this. What this!

She then leap out of cover as the Stormtroopers target at her and they take the shot but time suddenly slow down while we see Rebecca's leg glowing as she smirked and walks around taking away Stormtroopers blasters either by throwing them away or have them aimed at another Stormtrooper. She ever actived one of the Stormtroopers detonators their belts as she return back to Flanker and Lancer as time turns back to normal as the Stormtroopers shot each other and the detonator on tueie belts blow up while Flanker and Lancer were shocked by this.

Lancer: (shocked) I wish I have a Ether gear like that.

Flanker: (shocked) Same here.

Rebecca: (smirk) Yep, my Ether gear is the best~!

Then we cut to Xitto as he immediately blocks Sky's light saber strike as the two strike sabers at each other and then Xitto kicks Sky back. He lands on his feet as he looks up while Xitto walks towards him.

Xitto: I've see sith Warriors from Kames order and Republic forces and yet I don't see your faction? Did the black Wolf's run in fear or something?

Sky: (smirk) Just like a actually wolf, wolfs strike before you could ever react.

Suddenly misses fly by Sky as Imperial forces get blow up from behind Xitto as he looks up to see Sky's mandalorian army flying down while they gire more rockets or tueie blasters as they take down many Stormtroopers on the ground.

We then cut to an Imperial firing their secondary cannons to suppress the Republic, while we see Rahm, Eric, Reznya and their troopers underneath the bridge with their jetpack as Rahm leaps out underneath the bridge and surprise the Imperial forces as he cut them down while deflection theie shots as Eric, Reznya and tueie troopers use their jetpack to fly out of the bridge and they too attack the Imperial forces as well as the tans.

Imperial tank pilo: Ah ha ha ha ha ha! As long we're still holding here, you'll never gonna reach to our head quarters!

Then there was a knock above him as he ask.

Imperial tank pilot: Who's there?

???: Your friend?

The Imperial tank pilot opens the hatch and stick his head out while Reznya was behind him with a detonator as the Imperial tank pilot ask.

Imperial tank pilot: Who?

She smirked while she knock at the back of his helmet which he turn to see her while she tossed a detonator into his hands as she kicked the Imperial tank Pilots helmet high cost him to duck down while she close the hatch as she leaps out of tank as the tank blows up.

Reznya: (smirk) All clear here!

Stormtrooper: Freeze!

A Stormtrooper aimed at her as she sighs and rasies her hand only for Eric to came down, kicking the Stormtrooper onto the ground and finish it up with a blaster pistol shot.

Eric: (smirk) Nice work Reznya.

Reznya: (smirk) Thanks.

Rahm: Eric, Reznya cover our entrance while I let our friends inside.

Eric and Reznya: Sir yes sir!

We then cut to Weisz and Pino as Weisz fires his blaster pistol at them whne Yogi came down and kicked a Stormtrooper away while he, Pino and Weisz form a circle as they see more Imperial forces coming theie way.

Weisz: (smirk) Seems like their is more coming at theie way.

Yogi: (smirk) Well their about to feel sorry. Pino.

Pino: (smile) Of course.

She then EMP the Stormtroopers weapons and then Weisz and Yogi take down the Stormtroopers with no problems and once they were clear they rush up to Nick and Jeanne as Nick turn to Yogi.

Nick: Yogi order the fighters to bomb the base and weaken their defenses.

Yogi: Yes sir.

Yogi pulls up the fighters and soon Mandalorian bombers came down as they fire their missiles and cost some explosion around the base, weaken theie defenses.

Then we cut to Malgus, Apollyon and Y/n as the base shakes while an Imperial officer tells Malgus.

Imperial officer: Sir our shields are weaken! Soon they will enter the base!

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like your rule is over Malgus You'll be wise to surrender or-

Suddenly Y/n was hit by Malgus force lighting that sent him flying back and land in the middle of the room.

