Chapter 48: Trapped together
We see Shiki, Rebecca, Happy, Homura, Pinoa, Weisz, Nick and Jeanne as they are keeping an eye on imperial forces coming in theie way so they can take them down before they could have a chance to enter the mall and help oit the Sith apprentices. Weisz is sitting at the bench while the rest stand around as Weisz turns to the mall and breath in a sigh.
Weisz: (sigh) Damn I'm board. Can we not just go in and back them up?
Nick: Our orders is to stay here and make sure no imperial forces will not get pass us.
Weisz: What ever you say man.
Homura: Still I am curious about Malgus plan. I mean he can't just attack this planet without a reason right?
Jeanne: Either to start a war against the Republic or something else. Either way we're here to make sure that will never happen.
Rebecca: Let's hope they are alright in there.
Pino: Um we may have a problem.
They turn to Pino as Pino turns to them and tells them.
Pino: According to this planets history, there is a chance there will be a earthquake in most days in every months.
Weisz: That doesn't sound good.
Shiki: Wait what's a Earthquake?
Pino: Earthquake's are when everything started to shake which cost destruction. If I'm right there will be one very soon.
Rebecca: Let's hope Y/n and the rest defeat them soon before that happens.
They agree and then we cut to Y/n, Sky and Ahoska clashing their blades against the three sith apprentices as Sky actived his jetpack and fire his twin blaster pistols at Gak which he deflected his shots and managed to hit his jetpack which cost him to fell and land hard at the ground. Gak leaps over and was about to stab him but Sky leaps oit of the way as Gak stab his saber onto the floor while Sky fires a grapple which wrapped around Gak as he fell to the ground while he struggled to break free.
Then Sky stun him which cost Gak to fall unconscious while he looks over to see Ahoska still facing with Xitto while Y/n is also still battling Apollyon far from them. He leap over and land next to Ahoska as he actived his light saber as Xitto looks at them both.
Ahoska: (smirk) Like your saber.
Sky: Thanks. Yours is pretty good as well.
Ahoska: (smirk) Thanks. Shall we finish this up?
Sky nodes while Xitto leaps towards them ready to strike but the two forces pushed Xitto back, sending him flying back and crash into a store. They see nothing but dust as they turn away and look over to see Y/n battling again Apollyon.
The two were about to assist when suddenly the mall started to shake which cost them to stumble as the mall continues to shake even more as eveyething around them start to fall apart.
Ahoska: This ain't good.
Sky: It's a Earthquake! We need to move now!
Ahoska: Y/n! We need to go now!
Apollyon and Y/n enter a blade lock as Y/n hears Ahoska so he leaps over Apollyon and rushes towards them as Ahoska and Sky leap down while Sky takes the still unconscious Gak as they rush towards the exit.
Apollyon: You won't escape Jedi.
Apollyon use the force to crush a nearby piller and it fell. Ahoska and Sky managed to get but but the piller fell in front of Y/n and blocking his path.
He stopped and try to use the force to lift it but he quickly turn and block Apollyon's light saber strike ad the two battle while the whole place started to fall apart.
Ahoska: Y/n! You okay!?
Shiki: Hold on man! I'll get you out!
Y/n: N-No! It's too dangerous. Get back to base, I'll try to get back to you.
Rebecca: Okay. Just be safe!
Y/n: I will!
With no choice they left while Apollyon and Y/n continues to clash blades once more and then Apollyon kicked Y/n back which cost him to stumble back. Just before he was about to strike at him, he was suddenly crushed by a rubble and his legs was trapped.
He groan in pain while he try to get out but he can't concentrate as he lend out in pain. Y/n has a chance to escape but leaving Apollyon trapped here was not right so he reach out and lift the rubble off of Apollyon which surprised him. He roll out of the way and looked at Y/n as he lets go and turn to him.
The two look at each other until the whole ground start to crack and soon the whole place start to sink in and more rubble fell on top of them as the whole mall sucked into the hole and soon the Earthquake stopped.
Eveyething was a blurr to Y/n as he slowly wake up and see he was looking up at the small hole that leaves to outside. He made a groan as he shake his head and force pushed the rubble away from him while he slowly gets up.
He shake his head once more and look around to see what's left of the mall was sucked into a hole cost by a Earthquake as he look around and then he heard a groan which he follow. Soon he found Apollyon laying on the ground with a glass sharp stabbed into hid waist as he groan in pain.
Apollyon: Damn it.
Y/n: You okay?
He look over to see Y/n which he looked away and asked.
Apollyon: Why do you care? We're enemies.
Y/n: That maybe so, but I show wordy to most enemies and since we are stuck here, we might as well get comfortable.
Apollyon: Whatever. My forces will come and when they do, they will take you to Lord Malgusso you will face his punishment.
Y/n: Sure, whatever you say man.
Apollyon sigh as he sat up while Y/n sat down as the two were silent while they look around, trying to find a way out but there was nothing. To pass the time Y/n ask Apollyon some questions.
Y/n: How did you met Malgus?
Apollyon: Why do you want to know?
Y/n: I figured since we might be here a while, we might as well get to know each other more.
Apollyon just looked at him and lend out a sigh and tells him while he rest his head on a metal wall.
Apollyon: Many years ago, I've used to live a peaceful planet with my family. It was a great planet but......our town was destroyed by pirates and they slaughter everyone there even my parents and took me and the children to their ship. Once there they use us as slaves and most children will killed by the pirates themselves....or the jobs they were assigned for. I was filled in rage by this so when one pirate captain wipe me, I suddenly force chocked him and killed him. Realised I have the force, I use the force to kill the pirates on the ship amd rescue my friends.......but when they learn what i did......they turned on me. They say I was a monster and how I killed every pirate on board with no hesitation so far. They dragged me into one of the escape pods and launched me out, leaving me to die in space alone. I was furious by this betrayal, all I want is to help and they treat me like a monster after I have just saved their life! Soon one of Malgus ships found me and the Imperials took me to Malgus who allow me to be his second apprentice and that's how I met him.
Y/n: (shocked) Damn, I'm so sorry. I completely understand why your anger and frustration. You were only helping your friends but they see you the wrong way and turn against you.
Apollyon: Don't sympathise me jedi. Besides I can sense you too were betrayed by those who is close to you so how come you didn't end up like me?
Y/n:....Because no matter I still believe in the light and remember my masters teachings.
Apollyon: Disbite your master betrayed you?
Y/n: Yes but he redeemed himself in the end. Still I'm glad to see him for the final time.
Apollyon sat there in silence as he look away for a bit and then Y/n ask him another question.
Y/n: How dose Malgus know about my parents and what happened that cost him to be in rage by me and my parents?
Apollyon: You see....many years ago Malgus learned of mother and his goal is to find Mother and wish her to be the most powerful sith Lord in the universe. Your parents learned about this and so they battle him. In order to stop him, they destroyed a weapon that is able to break through the dragon wall and enter deeper into the unknown region and also destroyed the map that can lead straight to mother. Malgus was in rage by this but he was defeated and was sealed away by the order of the sith but years later he was freed but soon found out your parents were gone but learns about you so he figures if he can't punished your parents, they will watch as he will punished his son instead.
Y/n: So he was looking for mother but was stopped by my parents?
Apollyon: Indeed but they didn't do it alone. Your parents were helped by Ziggy as he fought along side them.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! You mean they knew Ziggy and Edens Zero?
Apollyon: Indeed. Although I'm not too knowledgeable about their history but I do know they are friends. Well, that's what Malgus told me.
Y/n: I see. Still I understand why you've turned to the dark side can make things right and help us.
Apollyon: Why should I help you? Malgus will destroy you and your friends and rule the galaxy.
Y/n: Yeah but what about you and the two other siths? Do you think Malgus will keep you three alive? He'll just betray you so he'll have no force user to stop him.
Apollyon: Lies.
Y/n: Really? Think about it, Malgus has a whole army of Imperial forces, a large fleet and he is the most powerful sith ever. After he defeated me and the Republic, how can you be sure he'll cast you three aside knowing your usefulness is no longer needed.
Apollyon was about to say something but stop and thinks about it. He groan once more due to the wound so Y/n walks over, place his hand over his wound and used force heal to heal his wounds. Soon he was all better and Apollyon was about to grab his light saber, ready to strike but stopped for some reason as Y/n turn to him and give him a smile which surprised him. He sat there a bit with his hand on his light saber but soon let's it go as Y/n helps him up and the two look up at the rubble and Y/n ask him.
Y/n: Ready?
Apollyon turn to him and node. Then together they reach out their hands and call apone the force to lifted the rubble away while also using the force to lift themselves off the ground and gently float up as they push away the rubble and then they made it out.
They land at the surface and turn back to the destroyed mall as Y/n turn to Apollyon and tell him with a friendly smile.
Y/n: Nice work.
He makes a fist and shows it to Apollyon as he waits for a fist pump. Apollyon looks at the fist and to Y/n and then slowly was about to fist pump when suddenly Y/n was stunned from behind and fells onto the ground unconscious.