Malgus: They might succeed of taking over this planet, but they will fail once they see your lifeless body. Apollyon, kill him.

Apollyon looks at Malgus and to Y/n as Malgus glare at him and he barks at him.

Malgus: What are you waiting for? KILL THE JEDI!

Apollyon slowly nodes to Malgus as he slowly walks towards Y/n and once close he actived his saber ready to kill him. But then when Malgus turns back around to look at the action Apollyon gets behind him and slice off his cuffs while also giving him back his light saber.

Apollyon: (whisper) You came here to defeat him.....this is your chance.

Y/n was surprised by this but smiles and nods to him as he take his saber. Once he stood up he turns to Malgus and actived his saber and charge towards him but before he could swing at him Malgus turns and blocks his saber strike.

Malgus: I knew you would escape sooner or later jed-Aaahh!!

Then a red saber fly at him, hitting him on the shoulder as Malgus stumble back while Apollyon catches his saber and stood there as Malgus sees this and yells at Apollyon.


Apollyon: I have enough to be your apprentice! And I'm am not your puppet! Not any more! I've realised now that I've heard so many people and how my anger and rage blinded me and now I see thw wrongs that I have down. Now, I'm going to make things right, I'm going to redeem myself by defeating you!

Malgus couldn't believe this and used his force lighting which zaps Apollyon as he yells out in anger but Y/n gets in front of Malgus lighting attack and reach out his hand to block his lighting as bolts fly around as the bolts zapped the nearly computers as well as other Imperial officers as Apollyon was shocked to see Y/n's strong power in the force as Y/n lend out a yell as he made a powerful force push, sending Malgus flying back and he crashes into a window and onto the ground.

Y/n turns and helps Apollyon up as Apollyon slowly gets up.

Y/n: You okay?

Apollyon: I-I am good. You are very strong in the force, too strong in fact.

Y/n: (smirk) That's what I am.

Malgus: You both are fools.

The two turn as they ready theirs sabers while Malgus slowly gets up and looks at them both as he reactivated his saber and tells them.

Malgus: You both have already sealed your fates. Now you both will die here and face my might and rage as I let out the dark side within me!

???: I don't think so!

Suddenly the ceiling above them burst open and something came down and punched Malgus in the face, sending him flying and crashing into a wall. The two sees Shiki as he turns to see the two.

Y/n: (smile) Shiki! Good to see you man!

Shiki: (smile) Same! And......who's he?

Y/n: Oh he's Apollyon but don't worry. He's on our side.

Shiki: (smile) Awesome! Glad to have you!

Apollyon: (smile) Same.

Then the trio turned to see Malgus getting up as he lend out a groal as he stood up and glare up at the trio and said.

Malgus: (anger) Now you really have done it. Once I end all three of you I will kill your friends and the Republic! YOUR JOURNEY ENDS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then he burst to a red bolt of lighting ad the trio step back as Malgus lend out a laughter while Shiki asked Apollyon.

Shiki: What's happening to him!

Apollyon: He's filling up every dark sids he has to make him more powerful then ever! There is no way we can beat him at this point!

Y/n: (smirk) That's when your wrong. Ready Shiki?

Shiki: (smirk) Ready buddy. LET'S GO!

Then the two's either gears glow ad the two changed in front of Apollyon as he stood there in shock to see Y/n wearing a golden Knight armor and Shiki changed into looks like a devil as the two stand side by side looking at the  powered up Malgus.

Shiki: If your messing with the lives of this planet! YOUR MESSING WITH ALL OF US!

Y/n: That's right! It's time to show you Malgus and true power or the light side of the force!

Apollyon was shocked. Not onky to sense th3ie power is over the roof but Y/n, a jedi had both the force and either gear as well. Still Apollyon ready his saber while Malgus sees this and lend out a laughter and then he launches towards the trio as the trio charge at him as the three battle against Malgus as their final battle has begun.

To be continued........................................

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