Apollyon turned to see Xitto alive and well with some Stormtroopers behind him as Xitto walks towards Apollyon.
Xitto: I see you've tricked the jedi to work together with you. Very impressive Apollyon.
Apollyon look at him and the unconscious Y/n as the Stormtroopers walks over and picked him up while Apollyon ask Xitto.
Apollyon: So what happens now?
Xitto: Now we take the Jedi to Malgus so he'll be punished.
Apollyon: I see.
Xitto:......You looked to be puzzled by something. Is there something wrong?
Apollyon: N-No....everything is fine.
Xitto look at him and then walk away. Apollyon turn to Y/n being dragged into a imperial gunship as he can't help but feel bad as he slowly forms a fist and then enter the imperial gunship with the rest as they take Y/n to Malgus himself.
We see a large imperial tower at the far end of the city as we see Malgus himself at the control room looking at the veiw od the city when he hear the doors open and he turn to see both Apollyon and Xitto dragging Y/n towards Malgus as he look at Y/n as they stop in front of him and bow to him.
Xitto: We have captured the Jedi my Lord.
Y/n slowly wakes up and slowly looks up to see Malgus as he feels how strong in the force Malgus has become as Malgus glare at him and then ask.
Malgus: What are the fate of Gak?
Apollyon: He was captured by the Republic. Shall we attempt to rescue him?
Malgus: No. A true sith uses every strength they have to win. He wasn't strong enough to kill a jedi.
Apollyon understood but in the inside was angry by this while Malgus looks at Y/n as he said.
Malgus: At last, we have finally met. Face to face.
Y/n: (smirk) Man....your more ugly then the hologram images I've seen. Has your mother ever told you staying inside too long will damage your skin?
Malgus: You may make jokes now but you will be punished for what your parents had done to me.
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah I was told what they did and its a good thing they did. I don't think mother would never want to grant a wish with a sith Lord like you.
Malgus: Mother is the entity that can grant wishes to anyone and anything they want. I wished to be the most powerful sith Lord in the universe but your parents stopped me. Now.......let them watch as I will punished their son in front of them in the after life.
Y/n: (smirk) Probably not for long though. My friends will rescue me and they will kick your butt. Besides, your going to face the demon king himself. Shiki Granbell and he'll beat you before you know it.
Malgus: I would like to see him try. I've know who he is and Ziggy as well. Soon you'll friends will be killed and you'll be all can join me? Join me and your friends will not be harmed.
Y/n: (chuckle) Seriously? You want me to join you? Why in the galaxy would I ever do that. Just face it Malgus, I will not join you not for a billions of years.
Malgus turned away to face the window and then tells Xitto.
Malgus: Take him to his cell. I'll deal with him later.
Xitto nodes and takes Y/n away while Apollyon watched and once the two they were gone Malgus calls to Apollyon. He turns to him and walks up next to him as Malgus tells Apollyon.
Malgus: I've sense trouble within you.
Apollyon: I'm okay my lord. Just....tired that's all.
Malgus: Tired huh? How pathetic.
He then slapped Apollyon across the room and he land hard onto the ground. He slowly gets up while Malgus stood over him and tells him.
Malgus: A sith is never tired after a battle. They show no weakness!
He then fired force lighting at Apollyon as he scream in pain while the other imperials watched as Malgus force lighting him more until he stop. Apollyon slowly gets up and he was on his knees as Malgus grabs him by the head and slowly starts to squeeze him.
Malgus: I've trained you to be strong, I've tooled you in to teach you the ways of the sith and now you dare to tell me you are tired?!
Apollyon: P-Please my lord! Forgive me!
After what seems like a minute Malgus let's go of him as Apollyon place his hands onto the ground while Malgus turns away and ask him.
Malgus: What is our code?
Apollyon just look at him a bit. His head still hurts but he tells Malgus the code.
Apollyon: Peace is a lie, there is only Passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force.....shall free me.
There was silence as Malgus breath a sigh through his mask and there was another silence until Malgus tells him.
Malgus: Leave my sight at once.
Apollyon: Of course my lord.
He stood up and make his leave. He leaves the room and walks through the halls as he feels frustration and anger towards Malgus but there was something else. Ever since he and Y/n talked there was something that just appear inside of him. He still dose feel anger but he also feel something else. Was it the light side of the force?
He shake his head, not wanting to think about it but he can't see to get rid of it so.....with no choice in his head, he decided to speak with his enemy so he can learn what this feeling might be and maybe....he can tell him what the light side in the force is and what it stood for.
To be continued.............................
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